MS Word VBA: Controlling excel workbook from word - Object required error - vba

I'm creating a MACRO in MS Word that needs to be able to (basically) copy and paste the contents of a table in word into excel.
DISCLAIMER: This might seem like an over complication; however, the approach is required as it is a setup for more complicated processing.
Long story short, I loop through every table in the document, and then every cell in the table and place the text into a corresponding cell in an excel sheet.
I have these declarations for excel objects:
Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application
Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlRange As Excel.Range
At the bottom of my loops, I have the following code:
Set xlRange = xlBook.ActiveSheet.Range(Chr(65 + x) & y)
xlRange.Text = tString
The last line is throwing an "object required" error. The variable tstring is defined as a string and is set earlier in the loop.
The full code:
Sub CopyTablesToExcel()
Const ROW_INDEX = 2
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Integer 'Counters
Dim numTables As Integer 'Number of tables in the word file
Dim numSheets As Integer 'Number of sheets in the excel file
Dim LastCell(1 To 2) As Integer 'Used to keep track of the last cell of a newly created excel table
Dim map() As Integer 'Holds a map of the table columns
Dim xlBookName As String 'Name of the excel workbook
Dim tString As String 'Temporary string
Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application
Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlRange As Excel.Range
Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
numSheets = xlBook.Worksheets.count
numTables = ActiveDocument.Tables.count
'Save the new book
xlBookName = InputBox("Enter the ticker symbol:")
xlBook.SaveAs FileName:=xlBookName
'Show the file?
xlApp.Visible = True
'Make sure there are enough sheets
If numSheets < numTables Then
For x = 1 To (numTables - numSheets)
numSheets = numSheets + 1
End If
'Cycle through every table in the document and paste it to the worksheet
For z = 1 To numTables 'Cycle through tables
'Keep track of the last cell in the table
LastCell(COLUMN_INDEX) = ActiveDocument.Tables(z).Columns.count
LastCell(ROW_INDEX) = ActiveDocument.Tables(z).rows.count
For x = ActiveDocument.Tables(z).rows(ActiveDocument.Tables(z).rows.count).Cells.count To 1 Step -1 'Cycle through columns
'Used selections to support horizontally merged cells
For y = Selection.Cells.count To 1 Step -1 'Cycle through cells
tString = Selection.Cells(y).Range.Text
'Move the content into excel
Set xlRange = xlBook.ActiveSheet.Range(Chr(65 + x) & y)
Debug.Print Chr(65 + x) & y 'Prints as expected
xlRange.Text = tString
End Sub
I believe this is happening because the MACRO is failing to set the xlRange correctly. The output from debug.print is correct and is the format of "A#".
If Not xlRange Is Nothing Then
xlRange.Text = tString 'Still errors
End If
The above will evaluate to true but still throws the error at the marked line

I see two things:
.Text is a read only property. I would expect an an "Unable to set the text property of range object" error on this line:
xlRange.Text = tString
Change to:
xlRange.Value = tString
Also, your range assignment is probably wrong. I don't know why you are doing CHR(65) instead of simply "A", but the problem is this line:
Set xlRange = xlBook.ActiveSheet.Range(Chr(65 + x) & y)
Here you are ADDING x to 65, and then the Chr function returns whatever result that is, which could raise an error. A value of x that is greater than 25 will most likely raise an error becasue then Chr(65 + x) does not evaluate to a valid range address.
Since you clarify in the comments that you do intend to do this (e.g., "A" + 1 = "B", etc.), it would be better probably to do this, if for no other reason than it seems more legible and leverages the Excel object model in a less-ambiguous manner:
Set xlRange = xlBook.ActiveSheet.Range("A" & y).Offset(,x)


Object or With Variable Not Set

Option Explicit
Public Sub consolidateList()
DeleteTableRows (ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master").ListObjects("MasterSheet"))
End Sub
Private Sub FillTableRows()
'set up worksheet objects
Dim wkSheet As Worksheet
Dim wkBook As Workbook
Dim wkBookPath As String
Set wkBook = ThisWorkbook
wkBookPath = wkBook.Path
Set wkSheet = wkBook.Worksheets("Master")
'set up file system objects
Dim oFile As Object
Dim oFSO As Object
Dim oFolder As Object
Dim oFiles As Object
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(wkBookPath)
Set oFiles = oFolder.Files
'set up loop
Dim checkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim reportDict As Dictionary
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'initial coordinates
Dim startRow As Long
Dim startColumn As Long
startColumn = 3
Dim i As Long 'tracks within the row of the sheet where information is being pulled from
Dim k As Long 'tracks the row where data is output on
Dim j As Long 'tracks within the row of the sheet where the data is output on
Dim Key As Variant
j = 1
k = wkSheet.Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Dim l As Long
'look t Set checkBook = Workbooks.Open(oFile.Path)hrough folder and then save it to temp memory
On Error GoTo debuger
For Each oFile In oFiles
startRow = 8
'is it not the master sheet? check for duplicate entries
' is the name of the file being scanned
'is it an excel file?
