Google Refine / Open Refine: Columns to Rows - spreadsheet

I'm afraid this might be a somewhat simple question, but I can't seem to figure it out.
I have a spreadsheet with many objects, each of which has many attributes (one per column), like this (sorry, I can't post images, so this is the best I can do):
1 | Early Intermediate | Bichrome | Abstract
2 | Middle Horizon | Multicolored | Representational
… and I'd like each column to become a separate row — which would mean that each object would be listed a number of times. Like this:
Object 1 | Early Intermediate
Object 1 | Bichrome
Object 1 | Abstract
Object 2 | Middle Horizon
Object 2 | Multicolored
Object 2 | Representational
I'm not seeing an obvious way to do this, and I can't find an answer here, though perhaps I'm not using the right search terms.
Thanks for any help you can offer!


In BDD, should scenarios be abstract descriptions of behvaior, or should they contain concrete examples?

I feel I have reached a fundamental dillema in writing BDD scenarios as a tester.
When writing BDD scenarios from testing perspective, I tend to end up using concrete examples with concrete data and observing the state, i.e. Given these initial values, When user performs an action, Then these final values should be observed. Example with an initial dataset given in Background:
Given following items are in the store
| type | name | X | Y | Z | tags |
| single | el1 | 10 | 20 | 1.03 | t1 |
| multi | el2 | 10 | 20 | 30 | t2 |
| single | el3 | 10 | 3.02 | 30 | t3 |
Scenario: Adding tag to multi-type item
Given Edit Item Popup is opened for item: el2
When user adds tag NEWTAG
And user clicks on Apply changes button
Then item store should display following items
| type | name | X | Y | Z | tags |
| single | el1 | 10 | 20 | 1.03 | t1 |
| multi | el2 | 10 | 20 | 30 | t2, NEWTAG |
| single | el3 | 10 | 3.02 | 30 | t3 |
The initial dataset from Background can be reused in all (or most) scenarios that deal with modifying and adding/deleting items, in relation to particular feature. I can also iterate the scenario over some data set that explores the problem space, boundary conditions etc. (trivial example here: tags with too many or forbidden chars).
But when requirements are not entirely clear I sometimes go with a different approach and start from a more abstract description of the behavior (so that scenarios can become the specification), which seems to me as the more (for lack of a better word) correct way of doing BDD. So I end up with behavior descriptions which are perfectly clear when a human is reading them from the requirement analysis position, but appear to be extremely vague when you shift to testing perspective:
Scenario: Adding tag to multi-type item
Given Edit Item Popup is opened for multi-type item
When user adds a new tag
And user clicks on Apply changes button
Then that item should have that tag displayed in item store
For some reason I feel way better writing a scenario like that, as it seems closer to BDD ideals (describing the behavior, doh!). But at the same time I feel terrible because of 2 reasons:
A lot of details are implicit here and thus hidden deep in the implementation. Because of that, while implementing, we need to ask ourselvs a ton of questions like 'what initial data should I use here?', 'how to keep track of which item are we handling?', 'how deep should I examine the final state?'. This all goes away when you just compare final state with a reference table, as in the first approach.
(Possibly more serious) I am not exploring the problem space here at all, while bugs often await us somewhere in dark corners of that space.
One could argue that these 2 approaches I presented are just extreme ends of a spectrum, but I still see them fundamentally different, and often find myself wondering which approach to chose.
So, how do you write your BDD (test) scenarios? Data-driven and state-comparing, or full blown abstract descriptions of behavior?

how to have one itempointer serialize from 1 to n across the selected rows

as shown in the example below, the output of the query contains blockid startds from 324 and it ends at 127, hence, the itempointer or the row index within the block starts from one for each new block id. in otherwords, as shown below
for the blockid 324 it has only itempointer with index 10
for the blockid 325 it has itempointers starts with 1 and ends with 9
i want to have a single blockid so that the itempointer or the row index starts from 1 and ends with 25
plese let me know how to achive that and
why i have three different blockids?
select ctid
from awanti_grid_cell_data agcd
where selectedsiteid = '202230060950'
and centerPointsOfWindowAsGeoJSONInEPSG4326ForCellsInTreatment IS NOT NULL
and centerPointsOfWindowAsGeoJSONInEPSG4326ForCellsInTreatment <> 'None'
|ctid |
|(325,1) |
|(325,2) |
|(325,3) |
|(325,4) |
|(325,5) |
|(325,6) |
|(325,7) |
|(325,8) |
|(325,9) |
|(326,1) |
|(326,2) |
|(326,3) |
|(326,4) |
|(326,5) |
|(326,6) |
|(326,7) |
|(326,8) |
|(326,9) |
|(327,1) |
|(327,2) |
|(327,3) |
|(327,4) |
|(327,5) |
|(327,6) |
You are missing the point. The ctid is the physical address of a row in the table, and it is none of your business. The database is free to choose whatever place it thinks fit for a table row. As a comparison, you cannot go to the authorities and request that your social security number should be 12345678 - it is simply assigned to you, and you have no say. That's how it is with the physical location of tuples.
Very likely you are not asking this question out of pure curiosity, but because you want to solve some problem. You should instead ask a question about your real problem, and there may be a good answer to that. But whatever problem you are trying to solve, using the ctid is probably not the correct answer, in particular if you want to control it.

