How to lock a database to a liquibase context? - liquibase

we've basically two liquibase contexts: seed with DDL and reference data, and qa with a shared set of test data.
This allows us to create and update either production-like DB instance (context = seed) or qa DB instance (context = seed, qa).
We sometime need to copy (a subset of) the production DB in a qa environment.
At that point, it would be possible for someone to attempt to update such a copy, which had only seen a context = seed, with a context of seed and qa. This will most certainly fail eventually, but I'm looking for a way to make that impossible and fail fast with a nice, comprehensible error message.
Does liquibase support this?
What would be a good way to do this?

There is nothing built into Liquibase to directly support this. The easiest approach would probably be to use preconditions that run under certain contexts and check for something in the database state and fail if it doesn't match what you would expect for that context.
For your example, probably a sqlCheck querying for the existence of certain QA data.


Why cleanup a DB after a test run?

I have several test suites that read and write data from a dedicated database when they are run. My strategy is to assume that the DB is in an unreliable state before a test is run and if I need certain records in certain tables or an empty table I do that setup before the test is run.
My attitude is to not cleanup the DB at the end of each test suite because each test suite should do a cleanup and setup before it runs. Also, if I'm trying to "visually" debug a test suite it helps that the final state of the DB persists after the tests have completed.
Is there a compelling reason to cleanup a DB after your tests have run?
Depends on your tests, what happens after your tests, and how many people are doing testing.
If you're just testing locally, then no, cleaning up after yourself isn't as important ~so long as~ you're consistently employing this philosophy AND you have a process in place to make sure the database is in a known-good state before doing something other than testing.
If you're part of a team, then yes, leaving your test junk behind can screw up other people/processes, and you should clean up after yourself.
In addition to the previous answer I'd like to also mention that this is more suitable when executing Integration tests. Since Integrated modules work together and in conjunction with infrastructure such as message queues and databases + each independent part works correctly with the services it depends on.
cleanup a DB after a test run
helps you to Isolate Test Data. A best practice here is to use transactions for database-dependent tests (e.g.,component tests) and roll back the transaction when done. Use a small subset of data to effectively test behavior. Consider it as Database Sandbox – using the Isolate Test Data pattern. E.g. each developer can use this lightweight DML to populate his local database sandboxes to expedite test execution.
Another advantage is that you Decouple your Database, so ensure that application is backward and forward compatible with your database so you can deploy each independently. Patterns like Encapsulate Table with View, and NoSQL databases ensure that you can deploy two application versions at once without either one of them throwing database-related errors. It was particularly successful in a project where it was imperative to access the database using stored procedures.
All this is actually one of the concepts that is used in Virtual test labs.
In addition to above answers, I'll add few more points:
DB shouldn't be cleaned after test because thats where you've your test data, test results and all history which can be referred later on.
DB should be cleaned only if you are changing some application setting to run your / any specific test, so that it shouldn't impact other tester.

How to callback on flyway migrate?

Considering flyway as a db version tool, but have a use case in mind which I've not seen discussed.
How does one manage a cache layer after a db migrate? That is, if/when a migration happens, how can I notify an external tool to flush the cache (a memcached cluster, for example)?
More specifically, how can I tell hibernate that flyway has performed a migration, causing data/schema changes to the underlying db (so that I may manage the cache appropriately)?
I can safely say RTFM is appropriate here! :)
The migrate() method returns in integer corresponding to the number of successful, if
migrate() > 0
then do whatever I need to do some other way (trigger a cache flush, etc).
Thanks SO! Sometimes the best answer is no answer. :)

How to continuously delivery SQL-based app?

I'm looking to apply continuous delivery concepts to web app we are building, and wondering if there any solution to protecting the database from accidental erroneous commit. For example, a bug that erases whole table instead of a single record.
How this issue impact can be limited according to continuous delivery doctorine, where the application deployed gradually over segments of infrastructure?
Any ideas?
Well first you cannot tell just from looking what is a bad SQL statement. You might have wanted to delete the entire contents of the table. Therefore is is not physiucally possible to have an automated tool that detects intent.
So to protect your database, first make sure you are in full recovery (not simple) mode and have full backups nightly and transaction log backups every 15 minutes or so. Now you cannot lose much information no matter how badly the process breaks. Your dbas should be trained to be able to recover to a point in time. If you don't have any dbas, I'd suggest the best thing you can do to protect your data is hire some. This is a non-negotiable in any non-trivial database environment and it is terribly risky not to have trained, experienced dbas if your data is critical to the business.
Next, you need to treat SQL like any other code, it should be in source control in scripts. If you are terribly concerned about accidental deletions, then write the scripts for deletes to copy all deletes to a staging table and delete the content of the staging table once a week or so. Enforce this convention in the code reviews. Or better yet set up an auditing process that runs through triggers. Once all records are audited, it is much easier to get back the 150 accidental deletions without having to restore a database. I would never consider having any enterprise application without auditing.
All SQL scripts without exception should be code-reviewed just like other code. All SQL scripts should be tested on QA and passed before moving to porduction. This will greatly reduce the possiblility for error. No developer should have write rights to production, only dbas should have that. Therefore each script should be written so that is can just be run, not run one chunk at a time where you could accidentally forget to highlight the where clause. Train your developers to use transactions correctly in the scripts as well.
Your concern is bad data happening to the database. The solution is to use full logging of all transactions so you can back out of transactions that you want to. This would usually be used in a context of full backups/incremental backups/full logging.
SQL Server, for instance, allows you to restore to a point in time (, assuming you have full logging.
If you are creating and dropping tables, this could be an expensive solution, in terms of space needed for the log. However, it might meet your needs for development.
You may find that full-logging is too expensive for such an application. In that case, you might want to make periodic backups (daily? hourly?) and just keep these around. For this purpose, I've found LightSpeed to be a good product for fast and efficient backups.
One of the strategies that is commonly adopted is to log the incremental sql statements rather than a collective schema generation so you can control the change at a much granular levels:
change 1:
Add column
Remove column
change 2:
Add trigger
Remove trigger
Once the changes are incrementally captured like this, you can have a simple but efficient script to upgrade (UP) from any version to any version without having to worry about the changes that happening. When the change # are linked to build, it becomes even more effective. When you deploy a build the database is also automatically upgraded(UP) or downgraded(DOWN) to that specific build.
We have an pipeline app which does that at CloudMunch.

