SQL Query X Days back excluding date ranges (Confusing!) - sql

Ok, I have a tough SQL query, and I'm not sure how to go about writing it.
I am summing the number of "bananas collected" by an employee within the last X days, but what I could really use help on is determining X.
The "last X days" value is defined to be the last 100 days that the employee was NOT out due to Purple Fever, starting from some ChosenDate (we'll say today, 6/24/14). That is to say, if the person was sick with Purple Fever for 3 days, then I want to look back over the last 103 days from ChosenDate rather than the last 100 days. Any other reason the employee may have been out does not affect our calculation.
Table PersonOutIncident
| PersonOutIncidentID | PersonID | ReasonOut |
| 1 | Sarah | PurpleFever |
| 2 | Sarah | PaperCut |
| 3 | Jon | PurpleFever |
| 4 | Sarah | PurpleFever |
Table PersonOutDetail
| PersonOutDetailID | PersonOutIncidentID | BeginDate | EndDate |
| 1 | 1 | 1/1/2014 | 1/3/2014 |
| 2 | 1 | 1/7/2014 | 1/13/2014 |
| 3 | 2 | 2/1/2014 | 2/3/2014 |
| 4 | 3 | 1/15/2014 | 1/20/2014 |
| 5 | 4 | 5/1/2014 | 5/15/2014 |
The tables are established. Many PersonOutDetail records can be associated with one PersonOutIncident record and there may be multiple PersonOutIncident records for a single employee (That is to say, there could be two or three PersonOutIncident records with an identical ReasonOut column, because they represent a particular incident or event and the not-necessarily-continuous days lost due to that particular incident)
The nature of this requirement complicates things, even conceptually to me.
The best I can think of is to check for a BeginDate/EndDate pair within the 100 day base period, then determine the number of days from BeginDate to EndDate and add that to the base 100 days. But then I would have to check again that this new range doesn't overlap or contain additional BeginDate/EndDate pairs and add, if so, add those days as well. I can tell already that this isn't the method I want to use, but I can't wrap my mind quite around how exactly what I need to start/structure this query. Does anyone have an idea that might steer me in the correct direction? I realize this might not be clear and I apologize if I'm just confusing things.

One way to do this is to work with a table or WITH CLAUSE that contains a list of days. Let's say days is a table with one column that contains the last 200 days. (This means the query will break if the employee had more than 100 sick days in the last 200 days).
Now you can get a list of all working days of an employee like this (replace ? with the employee id):
FROM days d
INNER JOIN PersonOutIncidentID po ON po.PersonOutIncidentID = pd.PersonOutIncidentID
WHERE d.day BETWEEN pd.BeginDate AND pd.EndDate
AND po.ReasonOut = 'PurpleFever'
AND po.PersonID = ?)
WHERE RowNumber <= 100;
Alternatively, you can obtain the '100th day' by replacing RowNumber <= 100 with RowNumber = 100.


Get the difference in time between multiple rows with the same column name

I need to get the time difference between two dates on different rows. This part is okay but I can have instances of the same title. A quick example which will explain things some more.
Lets say we have a table with the following records:
| ID | Title | Date |
| ----- | ------- |--------------------|
| 1 | Down |2021-03-07 12:05:00 |
| 2 | Up |2021-03-07 13:05:00 |
| 3 | Down |2021-03-07 10:30:00 |
| 4 | Up |2021-03-07 11:00:00 |
I basically need to get the time difference between the first "Down" and "Up". So ID 1 & 2 = 1 hour.
Then ID 3 & 4 = 30 mins, and so on for the amount of "Down" and "Up" rows there are.
(These will always be grouped together one after another)
It doesn't matter if the results are seperate or a SUM of all the differences.
I'm trying to get this done without a temp table.
Thank you.
This can be done using analytical functions, the availability of which will be determined based on your sql engine. The idea is to get the next value in the same row as the one you need to calculate the diff/sum
In the case above it would look some thing like below
id ,
Date as startdate,
LEAD(Date,1) OVER (
) enddate
Once you have it on the same row, you can carry out your time difference operation.

Rolling sum based on date (when dates are missing)

