CGAL: Access to Results of find_conflicts() - facet

So I am very confused about the find_conflicts function in CGAL. I thought I knew std::pair, and I thought I knew what was going on in find_conflicts(), but for the life of me, I am not sure how to access the results. I thought that the iterator that is passed to find_conflicts would be enough to then access the values directly. (i.e., I want to get at those facets that I put in the "vector facets,") and it appears as if I'm doing that because I can successfully
typedef std::pair<std::vector<Facet>, std::vector<Cell> > FacetAndCell;
* * *
Cell_handle cell = T.locate(curr_point);
std::vector<Facet> facets;
T.find_conflicts(curr_point, cell, std::back_inserter(facets), CGAL::Emptyset_iterator());
CGAL::First_of_pair_property_map<FacetAndCell> my_p_map();
Delaunay::Finite_facets_iterator ff_iter;
std::vector<Facet>::iterator facet_iter;
// Here, what I'm trying to achieve is figuring out which of the facets
// in conflict are finite. I had wanted to use some kind of test like
// "is_infinite()" on the facet at hand, but this isn't available for
// a facet out of context of the triangulation it's part of.
for(facet_iter = facets.begin(); facet_iter != facets.end(); facet_iter++){
for(ff_iter = T.finite_facets_begin(); ff_iter != T.finite_facets_end(); ff_iter++){
// Since I get an error that facet_iter is actually of type pair, I thought this would work, but it doesn't.
cout << facet_iter->first << endl;
// This works, which is what led me to believe I was comparing one facet to another facet.
if(*facet_iter == *ff_iter){
cout << "Finite facet!" << endl;
In summary:
1) Overall, I want to know which facets from the result of find_conflicts() were finite. If there is an easier way to do this, feel free to let me know.
2) Otherwise, the more specific problem here is that I need to get at that vector of facets that results from find_conflicts() and then get at the vertices of each facet. Am I supposed to be working with the returned "pair" of cells and facets or can I access the vector directly, like I'm trying to do?
Help, please, thanks.

For finiteness testing, use is_infinite(). See
Otherwise, maybe you are confused because the Facet type is a typedef to a pair (unfortunately).
PS: alternatively, you can use Marc Glisse's suggestion in your other question (using locate(midpoint(p, sphere center))). It might be easier. CGAL Using Locate() to Find Cell on Triangulation Surface


Hard Fault when dynamic memory allocaion in stm32f7

I am trying to implement a system so that it retrieves sound and extracts the mfcc of it. I'd like to implement my own mfcc function because librosa library wasn't implemented in C and other implementations of mfcc extractions doesn't yield the same outputs as librosa library does.
So I wrote a code, however, when I would like create hanning window, program doesn't take a step further and always stays the same statement while debugging. The statement is below:
float *mul = malloc(sizeof(float)*fftsize);
The whole code is as follows:
float* hanning(int fftsize){
float *mul = malloc(sizeof(float)*fftsize);
for (int i = 0; i<fftsize; i++){
mul[i] = 0.5 * (1 - cos(2*PI*i/(fftsize-1)));
return mul;
I put an LCD code to all error handler functions in stm32f7xx_it.c file to determine which fault I'm facing, and I see that it is hard_fault.
So what's the problem? I hope the issue is explained clearly. Due to the privacy, I couldn't put here whole code. Sorry for that. Thx in advance for your response.
Edit: I am chaning malloc to normal array with a variable length array. But still it takes me to HardFault_Handler function. SCB->SHCSR returns sometimes 65535 and sometimes 1.

