I know how to log in a user, but how do I log out a specified user from the application? There doesn't seem to be enough coverage on this.
This problem occures when you are admin and want to block some user. Then when you block user you want to logout him imidietly. For laravel 5.2 (maby for lower versions too) you can create middelware:
Create middelware
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Closure;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
class BockedUser
* Handle an incoming request.
* #param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* #param \Closure $next
* #param string|null $guard
* #return mixed
public function handle($request, Closure $next, $guard = null)
$user = Auth::user();
if ($user and $user->is_bocked) {
return redirect('/login');
return $next($request);
And in app/Http/Kernel.php in section $middlewareGroups > 'web' add \App\Http\Middleware\BockedUser::class. I assmue that all your routes are in Route::group(['middleware' => 'web'], function () { .. all your routes ..}
Use the setUser to find a soluion
get current user
$user = Auth::user();
logout user you want
$userToLogout = User::find(5);
set again current user
If you know his user id, using query builder,
// To Logout Specific user:
//$id == user id to whom you want to logout
\DB::table('users')->where('id', $id)->update(['remember_token' => null]);
\DB::table('sessions')->where('user_id', $id)->delete();
// To Logout All Users
$sessions = glob(storage_path("framework/sessions/*"));
foreach ($sessions as $file) {
if (is_file($file))
\DB::table('users')->update(['remember_token' => null]);
No need to use sessions table operation if you are not using database as session driver.
You can do this for logout specific user logout in laravel 4.2 and you are using multi auth
/* for normal user logout */
/* for admin user logout */
/* for manager user logout */
as you made the users auth
You can logout user when he access any authenticated function such as edit profile, edit post, create post, etc. For example:
public function edit()
if (!\Auth::user()->active)
return redirect('/');
// code here
This is how I do it in the middleware:
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if (!auth()->user()->is_approved) {
return redirect()->route('unauthorized');
return $next($request);
Just to add some context.
I have implemented Laravel 6 API and used Laravel's inbuilt Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\VerifiesEmails based on tutorial here but the email verification link is not expired and still accessible after successful email verification. I have found many tutorials regarding laravel frontend but how to implement it on API.
class VerificationApiController extends Controller
use VerifiesEmails;
* Mark the authenticated user's email address as verified.
* #param Request $request
* #return JsonResponse
public function verify(Request $request): JsonResponse
$userID = $request['id'];
$user = User::findOrFail($userID);
$date = date('Y-m-d g:i:s');
// to enable the “email_verified_at field of that
// user be a current time stamp by mimicking the
// must verify email feature
$user->email_verified_at = $date;
return response()->json('Email verified!');
* Resend the email verification notification.
* #param Request $request
* #return JsonResponse|Response
public function resend(Request $request)
if ($request->user()->hasVerifiedEmail()) {
return response()->json('User already have verified email!', 422);
return response()->json('The notification has been resubmitted');
// return back()->with(‘resent’, true);
User model
class User extends Authenticatable implements MustVerifyEmail
use HasApiTokens, Notifiable;
protected $fillable = [
'name', 'email', 'password'
* The attributes that should be hidden for arrays.
* #var array
protected $hidden = [
'password', 'remember_token',
* The attributes that should be cast to native types.
* #var array
protected $casts = [
'email_verified_at' => 'datetime',
* Send email verification notification
public function sendApiEmailVerificationNotification()
$this->notify(new VerifyApiEmail); // my notification
Here are verification api routes
Route::get(‘email/verify/{id}’, ‘VerificationApiController#verify’)->name(‘verificationapi.verify’);
Route::get(‘email/resend’, ‘VerificationApiController#resend’)->name(‘verificationapi.resend’)
Here is UsersApiController
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
use Auth;
use Validator;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\VerifiesEmails;
use Illuminate\Auth\Events\Verified;
class UsersApiController extends Controller
use VerifiesEmails;
public $successStatus = 200;
* login api
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function login(){
if(Auth::attempt([‘email’ => request(‘email’), ‘password’ => request(‘password’)])){
$user = Auth::user();
if($user->email_verified_at !== NULL){
$success[‘message’] = “Login successfull”;
return response()->json([‘success’ => $success], $this-> successStatus);
return response()->json([‘error’=>’Please Verify Email’], 401);
return response()->json([‘error’=>’Unauthorised’], 401);
* Register api
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function register(Request $request)
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
‘name’ => ‘required’,
‘email’ => ‘required|email’,
‘password’ => ‘required’,
‘c_password’ => ‘required|same:password’,
if ($validator->fails()) {
return response()->json([‘error’=>$validator->errors()], 401);
$input = $request->all();
$input[‘password’] = Hash::make($input[‘password’]);
$user = User::create($input);
$success[‘message’] = ‘Please confirm yourself by clicking on verify user button sent to you on your email’;
return response()->json([‘success’=>$success], $this-> successStatus);
* details api
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function details()
$user = Auth::user();
return response()->json([‘success’ => $user], $this-> successStatus);
Here are user and auth routes
Route::post(‘login’, ‘UsersApiController#login’);
Route::post(‘register’, ‘UsersApiController#register’);
Route::group([‘middleware’ => ‘auth:api’], function(){
Route::post(‘details’, ‘UsersApiController#details’)->middleware(‘verified’);
}); // will work only when user has verified the email
so the problem is that when I click on verification link on email the user is verified but the link is not expired . I want the link to be expired as soon as user is verified. How to do that?
