How do I SELECT the row with maximum value for an attribute in SQL - sql

This is my table
B001 3
B002 2
B003 1
B004 2
How can I select the row that has the highest number of phones for the branch?
B001 3
This is my SQL query that generated the first table:

I assume the example data you showed is the result of your first attempt (the query you posted).
You want the branch that has the most phones. You didn't specify your DBMS, but if it is MySQL you can use LIMIT like this. Sort by COUNT(Phones), then only show the first row of the result set.
SELECT Branche, COUNT(Phones) FROM Branch
GROUP BY Branche
Note: this will give an arbitrary result if there is a tie for the most phones.


Select query to fetch required data from SQL table

I have some data like this as shown below:
Acc_Id || Row_No
1 1
2 1
2 2
2 3
3 1
3 2
3 3
3 4
and I need a query to get the results as shown below:
Acc_Id || Row_No
1 1
2 3
3 4
Please consider that I'm a beginner in SQL.
I assume you want the Count of the row
FROM Table
Try this:
select Acc_Id, MAX(Row_No)
from table
group by Acc_Id
As a beginner then this is your first exposure to aggregation and grouping. You may want to look at the documentation on group by now that this problem has motivated your interest in a solutions. Grouping operates by looking at rows with common column values, that you specify, and collapsing them into a single row which represents the group. In your case values in Acc_Id are the names for your groups.
The other answers are both correct in the the final two columns are going to be equivalent with your data.
select Acc_Id, count(*), max(Row_No)
from T
group by Acc_Id;
If you have gaps in the numbering then they won't be the same. You'll have to decide whether you're actually looking for a count of rows of a maximum of a value within a column. At this point you can also consider a number of other aggregate functions that will be useful to you in the future. (Note that the actual values here are pretty much meaningless in this context.)
select Acc_Id, min(Row_No), sum(Row_No), avg(Row_No)
from T
group by Acc_Id;

Selecting filtered values from Oracle using ROWNUM

I have a requirement wherein i need to find the record number of the records that are returned from the resultset. I know that i can use ROWNUM to get the record number from the resultset but my issue is slightly different. below are the details
Table : ProcessSummary
PS_PK ProcessId StepId AsscoiateId ProcessName AssetAmount
145 25 50 Process1 3,500.00
267 26 45 Process2 4,400.00
356 27 70 Process3 2,400.00
456 28 80 90 Process4 780.00
556 29 56 67 Process5 4,500.00
656 45 70 Process6 6,000.00
789 31 75 Process7 8,000.00
Now what i need to do is fetch all the records from the ProcessSummary Table when either of ProcessId OR StepId OR AssociateId is NULL. I wrote the below query
select * from ProcessSummary where ProcessId IS NULL OR StepId IS NULL OR AsscoiateId IS NULL
As expected i got 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th records in the resultset that got returned.
Now what i need is to get the records numbers 1,2,3,6,7. I tried to use the ROWNUM as below but i got the values of 1,2,3,4,5 and not 1,2,3,6,7.
select ROWNUM from ProcessSummary where ProcessId IS NULL OR StepId IS NULL OR AsscoiateId IS NULL
Is it possible to get the ROWNUM values in the sequence that i want and if yes then can you please let me know how can i do this. Also if ROWNUM cannot be used then what would be the other option that i can use to get the result in the form that i want.
Any help would be greately appericiated as i could not find much on the net or SO regarding this sort of requirement.
rownum is an internal numbering that gives you a row number based on the current query results only, so that numbering is not tied to a specific record, and it will change when you change the data or the query.
But the numbering you ask for is already in your table. It looks like you just need to SELECT PS_PK .. instead. PS_PK is the field in your table that contains the actual number you want.
You can generate a numbering using an analytical function, and then filter that query. You need some fields to order by, though. In this case I've chosen PS_PK, but it can be another field, like ProcessName or a combination of other fields as well.
dense_rank() over (order by PS_PK) as RANKING,
ProcessSummary p)
ProcessId IS NULL OR StepId IS NULL OR AsscoiateId IS NULL
So, in this query, first a numbering is calculated for each row that is returned from the inner query. The numbering is returned as the field RANKING. And then the other query filters further, but still will return the field RANKING with the original numbering.
Instead of dense_rank there is also rank and row_number. The differences are subtle, but you can just experiment and read some docs here and here to learn about the differences and see which one fits you best.
Note that this might slow down your query, because the inner query first generates a number for each row in the table (there is no filtering on that level now).

