What is the entry point of swift code execution? - cocoa-touch

There is no main() method in swift. The program must start the execution from somewhere. So what is the entry point of swift code execution and how is it decided?

The entry point in a plain Swift module is the file in the module called main.swift. main.swift is the only file which is allowed to have expressions and statements at the top level (all other Swift files in the module can only contain declarations).
Cocoa Touch uses the #UIApplicationMain attribute on an implementation of UIApplicationDelegate instead of a main.swift file to mark the entry point. Cocoa used to use a minimal main.swift file which simply called NSApplicationMain, but as of Xcode 6.1 uses the #NSApplicationMain attribute on an implementation of NSApplicationDelegate.

In the AppDelegate.swift file you can see #UIApplicationMain.
The AppDelegate is the initial entry file.
Basically: main.m and AppDelegate.m are kinda merged in Swift to just AppDelegate.swift

You may want to read Files and Initialization
The exception is a special file named “main.swift”, which behaves much
like a playground file, but is built with your app’s source code. The
“main.swift” file can contain top-level code, and the order-dependent
rules apply as well. In effect, the first line of code to run in
“main.swift” is implicitly defined as the main entrypoint for the
program. This allows the minimal Swift program to be a single line —
as long as that line is in “main.swift”.
In Xcode, Mac templates default to including a “main.swift” file, but
for iOS apps the default for new iOS project templates is to add
#UIApplicationMain to a regular Swift file. This causes the compiler
to synthesize a main entry point for your iOS app, and eliminates the
need for a “main.swift” file.
Alternatively, you can link in an implementation of main written in
Objective-C, common when incrementally migrating projects from
Objective-C to Swift.

In Swift 5.3 there is a new #main attribute which lets you control where your entry point is in your project rather than just main.swift. There can only be one main entry and you can't have a main.swift file and a an attribute #main. See https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0281-main-attribute.md for more details.
struct App {
static func main() {

In Swift apps there are attributes:
#UIApplicationMain (Cocoa Touch)
#NSApplicationMain (Cocoa)
that tell the swift compiler where is the entry point of the application.
What swift compiler does under the hood is that it creates a main function, which basically looks the same as in Objective-C apps and treats this method as the app's entry point (a first method that is called when the application process is started).
If you want to read more about what swift compiler does with Main attributes, how the OS knows where is the entry point of the application, I encourage you to read this article: Understanding iOS app entry point

The entry point in a plain Swift module is the file in the module called.


Importing Swift into Objective-C: Objective-C header "-Swift.h" is not created

In my Swift Project, I added a new cocoa Objective-C class (UIViewController), Xcode prompted me whether I want it to automatically generate an Objective-C bridging header file.
I am a bit confused because the generated file is ProductModuleName-Bridging-Header.h while, as per Apple documentation, I was waiting to get a ProductModuleName-Swift.h instead (In order to import Swift into Objective-C).
The ProductModuleName-Bridging-Header.h is mandatory in order to be able to import Objective-C from Swift, and not the inverse.
Any clarification on this?
The behavior you describe is exactly correct. You're adding Obj-C to your Swift project, therefore Xcode offers to create a -Bridging-Header.h file which allows that imported Obj-C to be used in your Swift code. This is described in the documentation you linked under "Importing Objective-C into Swift".
Unlike the bridging header, the -Swift.h file doesn't appear in your file hierachy, and is not something you see or edit. It's generated and managed entirely by Xcode during the build process. You simply import into .m files when needed.

