How do I assign a column variable to winform textbox -

have the following query
<WebMethod(Description:="Retrieve members of a Client List"), SoapHeader("MessageSoapHeader", direction:=SoapHeaderDirection.In)> _
Public Function GetClientListMembers() As DataSet
Dim RS As SqlDataReader
RS = objApp.ConnectUser(MessageSoapHeader.UID, MessageSoapHeader.PWD, MessageSoapHeader.Campaign, MessageSoapHeader.Keyword, LocalCommon.apSOAPAdvanced)
If objApp.ClassErrorsCount > 0 Then
Dim NX As New Exception
LLIB.ThrowSOAPException(objApp.Errors(1).Number, NX, objApp.DB, objApp.Errors(1).ErrorType, objApp.Errors(1).Description)
GetClientListMembers = New DataSet
Exit Function
End If
Dim Client As New SqlCommand("optinPaging", objApp.DB)
Client.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
AddSQLCmdParm(Client, "#Shortcode", SqlDbType.Int, "", objApp.ShortCode, 0)
AddSQLCmdParm(Client, "#Keyword", SqlDbType.VarChar, "", objApp.Keyword, 0)
GetClientListMembers = LLIB.GetDataSet(Client)
LLIB.RecordRowTransfer(GetClientListMembers.Tables(0).Rows.Count, LLIB.RowTransferDirection.ToClient, objApp)
LLIB.FunctionCount(objApp, "GetClientListMembers") 'This must be placed after the close of RS
GetClientListMembers.Tables(0).TableName = "Cell Numbers"
LLIB.RecordRowTransfer(GetClientListMembers.Tables(0).Rows.Count, LLIB.RowTransferDirection.ToClient, objApp)
'Now get the email stuff
LLIB.AddDataTable(GetClientListMembers, "Email Addresses", "SELECT EmailAddress,Keyword, dbo.fn_ToUTC(ActualOptInDate) AS ActualOptInDate FROM EmailOptins WHERE ShortCode='" & objApp.ShortCode & "' AND Keyword='" & objApp.Keyword & "' AND OptInState=2 ORDER BY EmailAddress", objApp)
If GetClientListMembers.Tables.Count > 1 Then LLIB.RecordRowTransfer(GetClientListMembers.Tables(1).Rows.Count, LLIB.RowTransferDirection.ToClient, objApp)
End Function
One of the columns it returns is totalPages. This value is the the same for all rows
I need to display this in a textbox on the form. The name of the textbox is "pageCount"
I am not sure how to proceed.

In your client app you probably have something like this
ReturnedDS = AdvServer.GetClientListMembers()
Assuming that your database [stored procedure] call returns only one table
dim pgCount as integer = 0 'default value
' Check if your table actually has rows
If ReturnedDS.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
' pick first row and specific column
pgCount = CInt(myDataset.Tables(0).Rows(0)("totalPages"))
End If
' set text box
pageCount.Text = pgCount.ToString()


DataGridView moves rows to bottom when cell is updated with Unbound data

I have a DataGridView that is styled with code and is using data from a SQLite Database
The Database is NOT bound to the DataGridView. A number of events are triggered when I click on a row.
First the Database is updated with today's date.
And the cell that contain's that date reflects the change.
I then call a sort on the column based on the cells value. With this code
dgvLinks.Sort(dgvLinks.Columns(3), ListSortDirection.Ascending)
The process works as expected with no issues IF I omit these lines of code from the Sub Routine ViewSearches() that populates the DataGridView.
If rowCount <= 25 Then
maxRowCount = 25 - rowCount
For iA = 1 To maxRowCount
dgvLinks.Rows.Add(" ")
End If
I can use these empty rows if I make a call to repopulate the DataGridView with ViewSearches()
I am trying to avoid this design as it seems like a over use of resource.
The ERROR that is happening is the 4 rows that contain data are moved to the bottom of the DataGridView and above these 4 rows with data are the empty rows. I will post the relevant code below.
My question How can I keep the empty rows and populate DataGridView so the rows with data are at the top of the DataGridView?
Here is a Screen Shot after I selected LID 2. It is updated and bubbled to the bottom of the DGV.
