Objective-C: printing enum values - objective-c

I was trying to print out the enum constant in Objective-C on Xcode.
The code:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
enum boolean{
no, yes
NSLog(#"%d", yes);
return 0;
I ran this code and all the console is showing me is "(lldb)".
Is it the syntax that I got wrong?
Or am I missing something here?
Also, I tried it different way using typedef:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
typedef enum {
no, yes
} boolean;
boolean boolVal = yes;
NSLog(#"%d", boolVal);
return 0;
I suspect I did something wrong with printing out the value, with NSLog().
But I have tried using %i, %#, %d. But the output was same, (lldb).
Are there any different ways to print out the enum values?

You have to give the members of the enum values is you want to print them. Try the following.
enum boolean {
no = 0,
yes = 1
NSLog(#"yes = %d",yes);
The previous code outputs the following.
yes = 1


How to change mouse settings programmatically in macOS using IOKit

The functions IOHIDGetAccelerationWithKey and IOHIDSetAccelerationWithKey are deprecated since macOS 10.12, therefore I am trying to implement the same using other IO*-methods.
I have never worked with IOKit, thus, all I can do is google for functions and try to get it to work.
Now I found this: Can't edit IORegistryEntry which has an example of how to change TrackpadThreeFingerSwipe property, however it is using a function which is not defined for me: getEVSHandle. Googling for it reveals only that it should be Found in the MachineSettings framework, however I can't seem to add any "MachineSettings" framework in Xcode 11.
What should I do? Current code is like:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDLib.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
NSInteger value = -65536;
CFNumberRef number = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberNSIntegerType, &value);
CFMutableDictionaryRef propertyDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 1, NULL, NULL);
CFDictionarySetValue(propertyDict, #"HIDMouseAcceleration", number);
io_connect_t connect = getEVSHandle(); // ???
if (!connect)
NSLog(#"Unable to get EVS handle");
res = IOConnectSetCFProperties(connect, propertyDict);
if (res != KERN_SUCCESS)
NSLog(#"Failed to set mouse acceleration (%d)", res);
return 0;
The following works (tested with Xcode 11.2 / macOS 10.15)
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDLib.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
io_service_t service = IORegistryEntryFromPath(kIOMasterPortDefault,
kIOServicePlane ":/IOResources/IOHIDSystem");
NSDictionary *parameters = (__bridge NSDictionary *)IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(service,
CFSTR(kIOHIDParametersKey), kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions);
NSLog(#"%#", parameters);
NSMutableDictionary *newParameters = [parameters mutableCopy];
newParameters[#"HIDMouseAcceleration"] = #(12345);
kern_return_t result = IORegistryEntrySetCFProperty(service,
CFSTR(kIOHIDParametersKey), (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)newParameters);
NSLog(kIOReturnSuccess == result ? #"Updated" : #"Failed");
return 0;

objective-c right padding

hello all hope someone can help with that. I was browsing the net and nothing really seems to make sense :S
so I have a string lets say:
"123" and I would like to use a function like:
padr("123", 5, 'x')
and the result should be:
Sorry but Objective-C is a nightmare when dealing with strings :S
You could create your own method to take the initial string, desired length, and padding character (as I was starting to do & also described in a few similar questions)
Or you could use the NSString method Apple already provides ;)
NSString *paddedString = [#"123"
stringByPaddingToLength: 5
withString: #"x" startingAtIndex:0];
See NSString Class Reference for this method.
What about the NSString method stringByPaddingToLength:withString:startingAtIndex:.
NSString* padr(NSString* string, NSUInteger length, NSString *repl)
return [string stringByPaddingToLength:length withString:repl startingAtIndex:0];
NSMutableString* padString(NSString *str, int padAmt, char padVal)
NSMutableString *lol = [NSMutableString stringWithString:str];
while (lol.length < padAmt) {
[lol appendFormat:#"%c", padVal];
return lol;
And the Call
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
NSLog(#"%#", padString(#"123", 5, 'x'));
return 0;

Using NSUInteger Input to insertObject:___ atIndex:___

I'm trying to create a simple commandline tic-tac-toe game using an NSMutableArray.
Created a class called "Board" with the method "getPosition"
(I'm assuming this is the best way to get a user input)
I'm asking for position, then casting from int to NSUInteger)
#import "Board.h"
#implementation Board
int enteredPosition;
scanf("%i", &enteredPosition);
NSUInteger nsEnteredPosition = (NSUInteger ) enteredPosition;
NSLog(#"Position = %lu", (unsigned long)nsEnteredPosition);
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "Board.h"
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
NSString *currentPlayer;
NSMutableArray *gameBoard=[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:9];
for(int i; i<=2; i++)
if(i %2)
NSLog(#"Player %#, select an open spot 1 - 9 on the board", currentPlayer);
Board *currentPosition = [[Board alloc] init];
[currentPosition getPosition];
[gameBoard insertObject:currentPlayer atIndex:currentPosition]; //this is where i have a problem
As I understand it atIndex requires an NSUInteger parameter, but I'm receiving the error message:
"Incompatible pointer to integer conversion sending 'Board *_strong"
to parameter of type 'NSUInteger' (aka 'unassigned long')
You're using currentPosition as your index which is a Board object. Perhaps [currentPosition getPosition] is supposed to return an NSUInteger. If so, try rewriting the last portion of your code like this:
Board *theBoard = [[Board alloc] init];
NSUInteger currentPosition = [theBoard getPosition];
[gameBoard insertObject:currentPlayer atIndex:currentPosition]; //this is where i have a problem

