Modular MediaWiki - module

I wonder if it is possible to configure MediaWiki (or other wiki tools) as a modular predefined wiki. For instance, on a regular wiki page one can freely edit sections, text, everything.
I am looking for a solution that predefines a number of sections (or modules) that can be added to each wiki page. Then users are free to edit inside those sections within their predefined formats.
Hope someone can help, thanks.

As for MediaWiki, there is at least one extension that can work that way: Semantic Forms, usually used together with Semantic MediaWiki (though that is not necessary). With SF, you will define one or more templates that receives the data entered in the form, and the form can be divided into sections.
A more lighweight solution might be using one of the many boiler plate extensions available.
Either way, with a wiki you can never force your users to follow a certain scheme. The whole philosophy, making wiki's unique among collaborative tools, is that the users, not you, create not only the content but also the structure for the content!

The former Semantic Forms is now called Page_Forms and it is not dependent on SMW and can also make use of the Cargo extension
I would disagree that wiki users cannot or should not be forced to follow a scheme for some types of information, though the default is that they do control the categories and namespaces and can create those at will as the data evolves. All this means though is that you manage such issues socially rather than with complex permissions structures, i.e. someone undoes your change and says "do it this way instead". So it's a different kind of forcing, but, still, someone has to make sure categories don't proliferate with bad names, capitalization, etc.
The typical use of forms data is when it must be used to satisfy some legal or professional requirement (say logging for what reason a change was made for Sarbanes-Oxley, or logging what precedents were consulted for logging legal time), or will be providing input strictly to some application (like maps). It would not be a good idea to rigorize literally every page of a wiki this way.


Standard library in ABAP

Is there something similar to a standard library for modern ABAP (maybe even OO-Abap)? For example a curated list of objects that address some of the most common programming tasks like
high-level data structures (not just plain internal tables)
working with file paths and directories
working with files (reading, saving, ...)
working with different file types (text, csv, xml, ...)
regular expressions
working with the environment (client, application server)
My current workflow is to stumble upon a problem like getting the extension of a file from a filename (or something fairly similar and easy). Then I have three options:
Dig through a ton of (mostly old and lacking) posts on SDN until i maybe find a pointer to solve the problem
Hack away and create a one-off solution to the problem
Take my time and implement a good and well documented solution
Many times I feel a bit lost. A lot of the available information is old, bad or both. Is there a more structured approach to tackle the problem of finding a suitable abstraction in the ABAP-world?
To answer your first question no, unlike C, C#, Java, there is no need to include a library since all the functions are always available to you, so in that regards it might be simpler. What you are asking though is a great question, I am sure you probably see tons of queries in SDN for "Is there a Function module for?" etc.
There isn't an easy answer but In SAP ABAP I think the easiest way might be to find this is by looking at packages. Similar to a library by looking at a package for the type of function your looking for might get you there. For example if I am looking for handling files I might look for the control framework package and there I can see all the available functions/classes/methods/BAPIs etc. that are related to front end controls/file handling etc. and might be able to find what I am looking for. Note its not perfect as the way packages are used has changed from time to time so its actually better for finding functions related to for example purchasing or sales etc. but its one way that we use.
Like other languages in that we still need to know what library to link in to get the function you need, in ABAP you just have to find the related package. Hope it helps a little, I know its not perfect. Example package for front end controls
For working with the environment:
If you have access to SAP there is a transaction code called BAPI
Here you could find a hierarchical list of all the main objects in SAP (i.e. Material, Purchase Order, etc)
In this list you could find documentation, the function modules used for the object (i.e. créate/get detail/update etc)
And digging into the function modules could take a look to the structures, receiving parameters, etc
The other questions are a little bit complex, I am not aware of any comprehensive list but digging into SCN usually is easy to find a solution for the most common things like handling files, etc
In the particular case of regular expressions, SAP native language, ABAP, has keywords for handling them, but you also have a class in SAP called CL_JAVA_SCRIPT which you could use for doing thigs in "JavaScript way"
For example I used this class in the past to evaluate a simple formula provided in a string (i.e 3 + 2 * 5 )
This is an operation really complex to do in ABAP but easy to do in JS.
Hope it helps
SAP Reuse Library (SE83) is the most close thing to what you are looking for. It provides common development tasks grouped in hierarchy (UI controls, standard dialogs, confirmation prompts) and contains code snippets for each with commonly used classes/modules:
Though, it is incomplete and lacks many popular things.
Consider also DWDM, BIBS, LIBS transactions and other packages in this link.

