Spinejs: binding events for nested controllers - spine.js

I'm having a problem with nested controller like this
For example, I have controller A
class A extends Spine.Controller
'click .foo' : 'handle_bar'
Then I create two instance of A like this
a = new A
b = new A
a.append b
When I click on .foo inside b, then b.handle_bar is called. But a.handle_bar is called as well.
How to prevent that problem?

because you end up nesting b inside of a with a.append b events that happen in b are also happening in a. It would probably be a bad idea for Spine controllers in general to stop propagation of events to prevent this, but you could implement that solution on b if you needed to.


Why does NavigationView.ContainerFromMenuItem() return null except when executed from an event handler?

I am developing a WinUI3 app containing a NavigationView. The NV uses an observable collection to populate the NavigationViewItems.
The app must support expanding and collapsing NavigationViewItems programmatically. The only way I know of to do that is to set NavigationViewItem.IsExpanded = true. And the only way I know of to get the NavigationViewItem is through NavigationView.ContainerFromMenuItem().
The trouble is, ContainerFromMenuItem always returns null except when it is executed from a button event handler (such as a Click handler). The app must perform expand/collapse without user input.
For example, I have a button that launches a Click event with this code, which works just fine to toggle an NVItem:
Category selectedItem = (Category)navview.SelectedItem;
int idx1 = Categories.IndexOf(selectedItem);
var container = (NavigationViewItem)NavView.ContainerFromMenuItem(Categories[idx1]);
if (container != null)
container.IsExpanded = !container.IsExpanded;
However, that same code, when executed during app startup, such as in the MainWindow constructor after some test items are created, or in Attach(), always results in container being null.
So what am I doing wrong?
This question is somewhat similar to UWP: NavigationView.MenuItems results empty if populated programmatically but the answer to that one only deals with in-event use of ContainerFromMenuItem().
Thanks very much for any assistance on this.

PyGtk3, How to Create "title-changed" signal for Gtk.Window Widget?

i want create signal that runs when title of window changed.
def printTitleChanged(windowName):
print("title of",windowName, "changed")
myWindow = gtk.Window("example")
myWindow.connect("title-changed", printTitleChanged, "myWindow")
I might be mistaken, but the window title is out of reach from Python - it is managed by the window manager, except for setting and reading the title.
Also, normally only your program can change the title, so, if you want a callback when set_title is called, define a new method set_title which overrides the original set_title, and generate the callback yourself.
So: define a new class (eg. My_window) which inherits from Gtk's GtkWindow, and redefine set_title.

'Drop' an object without drop using the 'over' event

i have what appears to be a non-standard use case: a kids game for which i'd like for an item to be deposited in a container as soon as the item is dragged over the container, without waiting for a drop event.
i'm thinking of subscribing to the over event:
dragulaService.over.subscribe((value) => {
and then calling the end api
but i can't find it on the dragulaService object... any suggestions? thank you!

Aurelia Validation and event publish not updating values in View

I was using Event aggregate publish method to update view from another view. when I created publish and subscribe data was able to get in view model , but that is not updating in view with assigned variables. If I use JavaScript to fill value it's working but not able to trigger validate controller.
Expected result is:
From the subscribe method I have to fill the view values.
After that it should trigger validate on value changes.
In below gist run I have two view and view-model. One is registration-form and second one is data-form. In data-form I have table with data, on click of each row I am publishing one event with selected row data, and this published event I was subscribing in side of registration-form view-modal. For more details look into below gist run.
Gist run: https://gist.run/?id=8416e8ca1b9b5ff318b79ec94fd3220c
Two possible solutions: (to your "undefined" alert)
Change alert(this.email); to alert(myself.email);
Use the thick arrow syntax for the subscribe function. Change:
this.ea.subscribe('MyrowData', function(obj){
this.ea.subscribe('MyrowData', obj => {
This syntax allows the new function to preserve the context/scope of the parent, which means that this.email will still be accessible.
Another suggestion:
You could simplify your data-form.js function as follows:
this.eventAggregator.publish('MyrowData', this.items[this.items.indexOf(item)]);
this.eventAggregator.publish('MyrowData', item);
This will work because you've already provided item in your function call click.delegate="PopulateData(item, $event)".
In fact, you could even delete $event and event from the two PopulateData definitions (in data-form.js and data-form.html).
When I implement these suggestions, your data is also validated correctly.

ExtJS grid 'reset'

I'm on ExtJS 4 and using an MVC approach. I've created a simple grid view class, and have added a componentquery type 'ref' to that view in my controller. Within the initial grid view itself I set several columns to be hidden and some to be visible by default. The rendering of the grid with those settings is all working fine.
Then I have a button that, when clicked and based on some other conditions, will make some of the initially hidden grid columns visible. This works as well.
But what I need is a way to later 'reset' the grid to its initial view (with the correct columns hidden/visible, as they were initially).
I've tried various permutations of the following with no effect:
var theGrid = this.getTheGrid();
theGrid.reconfigure(store, theGrid.initialConfig.columns);
I suppose I could loop through every column and reset its 'hidden' state, but would think there's a way to just 'reset' back to what's set in the class? Advice?
Appreciate the pointer from tuespetre. For anyone coming along in the future looking for specifics, here is what was needed (at least for my implementation):
Within the view, moved the column defs into a variable
Within the view, columns ref within the class becomes:
columns: myColumns,
Within the view, the following function created within the class:
resetGrid: function(){
this.reconfigure(null, myColumns);
Within the controller:
var theGrid = this.getTheGrid();
You will just need to create a function on your view class to encapsulate that functionality.