How can I locate a UI element in VB6 code? -

I have no experience with VB, but I have looked around a decent amount and cannot figure this out.
I am currently recreating a VB6 application to a application. There are a bunch of elements that are hidden until certain options are chosen. Obviously, not having the element created on the form gives me this error:
Looking at the VB6 environment, I find the mDNP variable in the drop down menu on the right, but it does not tell me where it is located, or what type of UI element it is. It says Menu next to it, but I have gone through all of the menus and cannot find it anywhere.

The issue of hidden elements is not the cause of the error; even if not visible, they must exist. More likely, you havent yet (re)created that VB6 object in the new NET project code (especially if you cannot find it in VB6).
Menus were odd in VB6 and used a special editor rather than just being a component or control you added. mDNP likely relates to a drop down menu list/window. To find all these creatures in VB6:
Open the form designer
Right Click
Select Menu Editor
There is also a toolbar button, but it may missing as a result of customization:
This will show all the menu elements for this form including ones which might be set to invisible to be later invoked as PopUps or context menus in today's lingo. There is no indicator that a form has a menu (like the form tray components in .NET) other than opening the Menu Editor.


Is there a way to locate a code block from a GUI in debug mode?

I'm digging through a program that contains a lot of forms with names that aren't as descriptive as I'd like them to be. I am trying to edit some motor control functions, and in the GUI I am able to reach the form that contains buttons controlling the motor, but I'm not sure where the code is that controls this form. Is there a way to open up the code block corresponding to the form I navigate to from the GUI in debug mode?
Or, alternatively, how can I navigate through the GUI without running it? I know I can right click and do "View Code", so if I could navigate to the form I'd be able to that.
I am using VB.NET in Visual Studio 2010
Go by button text. In visual studio search(Ctrl+F) using the text, visual studio will find the designer.vb file holding the button with the text, once it is done try to look at the design of particular then you can figure out which form you need to look at.

can i make a window form(common controls) using code in

instead of dragging and dropping a common control in, is there a way to hard code it?
or is there a way for me to be able to view the codes where a dragged and dropped object has
been created? thank you so much!
The auto-generated code is intentionally hidden in the VB.NET IDE. But you can easily reveal it. Click the "Show All Files" toolbar button in the Solution Explorer window. You'll now see the Form nodes in your project displayed with a triangle. Click on it to reveal the Designer.vb file. And double-click that to see the code.
Observe the changes in the InitializeComponent() method as you use the designer to add/remove/edit controls. It isn't perfect code, the machine generated it, but it gives you a major leg-up on what kind of code you need to write to "hard-code".

Coded UI Test Fails to find Wpf Popup Window controls

I am trying to automate a ribbon control in power point. In that ribbon there are popup windows which contains settings information, when I try to automation those setting popup windows using Coded UI, I got error message like "the control cannot be located playback fail to find control with give search properties", But Coded UI can find the popup window but it fails to find any controls inside it.I have already tried with
SearchConfiguration.AlwaysSearch and setfocus()
Does any one have solutions, it will be very helpful for me!
Find the parent object, i.e the popup window, and enumerate through the children objects manually if codedUI is not able to locate the objects.
IEnumerator<UITestControl> appt = uiMainWindowControl.GetChildren().GetEnumerator();

Form sent to back on interaction with menu item

I've got two forms, one being frmMain and the other being frmDatasets. The idea is that frmDatasets is used to manage the application's datasets (it's a program for comparing sorting algorithms).
I have a MenuStrip on frmDatasets with a few items. I just decided to change the Add Dataset item to a drop-down menu with options for loading one from file, or generating one according to certain parameters. All well and good; just add the items, swap some icons around, and change the event handler's signature to handle the right Click event.
Except when I run the program, clicking on the Add Datasets top-level item for the first time sends frmDatasets to the back, displaying an inactive frmMain. Clicking the item again shows the dropdown menu as usual.
If I instead click another top-level menu item, that works just fine. But then simply hovering my mouse over the Add Dataset item causes the 'send to back' thing to happen.
I say "send to back", but it's really just putting it behind frmMain. It remains in front of other windows like Visual Studio and Firefox.
Anyone know what on Earth is going on with this form?
EDIT: If I show frmDatasets as a modal dialog, it stops the whole "sending to back" thing, but I still have to click the menu item twice before it shows the list.
EDIT2: Overriding the onClick event to call mnuAddDatasetDropDown.ShowDropDown removes the double-click issue, but it's only a solution if I keep the form as a modal dialog. Still gets sent to back. Overriding mouseEnter doesn't do anything to solve it.
Setting the TopMost property of frmDatasets from its Design view to 'true' fixed all of the problems I was having. No insight as to what was going on, unfortunately, but if anyone else is having this problem then hopefully it'll work for them too.

How to stop my tools strip menu items from appearing in the taskbar?

I have a program which runs mainly though a NotifyIcon in the bottum right of my windows screen (XP). Whenever I open the ContextMenuStrip that appears when the icon is right clicked, a box also appears in the task bar. I also have nested menus inside the menu (mouse over one item leads to another menu), and each additional menu also creates a taskbar box upon appearing. So once I am at the third or fourth nested menu, there would be 3 or 4 windows appearing in the taskbar. After the menu disapears, so do the windows in the taskbar.
How can I stop the taskbar from displaying boxes to represent these menus? I have done nothing in my code as far as I know to create this type of behavior. I have searched for similar problems but have found nothing similar. There is no "showintaskbar" property for these items as far as I can see, and no other property that I can find which would affect this. I have investigated the owner of the contextmenustrip since I read the owner may effect these type of behaviors, but that doesnt seem to be helpful as there isn't an owner property of the contextmenustrip.
I don't know what else to search for, so I am here hoping someone can give me a clue as to what else may effect this type of behavior.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
If you are using the ContextMenuStrip.Show() method, it will display in the taskbar as you describe. Try assigning your menu to the NotifyIcon.ContextMenuStrip property instead.