How predictable is NEWSEQUENTIALID? - sql

According to Microsoft's documentation on NEWSEQUENTIALID, the output of NEWSEQUENTIALID is predictable. But how predictable is predictable? Say I have a GUID that was generated by NEWSEQUENTIALID, how hard would it be to:
Calculate the next value?
Calculate the previous value?
Calculate the first value?
Calculate the first value, even without knowing any GUID's at all?
Calculate the amount of rows? E.g. when using integers, /order?id=842 tells me that there are 842 orders in the application.
Below is some background information about what I am doing and what the various tradeoffs are.
One of the security benefits of using GUID's over integers as primary keys is that GUID's are hard to guess. E.g. say a hacker sees a URL like /user?id=845 he might try to access /user?id=0, since it is probable that the first user in the database is an administrative user. Moreover, a hacker can iterate over /user?id=0..1..2 to quickly gather all users.
Similarly, a privacy downside of integers is that they leak information. /order?id=482 tells me that the web shop has had 482 orders since its implementation.
Unfortunately, using GUID's as primary keys has well-known performance downsides. To this end, SQL Server introduced the NEWSEQUENTIALID function. In this question, I would like to learn how predictable the output of NEWSEQUENTIALID is.

The underlying OS function is UuidCreateSequential. The value is derived from one of your network cards MAC address and a per-os-boot incremental value. See RFC4122. SQL Server does some byte-shuffling to make the result sort properly. So the value is highly predictable, in a sense. Specifically, if you know a value you can immediately predict a range of similar value.
However one cannot predict the equivalent of id=0, nor can it predict that 52DE358F-45F1-E311-93EA-00269E58F20D means the store sold at least 482 items.
The only 'approved' random generation is CRYPT_GEN_RANDOM (which wraps CryptGenRandom) but that is obviously a horrible key candidate.

In most cases, the next newsequentialid can be predicted by taking the current value and adding one to the first hex pair.
In other words:
is followed by
is followed by
Occasionally, the sequence will restart from a new value.
So, it's very predictable
NewSequentialID is a wrapper around the windows function UuidCreateSequential

You can try this code:
Num int
INSERT INTO #tbl(Num) values(1),(2),(3),(4),(5)
select * from #tbl
On my machine in this time is result:
PK Num
52DE358F-45F1-E311-93EA-00269E58F20D 1
53DE358F-45F1-E311-93EA-00269E58F20D 2
54DE358F-45F1-E311-93EA-00269E58F20D 3
55DE358F-45F1-E311-93EA-00269E58F20D 4
56DE358F-45F1-E311-93EA-00269E58F20D 5
You should try it several times in different time/date to interpolate the behaviour.
I tried it run several times and the first part is changing everytime (you see in results: 52...,53...,54...,etc...). I waited some time to check it, and after some time the second part is incremented too. I suppose the incementation continues to the all parts. Basically it look like simple +=1 incementation transformed into Guid.
If you want sequential GUID and you want have control over the values, you can use Sequences.
Sample code:
select cast(cast(next value for [dbo].[MySequence] as varbinary(max)) as uniqueidentifier)

• Calculate the next value? Yes
Microsoft says:
If privacy is a concern, do not use this function. It is possible to guess the value of the next generated GUID and, therefore, access data associated with that GUID.
SO it's a possibility to get the next value. I don't find information if it is possible to get the prevoius one.
edit: another few words about NEWSEQUENTIALID and security:
NewSequentialID contains the server's MAC address (or one of them), therefore knowing a sequential ID gives a potential attacker information that may be useful as part of a security or DoS attack.
from: Are there any downsides to using NewSequentialID?


