i want generate a chart in a wcf servi but visual studio express 2013 don't recognize
in my cs class... I have the following chart
private static void grafico()
var list = VelocidadeList.OrderByDescending(c => c.Veloc).ToList();
foreach (Velocidade rel in list)
string[] x = new string[4] { "vei2", "vei3", "vei4", "vei5" };
int[] y = new int[4] { 200, 112, 55, 96 };
Chart chart1 = new Chart();
dont recognize the Chart control.
My question is if its possible generate a chart without a asp page?
The following is the code (using iText for.Net Version that i am using for extracting the text from a pdf. What i have observed during my testing is it works well by only extracting the content within a rectangle for most of the pdf's. But for few of them it gives the entire line from the pdf. I know
that the text snippets that intersect with the rect (so part of the text may be outside rect, iText doesn't cut text snippets in pieces).
But I want to understand what parameter in the pdf will be used in iText to split text.
var reader = new PdfReader( filePath );
PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument( reader );
var addressRect = new Rectangle( 33, 190, 70, 42 ); //
var addressRegionFilter = new TextRegionEventFilter( addressRect );
var filterListener = new FilteredTextEventListener( new LocationTextExtractionStrategy(), addressRegionFilter );
var addressText = PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage( pdfDoc.GetPage( 1 ), filterListener );
This should do the trick.
class RectangleTextExtractionStrategy implements ITextExtractionStrategy
private ITextExtractionStrategy innerStrategy = null;
private Rectangle rectangle;
public RectangleTextExtractionStrategy(ITextExtractionStrategy strategy, Rectangle rectangle)
this.innerStrategy = strategy;
this.rectangle = rectangle;
public String getResultantText() {
return innerStrategy.getResultantText();
public void eventOccurred(IEventData iEventData, EventType eventType) {
if(eventType != EventType.RENDER_TEXT)
TextRenderInfo tri = (TextRenderInfo) iEventData;
for(TextRenderInfo subTri : tri.getCharacterRenderInfos())
Rectangle r2 = new CharacterRenderInfo(subTri).getBoundingBox();
innerStrategy.eventOccurred(subTri, EventType.RENDER_TEXT);
private boolean intersects(Rectangle rectangle)
// # TODO
return true;
public Set<EventType> getSupportedEvents() {
return innerStrategy.getSupportedEvents();
The idea here is to split all incoming TextRenderInfo objects into the corresponding events for their characters. Then (if they are in the search region) we delegate the call to another ITextExtractionStrategy.
I want to export data list to Excel format but I could not find any third party library or any refrence. I am building my project on .net core. Any one expert here to suggest any solution. Thanks
If cross plattform (Windows, Linux, Mac) is a major concern for you then you have to use some "pre release" stuff.
There is an issue for .NET Core support for OpenXML, which can be used to create Open XML Office Documents (e.g. XLSX), (https://github.com/OfficeDev/Open-XML-SDK/issues/65). Some work has to be done before it is ready.
Someone who had your demand as well ported it to .NET Core and published his project on GitHub (https://github.com/xrkolovos/Open-XML-SDK-for-NET-Platform-Standard). I have not tried it myself, but it may be worthwile to try.
If your application runs on Windows only, then you can build your ASP.NET Core project on top of the full .NET Framework (with the well known third party libraries for creating Excel).
i had posted this question almost 7 months ago and i have found the solution, so i want to share it.
add "PdfRpt.Core": "1.0.0-*" on project.json
on controller
public async Task<FileContentResult> ExportExcel()
var loggedUser = await GetCurrentUserAsync();
var users = _userManager.Users.Select(u => new UserListVM
Id = u.Id,
Name = u.UserName,
Email = u.Email
if (users == null) return null;
//column Header name
var columnsHeader = new List<string>{
"User Name",
var filecontent = ExportExcell(users, columnsHeader, "Users");
return File(filecontent, "application/ms-excel", "users.xlsx"); ;
helper method
private static byte[] ExportExcell(List<UserListVM> data, List<string> columns, string heading)
byte[] result = null;
using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage())
// add a new worksheet to the empty workbook
var worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(heading);
using (var cells = worksheet.Cells[1, 1, 1, 7])
cells.Style.Font.Bold = true;
cells.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
//First add the headers
for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count(); i++)
worksheet.Cells[1, i + 1].Value = columns[i];
//Add values
var j = 2;
var count = 1;
foreach (var item in data)
worksheet.Cells["A" + j].Value = count;
worksheet.Cells["B" + j].Value = item.Name;
worksheet.Cells["C" + j].Value = item.Email;
worksheet.Cells["D" + j].Value = item.RoleNam
result = package.GetAsByteArray();
return result;
//it work fine for me.. it may help to you too.
you can find demo here
I'm trying to write a unit test for a custom model binder in ASP.Net MVC 6. It seems simple enough. The model binder has a single BindModelAsync method which takes a ModelBindingContext parameter.
In my unit test, I'm trying to figure out how to fake the ModelBindingContext. At first, I thought I could use the default constructor and set the properties on the object that I need. This works for all of the properties except ModelType which is not settable.
I then looked at the static ModelBindingContext.CreateBindingContext but it takes a bunch of scary looking parameters. Looking at how some of the model binding tests within the MVC repo are written, it seems like it is not possible for me to mock the ModelBindingContext.ModelType (unless maybe I copy/paste those 6 classes from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TestCommon).