SQL Get n last unique entries by date

I have an access database that I'm well aware is quite poorly designed, unfortunately it is what I must use. It looks a little like the following:
(Row# is not a column in the database, it's just there to help me describe what I'm after)
Row# ID Date Misc
1 001 01/8/2013 A
2 001 01/8/2013 B
3 001 01/8/2013 C
4 002 02/8/2013 D
5 002 02/8/2013 A
6 003 04/8/2013 B
7 003 04/8/2013 D
8 003 04/8/2013 D
What I'm trying to do is obtain all information entered for the last n (by date) 'entries' where an 'entry' is all rows with a unique ID.
So if I want the last 1 entry I will get rows 6, 7 and 8. The last two entries will get me rows 4-8 etc.
I've tried to get the SN's needed in a subselect and then select all entries where those SN's appear, but I couldn't get it to work. Any help appreciated.
The proper Access syntax:
select *
from t
where ID in (select top 10 ID
from t
group by ID
order by max([date]) desc
I think this will work:
select *
from table
where Date in (
select distinct(Date) as unique_date from table order by unique_date DESC limit <num>
The idea is to use the subselect with a limit to only identify dates you care about.
EDIT: Some databases do not allow a limit in a subquery (I'm looking at you, mysql). In that case, you'll have to make a temporary table out of the subquery then select * from it.

Finding the maximum value of year difference

I have two tables here
1 A
2 B
1 1990 1991
2 1990 1993
I already use
max(year(JOIN_YEAR) - year(GRADUATE_YEAR)) as MAX
right join DATA_KARTU
but the result became:
| NAME | MAX |
| A | 3 |
I already try a lot of different kind of joins but I still can't find how the NAME to be "B". Anyone can help me? Thanks a lot before
If you use an aggregate and a non-aggregate in the selection set at once, then the row used for the non-aggregate field is essentially picked at random.
Basically, how max works is this - it gathers all rows for each group by query (if there is no group by, all of them), calculates the max and puts that in the result.
But since you also put in a non-aggregate field, it needs a value for that - so what SQL does is just pick a random row. You might think 'well, why doesn't it pick the same row max did?' but what if you used avg or count? These have no row associated with it, so the best it can do is pick randomly. This is why this behaviour exists in general.
What you need to do is use a subquery. Something like select from data_diri d1 where d1.graduate_year - d1.join_year = (select max(d2.graduate_year - d2.join_year from data_diri d2))

SQL query for child table summary and generalazation

I have 4 tables with diagram below
I want to summary query for the Institution table. where I want to get result of only,
InstitutionType ProductName Quantity
For example. sample data of institution table
Id Name Address InstitionTypeId
1 aaa ny132 1001
2 bbb dx23 1001
3 ccc bn33 1002
And the InstitionProduct is like that
Id ProductId Quantity InstitionId
1 1000 120 1
2 1000 100 2
3 1000 50 3
Then I want a query result to output total quantity of a given product by Instition Type wise. The sample output will look like this.
InstitutionTypeId productId quantity
1001 1000 220
1002 1000 50
So I want to group the institution by type and aggregate the product quantity of all institution type group.
I tried to use the group by clause, but with the product quantity not as a grouping element it results in error.
ON InstitutionProduct.InstitutionID = Institution.ID
If you are querying with group by you need to use either aggregate functions or group by all included fields. The reason is, that the 'group by' returns exactly one row per 'group by' value, so if you introduce an ungrouped field, this would conflict if the field has more than one value per grouping constraint. Even though this might not be the case for your dataset, the query engine cannot know this, and raises an error.
The solution is to introduce aggregates for all non-grouping field with aggregates being (among others): average (avg), summarize (sum), minimum (min) and maximum (max). This would lead to something like
SELECT i.InstitutionTypeID, i.Institution.ID, SUM(ip.Quantity)
FROM Institution I LEFT JOIN InstitutionProduct IP
ON IP.InstituationID = I.ID
GROUP BY i.InstitutionTypeID, i.Institution.ID