Obfuscate Phone Numbers Consistently

We have phone number fields that we need to obfuscate in a UAT environment, the problem is that the number needs to be unique, and should match other data processes using other databases that are also obfuscated. I'm trying to create a function that will reliably scramble a number, and each number passed in produces the same scrambled number every time, using some kind of encryption key that we'll store safely. I haven't found a way to reliably reproduce numbers in the same 10 digit format. Any ideas?
Why not use any hash function that will give you a guid?
in python
SELECT HASHBYTES('SHA2_256', '0103203803') in t-sql
I believe Column Encryption is what you're looking for. You can encrypt the column, then pass the encrypted value.
SQLShack did a good write up as well.
Column Encryption is not what Steve is looking for, the phone number fields needs to obfuscated in the lower environment after a refresh from production in 2 separate tables and guarantee the same number of rows match before and after the process completes.
The process below seems to have worked but the before count did not match the after count.
SET [somePhone] = BINARY_CHECKSUM([somePhone])
Microsoft dynamic-data-masking may be a better option.

Is there a Postgres feature or built-in function that limits the display of uuids to only that needed to make them uniquely identifiable?

It would have to return the portion necessary to uniquely identify the row even if a select statement didn't return all rows, of course, to be of any use. And I'm not sure how it would work if the uuid column were not part of a pk/index and was repeated.
Does this exist?
I think you would have to decide what constitutes uniquely identifiable by assuming that a number of places from the right make it uniquely identifiable. I think this is folly but the way you would do that is something like this:
SELECT RIGHT(uuid_column_name::text, 7) as your_truncated_uuid FROM table_with_uuid_column;
That takes the 7 places from the right of the text value of the uuid column.
No, there is not. A UUID is a hex representation of a 120 bit random number, at least the v4 variant. It's not even guaranteed to be unique though it likely is.
You have a few options to implement this:
shave off characters and hope you don't introduce a collision. For instance, if you make d8366842-8c1d-4a31-a4c0-f1765b8ab108 d8366842, you have 16**8 possible combinations, or 4,294,967,296. how likely is your dataset to have a collision with 4.2 billion (2**32) possibilities? Perhaps you can add 8c1d back in to make it 16**12 or 28,147,497,6710,656 possibilities.
process and hash each row looking for collisions and recursively increase the frame of characters until no collisions are found, or hash every possible permutation.
That all said, another idea is to use ints and not uuids and then to use which has a plugin for PostgreSQL. This is the method YouTube uses afaik.

