Import Export Wizard keep Identity, No Alter Table permissions - sql

Basically, I am transferring data from one database table(A) to another database table(B).
Both databases have data except A gets updated daily and B needs to be updated with the current data in A. I would like to keep the identity column the same in both.
I try to run the wizard with delete previous data and the keep identity checked, but I get an error saying I don't have permission to alter table, so I am thinking that delete previous data truncates the table correct?
I then tried to use append table, but that complains about overwriting row with same identity value. Is there a way to ignore previous entries and only insert the new entries?

Sure, in your SELECT statement where you get data from table A, just select rows where A.ID is not equal to B.ID.
This functionality might work better with a trigger on table A or using transactional replication.


SQL set identity and retain values

I have a problem restoring a table.
I wanted to restore data by copying data from the backup to the table.
The problem is, the PK of the table has the Identity-Property set. So when I inserted the lost rows they got new IDs.
I created a new table without identity and put the data in there.
Now I want to turn on Identity on the PK column, which doesn't work.
Any what I can do or if this is possible at all?
You cannot add IDENTITY property to existing column. Either you insert in existing table with IDENTITY column with IDENTITY_INSERT ON' option or you create a newIDENTITY` column in the new table.
This post might help you
This will solve your problem
If you have backup of table then TRUNCATE your table then set primary key then make it auto increment in table and then copy your table and make sure your data of table is entered properly, it worked for me may be it will helpful to you also.

Data Agent - SELECT from one table and insert into another

Is there any type of product where I can write a SQL statement to select from one table and then insert into another database (The other database is out in the cloud). Also, it needs to be able to check to see if that record exists and then update the row if anything has changed. Then it will need to run every 10-30 minutes to check to see what has changed or if new records have been added.
The source database and the ending database have a different schema (if that matters?) I've been looking, but it seams that only products out there are ones that will just copy one table and insert into a table with the same schema.

create table using exsiting table update/link to column

I want to create a new table with one of the columns linked/updated by a table on another database (but on the same server).
so when table A column is updated it will automatically update table b's column with the same information no data will be entered into this column from table b.
I have tried various different ways but can't find a way to do this with out updating column manually or setting up a server agent any help would be great.
if you want to make cross server query, please check sp_addlinkedserver
Once it is linked, just create a trigger, where you can use
select * from [server].[database].[schema].[table]

How to find when a row is inserted or updated in SQL Server table

I have a table in SQL Server but there is no column to show when the value is inserted into the table. And also I don't want to create a one.
Is there a way that I can find the time and date when some one has inserted a row into a SQL Server 2008 table or when it is updated?
If you don't want to modify your existing tables, the only way to go is to create another table to log the activities to. Then you can use ON INSERT / ON UPDATE triggers on the source tables and log the time and date of inserts and updates to the log table.
You can use On Insert and On Update Triggers in sql server 2005/2008 and your required fields are available in inserted and updated tables, but if you need to use this information later need to add a new table and log your information on to that!
I myself for doing such stuff like this always add 2 column to my tables
LastActivityBy relation to user table
LastActivityOn datetime
so you don't need to use any other table.
If you dont want to alter your existing schema, create a audit table and create trigger on source table to update audit table.

a special case when modifing the database

sometimes i face the following case in my database design,, i wanna to know what is the best practice to handle this case:::
for example i have a specific table and after a while ,, when the database in operation and some real data are already entered.. i need to add some required fields (that supposed not to accept null)..
what is the best practice in this situation..
make the field accept null as (some data already entered in the table ,, and scarify the important constraint )and try to force the user to enter this field through some validation in the code..
truncate all the entered data and reentered them again (tedious work)..
any other suggestions about this issue...
It depends on requirements. If the data to populate existing rows for the new column isn't available immediately then I would generally prefer to create a new table and just populate new rows when the data exists. If and when you have all the data for every row then put the new column into the original table.
If possible i would set a default value for the new column.
e.g. For Varchar
alter table table_name
add column_name varchar(10) not null
constraint column_name_default default ('Test')
After you have updated you could then drop the default
alter table table_name
drop constraint column_name_default
A lot will come down to your requirements.
It depends on your application, your database scheme, your entities.
The best way to go about it is to truncate the data and re - enter it again, but it need not be too tedious an item. Temporary tables and table variables could assist a great deal with this issue. A simple procedure comes to mind to go about it:
In SQL Server Management Studio, Right - click on the table you wish to modify and select Script Table As > CREATE To > New Query Editor Window.
Add a # in front of the table name in the CREATE statement.
Move all records into the temporary table, using something to the effect of:
INSERT INTO #temp SELECT * FROM original
Then run the script to keep all your records into the temporary table.
Truncate your original table, and make any changes necessary.
Right - click on the table and select Script Table As > INSERT To > Clipboard, paste it into your query editor window and modify it to read records from the temporary table, using INSERT .. SELECT.
That's it. Admittedly not quite straightforward, but a well - kept database is almost always worth a slight hassle.