how to use Objective-C project in my Swift project

Note: I know How to call Objective-C code from Swift, but I don't know below,
I want to use this EsptouchForIOS's Demo in my project. The demo is write in OC, it has a storyboard and controller. I want to know how to integrate the demo in my swift project, and use that storyboard and it's controller in my swift project.
I'll start writing from the very beginning. Suppose you have a project in Objective-C and now you want to continue your project's development in Swift. Follow the below guidelines: (This intends to your specific needs)
First choose to add a new file from File->New->File. In this process select your language as Swift. In the final step here, you will be prompted to Create Bridging Header. Select that:
Now build your project once (⌘+B). You may get an error like this:
Change your target's minimum deployment to the version that Swift supports. (Example in the below screenshot)
To use Objective-C resources in Swift files:
Now that you've got one ProjectName-Bridging-Header.h file in your project. If you want to use any Objective-C class in your Swift files, you just include the header file of that class in this bridging header file. Like in this project, you have ESP_NetUtil and ESPViewController class and their header files too. You want to expose them to Swift and use them later in Swift code. So import them in this bridging header file:
Build once again. Now you can go to your Swift file. And use the Objective-C classes as like you use any resource in swift. See:
N.B: You must expose all the class headers (that you're intending to use later in Swift) in that bridging header file
To use Swift resources in Objective-C files:
Now you may wonder, I've successfully used Objective-C resources in Swift. What about the opposite? Yes! You can do the opposite too. Find your Target->Build Settings->Swift Compiler - General->Objective-C Generated Interface Header Name. This is the header file you will be using inside your Objective-C classes for any Swift to Objective-C interoperability. To know more check here.
Now inside any of your Objective-C class, import that interface header and use Swift resources in Objective-C code:
You will get more understanding from the official apple documentation.
You can checkout the worked out version of your linked project here with Objective-C-Swift interoperability.
So according to your question, you have added an objective C bridge in your swift project using How to call Objective-C code from Swift.
Now, import all headers (.h) files of your objective-c source code (demo project) that you want to direct use in swift file.
For example, your demo project has EsptouchForIOS following header (file with extension .h) files in project source code.
ESPAppDelegate.h, ESPDataCode.h, ESPTouchDelegate.h
import a header file in your bridge, which you want to use in your swift code. Suppose in your swift code you want touch delegate ESPTouchDelegate then write,
#import "ESPTouchDelegate.h"
Here is snapshot of your demo integration in my Test Swift project with bridge
and import statements.
Now, there is function/method in an objective C file getValue
which is used/accessed in swift project/file.
Similarly, you can import as many files (source headers) as you want in bridge and use the same files (source code) in swift.
I have never tried to use objective-c from swift project. But I normally used swift classes from my objective-c project. I usually follow this instructions https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/BuildingCocoaApps/MixandMatch.html from apple developer website.

Adding objective c class that uses swift classes to bridging header Projectname_swift.h not found

I have an objective-c class that uses swift classes. It all works fine.
I wanted to import the objective-c class into a swift class, so I added its header file to the bridging header. All the sudden I got an error the Projectname_swift.h file is not found.
Any ideas how to resolve this issue?
Is it actually possible?
a circular reference has been created, making it so the Swift code is unable to compile (which leads to the canary error stating that the _Swift.h file is not found).
i have provided a more in depth answer to a similar questions here and here.
long story short, the documentation explicitly says not to this:
To avoid cyclical references, don’t import Swift code into an Objective-C header (.h) file. Instead, you can forward declare a Swift class or protocol to reference it in an Objective-C interface.
Forward declarations of Swift classes and protocols can only be used as types for method and property declarations.
in order to make your code compile again you will need to remove the #import "Projectname_Swift.h" line from the offending Objective-C header. ideally you can simply move the import statement into your .m file, however if you need to publicly expose the Swift class in your ObjC header, then you must forward declare it using #class SomeSwiftClass;.
Let the Xcode build the bridge file from Objective-C to Swift.
Create a temporary directory elsewhere. In there, you create a dummy Xcode Swift project, give the project name the same as your existing Current Project Name.
Then add new file, Objective-C (.m file). The XCode will prompt you to create a bridge header file, click on the create bridge file (the right most button).
Now you locate the header file location in Finder. Then drag into your Current Project of Interest, don't forget to checked the copy file if necessary option. Add necessary #import '.....' in the header file.
You should be good. If everything works fine, delete the dummy project.
Clean derived data. and then #import "ProjectName-Swift.h" in your objective c files.
Go to
Build Settings->Objective-C Generated Interface Header Name
and set the value to YourModule-Swift.h (this is usually already set, this is the filename you need to import on .m file #import "YourModule-Swift.h"
Go to Build Settings and search for "Defines Module", set both values to YES
Create a class in swift with prefix of #objc for example
#objc class mySwiftClass{...}
Build the project again
it will be better if you use error syntax or screen shot. you can simply try this
1. Goto your project on top of right navigation
2. select build settings from middle pain.
3. search for Objective-C bridging header
4. just below this you will find "Generated interface HeaderName"
5. add correct address of your swift file
6. clean and build the project.