Have you implemented the VerifyApiEmail class?
namespace App\Notifications;
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\URL;
use Illuminate\Auth\Notifications\VerifyEmail as VerifyEmailBase;
class VerifyApiEmail extends VerifyEmailBase
protected function verificationUrl($notifiable)
return URL::temporarySignedRoute(
'api.auth.verify', Carbon::now()->addMinutes(60), ['id' => $notifiable->getKey()]
Here you can add the expiration time in minutes, seconds or hours.
I'm a begginer in Symfony 4 and I'm developing an API Rest. I want to create a PUT resource that can handle many update cases.
In my case, I have a user with many properties but I will take an example with 3 properties to keep things simple :
User {
My PUT resource can be called in order to update Username, update Email or update Password. For example, to update Username, the user of my API will send a PUT request with only username :
username: "New username"
Same for email and password, he will only send the property he wants to change.
My problem is in my Controller, I have to do things like this :
* #Rest\Put("/user/{id}")
* #param Request $request
* #return View
public function putUserRequest(Request $request)
$userId = $request->get('id');
$user = $this->doctrine->getRepository(User::class)->findOneBy('id' => $userId);
$userFromRequest = $this->serializer->deserialize($request->getContent(), User::class, 'json');
if ($userFromRequest->getUsername() != NULL) {
if ($userFromRequest->getEmail() != NULL) {
if ($userFromRequest->getPassword() != NULL) {
// ...
In my example I have only 3 properties, but imagine when I have 30 properties.
With Symfony 3 I used forms to validate / save my datas :
$form->submit($request->request->all(), $clearMissing);
Where $clearMissing is false to keep datas not provided by the user of my API. I can't find a way to do it with serializer but I guess I'm doing things wrong.
If I understand correctly, You can use the validator Component like this :
* #Rest\Put("/user/{id}")
* #param Request $request
* #return View
public function putUserRequest(User $user, Request $request, ValidatorInterface $validator)
$data = $request->getContent();
$this->serializer->deserialize($data, User::class, 'json', ['object_to_populate' => $user]);
//At this moment, the data you sent is merged with your user entity
/** #var ConstraintViolationList $errors */
$errors = $validator->validate($user, null ,['groups' => 'user_update']);
if (count($errors) > 0) {
//return json reponse with formated errors;
//if ok $entityManager->flush() and Response Json with serialization group;
In your user class :
class User implements UserInterface
* #Assert\Email(groups={"user_create", "user_update"})
private $email;
* #Assert\NotBlank(groups={"user_create", "user_update"})
* #Assert\Length(min=7, groups={"user_create", "user_update"})
private $password;
* #Assert\Length(min=2, groups={"user_create", "user_update"} )
private $username;
Related Validator component documentation : https://symfony.com/doc/current/validation/groups.html
You can also check this project : https://github.com/attineos/relation-deserializer
How do I check with Entrust if user has permission on route.
I have in my permissions table a route field and the name of the action
for example
can_update_profile, can_delete_profile, can_see_profile
than having the roles I'm adding to each one the privilleges than I tried to implement a middleware which checks on route if user has ability to access controller method but fails.
Entrust can interprets all of the requests as free for access
here is my middleware
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Closure;
use App\Permission;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard;
use Route;
class AuthorizeRoute
public function __construct(Guard $auth)
$this->auth = $auth;
* Handle an incoming request.
* #param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* #param \Closure $next
* #return mixed
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$user = $this->auth->user();
$permissions = Permission::all();
$uri = $request->route()->uri();
foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
if (!$user->can($permission->name) && $permission->route === $uri) {
return $next($request);
I can't test this, but my guess is that you should write handle() like this
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$user = $this->auth->user();
$permissions = Permission::all();
$uri = $request->route()->uri();
foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
// reordered expression order to skip calling $user->can()
// for routes that don't match
if ( $permission->route === $uri && $user->can($permission->name) ) {
// allow access only if it's a match
return $next($request);
// nothing matched, abort
I am new at Laravel and having some struggles with simple login and authorization pages.