Private Sub ViewSearches()
Dim intID As Integer
Dim strChannelName As String
Dim strLinkAddress As String
Dim strLastVisit As String
Dim strLinkType As String
Dim rowCount As Integer
Dim maxRowCount As Integer
'Dim emptyStr As String = " "
Using conn As New SQLiteConnection($"Data Source = '{gv_dbName}';Version=3;")
Using cmd As New SQLiteCommand("", conn)
'cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM LinkTable"
' Line of CODE Above works with If statement in While rdr
'cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM LinkTable WHERE ytSiteType = 'News'"
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM LinkTable WHERE ytSiteType = #site"
cmd.Parameters.Add("#site", DbType.String).Value = gvSLT
Using rdr As SQLite.SQLiteDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
'dgvLinks.DataSource = rdr
'Statement Above use when DB is bound to dgvLinks
While rdr.Read()
intID = CInt((rdr("LID")))
strChannelName = rdr("ytChannelName").ToString
strLinkAddress = rdr("ytLinkAddress").ToString
strLastVisit = rdr("ytLastVisit").ToString
strLinkType = rdr("ytSiteType").ToString
'If strLinkType = gvSLT Then
dgvLinks.Rows.Add(intID, strChannelName, strLinkAddress, strLastVisit)
rowCount = rowCount + 1
'End If
End While
dgvLinks.Sort(dgvLinks.Columns(3), ListSortDirection.Ascending)
End Using
If rowCount <= 25 Then
maxRowCount = 25 - rowCount
For iA = 1 To maxRowCount
dgvLinks.Rows.Add(" ")
End If
End Using
End Using
End Sub
Click Event with Update to Database
Private Sub dgvLinks_CellClick(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvLinks.CellClick
selRow = e.RowIndex
If e.RowIndex = -1 Then
gvalertType = "4"
Exit Sub
End If
'Dim col As DataGridViewColumn = Me.dgvLinks.Columns(e.ColumnIndex)
Dim row As DataGridViewRow = Me.dgvLinks.Rows(e.RowIndex)
If row.Cells(2).Value Is Nothing Then
gvalertType = "5"
Exit Sub
ElseIf gvTxType = "View" Then
webPAGE = row.Cells(2).Value.ToString()
siteID = CInt(row.Cells(0).Value.ToString())
''MsgBox("Stop " & selRow)
ElseIf gvTxType = "Delete" Or gvTxType = "Update" Then
gvID = CInt(row.Cells(0).Value)
gvSiteName = row.Cells(1).Value.ToString
gvSiteURL = row.Cells(2).Value.ToString
End If
End Sub
Update Routine
Public Sub UpdateSiteData()
Dim dateToday = Date.Today
dateToday = CDate(CDate(Date.Today).ToString("M-d-yyyy"))
Using conn As New SQLiteConnection($"Data Source = '{gv_dbName}';Version=3;"),
cmd As New SQLiteCommand("UPDATE LinkTable SET ytLastVisit = #ytLastVisit WHERE LID =" & siteID, conn)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#ytLastVisit", DbType.String).Value = dateToday.ToString("M-d-yyyy")
dgvLinks.Rows(selRow).Cells(3).Value = dateToday.ToString("M-d-yyyy")
'Line of code above INSERTS value in Last Visit Column at the correct ROW
'NOT needed if you reload data from the database
dgvLinks.Sort(dgvLinks.Columns(3), ListSortDirection.Ascending)
End Using
End Sub
You will see a number of things I have tried commented out.
As I said I can FIX the issue if I make a call to the ViewSearches() Sub Routine.