How to make a language pack for a VB.Net application

I am making a web browser made in VB.Net, and I do have people using it from around the world, but I don't think all of them can understand everything it can do. Does anyone know how to create a sort of language pack that users can change the language of every label on the form? The only way I can think of is editing all the labels to another language, then publishing the application again, but that is a lot of work because I do use a lot of labels... any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
What you're looking to do is called "localization." While localization itself is not a difficult topic to understand, depending on the complexity of your application, and the number and diversity of languages you want to support, it can become a rather involved task.
The general concept behind localizing an application is separating translatable elements (like all of the strings in your buttons, labels, and menus, or any images containing words) from the application itself, and storing them as resources which can then be chosen appropriately based on user preference or region, and then loaded into the application dynamically. There are a vast number of ways to accomplish this, and which you choose is entirely up to you, and how much effort you're willing to support. Techniques can range from loading strings from text files, storing and retrieving resources from a database, to using .NET's built-in localization functionality which stores assets in external resource files.
Localization as a topic is incredibly broad, so there is no single method that can be discussed without first knowing your specific goals and constraints. Your best plan of action is to start researching, and find a technique which seems most suitable for your project.
Google: ".net localization"

Should I default the environment for someone using my library?

I have been having this debate with a friend where i have a library (its python but I didn't include that as a tag as the question is applicable to any language) that has a few dependencies. The debate is whether to provide a default environment in the initialization or force the user of the code to explicitly set one.
My opinion is to force the user as its explicit and will avoid confusion and make it clear what they are pointing to.
My friend this is safer and more convenient to default to an environment and let the user override if he wants to.
Thoughts ? Are there any good references or examples / patterns in popular libraries that support either of our arguments? also, any popular blogs or articles that discuss this API design point?
I don't have any references, but here are my thoughts as a potential user of said library.
I think it's good to have a default configuration available to allow developers to quickly evaluate the library. I don't want to have to go through a bunch of configuration just to see if the library will do what I need. Once I'm happy that the library will do what i need it to do, then I'm happy to configure it the way I want.
A good example is Microsoft's ASP.Net MVC framework. When you create a new MVC project it hooks in a default authentication and membership provider, which allows the developer to very quickly get a functioning application up and running. It is also easy to configure different providers to be used if the default one's don't meet the requirements of the application in question.
As a slightly different example, Atlassian Confluence is wiki software which supports many different back-end databases. Atlassian could have chosen to have no default DB configuration, but instead Confluence ships with a default, simple, file-based database to allow users to evaluate the software. For production installations you can then hook up to Oracle, SQL Server, mySQL or whatever else you like.
There may be instances where a default configuratino for a library doesn't really make sense, but I think that would be a special case, rather than a general rule.
It depends. If you can provide sensible defaults, you might want to do that: it will make life easer on the occasional user of the library as they can set only the relevant settings, as opposed to the whole environment (with possibly settings the implications of which they don't fully understand (yet)). You are correct, that in situations it is possible this leads to frustration and confusion as the defaulted settings might cause unexpected behavior (unexpected by the (inexperienced) user) -- you have to weigh the reduced frustration of convenience against the price of not-understood defaults to make the choice for each of these possible-to-default settings, which choice might affect the choice for other, related settings as well
On the other hand, if there is no sensible default (e.g. DB credentials, remote address), you should require the user to provide those settings.
The key in both cases is to provide enough information in the documentation of the library and in the error messages (either for missing settings or conflicting ones) that the user can figure out what those settings actually mean/control without having to read through the source code of the library. This part is hard because 1) it is usally tedious from the point of view of the library developer (so it is often skimped) and 2) the documentation has to be written from the mindset of a newbie to the library, which is often different from the library developer's mindset -- the latter knows the implicit connections/implications, the former has to be told about those in an understandable way.
Although not exactly identical in terms of problem domain, this strikes me as the Convention over Configuration argument.
There has been quite a lot momentum behind CoC in recent years, and in my mind, it makes a whole lot of sense. As long as flexibility is not lost, you have everything to gain. Lower friction development is what we are all after, and if I've got to configure every aspect of your API in order to get it working, I'm less inclined to use it over another API of equal functionality.
I happen to like Hanselman's podcasts, so if you want a little light listening, check out this podcast.
I think your question needs some clarification. For starters, I don't think a library should have any runtime configuration. In terms of dependencies, library dependencies should be handled in a manner appropriate to the environment they are being written for. In python, those dependencies should be in the file (under requirements), and ultimately that file should meet the requirements of whatever service you plan on making it available on (i.e. pypi for python).
For applications, it is completely okay to require runtime configuration, but you should try to have sensible defaults. If your application depends on libraries, that dependency should be handled in the same way a library dependency would be handled, even though that information may be redundant in the context of an installer (if needed). For the most part first-run scripts and their ilk should be apart of the installer/rpm.
For Web Frameworks, it is typical that your app would carry configuration with it, and likely that it would need to be installed in a different way than traditional applications. Here, about the only thing you can do is try to follow the conventions of whatever framework you are writing in.