Best data structure for finding tags of nested locations

Somebody pointed out that my data structure architecture sucks.
The task
I have a locations table which stores the name of a location. Then I have a tags table which stores information about those locations. The locations have a hierarchie which I want to use to get all tags.
USA <- California <- San Francisco <- Mission St
USA: English
California: Sunny
California: West coast
San Francisco: Sea side
Mission St: Cable car station
If somebody requests information about the Mission St I want to deliver all tags of it and it's ancestors (["English", "Sunny", "West coast", "Sea side", "Cable car station"]. If I request all tags of California the answer would be ["English", "Sunny", "West coast"].
I'm looking for the best read performance! I don't care about write performance. This data is not changed very often. And I don't care about table sizes either. If I need more or larger tables to solve this quicker so be it.
The tables
So currently I'm thinking about setting up these tables:
id | name
1 | USA
2 | California
3 | San Francisco
4 | Mission St
id | location_id | name
1 | 1 | English
2 | 2 | Sunny
3 | 2 | West coast
4 | 3 | Sea side
5 | 4 | Cable car station
I added a position field to store the hierarchy.
| id | location_id | ancestor_id | position |
| 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
| 3 | 3 | 1 | 2 |
| 4 | 4 | 3 | 1 |
| 5 | 4 | 2 | 2 |
| 6 | 4 | 1 | 3 |
Is this a good solution to solve the problem or is there a better one? I want to select as fast as possible all tags of any given location including all the tags of it's ancestors. I'm using a PostgreSQL database but I think this is a pure SQL architecture problem.
Your problem seems to consist of two challenges. The most interesting is "how do I store hierarchies in a relational database". There are lots of answers to that - the one you've proposed is the most common.
There's an alternative called "nested set" which is faster for reading (in your example, finding all locations within a particular hierarchy would be "between x and y".
Postgres has dedicated support for hierachies; I'd assume this would also provide great performance.
The second part of your question is "given a path in my hierarchy, retrieve all matching tags". The easiest option is to join to the tags table as you suggest.
The final aspect is "should you denormalize/precalculate". I usually recommend building and optimizing the "normalized" solution and only denormalize when you need to.
If you want to deliver all tags for a particular location, then I would recommend replicating the data and storing the tags in a tags array on a row for each location.
You say that the locations don't change very much. So, I would simply batch create the entire table, when any underlying data changes.
Modifying the data in situ is rather problematic. A single update could end up affecting a zillion different rows -- consider a tag change on USA. Recalculating the entire table is going to be more efficient.
If you need to search on the tags as well as return them, then I would go for a more traditional structure of a table with two important columns, location and tag. Then you can have indexes on both (location) and (tag) to facilitate searching in either direction.
If write performance is not crucial, I would go for denormalization of the database. That means you use the above structure for your write operations and fill a table for your read operations by a trigger or a some async job, if you are afraid of triggers. Then the read performance is optimal, but you have to invest a bit more into the write logic.
Using the above structure for read operations is indeed not a smart solution, cause you don't know how deep the tree can get.