reading signs in an equation

Using this antlr grammar Im trying to parse C++ code. Below is the same visitor class I'm using, I don't have much visitor function implemented,
#include <iostream>
#include <antlr4-runtime.h>
#include "parser/CPP14Lexer.h"
#include "parser/CPP14BaseVisitor.h"
#include "parser/CPP14Parser.h"
#include "parser/CPP14Visitor.h"
class TREEVisitor : public CPP14BaseVisitor {
virtual antlrcpp::Any TREEVisitor::visitAdditiveExpression(
CPP14Parser::AdditiveExpressionContext *ctx) override
std::cout << "AddExpr : " << ctx->getText() << std::endl;
std::vector<CPP14Parser::MultiplicativeExpressionContext *> mulpExprCtx =
for (CPP14Parser::MultiplicativeExpressionContext *mulpExprLp : mulpExprCtx)
std::vector<CPP14Parser::PointerMemberExpressionContext *> ptrMbrExprCtx =
// ptrMbrExprCtx->pointerMemberExpression()->castExpression()->unaryExpression();
// Different parts of an expression
for (CPP14Parser::PointerMemberExpressionContext *ptrMbrExprLp : ptrMbrExprCtx)
std::cout << "=> " << ptrMbrExprLp->getText() << std::endl;
return visitChildren(ctx);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::ifstream stream;[1]);
antlr4::ANTLRInputStream input(stream);
CPP14Lexer lexer(&input);
antlr4::CommonTokenStream tokens(&lexer);
CPP14Parser parser(&tokens);
antlr4::tree::ParseTree *tree = parser.translationunit();
// Visitor
auto *visitor = new TREEVisitor();
return 0;
Im trying to parse the following C++ code,
int ii = a + b - getLength() * 10 / 1;
What I'm trying to achieve here is to get all of the variables that are used to initilize the variable i and their signs. Something like below, where i can relate each sign to the values/variables(for example to know that + as after a.
So far I can only get an output as follow,
AddExpr : a+b-c*10/1
=> a
=> b
=> getLength()
=> 10
=> 1
I don't seem to be able to get the signs between each operation.
I seem to have something related to the signs in that equation, I had only Star and Mod.
tree::TerminalNode* startTn = mulpExprLp->Star();
So I tried to change the grammar file to get other signs as well. While that gave me the signs in that equation but again... I wasn't ablel to know the position of each sign in the equation.
pointerMemberExpression (
(Star | Div | Mod | Plus | Minus) pointerMemberExpression
I hope I could describe the problem clearly. I basically want to read the each part of an equation and know what is the position of each sign.
It looks like you need a better understanding of the structure of your parse tree.
I would suggest going back to the original grammar (there are many problems with your multiplcativeExpression, mostly around it not building a proper parse tree.
Viewing the graphical version of your parse tree should be quite useful. This page gives a brief intro to setting up a grun alias to use TestRig. It’s usually a good idea to “play around” a bit with grun and various input to gain a better understanding of what ANTLR produces (token streams, parse trees, etc.) for your grammar.
Take a look at the documentation and how to run the TestRig utility with the -gui command line option. This will give you a graphical representation of your parse tree. Your immediate issue is that, since you only have a visitor for additiveExpression, it won’t include the sub tree for the mutiplicativeExpression that will hold the structure for multiplication and division.
Also, since you’re not finding the operations you need to take a closer look at the cpp14parser::AdditiveExpressionContext generated for your additiveExpression. The operator(s) should be available at one of the indices of your children nodes (the rule is written to allow multiple addition/subtraction in a single context, so they’ll probably be available in some list/array structure (sorry, not intimately familiar with what ANTLR generates for C++)
BTW, you may find that, for your purposes, a listener is easier to use than a visitor. With Listeners a ParseTreeWalker takes care of walking the tree and calling back to your code as nodes are encountered. With Visitors, it’s up to you to navigate the parse Tree (they can be useful when you need more flexibility, and a bit easier to handle things if you want a value returned from visiting a node, but I find Listeners much simpler for most use cases)

Error: No operator "=" matches these operands in "Servo_Project.cpp", Line: 15, Col: 22

