IBM Connections Blog recommend API - api

I am working on Blog APIs of IBM connections 3.0
From IBM Docs I got details about how I can recommend a blog entry and how I can get list of peoples recommended blog entry.
I Need API details, how I can undo my recommendation for particular blog.
In web IBM connections is calling /blogs/roller-services/json for the this action which requires "dangerousurlnonce" to be posted, I could not find, how I can get the value for "dangerousurlnonce" either.
-- Vishal

Try this:
url : 'blogs/roller-services/json/authcheck?entry=' + entryId,
success : function (data) {
// yes we need to use dojo here as the response is invalid json that only dojo can parse
dangerousurlnonce = dojo.fromJson('{' + data + '}').nonce;


Calling a RESTful Web services for Data (Oauth 2.0 password Grant Type)

Good Day,
Is it possible to GET data into a content set for ArcGIS online? I am new to ArcGIS online. Was wondering how I can call (GET) an endpoint in json format (with some lat and lon) to dynamically update the data set when a new object is entered.
Thank you all
Sure, you can use GET to query a Feature Service: documentation (example). To edit or add data, you'll want to use ApplyEdits - that is POST only, as you can see in the documentation.
You can do that using Rest API and many other Languages.
Here are the list of all the tutorials with different languages.
Its very helpful and well guided.
All the tutorials with Rest API :
Add/Update/Remove feature with Rest API and Json formats :

How to add discussion comments to the existing workitem card(Feature card) through API in Azure DevOps

I want to add discussion comments that is [System.History] to the existing card. How can I do it through API or is there any update WIQL query to update the card?
You can use the REST API. See here: As of 22.07.2020 the documentation there is still incorrect, see
Sample Request (HTTP)
Request Body (JSON)
"text": "Moving to the right area path"

Sharepoint error: Likes are not supported in this item

I'm trying to create a Sharepoint iOS app and using the rest api I get the error "Likes are not supported in this item." after doing a POST to'pages')/items('1234')/like.
Anyone knows more about this kind of error?
The Rating settings seems to be set correctly on the Sharepoint server, because the like option works correctly on the website, and also in the app I can see the likesCount properties on the response for the Rest API call'pages')/items('1234').
I don't think there is something wrong with the client app implementation, but it is something related to the Sharepoint configuration, although I haven't seen any more settings in regards to the Rating settings including the Sharepoint access for the mobile app.
The web seems to handle this using the Microsoft.Office.Server.ReputationModel.Reputation.setLike function which again works correctly on the web parts, but I couldn't find a way to do it from the mobile app.
To set Likes for the list item, we need use the API below with POST request.'pages')/items('1234')
And pass the data of the POST request as below.
var item = {
"__metadata": { "type": "SP.Data.PagesItem"},
"LikedByStringId": {"results": ["11"]},
"LikesCount": 2
Before set Likes for the item, we need get the "LikedByStringId" and "LikesCount" value of the list item using API below with GET request, then set the new one.'pages')/items('1234')
Check the article here: Demonstrates how to like/unlike resource via SharePoint REST API

How do I track the performance of dynamic links created with the REST API (programmatically) in the Firebase console?

I'm using jQuery ajax request to make dynamic links but it doesn't show up in firebase dynamic links analytic console to keep track of its events.
as per firebase documentation (, it supposed to do so... any insight will be highly appreciated ...
type: "POST",
url: "" + api_key,
contentType: "application/json",
processData: false,
"dynamicLinkInfo": {
"dynamicLinkDomain": "",
"link": cLink,
"socialMetaTagInfo": {
"socialTitle": sTitle,
"socialDescription": sDesc,
"socialImageLink": sImg
"suffix": {
"option": option
As mentioned, Dynamic Links created through the API don't appear in the Dynamic Links section of the console.
However, there is now a REST API to allow you to retrieve stats for dynamic links created through the API. You can see the docs here: analytics api docs:
Dynamic Links created using the API are not displayed in the Firebase console. You can instead use the Firebase Dynamic Links Analytics API. As the documentation says
You can use this REST API to get analytics data for each of your short
Dynamic Links, whether created in the console or programmatically.
Ref: Dynamic Links Analytics API Documentation

how to save values in database through service api laravel

I m beginner in laravel 5, i want to know how to write service api for save the values which passing from mobile app.. Example register user in mobile app and pass those data throghu REST api to db.
Please advice
Jzon - Laravel provide very friendly documentation for beginners like you. Most of things are explained on documentation page mentioned below - Please go through link once -
Lastly, quick hint for you, when ever you return an array from controller laravel default gives JSON response for you..
e.g. I am in TasksController
public function show($id) {
$task = Task::findOrFail($id);
return $task->toArray()
this would give Json.