If Mid(oFile.Name, Len(oFile.Name) - 3, 4) = ".xls" Or Mid(oFile.Name, Len(oFile.Name) - 3, 4) = ".xlsx" Then
Set checkBook = Workbooks.Open(oFile.Path)
For l = startRow To 600
If Not (IsEmpty(Cells(startRow, startColumn))) Then
'if it is, time do some calculations
Set reportDict = New Dictionary
'add items of the payment
For i = 0 To 33
If Not IsEmpty(Cells(startRow, startColumn + i)) Then
reportDict.Add Cells(4, startColumn + i), Cells(startRow, startColumn + i)
End If
Next i
For i = startRow To 0 Step -1
If Not IsEmpty(Cells(i, startColumn - 1)) Then
reportDict.Add "Consumer Name", Cells(i, startColumn - 1)
Exit For
End If
Next i
'key is added
For Each Key In reportDict
'wkSheet.Cells(k, j) = reportDict.Item(Key)
Dim myInsert As Variant
Set myInsert = reportDict.Item(Key)
MsgBox (myInsert)
wkSheet.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange(2, 1) = reportDict.Item(Key)
j = j + 1
Next Key
wkSheet.Cells(k, j) = wkSheet.Cells(k, 9) / 4
wkSheet.Cells(k, j + 1) = oFile.Name
k = k + 1
' Set reportDict = Nothing
j = 1
l = l + 1
End If
startRow = startRow + 1
Next l
End If
' Exit For
Next oFile
Exit Sub
MsgBox ("Error on: " & Err.Source & " in file " & oFile.Name & ", error is " & Err.Description)
End Sub
Sub DeleteTableRows(ByRef Table As ListObject)
On Error Resume Next
'~~> Clear Header Row `IF` it exists
'~~> Delete all the other rows `IF `they exist
Table.DataBodyRange.Offset(1, 0).Resize(Table.DataBodyRange.Rows.count - 1, _
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Greetings. The above code consolidates a folder of data that's held on excel spreadsheets into one master excel spreadsheet. The goal is to run a macro on Excel Spreadsheet named master on the worksheet named master which opens up other excel workbooks in the folder, takes the information, and puts it into a table in the worksheet "master". After which point, it becomes easy to see the information; so instead of it being held on hundreds of worksheets, the records are held on one worksheet.
The code uses a dictionary (reportDict) to temporarily store the information that is needed from the individual workbooks. The goal then is to take that information and place it in the master table at the bottom row, and then obviously add a new row either after a successful placement or before an attempted placement of data.
The code fails at the following line:
wkSheet.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange(2, 1) = reportDict.Item(Key)
The failure description is "object or with variable not set" and so the issue is with the reportDict.Item(Key). My guess is that somehow VBA is not recognizing the dictionary item as stable, but I don't know how to correct this. Eventually the goal is to have code which does:
for each key in reportDict
- place the item which is mapped to the key at a unique row,column in the master table
- expand the table to accomodate necessary data
next key
Implicit default member calls are plaguing your code all over.
reportDict.Add Cells(4, startColumn + i), Cells(startRow, startColumn + i)
That's implicitly accessing Range.[_Default] off whatever worksheet is currently the ActiveSheet (did you mean that to be wkSheet.Cells?), to get the Key - since the Key parameter is a String, Range.[_Default] is implicitly coerced into one, and you have a string key. The actual dictionary item at that key though, isn't as lucky.
Here's a MCVE:
Public Sub Test()
Dim d As Dictionary
Set d = New Dictionary
d.Add "A1", Cells(1, 1)
Debug.Print IsObject(d("A1"))
End Sub
This procedure prints True to the debug pane (Ctrl+G): what you're storing in your dictionary isn't a bunch of string values, but a bunch of Range object references.