Private Sub StyleDGV()
'Sets Design of the DataGridView
dgvLinks.DefaultCellStyle.Font = New Font("Times New Roman", 13.0F, FontStyle.Bold)
dgvLinks.ColumnCount = 4
dgvLinks.Columns(0).Width = 60 'ID
dgvLinks.Columns(1).Width = 325 'Site Name 325
dgvLinks.Columns(2).Width = 860 'Site Url 860
dgvLinks.Columns(3).Width = 154 'LastVisit 140
'Option with no blank rows increase col count to 5
'OR increase width of col(3) WHY? because the scroll bar is not showing
' TOTAL Width 1450 Height 488
'To Set Col Header Size Mode = Enabled
'To Set Col Header Default Cell Styles DO in Properties
'dgvLinks.Columns(6).DefaultCellStyle.Format = "c"
dgvLinks.ColumnHeadersHeight = 10 'Sans Serif 'Tahoma
dgvLinks.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Font = New Font("Sans Serif", 12.0F, FontStyle.Bold)
dgvLinks.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Blue
dgvLinks.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.LightGoldenrodYellow
'DGV Header Names
dgvLinks.Columns(0).Name = "LID"
dgvLinks.Columns(1).Name = "Site Name"
dgvLinks.Columns(2).Name = "Site URL"
dgvLinks.Columns(3).Name = "Last Visit"
dgvLinks.Columns(0).SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable
dgvLinks.Columns(1).SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable
dgvLinks.Columns(2).SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable
dgvLinks.Columns(3).SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable
End Sub
Any one following this question the FIX that permitted keeping the empty rows was to just omit the sort command in the Update to Database Sub Routine
As far as getting the data from the SQLite DB into the grid… you almost have it in the ViewSearches method. The command text looks good; however you are using an SQLiteDataReader. This is resorting to reading the data line by line.
I suggest you use the SQLiteDataAdapter instead. With it you can get the DataTable from the DB in one shot. First create and initialize a DataSet, then create a new SQLiteDataAdapter then add your command to the data adapter something like…
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
using (SQLiteDataAdapter sqlDA = new SQLiteDataAdapter()) {
sqlDA.SelectCommand = cmd.CommanText;
sqlDA.Fill(ds, “tableName”);
if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) {
//return ds.Tables[“tableName”];
dgvLinks.DataSource = ds.Tables[“tableName”];
This will add a DataTable to the DataSet ds called “tableName” if the query succeeded.
Then simply use that DataTable as a DataSource to the grid… something like…
dgvLinks.DataSource = ds.Tables[“tableName”];

Crystal Reports empty when printed during runtime(without viewer)

I'm developing a small POS system using VB.Net , MS Sql and Crystal Reports. I have no trouble viewing reports using Cry Rep Viewer. But when i try to print a bill during runtime the report becomes empty. Following is the sequence i'm executing within the procedure.
Generate bill no
Deduct qty from stocks
add the transaction from temp table to final sales table
print bill
delete temp table transactions
clear for next transaction
But my problem comes during the bill printing. Bill does not pickup the necessary records from the sales table. Following is my code for the end transaction. (I am using few of my own methods and functions which are from another class and im also using a fix bill no for testing)
I'm also attaching 2 bills. First 1 is the one viewed and exported from the Cry Report Viewer. The second one is the one with problem, and its empty even though the records exists in the table. Can some one kindly advice me on this matter?
