Robocopy in VBA while using strings - vba

I have a spreadsheet that we run to copy over a list of files/folders based on what we select. In each of these row's we have a few other formula's that with gather other information. What we are trying to do is use robocopy based on a cell's data using strings. Below is currently how we have it setup in VBA, but it does not seem to work.
sSource = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A2").Value
sFile = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F2").Value
sPath = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("C2").Value
Shell "cmd /c robocopy sSource sPath sFile"
sSource is a network drive with the full folder path (i.e. \server1\stuff\stuff2\files)
sPath is a local folder on the computer
sFile is just as it sounds, the file name
It appears that it runs successfully, but when I go to the sPath location, there are no files there, just an empty folder.

Your code is very close. You need to concatenate your variables. All that needs to change is the final line to be:
Shell "cmd /c robocopy " & sSource & " " & sPath & " " & sFile

strParms = " /s /xo /mir /zb /R:5 /W:5"
Shell "cmd /c robocopy " & sSource & " " & sPath & sFile & strParms
Replace your code line (Shell "cmd /c robocopy " & sSource & " " & sPath & " " & sFile) with above 2 lines and you'll find files in your destination folder
Actually you're missing "strParms" in your statement which I have added. I have tested and it will definitely work.


code not working: Copy file From one directory to another with vba

I have write a VBA code to copy file from one directory to another; but I can't figure out why it is not working. Any ideas? I know how to do it using FileSystemObject but I will like to learn - doing it with SHELL.
Sub copy_file()
Dim dirPath As String, srcFile As String
dirPath = "E:\Download\"
srcFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name
Shell ("cmd /c copy /y """ & srcFile & " " & dirPath & """")
End Sub
You're over-complicating.
You don't need to use Shell and go through the command line for this.
There's a built-in command: FileCopy
This example uses the FileCopy statement to copy one file to another. For purposes of this example, assume that is a file containing some data.
Dim SourceFile, DestinationFile
SourceFile = "SRCFILE" ' Define source file name.
DestinationFile = "DESTFILE" ' Define target file name.
FileCopy SourceFile, DestinationFile ' Copy source to target.
Read the documentation for FileCopy at the source.
I'd also suggest taking a few minutes to read through all the standard VBA objects and their available methods/functions/properties/etc to get an idea of what kind of tasks have built-in functionality with VBA and/or Office.
Here is the main page of the official documentation for Office VBA.
srcFile is the same file that you are using to hold your vba code, and therefore that file is already open. In that case Windows shell copy command will not work, by design.
You can duplicate your opened source file with the ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs method.
Further reading: How to do a "Save As" in vba code, saving my current Excel workbook with datestamp?
Further problem: your active workbook will immediately renamed, therefore you have to close it. In order to avoid having save as dialog before exit, read that tutorial:
Shell ("cmd /c copy /y """ & srcFile & " " & dirPath & """")
Quotes issue. You should be check your path and try this code below:
Sub copy_file()
Dim dirPath As String, srcFile As String
dirPath = "E:\Download\"
srcFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name
MsgBox "cmd /c copy /y " & srcFile & " " & dirPath
Shell ("cmd /c copy /y " & srcFile & " " & dirPath)
End Sub

VBA Access CSV import issue from netdrive using shell

I have an issue which i can't figure out.
Quest is to import csv file from a netdrive.
In a basic version files to import were selected automaticaly by code:
Function FilesAfterDate(Directory As String, FileSpec As String, AfterDate As Date) As String()
'Requires a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime object lib
Dim oFS As New FileSystemObject, oFile As File
Dim listFiles() As String
Dim i As Long
i = 0
If Right(Directory, 1) <> "\" Then Directory = Directory & "\"
For Each oFile In oFS.GetFolder(Directory).files
If oFile.DateLastModified > AfterDate And oFile.Name Like FileSpec Then
ReDim Preserve listFiles(i)
listFiles(i) = oFile.Name
i = i + 1
End If
FilesAfterDate = listFiles
End Function
And then it was imported by code (for each Importfiles(i) where ImportReport = fullpath of Importfiles(i))
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "ImpSpec_" & sObjSpec & "Csv", "tb" & sObjName & cloneTableNameDesc, ImportReport, False
This solution works really slow, so with the help of the users of this portal I've created a shell import:
fileDetails = Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c pushd " & Chr(34) & source_path & Chr(34) & " & forfiles /S /D +" & s_data & " & popd").StdOut.ReadAll, Chr(10))
and if I use same import command where ImportReport = fullpath of fileDetails (i) i get an error number 31519.
I used debug.print to check all vartypes, path etc and they are all the same. However sollution with shell doesn't work... Any idea for the reason why?
As I figure it out - splitting shell function to array somehow doesn't have right data/names for access.
It worked when instead of splitting the shell function i've just assigned it to string value
full_string_paths = CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c pushd " & Chr(34) & source_path & Chr(34) & " & forfiles /S /D +" & s_data & " & popd").StdOut.ReadAll
and then using Mid function and Instr I've created an array of correct filename's
After that everything worked perfectly.