So when you do this:
Dim myInsert As Variant
Set myInsert = reportDict.Item(Key)
You might as well have declared myInsert As Range, for it is one.
This is where things get interesting:
MsgBox (myInsert)
Nevermind the superfluous parentheses that force-evaluate the object's default member and pass it ByVal to the MsgBox function - here you're implicitly converting Range.[_Default] into a String. That probably works.
So why is this failing then?
wkSheet.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange(2, 1) = reportDict.Item(Key)
Normally, it wouldn't. VBA would happily do this:
wkSheet.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange.Cells(2, 1).[_Default] = reportDict.Item(Key).[_Default]
And write the value in the DataBodyRange of the ListObject at the specified location.
I think that's all just red herring. Write explicit code: if you mean to store the Value of a cell, store the Value of a cell. If you mean to assign the Value of a cell, assign the Value of a cell.
I can't replicate error 91 with this setup.
This, however:
DeleteTableRows (ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master").ListObjects("MasterSheet")) also force-evaluating a ListObject's default member - so DeleteTableRows isn't receiving a ListObject, it's getting a String that contains the name of the object you've just dereferenced... but DeleteTableRows takes a ListObject parameter, so there's no way that code can even get to run FillTableRows - it has to blow up with a type mismatch before DeleteTableRows even gets to enter. In fact, it's a compile-time error.
So this is a rather long answer that doesn't get to the reason for error 91 on that specific line (I can't reproduce it), but highlights a metric ton of serious problems with your code that very likely are related to this error you're getting. Hope it helps.
You need to iterate through the dictionary's Keys collection.
dim k as variant, myInsert As Variant
for each k in reportDict.keys
debug.print reportDict.Item(k)
next k do while excel cell value is not "test value"

I'm a new user (and completely self taught).
I'm trying to search down column A of an excel workbook (starting at "A1") to check the cell contents. On finding a specific value, I want to msgbox out which cell it is in.
Can anybody help me in how to code this please.
Having played with various things over the day, I've finally got it to work!!!
How I've done it - it seems simple now I've worked it out:
Dim xlWorkSheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet
' For the first sheet in an excel workbook
xlWorkSheet = CType(objApp.Sheets(1), Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)
Dim strSheetName As String = xlWorkSheet.Name
' ***** Find the row with "Ambient Temp (C)" as its header
AmbientRange = objAppDeckCalc.Worksheets(strSheetName).Range("a1")
TempValue = AmbientRange.Value
Do While TempValue <> "Ambient Temp (C)"
AmbientRange = AmbientRange.Offset(1, 0)
TempValue = AmbientRange.Value
CountRow = CountRow + 1
If CountRow = 100 Then
MsgBox("Fields Not Named Correctly!")
End If
MsgBox("Ambient Temp (C) - CountRow - " & CountRow)

Search if value in cell (i,j) exists in another sheets, else i+1 until same value is found

I have an issue with my VBA script which I'm not able to resolve, despite of all the researches I've made (Indeed, I tried to modify all the vba scripts which were near what I'm looking for, but it doesn't work).
Thank you very much for your help !
I have 2 sheets.
For the first one (ActiveSheet), I have a list.
For example :
Creme fraiche
In the second one ("Add value"), I have this list :
I want the script to verify if the first value which is the sheet ("Add Value") exists in the ActiveSheet.
If it doesn't, it takes the second value in "Add Value" to make this verification. And so on with the other lines.
The loop has to stop when the script finds the same value. Then it does an action (MsgBox, for example).
For example, when the script researches "Chocolat" (the first line of the sheet "Add Value") in the ActiveSheet, it won't find it : it will use the second word to make this reasearch until it uses world "Fromage" which also exist in the second sheet.
It does the action (the msgbox), then quit the loop to continue with the other called macro which are in the script.
Moreover, I would like to choose the columns of the cell from "Add Value" each time I call the macro. Indeed, there will be several lists in this sheet.
Here is my macro. The issue is that I get the error 424 on the ligne If Not FindString Is Nothing Then
Public Sub Var()
Dim plage As Variant
Set plage = ActiveSheet.Range("A:A")
Dim col As Integer
Dim Ligne As Integer
Set Ligne = 2
Dim FindString As String
Set FindString = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Add Value").Cells(Ligne, col).Value
End Sub
Sub Boucle_Ajout(col)
With plage
If Not FindString Is Nothing Then
Ligne = Ligne + 1
End If
Loop While Not FindString Is Nothing
End With
End Sub
Then when I call the Macro, I only have to choose the column.