Using Swift in Objective-C project

Although I have followed and tried everything from This Thread and read all of Apple's Guide of Swift-ObjC interoperability, I'm unable to recognize or use Swift fies in my project.
I have created a Swift file that declares/defines a class called TorusView that inherits from UIView. I've tried to gain access to this class in another class MenuView by importing the bridging header, importing the Swift class, importing the class with the syntax *-swift.h (which seems to now be *.swift.hin Xcode7.2). I've made all of the modifications to my target build settings recommended in that lengthy Stack question and a variety of others from google searches.
Nothing I've tried has allowed me to create a TorusView objective in my objective-C class.
You need to import a header file YourAppName-Swift.h, it contains all the public (and internal if same target) declared types in Swift.
first: Build Settings --> defines module --> YES.
second:Product Module Name -->YOUR project NAME.
last:improt "YOUR project NAME-Swift.h" in your Object-c file
like this:
enter image description here

Xcode pluginDidLoad not getting called when adding objective-c file in swift plugin

I'm working on a plugin for Xcode. It is supposed to be written in Swift.
When I start with a fresh plugin project (I'm using this Xcode Plugin template which is also available via Alcatraz) the project compiles and runs fine.
The pluginDidLoad method is getting called right after Xcode starts. As soon as I add any Objective-C file (and a bridging header of course) the pluginDidLoad method is not getting called anymore.
The Objective-C file might be as simple as an empty class that is a subclass of NSObject.
Removing the target-memberbership (for the plugin-target) from the newly created Objective-C (.m) file the aforementioned mentioned method is getting called again.
Has anyone developed a Xcode plugin in Swift that also uses Objective-C files before and got this working?
It seems that my original solution only works with Swift only projects because Xcode always takes the objective c class if you have one.
So here is another trick: Extend the NSObject class by the function class func pluginDidLoad(bundle: NSBundle) {} and initialize your plugin there. Then it doesn't matter on which class it is called. You might have to check that also all Swift classes subclass NSObject. I pushed it to my repository that you can have a look
Original Post
I think I could reproduce the problem now. To simplify the problem, let's say that we have only two swift classes PluginMain and PluginHelper.
As you said, sometimes the plugin isn't getting called for some mysterious reason. I was struggling with the problem again and I was wondering how Xcode knows which class is the main class. So I came up with the idea to put the following initializer in both classes PluginMain and PluginHelper
class func pluginDidLoad(bundle: NSBundle) {
let appName = NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary?["CFBundleName"] as? NSString
if appName == "Xcode" {
//sharedPlugin = SwiftySafe(bundle: bundle)
//initialize your shared plugin
By putting a breakpoint or log message in pluginDidLoad in both classes, I notices that Xcode isn't ignoring the plugin, it is just loading the wrong class (e.g. PluginHelper instead of PluginMain).
The Solution
It turns out that Xcode uses the class that is compiled first as the main class and calls pluginDidLoad only on that. So you can change that by reordering the "Compiled Sources" under your target settings->Build Phases. Move your main class so that it is on top. In the following image you find an example from my project. SwiftySafe is my main class.
My example
You will find my project here https://github.com/creinders/SwiftySafe if you want to compare the settings.
The pluginDidLoad method is called on the principal class. When the principal class is a Swift class, you have to include the module name in the NSPrincipalClass Info.plist key.
So if your target name is MyPlugin and your principal class is MyClass, set NSPrincipalClass to MyPlugin.MyClass.
Also make sure that MyClass inherits from NSObject.
Sometimes you need to tell Xcode to reload bundle. Run this and restart Xcode
defaults delete com.apple.dt.Xcode DVTPlugInManagerNonApplePlugIns-Xcode-7.3