Private Sub endCurrentTransaction()
Dim sqlTempBill As String = "SELECT * FROM tb_transactions where cur_user='" & curUser & "'"
Dim sqlSales As String = "SELECT * FROM tb_sales where bill_no=''"
'Get Bill No
Dim newBillNo As String = generateBillNo()
'Deduct IT qty
Dim tempBill As DataTable
tempBill = myTbClass.myFunctionFetchTbData(sqlTempBill)
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim curQty As Double = 0
Dim trQty As Double = 0
Dim updatedQty As Double = 0
For i = 0 To tempBill.Rows.Count - 1
curQty = 0
'Get the Current stock qty
Dim sqlgetCurQty As String = "SElECT cur_qty FROM tb_stock where it_batch_code='" & tempBill.Rows(i).Item("it_batch_code") & "'"
Dim SqlCmdCurQty As New SqlCommand(sqlgetCurQty, conn)
Dim DataReadercurQty As SqlDataReader = SqlCmdCurQty.ExecuteReader
While DataReadercurQty.Read()
curQty = DataReadercurQty.Item(0)
End While
trQty = tempBill.Rows(i).Item("qty")
updatedQty = curQty - trQty
Dim sqlUpdateQtyString As String = "UPDATE tb_stock SET cur_qty=" & Math.Round((updatedQty), 3) & " Where it_batch_code='" & tempBill.Rows(i).Item("it_batch_code") & "'"
Dim SqlCmdQty As New SqlCommand(sqlUpdateQtyString, conn)
'add to sales
Dim tempTbSales As DataTable
tempTbSales = myTbClass.myFunctionFetchTbData(sqlSales)
Dim dataRow As DataRow = tempTbSales.NewRow
dataRow("it_code") = Trim(tempBill.Rows(i).Item("it_code"))
dataRow("it_batch_code") = Trim(tempBill.Rows(i).Item("it_batch_code"))
dataRow("it_name") = Trim(tempBill.Rows(i).Item("it_name"))
dataRow("buy_price") = Math.Round(tempBill.Rows(i).Item("buy_price"), 3)
dataRow("sell_price") = Math.Round(tempBill.Rows(i).Item("sell_price"), 3)
dataRow("qty") = Math.Round(tempBill.Rows(i).Item("qty"), 3)
dataRow("gross_val") = Math.Round(tempBill.Rows(i).Item("gross_val"), 3)
dataRow("discount_val") = Math.Round(tempBill.Rows(i).Item("discount_val"), 3)
dataRow("net_val") = Math.Round(tempBill.Rows(i).Item("net_val"), 3)
dataRow("profit_profile") = Trim(tempBill.Rows(i).Item("profit_profile"))
dataRow("discount_profile") = Trim(tempBill.Rows(i).Item("discount_profile"))
dataRow("cus_name") = Trim(tempBill.Rows(i).Item("cus_name"))
dataRow("tr_type") = Trim(cmbTrans.Text)
dataRow("cr_card_type") = Trim(cmbCardType.Text)
dataRow("card_no") = Trim(txtCardNo.Text)
dataRow("bill_no") = newBillNo
dataRow("discount_profile") = Trim(tempBill.Rows(i).Item("cus_name"))
dataRow("cur_user") = curUser
dataRow("added_date") = curServerDateTime
Call myTbClass.MyMethodUpdateTable(sqlSales, tempTbSales)
i = 0
'Print bill
Dim cash, balance As Double
Dim crepBill As New repBill
crepBill.SetDatabaseLogon("sa", dbPwd)
cash = Val(Me.txtCash.Text)
balance = Val(Me.txtBalance.Text)
crepBill.RecordSelectionFormula = "{TB_SALES.bill_no} ='" & "000015" & "'"
crepBill.DataDefinition.FormulaFields("txtCash").Text = Format(cash, "#0.00")
crepBill.DataDefinition.FormulaFields("txtBal").Text = Format(balance, "#0.00")
crepBill.PrintToPrinter(1, False, 0, 0)
'delete temp bill table
For i = 0 To tempBill.Rows.Count - 1
Call myTbClass.MyMethodUpdateTable(sqlTempBill, tempBill)
'reset front end
Call loadBill()
Call clearCurrentTransaction()
Call clearCurrentSubTotals()
Call clearCurCashBalance()
'Íncrease the bill no by 1
Call increaseBillNo()
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("This error was generated at endCurrentTransaction()")
End Try
End Sub
I found out that report need to be refreshed before printing. Report will only take data if it is refreshed.

There is an issue with my code here, can someone look?