Is there something simple/easy I am missing?
I've had some success in getting it working for some simple form and query string values. AspNetCore.Mvc v1.1.3
private static DefaultModelBindingContext GetBindingContext(IValueProvider valueProvider, Type modelType)
var metadataProvider = new EmptyModelMetadataProvider();
var bindingContext = new DefaultModelBindingContext
ModelMetadata = metadataProvider.GetMetadataForType(modelType),
ModelName = modelType.Name,
ModelState = new ModelStateDictionary(),
ValueProvider = valueProvider,
return bindingContext;
Using a query string provider
public async Task QueryStringValueProviderTest()
var binder = new MyModelBinder();
var queryCollection = new QueryCollection(
new Dictionary<string, StringValues>()
{ "param1", new StringValues("1") },
{ "param2", new StringValues("2") },
var vp = new QueryStringValueProvider(BindingSource.Query, queryCollection, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
var context = GetBindingContext(vp, typeof(MyModel));
await binder.BindModelAsync(context);
var resultModel = context.Result.Model as MyModel;
//TODO Asserts
Using a form collection provider
public async Task FormValueProviderTest()
var binder = new MyModelBinder();
var formCollection = new FormCollection(
new Dictionary<string, StringValues>()
{ "param1", new StringValues("1") },
{ "param2", new StringValues("2") }
var vp = new FormValueProvider(BindingSource.Form, formCollection, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
var context = GetBindingContext(vp, typeof(MyModel));
await binder.BindModelAsync(context);
var resultModel = context.Result.Model as MyModel;
//TODO asserts
Hello I'm trying to use TFS API to create a new group, for it I have this code:
var teamProjects = this.VersionControlServer.GetAllTeamProjects(false);
foreach (var teamProject in teamProjects)
var result = _gss.CreateApplicationGroup(teamProject.ArtifactUri.AbsoluteUri, "NewGroup","TestDescription");
As I need to set the permission "Edit project-level information" for this group I tried lot of methods and different approaches, but anything seems to solve my need. This for example:
var ProjectSecurityToken = AuthorizationSecurityConstants.ProjectSecurityPrefix + teamProject.ArtifactUri.AbsoluteUri;
var groupACL = securityNamespace.QueryAccessControlList(ProjectSecurityToken, new[] {list[4].Descriptor}, false);
securityNamespace.SetAccessControlEntry(ProjectSecurityToken, new Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client.AccessControlEntry(list[4].Descriptor, 115, 0), true);
I had hard-coded "list[4]" because it was the group I just created, I need some help to see what is wrong in my code. I get no error message and it doesn't work as well.
I can get the permissions been set via following code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client;
namespace API
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string project = "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/tfs";
TfsTeamProjectCollection tpc = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(new Uri(project));
var tps = tpc.GetService<VersionControlServer>();
var ttt = tps.GetTeamProject("ProjectName");
ISecurityService securityService = tpc.GetService<ISecurityService>();
System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<SecurityNamespace> securityNamespaces = securityService.GetSecurityNamespaces();
IGroupSecurityService gss = tpc.GetService<IGroupSecurityService>();
Identity SIDS = gss.ReadIdentity(SearchFactor.AccountName, "GroupName", QueryMembership.Expanded);//GourName format: [ProjectName]\\GourpName
IdentityDescriptor id = new IdentityDescriptor("Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity", SIDS.Sid);
List<SecurityNamespace> securityList = securityNamespaces.ToList<SecurityNamespace>();
string securityToken;
foreach (SecurityNamespace sn in securityList)
if (sn.Description.DisplayName == "Project")
securityToken = "$PROJECT:" + ttt.ArtifactUri.AbsoluteUri;
sn.SetPermissions(securityToken, id, 115, 0, true);
I´m developing a windows 8 store app in c# and xaml for a website(the website is in .net mvc 4) .In the web site i can create, edit, and delete products (i´m using sql server 2008 r2).
In my w8 app i call a wcf service to get the data and populate the items.
I wanted to know if there is a way to notify or update the data in the w8 app after someone create or edit a product through the website.
One of the posible solution that i thought, was call the wcf service every time that the user click to see the list of products but i dont think is a good practice.
Here is my code:
protected override async void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs args)
ServiceProduct serviceData = (ServiceProduct)App.Current.Resources["serviceProducts"];
if (serviceData != null)
if (serviceData.ListaIos.Count == 0)
await serviceData.GetListProductsAsync();
var messageDialog = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog("Error");
var result = messageDialog.ShowAsync();
*** code ***
//Items page
protected override void LoadState(Object navigationParameter, Dictionary<String, Object> pageState)
// TODO: Assign a bindable collection of items to this.DefaultViewModel["Items"]
ServiceProduct serviceData = (ServiceProduct)App.Current.Resources["serviceProducts"];
if (serviceData != null)
this.DefaultViewModel["Items"] = serviceData.GetProducts;
public async Task GetListProductsAsync()
ProductServiceClient service = new ProductServiceClient();
Product product;
var wcfCall = await service.GetListaAsync();
foreach (var item in wcfCall.List)
map product
throw new NotImplementedException();