SQL Server Stored Procedure Caching Old Results Even After Update - sql

I have a weird issue I've never ran into before. I have a stored procedure that joins a bunch of data. When I do an update on a table that is found in one of the joins it doesnt update, until say 20-30 seconds later, or not at all. I see the value updated in the actual table, but the stored procedure has the old value. I didnt think stored procedures could cache like this, or delay like this. Where should I look to fix this?

Try aliasing all of your tables and using the correct alias in the SELECT portion of your query.ff

Unfortunately there is some caching possibly of the old query plan for the previous version of the stored procedure. It seems like a bug in SQL Server. After a short period of time, it seems to update it but yes - pretty sure it's a bug.
Source: using SSMS on SQL Server 2012 -> 2017 for large data management


SQL Server stored procedure with Ado

I'm not sure if a stored procedure is the correct path here so first, I'll explain what I need to accomplish.
I need to query one table with a variable as such:
FROM db.partList
WHERE column1 = 'order_no';
Then, I need to query another table as such:
SELECT [serial_no]
FROM db.resultsList;
Finally I need to iterate through the results of the above, and return the first [serial_no] from db.partList that is not in the list produced.
The original programmer was doing this in a way that was blowing up the customer's network unnecessarily. There shouldn't be any reason this can't be done locally. Now I'm here to clean it up.
Thanks in advance.
So my questions are, would this be correct use of a stored procedure? If so, could someone perhaps give me some sample code to start working with? I don't often have to dive that deep into SQL Server.
This is SQL Server 2012.
I've got some example code of how I would do it in other languages if needed. I'm just not familiar enough with stored procedures to do this quickly.

First query slow on Firebird

The first query run on a large dataset on a Firebird database after starting our application is always very slow. Subsequent calls to the same query (it is a stored procedure) are fine. I assume that this is to do with something being loaded into memory but I could do with a explanation of what and whether there is anything that can be done to get around the issue.
If is a stored procedure the first query it compiles the stored procedure also it fetches the buffers and caches the result.
On the second query the procedure is not compiled again (precached) and the results are instant (the fetches are also in memory for some operating systems so no need for disk io)
one way is to optimize the sp or the tables
How larger are they? (number of records for each table)
one simple way to optimize this is to put a cron script that will run once per day/hour to prefill the caches so you will get fast sp
Maybe it's not about the query, but the connection time (delay) is long? There was such a problem with [old] Firebird/Interbase engines.
You didn't explain which Firebird version you are using but, in version 2.50, there is a bug (CORE 3227 - slow compilation of stored procedures) that can be the cause of your problem. More details:

SQL Server 2008 - Bit Param Evaluation alters Execution Plan

I have been working on migrating some of our data from Microsoft SQL Server 2000 to 2008. Among the usual hiccups and whatnot, I’ve run across something strange. Linked below is a SQL query that returns very quickly under 2000, but takes 20 minutes under 2008. I have read quite a bit on upgrading SQL server and went down the usual paths of checking indexes, statistics, etc. before coming to the conclusion that the following statement, found in the WHERE clause, causes the execution plan for the steps that follow this statement to change dramatically:
And (
#bOnlyUnmatched = 0 -- offending line
Or Not Exists(
The SQL statements and execution plans are linked below.
A coworker was able to rewrite a portion of the WHERE clause using a CASE statement, which seems to “trick” the optimizer into using a better execution plan. The version with the CASE statement is also contained in the linked archive.
I’d like to see if someone has an explanation as to why this is happening and if there may be a more elegant solution than using a CASE statement. While we can work around this specific issue, I’d like to have a broader understanding of what is happening to ensure the rest of the migration is as painless as possible.
Zip file with SQL statements and XML execution plans
Thanks in advance!
We experienced similar problems a few years back in our migration from 2000 to 2005. The error we were seeing was actually an invalid cast error. I think I found the thread here
The query optimiser has much more freedom in SQL Server >=2005. The CASE solution is probably the best route.

SQL Timeouts and SSIS

I've an SSIS package that runs a stored proc for exporting to an excel file. Everything worked like a champ until I needed to a do a bit of rewriting on the stored proc. The proc now takes about 1 minute to run and the exported columns are different, so my problems are the following;
1) SSIS complains when I hit the preview button "No column information returned by command"
2) It times out after about 30 seconds.
What I've done.
Tried to clean up/optimize the query. That helped a bit, but it still is doing some major calculations and it runs just fine in SSMS.
Changed the timeout values to 90 seconds. Didn't seem to help. Maybe someone here can?
Found this little tidbit which helped immensely.
No Column Names
Basically all you need to do is add the following to your SQL query text in SSIS.
Only problem now is it runs slow as molasses :-(
EDIT: It's running just too damn slow.
Changed from using #tempTable to tempTable. Adding in appropriate drop statements. argh...
Although it appears you may have answered part of your own question, you are probably getting the "No column information returned by command" error because the table doesn't exist at the time it tries to validate the metadata. Creating the tables as non-temporary tables resolves this issue.
If you insist on using temporary tables, you can create the temporary tables in the step preceeding the data flow. You would need to create it as a ## table and turn off connection sharing for the connection for this to work, but it is an alternative to creating permanent tables.
A shot in the dark based on something obscure I hit years ago: When you modified the procedure, did you add a call to a second procedure? This might mess up SSIS's ability to determine the returned data set.
As for (2), does the procedure take 30+ or 90+ seconds to run in SSMS? If not, do you know that the query is actually getting into SQL from SSIS? Might be worth firing up SQL Profiler to see what's actually being sent to SQL Server. [Which was the way I found out my obscure factoid.]

Is it possible to determine when a stored procedure was last modified in SQL Server 2000?

I know that you can do this in SQL Server 2005, but I'm at a loss for 2000.
Not to my knowledge.
To get around this, I manage my stored procedures in a Visual Studio database project. Every stored procedure is in its own file and has a drop command at the top of the file. When I update the stored through Visual Studio, the database's created date is updated in the database because of the drop/create statement. I am able to use the created date in SQL Server 2000 as the last modified date in this manner.
From all the research I've done on this in the past, I unfortunately have to say no. SQL Server 2000 simply does not store this information, and I've never seen any solution for retrieving it.
There are a few alternative methods, but they all involve user intervention. Besides keeping stored procedure scripts in a source control system, I think the next best approach is to use comments inside the stored procedure. Not ideal, but it's better than nothing if you want to track what gets updated.
SELECT crdate
FROM sysobjects
WHERE name = 'proc name here'
AND type = 'P'
Found here : Date object last modified