I have a listview box that gets populated with five items. Here's the code that I used to populate it
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Dim lvwItem As ListItem
Dim x As Integer
With lvwExpenditures
.FullRowSelect = True
.View = lvwReport
.LabelEdit = lvwManual
.ColumnHeaders.Add , "FldName", "EXPENSES", 2200
.ColumnHeaders.Add , "ID", "ID", 0
End With
g_strSQL = "Select FldName, ID, Label, SortOrder from dbo.tblText_References where fldname ='expenditureitems'"
rs.Open g_strSQL, g_cnDatabase, adOpenStatic
Debug.Print g_strSQL
With rs
Do While Not .EOF
Set lvwItem = lvwExpenditures.ListItems.Add(, , .Fields("Label").Value)
lvwItem.SubItems(1) = .Fields("ID").Value 'Populate Date column
End With
Set rs = Nothing
What I'm trying to do is let the user select multiple items, concatenate the items (with a comma) and insert them into a table. Here's the code I have for trying to take the selected items and concatenate them (I built a function), but the issue is, it takes one of the items, and concatonates it three times (when three items were selected in listview). I show the label and save the ID, so the when listview is loaded the ID's go in this order 10,11,12,13,14. On my last try, I selected the top three items and the function converted it to (13,13,13). How do I fix it? I know its a small issue
dim x As Integer
Dim mystring As String
For x = 1 To lvwExpenditures.ListItems.Count
If lvwExpenditures.ListItems(x).Selected = True Then
If x = 1 Then
mystring = lvwExpenditures.SelectedItem.SubItems(1)
mystring = mystring & "," & lvwExpenditures.SelectedItem.SubItems(1)
End If
End If
Next x
dim x As Integer
Dim mystring As String
dim sep as string
sep=", "
For x = 1 To lvwExpenditures.ListItems.Count
If lvwExpenditures.ListItems(x).Selected Then
mystring = mystring & lvwExpenditures.ListItems(x).SubItems(1) & sep
End If
Next x
if mystring<>"" then
end if

.Conversion error on unique identifier, shouldn't be referenced at all?

I'm working on the shopping cart for a website, I have this function that retrieves a voucher from my database:
Public Shared Function CheckForVoucher(ByVal strVoucherName As String) As DataTable
Dim connect As New SqlConnection
Dim Data As New DataTable ''Connection works, finds number of Vouchers in DB that match either code or ID. ID to be used for randomly generated vouchers.
connect.ConnectionString = "SERVER = SERVER-SQL01; Trusted_Connection=yes; DATABASE=PCSQL"
Dim query As String
Dim search As String
search = strVoucherName
If search.Length >= 25 Then
query = "SELECT * from PCSQL.dbo.X_WW_VOUCHER_DETAILS WHERE vID='" & search & "' "
query = "SELECT * from PCSQL.dbo.X_WW_VOUCHER_DETAILS WHERE voucherName='" & search & "' "
End If
Dim command = New SqlDataAdapter(query, connect)
strVoucherName = query
Return Data
End Function
This all works peachy-keen on the site I'm working on. At the end of a customers order it fires another function, the increase the totalUses of the voucher by one (my boss wants to make sure that people don't spam the codes and run him out of business).
Public Shared Function addUse(ByVal strVoucherName As String, intCurrentUses As Integer) As Boolean
Dim connect As New SqlConnection
Dim data As New DataTable
connect.ConnectionString = "SERVER = SERVER-SQL01; Trusted_Connection = yes; DATABASE=PCSQL"
Dim query As String
Dim name As String = strVoucherName
Dim current As Integer = intCurrentUses
Dim newint As Integer = current + 1
query = "UPDATE dbo.X_WW_VOUCHER_DETAILS SET currentUses= #currentUses WHERE voucherName=#voucherName"
Dim command As New SqlCommand(query, connect)
command.Parameters.Add("#voucherName", SqlDbType.VarChar)
command.Parameters("#voucherName").Value = name
command.Parameters.Add("#currentUses", SqlDbType.Int)
command.Parameters("#currentUses").Value = newint
Return True
End Function
This also works fine, and I can check the SQL table in SQL SERVER and see that the "currentUses" column has increased by one. Yay.
When I test the code by submitting again, it fails if the currentUses column is equal to the validUses column. I end up the error "Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier" even though the Unique Identifier is not directly referenced at all.
I've tested on a voucher that is valid 5 times. Times 1 through 4, no errors but as soon as currentUses was also 5... no go.
Why would equal columns cause my function to crap itself?
SQL Table
-vID Uniqueidentifier
-voucherName Nchar(15)
-expiryDate Date
-validUses Int
-currentUses Int
-discountType Nchar(15)
-appliesTo Nchar(15)
-numberOf Nchar(20)
-Amount Int
-noOfItems Int
-Category Nchar(100)
-freebieID Nchar(15)
-discountAmount Int
-Description Nchar(255)
I have narrowed the error down to this if statement.