ROR - Generate an alpha-numeric string for a DB ID

In our DB, every Person has an ID, which is the DB generated, auto-incremented integer. Now, we want to generate a more user-friendly alpha-numeric ID which can be publicly exposed. Something like the Passport number. We obviously don't want to expose the DB ID to the users. For the purpose of this question, I will call what we need to generate, the UID.
Note: The UID is not meant to replace the DB ID. You can think of the UID as a prettier version of the DB ID, which we can give out to the users.
I was wondering if this UID can be a function of the DB ID. That is, we should be able to re-generate the same UID for a given DB ID.
Obviously, the function will take a 'salt' or key, in addition to the DB ID.
The UID should not be sequential. That is, two neighboring DB IDs should generate visually different-looking UIDs.
It is not strictly required for the UID to be irreversible. That is, it is okay if somebody studies the UID for a few days and is able to reverse-engineer and find the DB ID. I don't think it will do us any harm.
The UID should contain only A-Z (uppercase only) and 0-9. Nothing else. And it should not contain characters which can be confused with other alphabets or digits, like 0 and O, l and 1 and so on. I guess Crockford's Base32 encoding takes care of this.
The UID should be of a fixed length (10 characters), regardless of the size of the DB ID. We could pad the UID with some constant string, to bring it to the required fixed length. The DB ID could grow to any size. So, the algorithm should not have any such input limitations.
I think the way to go about this is:
Step 1: Hashing.
I have read about the following hash functions:
The hash returns a long string. I read here about something called XOR folding to bring the string down to a shorter length. But I couldn't find much info about that.
Step 2: Encoding.
I read about the following encoding methods:
Crockford Base 32 Encoding
I am guessing that the output of the encoding will be the UID string that I am looking for.
Step 3: Working around collisions.
To work around collisions, I was wondering if I could generate a random key at the time of UID generation and use this random key in the function.
I can store this random key in a column, so that we know what key was used to generate that particular UID.
Before inserting a newly generated UID into the table, I would check for uniqueness and if the check fails, I can generate a new random key and use it to generate a new UID. This step can be repeated till a unique UID is found for a particular DB ID.
I would love to get some expert advice on whether I am going along the correct lines and how I go about actually implementing this.
I am going to be implementing this in a Ruby On Rails app. So, please take that into consideration in your suggestions.
The comments and answer made me re-think and question one of the requirements I had: the need for us to be able to regenerate the UID for a user after assigning it once. I guess I was just trying to be safe, in the case where we lose a user's UID and we will able to get it back if it is a function of an existing property of the user. But we can get around that problem just by using backups, I guess.
So, if I remove that requirement, the UID then essentially becomes a totally random 10 character alphanumeric string. I am adding an answer containing my proposed plan of implementation. If somebody else comes with a better plan, I'll mark that as the answer.
As I mentioned in the update to the question, I think what we are going to do is:
Pre-generate a sufficiently large number of random and unique ten character alphanumeric strings. No hashing or encoding.
Store them in a table in a random order.
When creating a user, pick the first these strings and assign it to the user.
Delete this picked ID from the pool of IDs after assigning it to a user.
When the pool reduces to a low number, replenish the pool with new strings, with uniqueness checks, obviously. This can be done in a Delayed Job, initiated by an observer.
The reason for pre-generating is that we are offloading all the expensive uniqueness checking to a one-time pre-generation operation.
When picking an ID from this pool for a new user, uniqueness is guaranteed. So, the operation of creating user (which is very frequent) becomes fast.
Would db_id.chr work for you? It would take the integers and generate a character string from them. You could then append their initials or last name or whatever to it. Example:
user = {:id => 123456, :f_name => "Scott", :l_name => "Shea"}
( {|x| (x.to_i + 64).chr}).join.downcase + user.l_name.downcase
#result = "abcdefshea"

how to store an approximate number? (number is too small to be measured)

