UITextField do not post notifications - objective-c

If I set textField.delegate textField stops to post any notifications. Is this expected behavior or is this a bug? I'm targeting to iOS 7.

After a lot of research I can confirm that most of the time using the delegate is not prevent posting notifications.
At this one time it did, but I can't figure out why.


how to handle “sendDidFinish” in sharekit

I use sharekit with mail/twitter/facebook and I am really new to objective-c. sharekit works well and sends my images like it should.
in my app I have a screenshot function. I want the app to 'freeze' when a screenshot is taken, stopping to send any shake- or touch-event to the scene behind the sharekit-action.
in my screenshot-layer I have three buttons which call the shareItem-methods of their specified service, like
[SHKTwitter shareItem:item];
vereything works fine 'till here. but now when the sending is finished (or canceled or errored) I need the app to 'unfreeze', sharekit should tell my app that it is allowed to listen to any touch- or shake-action again.
I am sorry but I think I don't understand the concept of using the delegate here. I mean, is 'sendDidFinish' meant to be inside a delegate? and if so, how could I tell sharekit who is its delegate? or do I have to edit the send-service classes (like SHKItem or SHKFacebook) itself?
please don't downrate me for this question. I really want to get behind this mystery...
SHKTwitter inherit from SHKOAuthSharer, who inherit from SHKSharer. SHKSharer has a delegate protocol called "SharerDelegate".
So you can use an instance of SHKTwitter, then set it's delegate as :
shkTwitterInstance.shareDelegate = yourDelegateObject.
And implement the delegate method
- (void)sharerFinishedSending:(SHKSharer *)sharer;.
Try that.
Also, you can suscribe your object to "SHKSendDidFinish" notification from SHKTwitter object.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:yourObject selector:#selector(theMethodthatYouWantToExecuteWhenTheNotificationIsRaised:) name:#"SHKSendDidFinish" object:shkTwitterObject];

Using -presentModalViewController:animated: with UITabBarController NOT animated

So the rootViewController for this application is a UITabBarController subclass. And we're having a bizarre issue where we cannot get a UITabBarController to -presentModalViewController:animated: if we're passing NO to animated. We've tried a variety of methods: -viewDidLoad, -viewWillAppear, -viewDidAppear and can only get it to work if we do it after a delay, which is hacky.
I decided to break this out into a test and found that if I have a UIViewController that calls -presentModalViewController:animated: in the -viewDidAppear method it works as expected with both YES and NO for the animated parameter. However if this VC is instead a UITabBarController, it works if animated is YES but not if it is NO.
Any ideas? Is this a bug? I've searched online and through documentation and can't find a reason that UITabBarController shouldn't be able to present a view this way.
This definitely sounds like a bug. I'd suggest you file a bugreport with Apple. If it's blocking your project, you could submit it through one of your support incidents with Apple, and if they find it really is a bug they'll refund that support incident (so you don't loose anything). If it isn't a bug, they'll be able to give you a solution.

Problem: restarting App

My App is a view-based application. At the beginning I show my logo and after a delay of a few seconds it changes into another view. from then on the user can switch to a lot of different views.
Sooooo.. My Problem: The thing is, when I restart my App. [..well closing and reopen by touching the icon..] the app itself doesnt restart in the sence of jumping to the very first view. to the contrary: at restart the user just returns to the last view that was open.
So I dont know why this is.
Is it normal to somehow manually tell the app to return to the very first view after restart? And if so, how do I have to do that?
I have so no idea what to do.. Maybe my problem has to do with the timer i used in the first view to change after a delay of time?
Please, is there anyone, who can help me?
Your problem is that, as of iPhone 4, returning to the home screen does not terminate your app. It's just made inactive, so opening it again reactivates it. In most cases, this is a good thing. If it doesn't work for your app, you can add the UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend key to your Info.plist with a value of YES.
(As I said, you should only do this if it really helps usability. If it's just about getting your splash screen shown again, most users and possibly Apple will frown upon it.)
iOS 4.0 and greater have a fast-start thing that allows apps to restart back from where they were upon restarting. There are several ways to deal with this:
1.) your App Delegate receives info about being but into the background and resumed. - (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application and - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application are the relevant functions here. Check the docs.
2.) You can also disable the background, inactive state completely by including UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend in you Info.plist as Chuck already pointed out.
Overall, you should check the application state docs on Apple's Side.

[UIImageView _isChargeEnabled]: message sent to deallocated instance

I am getting this error message from an apparently private API. Anyone have a clue what this could be? It seems to occur, if you use MPMoviePlayerViewController and do a pinch while the movie is running. This will close the player, but afterwards the app crashes.
Only seems to be a problem with certain version of iOS (in this case iOS 3.2.2 on an iPad).
I found one post in another forum, but that did not really help, as with MPMoviePlayerController a different problem occurs.
FWIW, the issue is not the private API, it's that you've got a zombie object.

What are some reasons that application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method could get skipped?

My iPad app was working fine until I opened up IB and started editing the interface. Now, my application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions isn't getting called. I understand it's an optional function and it gets skipped if it doesn't exist, but in my case it does. What are some reasons that application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method could get skipped?
I should note that I'm building with the iPhone OS 3.2 SDK.
Thanks in advance for your help!
UPDATE: I fixed it, please see my answer below
Are you sure that class has been set as the application delegate of the app?
(source: xanga.com)
And also make sure the "File's Owner"'s delegate has been linked to "App Delegate".
(source: xanga.com)
Well it turns out, for an unknown reason, I had a "view" view object as a child of my RootViewController in IB that didn't serve any purpose except to hold my a TableView view object and a DatePicker view object. I thought it was harmless, but when I removed it in IB and programmatically added the TableView object and and DatePicker object, suddenly this problem went away. If anyone has any ideas why this is, I'd would love to understand it.
Thanks, everyone!