how to set custom cursors in CreateJs? - createjs

how can i show custom cursors in createjs ? I have multiple images/bitmaps rendered on the canvas. I want the cursor to change to a specific image whenever I click on a particular bitmap. ie on clicking image no.1 the cursor will change to an image of a paint brush on clicking image 2 the cursor will change to a bomb and so on.

You will have to hide the native cursor, you can do so with:
// this property delegates to the css-style, so it might not work in all (older) browsers
stage.cursor = 'none';
But be aware that some (older) browsers may not allow you to hide the cursor.
After hiding the cursor you then have to create some Bitmap or Shape and place it on the stage and always update its' position to the mouse-position.
You can get the Mouse-Position via:
myCursor.x = stage.mouseX;
myCursor.y = stage.mouseY;
// ...and don't forget to update the stage
Hint: Some browsers may allow you directly set an image as the cursor by defining an url in CSS, however this is not very widely supported, but you might try it and see if it suits your needs, if you are interested you can take a look here:


Webflow - logo image turns into to grayscale while the element and all parent elements have this Effect set to off

I'm very new to Webflow. I am somewhat familiar with CSS and web design concepts.
I downloaded one of the clonable templates to use as a practice:
With this template, I try to replace the logo image on the upper left.
I have a colorful webpage logo and inside the designer, I see all the colors.
When I click on preview, the logo turns into a grayscale image.
Webflow has Effects option that I could enable, but it is currently set to off, for Logo image element as well as all parent nodes up to the body tag.
When I inspect the logo in chrome dev tools, the immediate parent has this CSS: {
filter: invert(100%)
My question is, where do those filter parameters are stored in webflow interface, if not under Style->Effects->Filters? Is there any other place I don't yet know about where the above code can be injected?
Thank you,
edit-1: I just noticed this code on top of the main HTML file:
Still, doesn't help me to identify where this code comes from. Thank you,

Conditional v-once directive

I'm working on an app that uses Vue. It is a kind of document editor that allows editing of content.
There's a filmstrip in a sidebar displaying the entirety of the document, and a viewport in the center displaying the current page/spread.
On large documents with 100+ pages, I'd like to throttle the number of updates allowed through to the filmstrip component as it gets a little laggy on resize and when the JS controlled layouts in pages all have to resize simultaneously when global fields are changed etc.
There's a data structure representing the document's content, which is rendered by Vue components in the viewport and the filmstrip.
I could maintain two data structures and only update the data structure used in the filmstrip 1000ms after the last user interaction.
However, it feels like there could be a better way.
Vue has a directive called v-once, which looks promising, however, I can't find out if that can be set conditionally.
If I could, then I could set a timeout on change, and clear it if a change occurs before the timeout ends, and then momentarily unset v-once, then on next tick, add it back on again so that rendering pauses.
If there's a way of doing this, I'd love to know.
Here Proposal: Allowing v-once to accept a boolean flag is very clear, you can't set v-once dynamically. Also there is an example of one way to combine v-if and v-once to achieve the result you want.
Excerpt from the link
v-once is used for static content. v-once tell the compiler don't add any responsive functionalities to save cpu time. Otherwise, if the content is responsive, no methods could be used to save this kind of cpu time.
Hope it helped

Checking if an element is really visible to the user

I'd like to check whether the user can see an element in the current web browser view without scrolling.
What I've found can check whether the element is somewhere on the page.
Another hint suggested to check the elements position but then I would need to get the dimensions of the visible window of the browser plus its x/y offset to 0/0.
I would be grateful if someone could point me to a solution that does not need JavaScript code.
How do you define 'visible to the user'? How do you propose to check it?
If it has a height? If it isn't hidden by CSS? What if it's parent element is hidden by CSS?
The most reliable way will be to use Selenium's built in .Displayed property (if you are using C#, Java has something similiar), and combine it with jQuery's 'visible' selector: Example below, in C#.
var element = Driver.FindElement(By.Id("test"));
bool isVisible = element.Displayed;
var javascriptCapableDriver = (IJavascriptExecutor)Driver;
bool jQueryBelivesElementIsVisible = javascriptCapableDriver.ExecuteScript("return $('#myElement').is(:visible);");
bool elementIsVisible = isVisible && jQueryBelievesElementIsVisible;
This will get the majority of cases.
It isn't possible without client side code, or in the preparation that someone else finds a way that it can be done in a server side language, I highly doubt it will be pretty, readable or reliable.
jQuery has the offset() method:
This, however, won't work when taking into account borders, margins, that kind of stuff.

(CSS) Change element's style upon window resize

I recently stumbled upon this microsite from the Obama campaign:
Among the many cool features of this site is its dynamic header -- when you resize your browser window smaller, the "OBAMA * BIDEN" logo up top automatically floats to left side of the header and its width gets changed to 36px (thereby "hiding" the "OBAMA BIDEN" text).
How did the developers of this page achieve this effect? Is this javascript/jquery driven, or purely a CSS trick?
This question covers the window.resize event. You can do whatever you need in its handler.
Another option is to use media queries that allow you to change applied CSS once the browser window dimension changes (this is what the site you refer to does. It combines the style class changes with animations (use Chrome Developer Tools to see which styles get applied to the logo in both big and small browser dimensions)).

Dojox.grid.DataGrid - in a widget - only renders on visible tab

I am using a Widget that contains a DataGrid object. The Widget works fine when included in the first tab (this is the visible tab), but not when I use the same code on a second tab.
The code is the same I have done several checks to make sure there are no other problems - and non Grid code is rendering fine - only the grid that has a problem. I have tried setting the height and width manually and this just results in a large grey rectangle on the second tab.
Do I need to tell the Grid to refresh in some way - or is it a property for the TabContainer?
Help - this is driving me mad!
Yeah, that's a big problem with the grid. If you use it declaritively in a tab container, it won't render properly on the non-visible tabs. It needs to calculate height/width (even though you specify them) you have seen.
The way I got around it was to create the grids programatically on tab select. I posted about my solution on the dojo forums. My code sample is over on github. It's a bit too large to post here methinks. Let me know if you want it, and i'll edit my answer.
There's also a discussion on nabble with a different solution.
"resize" works like a charm! Been looking for this for a long time (didn't know what I had to search for), thanks.
I use this routine to dynamically determine if the tab has more than one datagrid, as I may not know the ID of one single grid, maybe someone else might use that, too:
dojo.query('div#container div[id^="gridNode_"]').forEach(function(node, index, arr) {
This will check the div with id="container" (skip that part if you want to search the whole DOM) for divs with an id starting with "gridNode_" and apply "resize" to those widgets.
An alternate approach is to resize the grid upon tab element selection. Sample code
dojo.connect(dijit.byId('my_tab_container'), "selectChild", function(child){
// if second tab (could be any...) selected
if( == 'mySecondTabId'){
var myGrid = dijit.byId('myGridInsideTabId');
if(myGrid != null) myGrid.resize();