If search.Length >= 25 Then
query = "SELECT * from PCSQL.dbo.X_WW_VOUCHER_DETAILS WHERE vID='" & search & "' "
query = "SELECT * from PCSQL.dbo.X_WW_VOUCHER_DETAILS WHERE voucherName='" & search & "' "
End If
The Voucher itself is called from cart.aspx using
Protected Sub btnVoucherCheck_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnVoucherCheck.Click
Dim Data As DataTable = Voucher.CheckForVoucher(txtVoucher.text)
If Data.Rows.Count > 0 Then
Dim row As DataRow
row = Data.Rows(0)
Voucher.VoucherID = row.Item("vID").ToString().Trim()
Voucher.VoucherName = row.Item("voucherName").ToString().Trim()
Voucher.ExpiryDate = row.Item("ExpiryDate")
Voucher.ValidUses = row.Item("ValidUses")
Voucher.CurrentUses = row.Item("CurrentUses")
Voucher.DiscountType = row.Item("DiscountType").ToString().Trim()
Voucher.AppliesTo = row.Item("AppliesTo").ToString().Trim()
Voucher.NumberOf = row.Item("NumberOf").ToString().Trim()
Voucher.Amount = row.Item("Amount")
Voucher.noOfItems = row.Item("NoOfItems")
Voucher.Category = row.Item("Category").ToString().Trim()
Voucher.FreebieID = row.Item("FreebieID").ToString().Trim()
Voucher.DiscountAmount = row.Item("DiscountAmount")
Dim count As Int32
count = 0
Dim expiry As DateTime = Voucher.ExpiryDate
Dim today As DateTime = Date.Today()
count = ((expiry - today).Days)
If count <= -1 Then
txtVoucher.Text = "Voucher expired"
Else 'Further checks. One: Valid uses against current uses, checks if too many people have used the voucher.
If (Voucher.CurrentUses >= Voucher.ValidUses) Then
txtVoucher.Text = "Sorry, Voucher is no longer valid"
Else 'Redirects to one of three methods based on discount type.
c.VoucherName = Voucher.VoucherName
If c.discounted = True Then
For Each item As RepeaterItem In rptCart.Items
Dim quantity As TextBox = CType(item.FindControl("txtQuantity"), TextBox)
Dim ProductID As HyperLink = CType(item.FindControl("hlProductID"), HyperLink)
Dim lblPrice As Label = CType(item.FindControl("lblPrice"), Label)
lblPrice.Text = Product.GetProductPrice(ProductID.Text, quantity.Text, c)
End If
Select Case Voucher.DiscountType
Case "Dollar"
txtVoucher.Text = "$ Not yet Supported"
Case "Percentage"
Case "Freebie"
txtVoucher.Text = "Freebie Not Yet Supported"
Case Else
txtVoucher.Text = "Not working."
End Select
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
The two relevant columns are compared in the middle of this function, but my code doesn't execute that far if they are equal to being with. I get the conversion error referencing the line in my CheckForVoucher function that I pasted above. It can't be my comparison that causes the error because the DataTable I use for that doesn't fully exist at the point the error occurs.
The problem you have is when the value of search is 25 characters or longer, you are passing it into the database to compare with the vID column. That column is a uniqueidentifier which means it's a GUID in C# terms. If the value you pass in cannot be converted directly to a GUID, then you will get a conversion error.

VB.Net Global DataSets inside a public function

I am having some problem with a function that I hope you can help.
My Application is a simple one, it uses an Access database to load employee information and creates letters and financial breakdown sheet from word templates that users can then print and save back to the database.
I started by creating a dataset containing several datatables for each form subroutine but it resulted in literally hundreds of lines of repeated code. But it worked.