Using Excel VBA to run a CMD command

I would like to use Excel VBA to run a CMD command.
The basic cmd command is:
"C:\Program Files\example program.exe" -w C:\Program files\outputfile.file "dir1" "dir2" "dir n+1"
The first part is the location of the program that will merge the files together.
The second part is the file location of the outputted merged files.
And the "dir1".... is the files that will be merged together.
I have code that lists the files to be merged but struggling to get the CMD code to get it so it does what I want as mentioned above. I have tried the following:
Sub RunCMD()
Dim wsh As Object
Set wsh = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim waitOnReturn As Boolean: waitOnReturn = True
Dim windowStyle As Integer: windowStyle = 1
Dim locationofprogram as string
'dir of program that will do the merge
Dim outputfolder as string
'dir of where the merged file will go
Dim listoffiles as string
'list of files to be merged
wsh.Run "cmd.exe /S /C locationofprogram & " " & "-w" & " " & outputfolder & " " & listoffiles, windowStyle, waitOnReturn
End Sub
Thanks for the help!
You can always create a .bat file, run the file, then delete it.
MyFile = "C:\Bat-File\Bat-File.bat"
fnum = FreeFile()
Open MyFile For Output As #fnum
Print #fnum, "C:\Program Files\example program.exe -w C:\Program files\outputfile.file dir1 dir2 dir n+1"
Close #fnum
Shell MyFile, vbNormalFocus
' wait 10 seconds to let bat file finnish
newHour = Hour(Now())
newMinute = Minute(Now())
newSecond = Second(Now()) + 10
waitTime = TimeSerial(newHour, newMinute, newSecond)
Application.Wait waitTime
' delete bat-file
kill MyFile
I can't test that example program runs without the " around the dirĀ“s so you have to see what happens.
But if it does not work you need to double enclose the " or use & CHR(34) &
If in doubt, send the text to the Immediate Window to see if it still matches the syntax using:
Debug.Print "cmd.exe /S /C " & locationofprogram & " " & "-w" & " " & outputfolder & " " & listoffiles
If that works, use:
wsh.Run "cmd.exe /S /C " & locationofprogram & " " & "-w" & " " & outputfolder & " " & listoffiles, windowStyle, waitOnReturn

command line not working when run from vba

I'm trying to unzip a file via my VBA code. I'm using 7z command line to unzip the file. However the command works when run from normal command prompt but the same command is not working when run via VBA code.
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x "C:\Users\Public\AppData\Local\Temp\"
For further understanding, I'm trying to extract a docx file and that is why I am renaming it to .zip and then extracting.
Sub tst()
Dim MyFile As String, Outdir As String, Cmdstr As String
MyFile = Chr(34) & "c:\TMP\ratings.gz" & Chr(34)
Outdir = Chr(34) & "c:\tmp\0" & Chr(34)
Cmdstr = "c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" & " e " & MyFile & " -o" & Outdir
Debug.Print Cmdstr
Call Shell(Cmdstr, 1)
End Sub
I've used this type of function (similar) to unzip the file.
Missing proper quoting, should be
Cmdstr = """c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe""" & " e " & MyFile & " -o" & Outdir
The Command Line Version of 7-Zip is 7za.exe rather than 7z.exe.
I'm not sure about running CLI applications with Shell method but next could work:
Cmdstr = "cmd /D /C " & """full path to 7za\7za.exe""" & " e " & MyFile & " -o" & Outdir
Edit. To retain folder structure, use 7z with x command rather than e command. While the e command copies all extracted files to one directory, the z command extracts files from an archive with their full paths in the current directory, or in an output directory if specified. So you could define Cmdstr as follows:
Cmdstr = """c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe""" & " x " & MyFile & " -o" & Outdir

Execute .bat file from Excel VBA Macro

Im having a problem with my excel vba macro. I need it to execute a batch file which is in the same folder as the excel workbook. The code works well sometimes. I don't know whats causing the error. Here's the code:
Sub writebatch()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=ThisWorkbook.path & "\code.bat",
FileFormat:=xlTextPrinter, CreateBackup:=False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
Shell "cmd.exe /k cd " & ThisWorkbook.path & "&&code.bat"
End Sub
It writes the batch file, but then doesn't execute it. Only once I got the command window to not close and it said the code.bat file could not be found. So the changedir command worked. Is it possible to run cmd.exe and run the code.bat with the relative path without having to changedir?
First of all, when you launch a CMD instance you need to enclose the entire CMD argument if you use any type of operators (&):
CMD /K "command1 & command2"
And then enclose the sub-internal arguments, like this:
CMD /K "command "path with spaces" & command"
So you need to do something like this:
Shell "cmd.exe /k ""cd " & """ & ThisWorkbook.path & """ & " && code.bat"""
Notice I've used """ to escape a quote, but I don't know the way to escape a quote in VBA.
PS: remember to also enclose the code.bat if you have spaces, but ONLY if you have spaces.
I'm pretty sure the problem is down to this line
Shell "cmd.exe /k cd " & ThisWorkbook.path & "&&code.bat"
You need a space in front of the && to separate it from the cd command and after it to separate it from the code.bat.
Shell "cmd.exe /k cd " & ThisWorkbook.path & " && code.bat"
Shell "cmd.exe /k cd /d" & ThisWorkbook.path & "&& code.bat"
here, without /d cmd will open in document folder.
by /d it will open in d drive, you may change this as per your easy.
One way to insert a quote(") into a string is by using the character code conversion function Chr(34), 34 being the ASCII value for quotes(")
I hope it will useful for you.
Dim sfilename, fileName As String
Sub Run_file_bat()
fileName = "" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\code.bat" & ""
VBA.Shell "Explorer.exe " & fileName, vbNormalFocus
End Sub