Get the begin of a union of intervals

While searching for an answer, I found this question, but I couldn't find a way to express the solution in SQL:
Union of intervals
I'm trying to calculate how long the people in the company I work in are employed. In the database I have (that is already in the company for years and is [sadly] not changeable), each contract is stored as one line. Each line has a lot of information about the employee and the contract, including a contract creation date, a contract rescission date (or infinity, if still active) and the current contract situation ("active" or "deactivated"). There are, however, two problems that are preventing me from simply doing what could seem obvious:
People can be "multicontratual", so the same person could have multiple active lines at the same time.
Sometimes, there are some transfers that result in deactivating one of a person's contracts and creating a new contract line. These transfers must not be counted (i.e., I should take into account both the timelines). There is, however, no explicit flag for the transfers existence in the database, so it was defined that "it is a transfer if there was any contract rescission until 60 days before a new contract is created".
When trying to account for the multiple cases that could arise from this scenario (e.g., if the same person had many contracts through the time, then no contracts during more than 60 days, and then some other contracts, then I'd want to start counting from after the "more-than-60-days" period), I found that two rules solve the problem. I need:
The last contract creation where there was no other contract already active at the time. (this solves the problem 1)
&& there was no other active contract until 60 days before.
To the DB
To solve the problem, I decided to rearrange the rules. I wanted to take all contracts for which there was no other active contract until 60 days before its creation, and then take the "MAX()" of them. So, for example, for the following person, I would say she is active since 1973:
| 1 | ... | 1 | deactived | 1973/10/01 | 1999/07/01 |
| 2 | ... | 1 | deactived | 1978/06/01 | 2000/07/01 |
| 3 | ... | 1 | deactived | 2000/08/01 | 2008/06/01 |
| 4 | ... | 1 | active | 2000/08/01 | infinity |
| 5 | ... | 1 | active | 2000/08/01 | infinity |
I am treating the dates as if they were integers (in fact, they are in the real database). My question is: how could I create a query to take the "1973/10/01"? I.e., how could I get all the "creation_date"s that are distant from (higher than) the others in at least 60, and that are not in the intervals described by the other lines?
[and, anyway, does this seem the best way to solve the problem? (I don't think so)]

SQL: What is a value?

The Question
One thing that I am confused about is the technical definition of possibly the most basic component of a database: a single value.
Some Examples
I understand and follow (at a minimum) the first three normal forms of database normalization - or so I think. That said, with the introduction of RANGE in PostgreSQL 9.2 I started thinking about what makes a single value.
From the docs:
Range types are useful because they represent many element values in a single range value
So, what are you? Several values, or a single value... nothingness... 42?
Why does this matter?
Because is speaks directly to the Second Normal Form:
Create separate tables for sets of values that apply to multiple records.
Relate these tables with a foreign key.
#1 Ranges
For example, in Postgres 9.1 I had some tables structured like this:
"StatusTypeID" | "StatusType"
1 | Start
2 | Stop
"StatusID" | "Identifier" | "StatusType" | "Value" | "Timestamp"
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2000-01-01 00:00:00
2 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 2000-01-02 12:00:00
3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2000-01-01 00:00:00
4 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 2000-01-01 00:00:00
5 | 2 | 2 | 7 | 2000-01-01 18:30:00
6 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 2000-01-02 12:00:00
This enabled me to keep an historical record of how things were configured at any given point in time.
This structure takes the position that the data in the "Value" column were all separate values.
Now, in Postgres 9.2 if I do the same thing with a RANGE value it would look like this:
"StatusID" | "Identifier" | "Value" | "Timestamp"
1 | 1 | (0, NULL) | 2000-01-01 00:00:00
2 | 1 | (0, 5) | 2000-01-02 12:00:00
3 | 2 | (1, NULL) | 2000-01-01 00:00:00
4 | 3 | (2, NULL) | 2000-01-01 00:00:00
5 | 2 | (1, 7) | 2000-01-01 18:30:00
6 | 1 | (0, 3) | 2000-01-02 12:00:00
Again, this structure would enable me to keep an historical record of how things were configured, but I would be storing the same value several times in separate places. It makes updating (technically inserting a new record) more tricky because I have to make sure the data rolls over from the original record.
#2 Arrays
Arrays have been around for a long time, and while they can be abused, I tend to use them for things like color codes. For example, my project stores information and at times needs to know how to display it. I could create three columns to store red, green, and blue values; but that just seems silly. When would I ever create a foreign key (or even just filter) based on one of the given color codes.
When I created the field it was from the perspective that I needed to store a color in a neutral format so that I could feed anything that accepts a color value. I made the column an array and filled it with the appropriate codes to make the color I want.
#3 PostGIS: Geometry & Geography
When storing a polygon in PostGIS, it stores all the points that make the boundary in a single field. If one point were to change and I wanted to keep an historical record, I would have to store all of the points that have not changed twice in order to store the new polygon along with the old.
So, what is a value? and... if RANGE, ARRAY, and GEOGRAPHY are values do they really break the second normal form?
The fact that some operation can derive new values from X that appear to be components of X's value doesn't mean X itself isn't "single valued". Thus "range" values and "geography" values should be single values as far as the DBMSs type system is concerned. I don't know enough about Postgresql's implementation to know whether "arrays" can be considered as single values in themselves. SQL DBMSs like Postgresql are not truly relational DBMSs and SQL supports various structures that certainly aren't proper relation variables, values or types (pointers, nulls and other exotica).
This is a difficult and sometimes controversial topic however. If you haven't read it then I recommend the book Databases, Types, and the Relational Model - The Third Manifesto by Date and Darwen. It addresses exactly the kind of questions you are asking about.
I don't like your description of 2NF but it's not very relevant here.