You may be aware of rolling the results of an aggregate over a specific number of preceding rows. I.e.: how many hot dogs did I eat over the last 7 days
SELECT HotDogCount,
SUM(HotDogCount) OVER (ORDER BY DateKey ROWS 6 PRECEDING) AS HotDogsLast7Days
FROM dbo.HotDogConsumption
| HotDogCount | DateKey | HotDogsLast7Days |
| 3 | 09/21/2020 | 3 |
| 2 | 9/22/2020 | 5 |
| 1 | 09/23/2020 | 6 |
| 1 | 09/24/2020 | 7 |
| 1 | 09/25/2020 | 8 |
| 4 | 09/26/2020 | 12 |
| 1 | 09/27/2020 | 13 |
| 3 | 09/28/2020 | 13 |
| 2 | 09/29/2020 | 13 |
| 1 | 09/30/2020 | 13 |
Now, the problem I am having is when there are gaps in the dates. So, basically, one day my intestines and circulatory system are screaming at me: "What the heck are you doing, you're going to kill us all!!!" So, I decide to give my body a break for a day and now there is no record for that day. When I use the "ROWS 6 PRECEDING" method, I will now be reaching back 8 days, rather than 7, because one day was missed.
So, the question is, do any of you know how I could use the OVER clause to truly use a date value (something like "DATEADD(day,-7,DateKey)") to determine how many previous rows should be summed up for a true 7 day rolling sum, regardless of whether I only ate hot dogs on one day or on all 7 days?
Side note, to have a record of 0 for the days I didn't eat any hotdogs is not an option. I understand that I could use an array of dates and left join to it and do a
type of deal, but I would like to find out if there is a different way where the rows preceding value can somehow be determined dynamically based on the date.
Window functions are the right approach in theory. But to look back at the 7 preceding days (not rows), we need a range frame specification - which, unfornately, SQL Server does not support.
I am going to recommend a subquery, or a lateral join:
select hdc.*, hdc1.*
from dbo.HotDogConsumption hdc
cross apply (
select coalesce(sum(HotDogCount), 0) HotDogsLast7Days
from dbo.HotDogConsumption hdc1
where hdc1.datekey >= dateadd(day, -7, hdc.datekey)
and hdc1.datekey < hdc.datekey
) hdc1
You might want to adjust the conditions in the where clause of the subquery to the precise frame that you want. The above code computes over the last 7 days, not including today. Something equivalent to your current attempt would be like:
where hdc1.datekey >= dateadd(day, -6, hdc.datekey)
and hdc1.datekey <= hdc.datekey
I'm kind of old school, but this is how I'd go about it:
,( SELECT SUM( HDC2.HotDogCount )
FROM HotDogConsumption HDC2
AND HDC1.DateKey ) AS 'HotDogsLast7Days'
HotDogConsumption HDC1
Someone younger might use an OUTER APPLY or something.

SQL - BigQuery - How do I fill in dates from a calendar table?

My goal is to join a sales program table to a calendar table so that there would be a joined table with the full trailing 52 weeks by day, and then the sales data would be joined to it. The idea would be that there are nulls I could COALESCE after the fact. However, my problem is that I only get results without nulls from my sales data table.
The questions I've consulted so far are:
Join to Calendar Table - 5 Business Days
Joining missing dates from calendar table Which points to
MySQL how to fill missing dates in range?
My Calendar table is all 364 days previous to today (today being day 0). And the sales data has a program field, a store field, and then a start date and an end date for the program.
Here's what I have coded:
and SALES.ITEM = 1 or SALES.ITEM is null
What I expected was 365 records with dates where there were nulls and dates where there were filled in records. My query resulted in a few dates with null values but otherwise just the dates where a program exists.
8/27/2020 | | | | | |
8/26/2020 | | | | | |
8/25/2020 | | | | | |
8/24/2020 | | | | | |
6/7/2020 | 1 | 5 | 6/7/2020 | 2/13/2016 | 6/7/2020 |
6/6/2020 | 1 | 5 | 6/6/2020 | 2/13/2016 | 6/7/2020 |
6/5/2020 | 1 | 5 | 6/5/2020 | 2/13/2016 | 6/7/2020 |
6/4/2020 | 1 | 5 | 6/4/2020 | 2/13/2016 | 6/7/2020 |
Date = Calendar day.
Item = Item number being sold.
Program = Unique numeric ID of program.
Sale_Dt = Field populated if at least one item was sold under this program.
Prgm_bgn = First day when item was eligible to be sold under this program.
Prgm_end = Last day when item was eligible to be sold under this program.
What I would have expected would have been records between June 7 and August 24 which just had the DATE column populated for each day and null values as what happens in the most recent four records.
I'm trying to understand why a calendar table and what I've written are not providing the in-between dates.
EDIT: I've removed the request for feedback to shorten the question as well as an example I don't think added value. But please continue to give feedback as you see necessary.
I'd be more than happy to delete this whole question or have someone else give a better answer, but after staring at the logic in some of the answers in this thread (MySQL how to fill missing dates in range?) long enough, I came up with this:
and SALES.ITEM = 1 or SALES.ITEM is null
From what I can tell, it seems to be what I needed. It allows for the subquery to connect a date to all those records, then just joins on the calendar table again solely on date to allow for those nulls to be created.