For example :
Call Boucle_Ajout(1)
Thank you very much for your help, because I am sick of not finding the solution.
PS : sorry for my english, I'm french.
Assuming the lines without numbers are in A1 to A5, this works:
Option Explicit
Const THECOLUMN = "A1"
Sub FindLineInOtherSheet()
Dim activeSheetRange As Range
Dim addValueRange As Range
Dim activeSheetLastRow As Integer
Dim addValueLastRow As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim activeSheetCell As String
Dim addValueCell As String
'* Setup
Set activeSheetRange = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("activeSheet").Range(THECOLUMN)
activeSheetLastRow = findLastRow("activeSheet", THECOLUMN)
addValueLastRow = findLastRow("addValue", THECOLUMN)
'* Loop through each cell in addValue for each cell in activeSheet
For i = 1 To activeSheetLastRow
Set addValueRange = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("addValue").Range(THECOLUMN)
activeSheetCell = activeSheetRange.Value
For n = 1 To addValueLastRow
addValueCell = addValueRange.Value
If addValueCell = activeSheetCell Then
MsgBox ("Trouvé " & addValueCell)
End If
Set addValueRange = addValueRange.Offset(1, 0) 'Next row
Next n
Set activeSheetRange = activeSheetRange.Offset(1, 0)
Next i
End Sub
Function findLastRow(Sheetname As String, ColumnName As String) As Integer
Dim lastRow As Integer
Dim r As Range
Dim WS As Worksheet
Set WS = Worksheets(Sheetname)
lastRow = WS.UsedRange.Rows.Count
'* Search backwards till we find a cell that is not empty
Set r = WS.Range(ColumnName).Rows(lastRow)
While IsEmpty(r)
Set r = r.Offset(-1, 0)
lastRow = r.Row
Set WS = Nothing
findLastRow = lastRow
End Function

Collection storing more than it's intended to causing problems for a Union statement

For some reason every column with data is being stored into columnsToCopy and unionVariable. At the top levels in Locals, I can see that it recognizes the column I actually want, but when I go deeper into say Cells -> WorkSheet -> UsedRange -> Value2 it will now show that all columns in my workbook are stored. This is the piece of code that I have assigning columnsToCopy, all the way to assigning unionVariable and then Copying it:
checkOne = iq_Array(0)
hasIQs = Left(checkOne, 3) = "iq_"
Dim columnsToCopy As Collection
Set columnsToCopy = New Collection
If hasIQs Then
' paste inital column into temporary worksheet
columnsToCopy.Add ShRef.Columns(1)
End If
' loop for each iq_ in the array
For arrayLoop = LBound(iq_Array) To UBound(iq_Array)
' Take copy of potential ref and adjust to standard if required
checkStr = iq_Array(arrayLoop)
If hasIQs And Left(checkStr, 3) <> "iq_" Then checkStr = "iq_" & checkStr
' Look for existence of corresponding column in local copy array
pCol = 0
For iCol = 2 To colNumb
If checkStr = IQRef(iCol) Then
pCol = iCol
Exit For
End If
Next iCol
If pCol > 0 Then
' Paste the corresponding column into the forming table
columnsToCopy.Add ShRef.Columns(pCol)
End If
Next arrayLoop
If columnsToCopy.Count > 1 Then 'data was added
' Copy table
Dim unionVariable As Range
Set unionVariable = columnsToCopy(1)
For k = 2 To columnsToCopy.Count
Set unionVariable = xlApp.Union(unionVariable, columnsToCopy(k))
Next k
unionVariable.Copy ' all the data added to ShWork
The reason I'm looking into this, is because when I Union(unionVariable, columnToCopy(k)) I'm not getting something that would be equivalent to Range("A:A","D:D","Z:Z") , instead I'm getting Range("A:Z").
Any help is appreciated
My full code:
Option Explicit
Private Sub averageScoreRelay()
' 1. Run from PPT and open an Excel file
' 2. Start at slide 1 and find a box that contains the words "iq_", if it has those words then it will have numbers after it like so "iq_43" or "iq_43, iq_56,iq_72".
' 3. find those words and numbers in the opened Excel file after splitting and re-formating string.
' 3. Copy column into a new sheets and repeat for all "iq_'s" until sheets 2 has a table.
