SIP servlet container - glassfish

Does GlassFish 4.0 server act as a SIP servlet container? I googled but could not find a answer. It may be obvious but I could not figure it out. I am new to Java EE.
I have got a legacy prototype implementation to work with. It uses Java SIP servlet. It's a Netbeans project. It does not have any setup documentation. So I don't know which server I should use.
I installed Netbeans IDE 8.0 with Java EE 7 and GlassFish server 4.0. I thought I would start learning to use SIP servlet by following Oracle's SIP Servlet Tutorial. In that tutorial, "Communication Server" is recommended in "Required Software" section. When I googled to download this, I found Oracle Communications Converged Application Server which was not free.

I'm not sure if you can use GlassFish for SIP servlets, I'm not aware of any implementation working with it. But you can use Mobicents, built on top of Tomcat or JBoss.


Is it possible to deploy a JAX-RS web service to MobileFirst Server?

My team is working on the migration of a hybrid app from Tibco Silver Mobile(TSM) platform to IBM MobileFirst Platform.
I have a JAX-RS webservice developed using Weblogic IDE which is currently hosted on TSM server. This webservice does a security check for all the incoming back-end requests and pass the request to the back-end if it is from a valid source.
When the app will be migrated from TSM to MobileFirst platform the TSM server will be moved out of the scene. I am looking for some alternate options for hosting this JAX-RS webservice. I don't want to make any changes to the webservice since it is a tested and proven code used in the TSM based solution.
I understand from the IBM MobileFirst Platform 7.0 documentation that JAX-RS support is now available on the MobileFirst Server and JAX-RS specification based Java adapters can be developed and deployed to the server.
Can I deploy the above mentioned webservice .WAR file as such to MobileFirst Server, without making any customizations?
If yes, what is the procedure for deploying the webservice (.WAR) to MobileFirst Server?
If no, what are the alternate options that can be considered?
As indicated in the comments above:
MFP Server is actually a Java EE application deployed to a supported Java EE application server, WebSphere Liberty or full WebSphere ND being the normal options, though TomCat is also supported.
In principle your own JAX/RS WAR file can be deployed to these same servers, the details will depend upon exactly what Java EE features you exploit and you will need to understand those Java EE servers' administration model. MFP itself is not affected by this, and you need no MFP knowledge to do it. You just need to understand the chosen Java EE server. Personally I would start with WebSphere Liberty.
A further question would be whether it is better to isolate your JAX/RS and Mobile First servers into their own Java EE server instances. It can be easier to manage and scale if you keep things separate, but technically there should be no interference if you do co-locate them. It is pretty trivial to spin up a dedicated Liberty server.
A more interesting question is whether there is value in actually exploiting the MFP Adapter capability to create JAX/RS services. In effect it's your familiar JAX/RS programming model but packaged slightly differently, deployed as a MFP adapter, and with the option explicitly to exploit the MFP security model and easily call other MFP adapters.
Personally, if I were coming to a project with no existing JAX/RS services and have commited to MFP and its security model then I would do my JAX/RS in the MFP Adapters.

Fuse vs Switchyard

I need to know what is the difference between Jboss Fuse and Switchyard. Switchyard website says it will be replacing Jboss ESB. This brings the question what is the difference between FUSE and Switchyard where both will work as ESB
Switchyard is actually at the top of "JBoss Fuse Service Works" (which is the new "JBoss SOA Plattform") as a framework for service-oriented applications.
Fuse provides Camel as the framework for integration that use the enterprise integration patterns (EIP), but doesn't offers the features like a SOA Plattform (like service registry or UDDI ...).
They are both ESBs but for different use case; one is for SOA and the other is for integration, and they're also based on different containers; Fuse Service Works has the JBoss EAP as container, an J2EE spec, and FUse is based on Karaf container, an OSGi 'spec'.
I hope i've helped you.
Jboss released a new version of Fuse by integrating with Switchyard and several other Apache related framework, refer them in this link. Switchyard is a Composite framework, Where in you can do lot many integrations such as file poller, http,soap, webservice, BPEL ,BPM and Java Beans etc.
Jboss says you can work with EAP 6.4 server in order to work on Jboss Fuse(Switchyard) related things,but vanilla installation of EAP 6.4 server wont detect Switchyard applications through JBDS. You want to install JBoss Fuse over your EAP server. Refer link here to know more details regards to that.

Installing OSGi jars on Lotus Domino 8.5.3

I'm working on a Servlet which I am deploying as an OSGi Plugin on a Lotus Domino Server (8.5.3).
The servlet uses HttpClient to make REST style requests of a backend server.
Currently Domino 8.5.3 ships with org.apache.commons.httpclient ( I would really like to use org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient-4.2.1.
Any idea how I can deploy the jars (there are dependencies, core, logging, codec) on the Server so that they are available to my osgi plugin?
I've had quite a bit of help getting this far but this one is defeating me, and I have code that works if only I had access to the httpcomponents.httpclient api :-)
Many many thanks in advance :-)
Don't know if Lotus Domino is a OSGi capable server, but usually you just need to add a version to your import-package part for the httpclient api packages.
For example your Mantifest should contain something like
Import-Package: org.apache.httpclient;version=[4.2,5)
Now if Lotus Domino is a OSGi capable server it should be straight forward to deploy your httpclient jar in version 4.2.1 (I think this one already does contain a manifest declaring the right packages)
In case this is not the case you might want to create your own OSGi-ready httpclient package, the BND tools and the apache maven-bundle-plugin will help you on that.

Secure Web-Services with WS-Trust/SAML using PicketLink in JBoss 7?

I have a Web-Service that's being called from a remote Java program. I want to secure the Web Service with WS-Trust, using PicketLink. PicketLink is working, and I can obtain a token (assertion) from the picketlink-sts, using the WSTrustClient class.
But in JBoss 7, there appears to be no way to supply any of the client-side WS runtime classes with this token. The samples on the JBoss sites use this:
((BindingProvider) port).getRequestContext().put(SAML2Constants.SAML2_ASSERTION_PROPERTY, assertion);
But does not exist because there are no packages in any of the JBoss 7 or PicketLink jars.
I have no experience with PicketLink (yet). But some Googling led me to this forum question & answer.

How do I configure glassfish 3.1 to use Websphere MQ7 for JMS?

Maybe I dont know the right search terms to query with, but I cannot find instructions on how to configure glassfish 3.1 to allow me to use an external websphere mq7 server for my jms/mdb project. Can someone help me get this configured? I'll repay the community by writing a good howto document if there isn't one out there already.
Came across this in my own semi-related Google search... didn't answer my question (nor did anything else) so I posted some instructions here.
You can download WebSphere MQ 7 client from IBM.
After extraction or installation you will find a websphere mq rar adapter which you can deploy onto glassfish. You can use this mq rar adapter to make connections to WebSphere MQ 7.