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Closed 5 years ago.
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What is a technique or a tool that I can use to draw schema figures within RestructuredText?
I do not want to import png, jpeg,.. for simple stuff.
What I am looking is, a RestructuredText equivalent for TikZ in Latex to draw, e.g., state machine. It greatly speeds up documentation writing.
I use rst2pdf to generate my documents.
There is nothing built-in to reStructuredText that can achieve this. Personally I would just include the images you need as images. ReStructuredText is designed to be human readable, and including in a reStructuredText document some additional graphics-specific markup language goes against this somewhat (in my opinion). I would keep the markup needed to draw your graphics in separate files in the same directory as your reStructuredText file and have a script automatically generate the images, which are then included in your document.
However, reStructuredText is, of course, extensible, so you can write your own custom directive for drawing charts, similar to Note that I have never used this, it just looks like a good place to start.
I have ended up with graphviz. To keep it simple (without sphinx), I created a Makefile that compiles dot into svg:
for f in $$(find . -iname *.dot); do \
f_dir=$$(dirname $$f); \
f_name=$$(basename $$f); \
dot -Tsvg $$f -o $$f_dir/$$f_name.svg; \
In main.rst, I use the svg-s.
.. figure:: figures/main_components.svg
:scale: 50%
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I've got an NSIS script that is a couple thousand lines and not properly indented making the script difficult to read. Is there a way to format NSIS script or at the minimum be able to indent the Ifs and Endifs sections? There's plenty of online script formatters for HTML, Javascript, XML, etc.
Notepad++ does an excellent job of supporting the NSI code conventions straight out of the box.
I've used EclipseNSIS for working with NSIS before; it at least uses syntax highlighting, which is nice.
Atom Editor is also really nice for NSIS, and it has some packages you can add on to make it easier to work on NSIS scripts.
I don't think I ever found anything to prettify or format the script, unfortunately, but that may now be a part of either Atom or EclipseNSIS, I'm not sure.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm currently trying to find a documentation (user guide) system that would have following features:
documentation files in text mode (so svn could diff/merge it)
possibility to use images, table, cross-references and table of
export to pdf (or .doc/.odt) that would support cross-references
I tried markdown for documentation source files and pandoc for pdf export but markdown does not support tables.
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
We use Sphinx for this scenario.
It can generate html, pdf and some other formats from reStructuredText Files.
And have a look at list-table when you want to add complex tables.
I use the TeX for electonic and printable documentation
Probably the most commonly used solution set for documentation is XML in Docbook or DITA. You can certainly manage those in SVN as well as perform diffs. They both provide processing toolchains with many output types include PDF through XSL FO.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm looking for a tool to display code examples in PDF file. I mean that I would like to colorize and indent code in my PDF (it's for lessons).
I'm not able to find anything on the web or on StackOverflow. It's full of tutorials to use code to make PDF but not to display code in PDF. When I search for 'display' it gives me how to display PDF in web/applications.
Sorry to disappoint you, but:
There is no such thing as you are looking for!
If you want code samples on a PDF page to be syntax highlighted, you must look for a tool that does do this within the source document which was used to generate the PDF file from.
There is no tool in the world, neither Free and Open Source Software, nor commercial payware, that lets you edit a PDF and convert the source samples on its pages into properly syntax highlighted parts. (The only thing you can possibly do on this level is adding specific comments -- here you have to manually highlight specific words or sentences with a background color of your choice.)
If you are looking for a toolchain that makes it easy to generate PDFs from scratch containing syntax-highlighted code samples, look at:
Markdown: a very lean text markup language to write the document in (use any text editor you like)
Pandoc: a powerfull Markdown-to-Anything converter. It's a command line tool available for all major OS platforms. Its output may be PDF, HTML, EPUB, LaTeX (all of the previous with syntax highlighting), as well as ODT, DOCX, DocBook (no syntax highlighting supported so far for the last few) and a few more...
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none programmer and as I jump around languages, quality consistent documentation is becoming more and more important to me. I've recently been using Doxygen, but Wikipedia reveals the usual ridiculous list of similar frameworks.
What is your favorite documentation generator and why? (Vote where you agree to keep it tidy!)
I use different files written in MediaWiki MarkUp, since this is easy to learn for everyone. I convert this to HTML and a CHM file, and to LaTeX for the PDF documentation.
This was the most painless way for me to generate Online documentation AND printable documentation in one strike with a simple way of input.
The tools I use are org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext with a custom DocumentBuilder for LaTeX, the Microsoft Help compiler (which sadly only runs on windows), and a LaTeX distribution.
EDIT: I managed to get the Microsoft Help compiler running with Wine, so my Linux build server is now able to create the whole documentation automatically.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to write a tool that helps me search pdf/chm/djvu files in linux. Any pointers on how to go about it?
The major problem is reading/importing data from all these files. Can this be done with C and shell scripting?
Tracker ships with Ubuntu 8.04 -- it was a significant switch from Beagle which users believed was too resource (CPU) intensive and didn't yield good enough results. It indexes both pdf and chm and according to this bug report it also indexes djvu.
Note that djvu is an image compression format (optimized to compress 'pictures of text', typically the results of scanning). As such, you won't be able to search for text, except in the metadata -this is what the link sent by cdleary refers to-, or if you first use OCR on the document to convert it into text.
The same is true for PDFs which content are scanned articles/books.
How about a plugin for Beagle ?
It already searches PDFs but you can add other file types.
Here is the relevant wikipedia page :