' 4. Copy table from xl Paste Table into ppt
' 5. Do this for every slide
'Timer start
Dim StartTime As Double
Dim SecondsElapsed As Double
StartTime = Timer
'Create variables
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim ShRef As Excel.Worksheet
Dim pptPres As Object
Dim colNumb As Long
Dim rowNumb As Long
' Create new excel instance and open relevant workbook
Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
'xlApp.Visible = True 'Make Excel visible
Set xlWB = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Andre Kunz\Desktop\Gate\Macros\averageScores\pptxlpratice\dummy2.xlsx", True, False, , , , True, Notify:=False) 'Open relevant workbook
If xlWB Is Nothing Then ' may not need this if statement. check later.
MsgBox ("Error retrieving Average Score Report, Check file path")
Exit Sub
End If
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
'Find # of iq's in workbook
Set ShRef = xlWB.Worksheets("Sheet1")
colNumb = ShRef.Cells(1, ShRef.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
rowNumb = ShRef.Cells(ShRef.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Dim IQRef() As String
Dim iCol As Long
Dim IQRngRef() As Range
ReDim IQRef(colNumb)
ReDim IQRngRef(colNumb)
' capture IQ refs locally
For iCol = 2 To colNumb
Set IQRngRef(iCol) = ShRef.Range(ShRef.Cells(1, iCol), ShRef.Cells(rowNumb, iCol))
IQRef(iCol) = ShRef.Cells(1, iCol).Value
Next iCol
'Make pptPres the ppt active
Set pptPres = PowerPoint.ActivePresentation
'Create variables for the slide loop
Dim pptSlide As Slide
Dim Shpe As Shape
Dim pptText As String
Dim iq_Array As Variant
Dim arrayLoop As Long
Dim myShape As Object
Dim i As Long
Dim lRows As Long
Dim lCols As Long
Dim k As Long
'Loop through each pptSlide and check for IQ text box, grab avgScore values and create pptTable
For Each pptSlide In pptPres.Slides
i = 0
'searches through shapes in the slide
For Each Shpe In pptSlide.Shapes
If Not Shpe.HasTextFrame Then GoTo nextShpe 'boom, one less nested If statement
If Not Shpe.TextFrame.HasText Then GoTo nextShpe ' boom, another nested If statement bites the dust
'Set pptText as the Text in the box, then make it lowercase and trim Spaces and Enters
pptText = Shpe.TextFrame.TextRange
pptText = LCase(Replace(pptText, " ", vbNullString))
pptText = Replace(Replace(Replace(pptText, vbCrLf, vbNullString), vbCr, vbNullString), vbLf, vbNullString)
'Identify if within text there is "iq_"
If InStr(1, pptText, "iq_") <= 0 Then GoTo nextShpe
'set iq_Array as an array of the split iq's
iq_Array = Split(pptText, ",")
Dim hasIQs As Boolean
Dim checkStr As String
Dim pCol As Long
Dim checkOne
checkOne = iq_Array(0)
hasIQs = Left(checkOne, 3) = "iq_"
Dim columnsToCopy As Collection
Set columnsToCopy = New Collection
If hasIQs Then
' paste inital column into temporary worksheet
columnsToCopy.Add ShRef.Columns(1)
End If
' loop for each iq_ in the array
For arrayLoop = LBound(iq_Array) To UBound(iq_Array)
' Take copy of potential ref and adjust to standard if required
checkStr = iq_Array(arrayLoop)
If hasIQs And Left(checkStr, 3) <> "iq_" Then checkStr = "iq_" & checkStr
' Look for existence of corresponding column in local copy array
pCol = 0
For iCol = 2 To colNumb
If checkStr = IQRef(iCol) Then
pCol = iCol
Exit For
End If
Next iCol
If pCol > 0 Then
' Paste the corresponding column into the forming table
columnsToCopy.Add ShRef.Columns(pCol)
End If
Next arrayLoop
If columnsToCopy.Count > 1 Then 'data was added
' Copy table
Dim unionVariable As Range
Set unionVariable = columnsToCopy(1)
For k = 2 To columnsToCopy.Count
Debug.Print k & " : " & unionVariable.Address & " + " & columnsToCopy(k).Address
Set unionVariable = xlApp.Union(unionVariable, columnsToCopy(k))
Debug.Print " --> " & unionVariable.Address
Next k
unionVariable.Copy ' all the data added to ShWork
ActiveWindow.ViewType = ppViewNormal
Set myShape = pptSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial(DataType:=ppPasteHTML, Link:=msoFalse)
On Error GoTo tryAgain
'Set position:
myShape.Left = -200
myShape.Top = 150 + i
i = i + 150
End If
Next Shpe
Next pptSlide
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = True
'End Timer
SecondsElapsed = Round(Timer - StartTime, 2)
MsgBox "This code ran successfully in " & SecondsElapsed & " seconds", vbInformation
End Sub
Output from Debugger:
2 : $A:$A + $B:$B
--> $A:$B
3 : $A:$B + $AF:$AF
--> $A:$B,$AF:$AF
2 : $A:$A + $C:$C
--> $A:$A,$C:$C
2 : $A:$A + $D:$D
--> $A:$A,$D:$D
3 : $A:$A,$D:$D + $L:$L
--> $A:$A,$D:$D,$L:$L
Here is another option doesn't have the additional overhead of creating a temporary workbook/worksheet.