What I want to do, is have one dataset containing all the information needed about an employee and be able to reference it over several forms at the same time. So i created a public module that looks like this:
Public Module Datasets
Public update As String
Dim pCn As OleDb.OleDbConnection
Public Function CSofwareDataSet() As DataSet
'open new connection to database
pCn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=G:\CGI Project\CorrespondenceSoftware\Database1.accdb; Persist Security Info=False;")
Call pCn.Open() 'opens the connection
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Could not open a database connection! 1")
End Try
CSofwareDataSet = New DataSet
Dim daOPG As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Overpayment WHERE PayNumber='" & Main.tbPayNumber.Text & "' AND Gross=1", pCn) 'get all data from Overpayment Details table
Dim daOPN As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Overpayment WHERE PayNumber='" & Main.tbPayNumber.Text & "' AND Net=1", pCn) 'get all data from Overpayment Details table
Dim daOPR As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM OvpReasons", pCn) 'get overpayment reasons
Dim daREC As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM TaxYear", pCn) 'get recovery date options
Dim daEMP As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM EmployeeDetails WHERE PayNumber='" & Main.tbPayNumber.Text & "' AND Active=1 ", pCn) 'get all data from Employee Details table
Dim daCON As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Consultant", pCn) 'get all data from Consultant Details table
Dim daSET As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Settings", pCn) 'get all data from Consultant Details table
'Find the primary key (if missing)
daOPG.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
daOPN.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
daOPR.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
daREC.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
daEMP.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
daCON.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
daSET.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
'setup prefixes
Dim cbOPG As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daOPG)
cbOPG.QuotePrefix = "["
cbOPG.QuoteSuffix = "]"
Dim cbOPN As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daOPN)
cbOPG.QuotePrefix = "["
cbOPG.QuoteSuffix = "]"
Dim cbOPR As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daOPR)
cbOPG.QuotePrefix = "["
cbOPG.QuoteSuffix = "]"
Dim cbREC As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daREC)
cbOPG.QuotePrefix = "["
cbOPG.QuoteSuffix = "]"
Dim cbEMP As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daEMP)
cbEMP.QuotePrefix = "["
cbEMP.QuoteSuffix = "]"
Dim cbCON As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daCON)
cbEMP.QuotePrefix = "["
cbEMP.QuoteSuffix = "]"
Dim cbSET As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daSET)
cbEMP.QuotePrefix = "["
cbEMP.QuoteSuffix = "]"
If CSofwareDataSet.HasChanges Then
daEMP.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "EmployeeDetails")
daOPG.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentGross")
daOPN.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentNet")
daSET.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "Settings")
MessageBox.Show("Success! Records updated.")
update = "0"
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Oops - something went wrong and it didn't update")
update = "0"
End Try
ElseIf CSofwareDataSet.Tables.Count = 0 Then
daOPG.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentGross")
daOPN.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentNet")
daOPR.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentReasons")
daREC.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "RecoveryDates")
daEMP.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "EmployeeDetails")
daCON.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "ConsultantDetails")
daSET.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "Settings")
End If
'If update = "1" Then
' Try
' daEMP.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "EmployeeDetails")
' daOPG.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentGross")
' daOPN.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentNet")
' daSET.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "Settings")
' MessageBox.Show("Success! Records updated.")
' update = "0"
' Catch ex As Exception
' MessageBox.Show("Oops - something went wrong and it didn't update")
' update = "0"
' End Try
' End If
End Function
End Module
On each form, it gets referenced like this (as an example):
Imports WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking
Imports Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Imports CorrespondenceSoftware.Datasets
Public Class GrossInput
Dim loading = "1"
Dim NewEmployee = "0" 'sets the default new employee flag to 0
Private pCn As OleDb.OleDbConnection
Private Sub GrossInput_Load(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows.Count - 1
cbTitle.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(2)
tbFName.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(3)
tbLName.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(4)
tbAddress1.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(5)
tbAddress2.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(6)
tbAddress3.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(7)
tbAddress4.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(8)
tbPostcode.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(9)
tbWorkLocation.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(10)