So I tried using code from another post around here to see if I could use it, it was a code meant to utilize a potentiometer to move a servo motor, but when I attempted to compile it is gave the error above saying No operator "=" matches these operands in "Servo_Project.cpp". How do I go about fixing this error?
Just in case ill say this, the boards I was trying to compile the code were a NUCLEO-L476RG, the board from the post I mentioned utilized Nucleo L496ZG board and a Tower Pro Micro Servo 9G.
#include "mbed.h"
#include "Servo.h"
Servo myservo(D6);
AnalogOut MyPot(A0);
int main() {
float PotReading;
PotReading =;
while(1) {
for(int i=0; i<100; i++) {
myservo = (i/100);
This line:
myservo = (i/100);
Is wrong in a couple of ways. First, i/100 will always be zero - integer division truncates in C++. Second, there's not an = operator that allows an integer value to be assigned to a Servo object. YOu need to invoke some kind of Servo method instead, likely write().
The SOMETHING should be the position or speed of the servo you're trying to get working. See the Servo class reference for an explanation. Your code tries to use fractions from 0-1 and thatvisn't going to work - the Servo wants a position/speed between 0 and 180.
You should look in the Servo.h header to see what member functions and operators are implemented.
Assuming what you are using is this, it does have:
Servo& operator= (float percent);
Although note that the parameter is float and you are passing an int (the parameter is also in the range 0.0 to 1.0 - so not "percent" as its name suggests - so be wary, both the documentation and the naming are poor). You should have:
myservo = i/100.0f;
However, even though i / 100 would produce zero for all i in the loop, that does not explain the error, since an implicit cast should be possible - even if clearly undesirable. You should look in the actual header you are using to see if the operator= is declared - possibly you have the wrong file or a different version or just an entirely different implementation that happens to use teh same name.
I also notice that if you look in the header, there is no documentation mark-up for this function and the Servo& operator= (Servo& rhs); member is not documented at all - hence the confusing automatically generated "Shorthand for the write and read functions." on the Servo doc page when the function shown is only one of those things. It is possible it has been removed from your version.
Given that the documentation is incomplete and that the operator= looks like an after thought, the simplest solution is to use the read() / write() members directly in any case. Or implement your own Servo class - it appears to be only a thin wrapper/facade of the PwmOut class in any case. Since that is actually part of mbed rather than user contributed code of unknown quality, you may be on firmer ground.

How can I get the index of the Nearest Point when I use CGAL::K_neighbor_search to do the Nearest Neighbor Search?

I am using CGAL's K_neighbor_search module to do the nearest neighbor search problem. It's nice and easily to use. The example code shows that given a query point, it can find the nearest neighbor point from a set of points as well as the distance. However, I can only get the nearest neighbor point itself. I don't know how to get the index of the point found by the algorithm.
For example, I use the following code,
std::list<Point_d> points;
Tree tree(points.begin(), points.end());
Neighbor_search search(tree, query, N);
for(Neighbor_search::iterator it = search.begin(); it != search.end(); ++it)
std::cout << "Point: " << it->first << "\n";
std::cout << "Distance: " << std::sqrt(it->second) << "\n";
the result is as follows:
Point: 222 129 161
Distance: 189.307
But how can I get the index of the result point? As for the reason of this question, I want to get the normal of the nearest neighbor point, so I need to reference the point.
Could anybody help me?
If you want to use indices directly in the kd-tree you can look at this example.
Points are sorted in an external vector and the kd-tree uses indices to refer to the points internally store.

How to 'checksum' an array of noisy floating point numbers?