folder structure for project documentation

I saw some questions raised about the folder structure of source codes, but I never see the question about folder structure of project documentation. I googled it and still do not see many articles talk about.
Here is one
To quote some of its words:
"There are two broad approaches:
Organize by phase so that each top
directory is a phase. For example,
you might have directories for
Feasibility, Business Analysis,
Design etc. or whatever your phases
are called.
Organize by function so that the top
directory level are functions. For
example, Risks, Requirements, Scope,
Change Control, Development.
Most times a mix of both are used..."
So any thought about it? I believe this is also an important issue!
IMHO depending on your document management system the choice of structure for your documents may not be an issue. When looking at the problems project related documents are trying to solve you typically come to the conclusion that documents are about communication.
Different documents attempt to communicate different things (or contexts); test plans discuss how testing should/has been executed, requirements specifications discuss how the business rules should be applied, architecture documents discuss the technical components and so forth. Each of these documents might have the need for its own unique structure. For example the structure you choose for your test plans may be vastly different from the structure you need for your architecture documents.
When keeping the communication issue and the document context in mind I generally come back to these 2 key aspects.
Searchability – What is the easiest way to find the document I am looking for?
Versioning – How do I know that the document I am looking for is the most recent one?
I feel searchability is the most important thing to remember because different people call the same document by different names. For example some people call Business Requirements documents Functional Specifications. Some people call Functional Specifications use case documents. As you cannot always govern the naming convention of documents I feel finding the right document to be far more important than the folder or place in which it is stored.
So to answer your question I would simply answer by saying it doesn’t really matter which structure you use, just that you should use some form of document management system (SharePoint, Documentum, Trim, etc). The benefits are simply too great to work without one :)

User stories vs use cases

Are use cases just multiple user stories??
What are the benefits of using user stories over use cases.. and vice-versa... When to use one over other...
Does all agile methodologies uses user stories??
Actually, the original use cases (see Jacobson's OOSE) were pretty lightweight, much as user stories are now. Over time, they evolved until a common format for "use cases" now is a complicated document with inputs, outputs, inheritance, uses relationships, pseudocode, etc. Programmers, in general, try to convert everything into programming.
In any case, the attempt to defined what distinguishes a "use case" from a "user story" fro a "scenario" is pretty futile, as it's hard to find two authorities who agree.\
Personally, I find the pattern "[Actor] [verbs] [noun] to get [business value]" helpful. If it gets over about a paragraph of text, it may be too big.
When it comes down to it "agile" is just a label, and people disagree over exactly what it means. Similarly people call very different things "use cases."
In my experience the primary difference between the two is that a user story is focused on the user, and is usually shorter and less formal - ideally, it should easily fit on a postcard. It probably doesn't give details of error handling etc.
Use cases can be much more formal (although some people write them informally too) - they focus on every interaction with the system, and may well go into more detail about several different systems/actors/etc within the same use case.
That's just my experience though - chances are everyone will have used these tools in different ways. I wouldn't get too hung up about labels - just use what works for your project.
Use cases aren't compilations of user stories.
User stories are generally much simpler than use cases. I think use cases try to cover absolutely everything to do with the behaviour of some aspect of the system. That is, all behaviours, all error paths and all exception handling.
The recommended template for a user is:
As a (role) I want (something) so that (benefit)
(Thanks Mike Cohn for providing this simple template)
Descriptions of behaviour expressed like this are more agile.
This sort of template lets you describe behaviour using different levels of detail. For example:
for those stories being implemented in a much later sprint, you can describe behaviour in a high level sort of way, e.g. as an ops team member I want to monitor the system remotely so that I can determine system health while on the road.
for those stories being implemented in the next sprint, you can describe behaviour is a slightly more detailed way, e.g. as an ops team member I want to have a dedicated ops only login so that I can check system health.
for those stories being implemented in the current sprint, you can describe behaviour in a highly detailed way, e.g. as an ops team member I want to have a web interface so that I can check current status of the ingest ftp server.
IMHO Use cases are much more carved in stone! And hence can be a problem to update after the initial version.
In one word, no.
Use Cases are typically detailed specifications laying out how some particular piece of functionality is going to work, or how a specific user is going to utilize the system. It typically is in the voice of a specific user (or Actor) and is fairly self-contained.
A user story on the other hand is "an invitation for discussion". It is typically one or two sentences. Here is one good resource for that. And Mike Cohn's User Stories Applied is well worth it.
The typical syntax is "As a <user> I need <functionality> to achieve <business value>", or "To achieve <business value> as a <user> I need <functionality>" which drives home the value of the story.
User stories are not meant to be stand-alone, but meant to invite discussion of the story between the developer and the customer (or customer proxy).
You can think of a usecase as a user story, but not the other way around. A usecase will cover multiple "endings" to the story, special requirements (e.g. form fields must be entered in format xyz, and show error message 123 if the user enters a field in the wrong format). Also, a usecase can include additional references to external documents, such as security guidelines.
User Stories is a tool used in Agile development to make sure you create the product your user really needs.
It describes rather why you should make this or that feature instead of HOW or WHAT feature.
From my personal experience, it's a great way to balance the client's and developer's vision to create a better product.
Unlike US aUse Case focuses on WHO uses your product. Here is the difference.
I'd say there is no other such instrument for an Agile developer as User Stories. If you want to learn how to write them successfully, check out this post.