tbWorkLocation.Enabled = False
tbPostcode.Enabled = False
tbAddress4.Enabled = False
tbAddress3.Enabled = False
tbAddress2.Enabled = False
tbAddress1.Enabled = False
tbLName.Enabled = False
tbFName.Enabled = False
cbTitle.Enabled = False
chkMSC.Enabled = False
chkOfficer.Enabled = False
chkStaff.Enabled = False
bnSaveEmp.Enabled = False
bnEditEmp.Enabled = True
End If
If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(0)(11) = "1" Then
chkOfficer.Checked = True
chkOfficer.Checked = False
End If
If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(0)(12) = "1" Then
chkStaff.Checked = True
chkStaff.Checked = False
End If
If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(0)(13) = "1" Then
chkMSC.Checked = True
chkMSC.Checked = False
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Employee not found. Ensure pay number is correct and create a new record")
NewEmployee = "1" ' tells the program to create a new record if saved
cbReference.Enabled = False
cbReference.Text = ""
bnEditEmp.Enabled = False
End Try
'display the overpayment references to the user
If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentGross").Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentGross").Rows.Count - 1
End If
'display the available consultants to the user
If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("ConsultantDetails").Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To CSofwareDataSet.Tables("ConsultantDetails").Rows.Count - 1
cbConsultant.Items.Add(CSofwareDataSet.Tables("ConsultantDetails").Rows(i)(1) & " " & CSofwareDataSet.Tables("ConsultantDetails").Rows(i)(2))
End If
'display the available Overpayment reasons to the user
If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentReasons").Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentReasons").Rows.Count - 1
End If
'Load other recovery date options
If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("RecoveryDates").Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To CSofwareDataSet.Tables("RecoveryDates").Rows.Count - 1
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString) 'Show any errors to the user
End Try
loading = "0"
End Sub
Now! the problem that I'm having is that, this does work and run without any errors BUT every time the CSSoftwareDataSet function runs it populates the tables correctly and returns the expected results but it then deletes the datatable data so every time the function is referenced from a winform it needs to haul all the data from the access database from scratch, severely impacting on the performance of the program. The tables wont update properly because its not storing the datatable information and as soon as its inserted its forgotten but again, produces no errors. An example of my update script looks like this:
Else 'create a new record
'create a new reference
Dim REFRowCount = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentGross").Rows.Count + 1 'count the number of rows in table and add 1
Dim NewREF = "OVPG" & Main.tbPayNumber.Text & "-" & REFRowCount
'Find todays date and reply dates
Dim TodayDatedate = Format(Now.Date(), "dd/MM/yyyy")
Dim ReplyDatedate = Format(Now.Date.AddDays(21), "dd/MM/yyyy")
'Create a new row
Dim OPNew As DataRow = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentGross").NewRow() 'create a variable to contain the new row
OPNew.Item(1) = Main.tbPayNumber.Text
OPNew.Item(2) = NewREF
OPNew.Item(3) = tbOverpaymentAmount.Text.ToString
OPNew.Item(4) = tbMonRec.Text
OPNew.Item(5) = tbTaxP.Text
OPNew.Item(6) = TodayDatedate
OPNew.Item(7) = ReplyDatedate
OPNew.Item(8) = tbMoRep.Text
OPNew.Item(9) = cbStartRecovery.Text
OPNew.Item(10) = "1" 'Set as gross
OPNew.Item(11) = "0" 'do not set as net
OPNew.Item(12) = cbReason.Text
OPNew.Item(13) = tbAI.Text
OPNew.Item(14) = dtpStart.Value.Date
OPNew.Item(15) = dtpFinish.Value.Date
OPNew.Item(16) = cbConsultant.Text
OPNew.Item(17) = tbPosition.Text
Call CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentGross").Rows.Add(OPNew) 'fill the new row and insert the data
There must be a solution to this. To create a dataset that holds its data in session while you open other winforms until it is reset. I'm out of ideas because i really don't want to go back to repeating all this code for practically every subroutine in my program.
I hope I've explained it OK .. Any help here will be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
You can declare the DataSet globally, populate it in a function (sub), which is called just at the start, and retrieve the information by accessing the variable rather than by calling the function over and over. Your code uses a somehow ambiguous approach (same name for function and for variable) which, together with the VB rules (functions might not include a Return statement but a variable with the function's name) does not play to your favor.
Sample code converting the DataSet into a public variable and renaming the function (and converting it into a sub: what is the point of a function now?):
Public CSofwareDataSet As DataSet
Public Sub populateDS()
'open new connection to database
pCn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=G:\CGI Project\CorrespondenceSoftware\Database1.accdb; Persist Security Info=False;")
Call pCn.Open() 'opens the connection
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Could not open a database connection! 1")
End Try
CSofwareDataSet = New DataSet
'Remaining code
End Sub
Call this sub just once (right at the start of your application; or every time new data has to be retrieved from the DB) and continue using CSofwareDataSet as so far (although as a variable, by removing the Call bits; which, on the other hand, are not required in VB.NET at all).