What is a quick and easy way to 'checksum' an array of floating point numbers, while allowing for a specified small amount of inaccuracy?
e.g. I have two algorithms which should (in theory, with infinite precision) output the same array. But they work differently, and so floating point errors will accumulate differently, though the array lengths should be exactly the same. I'd like a quick and easy way to test if the arrays seem to be the same. I could of course compare the numbers pairwise, and report the maximum error; but one algorithm is in C++ and the other is in Mathematica and I don't want the bother of writing out the numbers to a file or pasting them from one system to another. That's why I want a simple checksum.
I could simply add up all the numbers in the array. If the array length is N, and I can tolerate an error of 0.0001 in each number, then I would check if abs(sum1-sum2)<0.0001*N. But this simplistic 'checksum' is not robust, e.g. to an error of +10 in one entry and -10 in another. (And anyway, probability theory says that the error probably grows like sqrt(N), not like N.) Of course, any checksum is a low-dimensional summary of a chunk of data so it will miss some errors, if not most... but simple checksums are nonetheless useful for finding non-malicious bug-type errors.
Or I could create a two-dimensional checksum, [sum(x[n]), sum(abs(x[n]))]. But is the best I can do, i.e. is there a different function I might use that would be "more orthogonal" to the sum(x[n])? And if I used some arbitrary functions, e.g. [sum(f1(x[n])), sum(f2(x[n]))], then how should my 'raw error tolerance' translate into 'checksum error tolerance'?
I'm programming in C++, but I'm happy to see answers in any language.
i have a feeling that what you want may be possible via something like gray codes. if you could translate your values into gray codes and use some kind of checksum that was able to correct n bits you could detect whether or not the two arrays were the same except for n-1 bits of error, right? (each bit of error means a number is "off by one", where the mapping would be such that this was a variation in the least significant digit).
but the exact details are beyond me - particularly for floating point values.
i don't know if it helps, but what gray codes solve is the problem of pathological rounding. rounding sounds like it will solve the problem - a naive solution might round and then checksum. but simple rounding always has pathological cases - for example, if we use floor, then 0.9999999 and 1 are distinct. a gray code approach seems to address that, since neighbouring values are always single bit away, so a bit-based checksum will accurately reflect "distance".
[update:] more exactly, what you want is a checksum that gives an estimate of the hamming distance between your gray-encoded sequences (and the gray encoded part is easy if you just care about 0.0001 since you can multiple everything by 10000 and use integers).
and it seems like such checksums do exist: Any error-correcting code can be used for error detection. A code with minimum Hamming distance, d, can detect up to d − 1 errors in a code word. Using minimum-distance-based error-correcting codes for error detection can be suitable if a strict limit on the minimum number of errors to be detected is desired.
so, just in case it's not clear:
multiple by minimum error to get integers
convert to gray code equivalent
use an error detecting code with a minimum hamming distance larger than the error you can tolerate.
but i am still not sure that's right. you still get the pathological rounding in the conversion from float to integer. so it seems like you need a minimum hamming distance that is 1 + len(data) (worst case, with a rounding error on each value). is that feasible? probably not for large arrays.
maybe ask again with better tags/description now that a general direction is possible? or just add tags now? we need someone who does this for a living. [i added a couple of tags]
I've spent a while looking for a deterministic answer, and been unable to find one. If there is a good answer, it's likely to require heavy-duty mathematical skills (functional analysis).
I'm pretty sure there is no solution based on "discretize in some cunning way, then apply a discrete checksum", e.g. "discretize into strings of 0/1/?, where ? means wildcard". Any discretization will have the property that two floating-point numbers very close to each other can end up with different discrete codes, and then the discrete checksum won't tell us what we want to know.
However, a very simple randomized scheme should work fine. Generate a pseudorandom string S from the alphabet {+1,-1}, and compute csx=sum(X_i*S_i) and csy=sum(Y_i*S_i), where X and Y are my original arrays of floating point numbers. If we model the errors as independent Normal random variables with mean 0, then it's easy to compute the distribution of csx-csy. We could do this for several strings S, and then do a hypothesis test that the mean error is 0. The number of strings S needed for the test is fixed, it doesn't grow linearly in the size of the arrays, so it satisfies my need for a "low-dimensional summary". This method also gives an estimate of the standard deviation of the error, which may be handy.
Try this:
#include <complex>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
const size_t no_freqs = 3;
const double freqs[no_freqs] = {0.05, 0.16, 0.39}; // (for example)
int main() {
std::complex<double> spectral_amplitude[no_freqs];
for (size_t i = 0; i < no_freqs; ++i) spectral_amplitude[i] = 0.0;
size_t n_data = 0;
std::complex<double> datum;
while (std::cin >> datum) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < no_freqs; ++i) {
spectral_amplitude[i] += datum * std::exp(
std::complex<double>(0.0, 1.0) * freqs[i] * double(n_data)
std::cout << "Fuzzy checksum:\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < no_freqs; ++i) {
std::cout << real(spectral_amplitude[i]) << "\n";
std::cout << imag(spectral_amplitude[i]) << "\n";
std::cout << "\n";
return 0;
It returns just a few, arbitrary points of a Fourier transform of the entire data set. These make a fuzzy checksum, so to speak.
How about computing a standard integer checksum on the data obtained by zeroing the least significant digits of the data, the ones that you don't care about?