I have a table representing standards of alloys. The standard is partly based on the chemical composition of the alloys. The composition is presented in percentages. The percentage is determined by a chemical composition test. Sample data.
But sometimes, the lab cannot measure below a certain percentage. So they indicate that the element is present, but the percentage is less than they can measure.
I was confused how to accurately store such a number in an SQL database. I thought to store the number with a negative sign. No element can have a negative composition of course, but i can interpret this as less than the specified value. Or option is to add another column for each element!! The latter option i really don't like.
Any other ideas? It's a small issue if you think about it, but i think a crowd is always wiser. Somebody might have a neater solution.
Question updated:
Thanks for all the replies.
The test results come from different labs, so there is no common lower bound.
The when the percentage of Titanium is less than <0.0004 for example, the number is still important, only the formula will differ slightly in this case.
Hence the value cannot be stored as NULL, and i don't know the lower bound for all values.
Tricky one.
Another possibility i thought of is to store it as a string. Any other ideas?
What you're talking about is a sentinel value. It's a common technique. Strings in most languages after all use 0 as a sentinel end-of-string value. You can do that. You just need to find a number that makes sense and isn't used for anything else. Many string functions will return -1 to indicate what you're looking for isn't there.
0 might work because if the element isn't there there shouldn't even be a record. You also face the problem that it might be mistaken for actually meaning 0. -1 is another option. It doesn't have that same problem obviously.
Another column to indicate if the amount is measurable or not is also a viable option. The case for this one becomes stronger if you need to store different categories of trace elements (eg <1%, <0.1%, <0.01%, etc). Storing the negative of those numbers seems a bit hacky to me.
You could just store it as NULL, meaning that the value exists but is undefined.
Any arithmetic operation with a NULL yields a NULL.
Division by NULL is safe.
NULL's are ignored by the aggregation functions, so queries like these:
SELECT SUM(metal_percent), COUNT(metal_percent)
FROM alloys
will give you the sum and the count of the actual, defined values, not taking the unfilled values into account.
I would use a threshold value which is at least one significant digit smaller than your smallest expected value. This way you can logically say that any value less than say 0.01, can be presented to you application as a "trace" amount. This remains easy to understand and gives you flexibility in determining where your threshold should lie.
Since the constraints of the values are well defined (cannot have negative composition), I would go for the "negative value to indicate less-than" approach. As long as this use of such sentinel values are sufficiently documented, it should be reasonably easy to implement and maintain.
An alternative but similar method would be to add 100 to the values, assuming that you can't get more than 100%. So <0.001 becomes 100.001.
I would have a table modeling the certificate, in a one to many relation with another table, storing the values for elements. Then, I would still have the elements table containing the value in one column and a flag (less than) as a separate column.
create table CERTIFICATES
PK_ID integer,
NAME varchar(128)
create table ELEMENTS
ELEMENT_ID varchar(2),
Depending on the database engine you're using, the types of the columns may vary.
Why not add another column to store whether or not its a trace amount
This will allow you to to save the amount that the trace is less than too
Since there is no common lowest threshold value and NULL is not acceptable, the cleanest solution now is to have a marker column which indicates whether there is a quantifiable amount or a trace amount present. A value of "Trace" would indicate to anybody reading the raw data that only a trace amount was present. A value of "Quantity" would indicate that you should check an amount column to find the actual quantity present.
I would have to warn against storing numerical values as strings. It will inevitably add additional pain, since you now lose the assertions a strong type definition gives you. When your application consumes the values in that column, it has to read the string to determine whether it's a sentinel value, a numeric value or simply some other string it can't interpret. Trying to handle data conversion errors at this point in your application is something I'm sure you don't want to be doing.
Another field seems like the way to go; call it 'MinMeasurablePercent'.

When would you ever set the increment value on a database identity field?

Given the table:
UniqueID int IDENTITY(1,1)
Now why would you ever set the increment to something other than 1?
I can understand setting the initial seed value differently. For example if, say, you're creating one database table per month of data (e.g. Table1_082009, Table1_092009) and want to start the UniqueID of the new table where the old one left off. (I probably wouldn't use that strategy myself, but hey, I can see people doing it).
But for the increment? I can only imagine it being of any use in really odd situations, for example:
after the initial data is inserted, maybe later someone will want to turn identity insert on and insert new rows in the gaps, but for efficient lookup on the index will want the rows to be close to each other?
if you're looking up ids based directly off a URL, and want to make it harder for people to arbitrarily access the other items (for example, instead of the user being able to work out that changing the URL suffix from /GetData?id=1000 to /GetData?id=1001, you set an increment of 437 so that the next url is actually /GetData?id=1437)? Of course if this is your "security" then you're probably already in trouble...
I can't think of anything else. Has anyone used an increment that wasn't 1, and why? I'm really just curious.
One idea might be using this to facilitate partitionnement of data (though there might be more "automated" ways to do that) :
Considering you have two servers :
On one server, you start at 1 and increment by 2
On the other server, you start at 2 and increment by 2.
Then, from your application, your send half inserts to one server, and the other half to the second server
some kind of software load-balancing
This way, you still have the ability to identify your entries : the "UniqueID" is still unique, even if the data is split on two servers / tables.
But that's only a wild idea -- there are probably some other uses to that...
Once, for pure fun, (Oh yeah, we have a wild side to us) decided to negative increment. It was strange to see the numbers grow in size and smaller in value at the same time.
I could hardly sit still in my chair.
edit (afterthought):
You think the creator of the IDENTITY was in love with FOR loops? You know..
for (i = 0; i<=99; i+=17)
or for those non semi-colon folks out there
For i = 0 to 100 step 17
Only for entertainment. And you have to be REALLY bored.