SQL payments matrix

I want to combine two tables into one:
The first table: Payments
id | 2010_01 | 2010_02 | 2010_03
1 | 3.000 | 500 | 0
2 | 1.000 | 800 | 0
3 | 200 | 2.000 | 300
4 | 700 | 1.000 | 100
The second table is ID and some date (different for every ID)
id | date |
1 | 2010-02-28 |
2 | 2010-03-01 |
3 | 2010-01-31 |
4 | 2011-02-11 |
What I'm trying to achieve is to create table which contains all payments before the date in ID table to create something like this:
id | date | T_00 | T_01 | T_02
1 | 2010-02-28 | 500 | 3.000 |
2 | 2010-03-01 | 0 | 800 | 1.000
3 | 2010-01-31 | 200 | |
4 | 2010-02-11 | 1.000 | 700 |
Where T_00 means payment in the same month as 'date' value, T_01 payment in previous month and so on.
Is there a way to do this?
I'm trying to achieve this in MS Access.
The problem is that I cannot connect name of the first table's column with the date in the second (the easiest way would be to treat it as variable)
I added T_00 to T_24 columns in the second (ID) table and was trying to UPDATE those fields
set T_00 =
but I realized that that would be to much code for access to handle if I wanted to do this for every payment period and every T_xx column.
Even if I would write the code for T_00 I would have to repeat it for next 23 periods.
Your Payments table is de-normalized. Those date columns are repeating groups, meaning you've violated First Normal Form (1NF). It's especially difficult because your field names are actually data. As you've found, repeating groups are a complete pain in the ass when you want to relate the table to something else. This is why 1NF is so important, but knowing that doesn't solve your problem.
You can normalize your data by creating a view that UNIONs your Payments table.
Like so:
CREATE VIEW NormalizedPayments (id, Year, Month, Amount) AS
2010 AS Year,
1 AS Month,
2010_01 AS Amount
FROM Payments
2010 AS Year,
2 AS Month,
2010_02 AS Amount
FROM Payments
2010 AS Year,
3 AS Month,
2010_03 AS Amount
FROM Payments
And so on if you have more. This is how the Payments table should have been designed in the first place.
It may be easier to use a date field with the value '2010-01-01' instead of a Year and Month field. It depends on your data. You may also want to add WHERE Amount IS NOT NULL to each query in the UNION, or you might want to use Nz(2010_01,0.000) AS Amount. Again, it depends on your data and other queries.
It's hard for me to understand how you're joining from here, particularly how the id fields relate because I don't see how they do with the small amount of data provided, so I'll provide some general ideas for what to do next.
Next you can join your second table with this normalized Payments table using a method similar to this or a method similar to this. To actually produce the result you want, include a calculated field in this view with the difference in months. Then, create an actual Pivot Table to format your results (like this or like this) which is the proper way to display data like your tables do.

SQL duration between dates for different persons

hopefully someone can help me with the following task:
I hVE got 2 tables Treatment and 'Person'. Treatment contains the dates when treatments for the different persons were started, Person contains personal information, e.g. lastname.
Now I have to find all persons where the duration between the first and last treatment is over 20 years.
The Tables look something like this:
| PK_Person | First name | Name |
| 1 | A_Test | Karl |
| 2 | B_Test | Marie |
| 3 | C_Test | Steve |
| 4 | D_Test | Jack |
| PK_Treatment | Description | Starting time | PK_Person |
| 1 | A | 01.01.1989 | 1
| 2 | B | 02.11.2001 | 1
| 3 | A | 05.01.2004 | 1
| 4 | C | 01.09.2013 | 1
| 5 | B | 01.01.1999 | 2
So in this example, the output should be person Karl, A_Test.
Hopefully its understandable what the problem is and someone can help me.
Edit: There seems to be a problem with the formatting, the tables are not displayed correctly, I hope its readable.
FROM person p
INNER JOIN Treatment t on t.PK_Person = p.PK_Person
This should do it, it is however untested so will need tweaking to your schema
Your data looks a bit suspicious, because the first name doesn't look like a first name.
But, what you want to do is aggregate the Treatment table for each person and get the minimum and maximum starting times. When the difference is greater than 20 years, then keep the person, and join back to the person table to get the names.
select p.FirstName, p.LastName
from Person p join
(select pk_person, MIN(StartingTime) as minst, MAX(StartingTime) as maxst
from Treatment t
group by pk_person
having MAX(StartingTime) - MIN(StartingTime) > 20*365.25
) t
on p.pk_person = t.pk_person;
Note that date arithmetic does vary between databases. In most databases, taking the difference of two dates counts the number of days between them, so this is a pretty general approach (although not guaranteed to work on all databases).
I've taken a slightly different approach and worked with SQL Fiddle to verify that the below statements work.
As mentioned previously, the data does seem a bit suspicious; nonetheless per your requirements, you would be able to do the following:
select P.PK_Person, p.FirstName, p.Name
from person P
inner join treatment T on T.pk_person = P.pk_person
where DATEDIFF((select x.startingtime from treatment x where x.pk_person = p.pk_person order by startingtime desc limit 1), T.StartingTime) > 7305
First, we need to inner join treatements which will ignore any persons who are not in the treatment table. The where portion now just needs to select based on your criteria (in this case a difference of dates). Doing a subquery will generate the last date a person has been treated, compare that to each of your records, and filter by number of days (7305 = 20 years * 365.25).
Here is the working SQL Fiddle sample.