I followed an awesome video tutorial by laracasts.com (credits for that one, really helpful).
My situation:
When implementing authorization to my page, the page after the login succeeds the authorization check.
So: loginform > press button > You are now logged in.
My problem:
After I press the back button and refresh, it still gives the login form. It shouldn't.
Route::get('login', 'SessionsController#create');
Route::get('logout', 'SessionsController#destroy');
Route::resource('users', 'UsersController');
Route::resource('sessions', 'SessionsController');
Route::get('admin', function(){
return 'Admin page';
Route::get('dashboard', ['before' => 'auth', function(){
return 'Dashboard';
class SessionsController extends BaseController{
public function create()
if ( Auth::check() )
return View::make('sessions.create');
public function store()
if( Auth::attempt(Input::only('email', 'password')) )
// if(Auth::check())
// {
// return 'check worked!';
// }
return 'Welcome ' . Auth::user()->username; //You are now logged in
return 'Failed';
public function destroy()
return Redirect::to('sessions.create');
use Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface;
use Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\RemindableInterface;
class User extends Eloquent implements UserInterface, RemindableInterface {
public $timestamps = true;
protected $fillable = ['username', 'email', 'password'];
protected $guarded = ['id'];
public static $rules = [
'username' => 'required',
'password' => 'required'
public $errors;
* The database table used by the model.
* #var string
protected $table = 'users';
* The attributes excluded from the model's JSON form.
* #var array
protected $hidden = array('password');
* Get the unique identifier for the user.
* #return mixed
public function getAuthIdentifier()
return $this->getKey();
* Get the password for the user.
* #return string
public function getAuthPassword()
return $this->password;
* Get the e-mail address where password reminders are sent.
* #return string
public function getReminderEmail()
return $this->email;
public function isValid()
$validation = Validator::make($this->attributes, static::$rules );
if($validation->passes() )
return true;
$this->errors = $validation->messages();
return false;
<h1>Create new user</h1>
{{Form::open([ 'route' => 'users.store' ]) }}
{{Form::label('username', 'Username: ')}}
{{Form::label('password', 'Password: ')}}
{{Form::submit('Create User')}}
{{Form::close() }}
So to speak: It never goes to the 'admin' route.
Your authentication code is correct and working. What you have is something going wrong in any other part of your Laravel application, web server or even PHP.
Since we are not seeing all your code, we can just guess, so my first one would be the Session not being stored correctly. Currently logged users are stored in Laravel Session. So, check your session driver, if it's in 'native', change it to 'database', but you'll have to create a sessions table, look at the docs. If you are already using 'database', change it back to 'native' or even 'file'.
Instead of run
return 'Welcome ' . Auth::user()->username; //You are now logged in
Please try
return Redirect::to('admin');
I have the following class. But when I try to access the Yii::app()->user->realName; it generates an error.
I can't understand it all. please help!
Following code is the code of my UserIdentity class.
* UserIdentity represents the data needed to identity a user.
* It contains the authentication method that checks if the provided
* data can identity the user.
class UserIdentity extends CUserIdentity {
public $id, $dmail, $real_name;
* Authenticates a user.
* The example implementation makes sure if the username and password
* are both 'demo'.
* In practical applications, this should be changed to authenticate
* against some persistent user identity storage (e.g. database).
* #return boolean whether authentication succeeds.
public function authenticate() {
$theUser = User::model()->findByAttributes(array(
'email' => $this->username,
// 'password' => $this->password
if ($theUser == null) {
$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_PASSWORD_INVALID;
} else {
$this->id = $theUser->id;
$this->setState('uid', $this->id);
// echo $users->name; exit;
// $this->setState('userName', $theUser->name);
$this->setState("realName",$theUser->fname .' '. $theUser->lname);
$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_NONE;
You need to extend the CWebUser class to achieve the results you want.
class WebUser extends CWebUser{
protected $_realName = 'wu_default';
public function getRealName(){
$realName = Yii::app()->user->getState('realName');
return (null!==$realName)?$realName:$this->_realName;
public function setRealName($value){
Yii::app()->user->setState('realName', $value);
You can then assign and recall the realName attribute by using Yii::app()->user->realName.
The protected $_realName is optional, but allows you to define a default value. If you choose not to use it, change the return line of the getRealName method to return $realName.
Place the above class in components/WebUser.php, or anywhere that it will be loaded or autoloaded.
Change your config file to use your new WebUser class and you should be all set.