Note: It may not be perfect -- in my testing it does not preserve cell background color but it does preserve text/font formats, and this appears consistent with the PasteSpecial(ppPasteHtml) method.
Note also: this assumes you can use a Table in PowerPoint to store the pasted data, and that all columns in your union range have the same number of rows. If you're just dumping the data in to a textbox or whatever sort of shape, this won't work.
But the idea is that once we have our "union", we can iterate over the Areas, and the Columns in each area, performing the Copy and Paste operation against each individual column.
Here is my data in Excel, I will create a union of the highlighted cells:
Here is the output in PowerPoint where I removed the borders from the table, note the text formatting preserved as well as cell alignment:
Option Explicit
Sub foo()
Dim ppt As PowerPoint.Application
Dim pres As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim sld As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim shp As PowerPoint.Shape
Dim tbl As PowerPoint.Shape
Dim unionRange As Range
Dim ar As Range, c As Long, i As Long
Set unionRange = Union([A1:B2], [D1:D2], [F1:F2])
Set ppt = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
ppt.Visible = True
Set pres = ppt.ActivePresentation
Set sld = pres.Slides(1)
' Create initial table with only 1 column
With unionRange
Set tbl = sld.Shapes.AddTable(.Rows.Count, 1)
End With
For Each ar In unionRange.Areas()
For c = 1 To ar.Columns.Count
i = i + 1
With tbl.Table
' Add columns as you iterate the columns in your unionRange
If .Columns.Count < i Then .Columns.Add
.Columns(i).Cells.Borders(ppBorderBottom).Transparency = 1
.Columns(i).Cells.Borders(ppBorderTop).Transparency = 1
ar.Columns(c).Copy '// Copy the column from Excel
ppt.CommandBars.ExecuteMso ("Paste") '// Paste the values to PowerPoint
End With
End Sub
Maybe more efficient to handle the Areas like so:
For Each ar In unionRange.Areas()
c = ar.Columns.Count
Dim tCol
tCol = .Columns.Count
With tbl.Table
' Add columns as you iterate the columns in your unionRange
While .Columns.Count < (tCol + c)
.Columns(tCol).Cells.Borders(ppBorderBottom).Transparency = 1
.Columns(tCol).Cells.Borders(ppBorderTop).Transparency = 1
ar.Copy '// Copy the columns in THIS Area object from Excel
ppt.CommandBars.ExecuteMso ("Paste") '// Paste the values to PowerPoint
End With
But I still think performance on large data set will suffer vs the other answer.
The issue seems to be caused by the pasting of the non-contiguous range into PowerPoint.
I don't know enough PowerPoint VBA to know whether it has some other paste method you could use, but a work-around would be to create a new Excel worksheet containing just the info you want to copy, and then to copy that worksheet to PowerPoint:
Next k
unionVariable.Copy ' all the data added to ShWork
'Create a temporary sheet (the workbook is being closed without saving
'so the temporary worksheet will be "lost" after we finish)
xlWB.Worksheets.Add Before:=xlWB.Worksheets(1)
'Paste the data into the temporary sheet
xlWB.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
'Copy the temporary sheet
ActiveWindow.ViewType = ppViewNormal

VBA Type missmatch

I have wrote some VBA code which I was fairly happy with. It went through a list on a worksheet, switched to another and set a variable (and thus changed some graphs) and then opened word, copied in the graphs to various bookmarks and saved the document as the variable name.