Implementing a header in Objective C

I'm completely new to Objective C and I'm trying to use it to wrap a C-library. I have a main.m wrap.m and wrap.h files. From what I gather in the header file I included #interface and in the source file I will include #implementation However I'm not really understanding what to include in each of them. Right now my main file is:
int copy_data(struct archive *ar, struct archive *aw) {
for (;;) {
const void *buff;
size_t size;
off_t offset;
int r = archive_read_data_block(ar, &buff, &size, &offset);
if (r == ARCHIVE_EOF)
return (ARCHIVE_OK);
archive_write_data_block(aw, buff, size, offset);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
struct archive *a;
struct archive *ext;
struct archive_entry *entry;
int flags;
int r;
/* Select which attributes we want to restore. */
a = archive_read_new();
ext = archive_write_disk_new();
archive_write_disk_set_options(ext, flags);
r = archive_read_open_filename(a, argv[1], 10240);
for (;;) {
r = archive_read_next_header(a, &entry);
if (r == ARCHIVE_EOF)
r = archive_write_header(ext, entry);
if (archive_entry_size(entry) > 0) {
copy_data(a, ext);
NSLog(#"No Issues");
return 0;
So far what I'm getting in my wrap.h file is:
typedef struct{
int *a;
int *ext;
#interface main : NSObject
#property int flags;
#property int r;
I don't know if that is close to what I need to do, and I'm getting errors on my ARCHIVE_EXTRACT saying they are undeclared identifiers which I assume also have to go into my wrap.h file but I'm not sure how to do that. Any help at all would be appreciated!
If you start your project in Xcode using the CommandLineTool template, you can select your language to be "C" or "C++", so you wouldn't have to mess with Objective-C at all.
As for the .h file that you currently have, don't do "#property" or "#interface" for "main". "main" is a C style function and not an Objective-C thing.
If you are actually interested in an objectivec solution, follow Michael Dautermann's instructions to start a new Command Line project but instead of Type C use the Foundation option. This will give you a working main (just a regular c function). Then select new->objective c class to create your wrap.h/wrap.m. In the wrap.h you will pretty much exclusively be declaring your own objectivec public wrapper methods. In the wrap.m, you'll be importing what you want to wrap, and defining your wrapper functions.
// main.m
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "wrap.h"
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
[wrap wrappedStuff];
return 0;
// wrap.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface wrap : NSObject
+ (void)wrappedStuff;
// wrap.m
#import "wrap.h"
#include "WhatImWrapping.h"
#implementation wrap
int copy_data(struct archive *ar, struct archive *aw) {
for (;;) {
const void *buff;
size_t size;
off_t offset;
int r = archive_read_data_block(ar, &buff, &size, &offset);
if (r == ARCHIVE_EOF)
return (ARCHIVE_OK);
archive_write_data_block(aw, buff, size, offset);
+ (void)wrappedStuff
struct archive *a;
struct archive *ext;
struct archive_entry *entry;
int flags;
int r;
/* Select which attributes we want to restore. */
a = archive_read_new();
ext = archive_write_disk_new();
archive_write_disk_set_options(ext, flags);
r = archive_read_open_filename(a, argv[1], 10240);
for (;;) {
r = archive_read_next_header(a, &entry);
if (r == ARCHIVE_EOF)
r = archive_write_header(ext, entry);
if (archive_entry_size(entry) > 0) {
copy_data(a, ext);
NSLog(#"No Issues");

Why do i get "program received signal: "EXC_BAD_ACCESS" on NSString veriable

I just recently started learning Objective C, when i run the next program i get error
"program received signal: "EXC_BAD_ACCESS"
For the code line
if([*userChoice isEqualToString:#"yes"])
The full code is:
void initGame (void);
void restartGame(void);
void toGoOn(char *playerChoice);
int guess=-1;
int from=-1;
int to=-1;
bool playStatus=true;
bool gameStatus=true;
int answer=-1;
NSString *userChoice[10];
//if true the game is on
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
GuessManager *game=GUESS;
NSLog(#"Hello, lets play");
NSLog(#"Please provide a positive range in which you would like to play");
[game setnumberToGuess:from :to];
do {
printf("Make you guess:");
scanf("%d", &guess);
[game setUserGuess:guess];
[game checkUserGuess];
if([game getDidIgetIt])
} while (playStatus);
printf("Thanks For Playing PanGogi Games! GoodBye");
return 0;
void initGame (void)
void restartGame(void)
printf("Would you like to continue?(yes/no)");
// if(answer==1)
if([*userChoice isEqualToString:#"yes"])
I understand that its related to the NSString variable userChoice and how its used in
the if, but what i cant find is what am i doing wrong.
Please help :)
You have 3 errors in the code
1) I think you are getting confused with NSString and C style char array... You just need to use single NSString object to save multi character data..
NSString *userChoice;
2) Since you want to input data using scanf, you need a C style character array. scanf won't work with NSString types.
char tempArray[10];
int count = scanf("%s",&tempArray);
userChoice = [NSString stringWithBytes:tempArray length:count encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
3) Now you can use NSString directly.. No need for pointer like syntax
if( [userChoice isEqualToString: #"yes"]){
You're using NSString as if it was char. It's not. It's a class that represents a string.
The scanf function is a C function and needs a char array, not an NSString.
char str[80];
scanf("%s", &str);
You can initialize an NSString object with a char array like this:
NSString *userChoice = [NSString stringWithCString:str encoding:NSASCIIEncoding];
And compare like this:
if ([userChoice isEqualToString:#"yes"]) {
} else {