It worked like a charm and I was a happy boy (saved a good week and a bit of work for someone). I have not touched it since - or the worksheets for that matter - opened it today and it is giving me a type missmatch on the first lot. I would really love some advice as it has left me scratching my head.
Public X As Integer
Public Y As String
Sub Macro2()
'Set up variables that are required
Y = ""
LoopCounter = 2
Do Until Y = "STOP"
'Grab the value from a list
Sheets("CPD data 13-14").Select
Range("A" & LoopCounter).Select
Y = Range("A" & LoopCounter).Value
'Change the chart values
Sheets("Pretty Display (2)").Select
Range("A1").Value = Y
'Open word template
Set wordapp = CreateObject("word.Application")
wordapp.documents.Open "LOCATION"
wordapp.Visible = True
wordapp.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("InstitutionName").Range = Y
wordapp.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Graph1").Range = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 3")
'Close document
Mystring = Replace(Y, " ", "")
wordapp.ActiveDocument.SaveAs Filename:="LOCATION" & Mystring & ".docx"
Set wordapp = Nothing
'Increase count and loop
LoopCounter = LoopCounter + 1
The error hits on the following line:
wordapp.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Graph1").Range = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 3")
As suggested I have updated my code not to use select so it now reads:
Set ws = Sheets("CPD data 13-14")
Set pd = Sheets("Pretty Display (2)")
'Set up variables that are required
Y = ""
LoopCounter = 2
Do Until Y = "STOP"
'Grab the value from a list
Y = ws.Range("A" & LoopCounter).Value
'Change the chart values
pd.Range("A1").Value = Y
'Open word template
Set wordapp = CreateObject("word.Application")
wordapp.documents.Open "LOCATION"
wordapp.Visible = True
wordapp.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("InstitutionName").Range = Y
wordapp.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Graph1").Range = pd.ChartObjects("Chart 3")
'Close document
Mystring = Replace(Y, " ", "")
wordapp.ActiveDocument.SaveAs Filename:="LOCATION" & Mystring & ".docx"
Set wordapp = Nothing
'Increase count and loop
LoopCounter = LoopCounter + 1
I still get the same runtime error at the same point.
try this
Option Explicit
Public X As Integer
Public Y As String
Sub Macro2()
Dim wordApp As Object
Dim LoopCounter As Integer
Dim Mystring As String
Dim ws As Worksheet, pd As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("CPD data 13-14")
Set pd = Sheets("Pretty Display (2)")
'Set up variables that are required
Y = ""
LoopCounter = 2
' open one Word session for all the documents to be processed
Set wordApp = CreateObject("word.Application")
Do Until Y = "STOP"
'Grab the value from a list
Y = ws.Range("A" & LoopCounter).Value
With pd
.Range("A1").Value = Y 'Change the chart values
.ChartObjects("Chart 3").Copy ' Copy the chart
End With
'act on Word application
With wordApp
'open word template
.documents.Open "LOCATION"
.Visible = True
' paste into bookmarks, "save as" document and close it
With .ActiveDocument
.Bookmarks("InstitutionName").Range = Y
Mystring = Replace(Y, " ", "")
.SaveAs Filename:="LOCATION" & Mystring & ".docx"
End With
End With
'Increase count and loop
LoopCounter = LoopCounter + 1
'Close Word
Set wordApp = Nothing
End Sub
I couldn't have a word "Range" object directly set to an Excel "Chart" object
So I had to copy the chart and use "PasteSpecial" method of the Word "Range" object
Furthemore I worked with one Word session only, which'd result in a faster job
Finally I also made some "comsetics" to make the code more readable/maintanable
just as a suggestion: I'd always use "Option Explicit" statement. that'll force you some extra work to explicitly declare each and every variable you use, but that will also give much more control over your work and result in less debbugging issues, thus saving time at the end
My advice is to set the Explicit flag and try to decompile the code. Any variables that you didn't dimension will throw an error. This is a good time to dimension the variable and type the data appropriately.
If that doens't throw an error, which it should since you have at least one variable LoopCounter that isn't dimensioned and could therefore cause data type errors then try changing Public X As Integer to Public X As Long so as to avoid values beyond the limit of the Integer data type.
.Activate is sometimes necessary even when using .Select from my experience. Selecting a worksheet should make it the active worksheet, but that's not always the case.