How to use database triggers in a real world project?

I've learned a lot about triggers and active databases in the last weaks, but I've some questions about real world examples for these.
At work we use the Entity Framework with ASP.Net and an MSSQL Server. We just use the auto generated constrains and no triggers.
When I heared about triggers I asked myself the following questions:
Which tasks can be performed by triggers?
e.g.: Generation of reporting data: currently the data for the reports is created in vb, but I think a trigger could handle this as well. The creation in vb takes a lot of time and the user should not need to wait for it, because it's not necessary for his work.
Is this an example for a perfect task for a trigger?
How does OR-Mapper handle trigger manipulated data?
e.g.: Do OR-Mapper recognize if a trigger manipulated data? The entity framework seems to cache a lot of data, so I'm not sure if it reads the updated data if a trigger manipulates the data, after the insert/update/delete from the framework is processed.
How much constraint handling should be within the database?
e.g.: Sometimes constrains in the database seem much easier and faster than in the layer above (,...), but how to throw exceptions to the upper layer that could be handled by the OR-Mapper?
Is there a good solution for handeling SQL exceptions (from triggers) in any OR-Mapper?
Thanks in advance
When you hear about a new tool or feture it doesn't mean you have to use it everywhere. You should think about design of your application.
Triggers are used a lot when the logic is in the database but if you build ORM layer on top of your database you want logic in the business layer using your ORM. It doesn't mean you should not use triggers. It means you should use them with ORM in the same way as stored procedures or database functions - only when it makes sense or when it improves performance. If you pass a lot of logic to database you can throw away ORM and perhaps whole your business layer and use two layered architecture where UI will talk directly to database which will do everything you need - such architecture is considered "old".
When using ORM trigger can be helpful for some DB generated data like audit columns or custom sequences of primary key values.
Current ORM mostly don't like triggers - they can only react to changes to currently processed record so for example if you save Order record and your update trigger will modify all ordered items there is no automatic way to let ORM know about that - you must reload data manually. In EF all data modified or generated in the database must be set with StoreGeneratedPattern.Identity or StoreGeneratedPattern.Computed - EF fully follows pattern where logic is either in the database or in the application. Once you define that value is assigned in the database you cannot change it in the application (it will not persist).
Your application logic should be responsible for data validation and call persistence only if validation passes. You should avoid unnecessary transactions and roundtrips to database when you can know upfront that transaction will fail.
I use triggers for two main purposes: auditing and updating modification/insertion times. When auditing, the triggers push data to related audit tables. This doesn't affect the ORM in any way as those tables are not typically mapped in the main data context (there's a separate auditing data context used when needed to look at audit data).
When recording/modifying insert/modification times, I typically mark those properties in the model as [DatabaseGenerated( DatabaseGenerationOptions.Computed )] This prevents any values set on in the datalayer from being persisted back to the DB and allows the trigger to enforce setting the DateTime fields properly.
It's not a hard and fast rule that I manage auditing and these dates in this way. Sometimes I need more auditing information than is available in the database itself and handle auditing in the data layer instead. Sometimes I want to force the application to update dates/times (since they may need to be the same over several rows/tables updated at the same time). In those cases I might make the field nullable, but [Required] in the model to force a date/time to be set before the model can be persisted.
The old Infomodeler/Visiomodeler ORM (not what you think - it was Object Role Modeling) provided an alternative when generating the physical model. It would provide all the referential integrity with triggers. For two reasons:
Some dbmses (notably Sybase/SQL Server) didn't have declarative RI yet, and
It could provide much more finely grained integrity - e.g. "no more than two children" or "sons or daughters but not both" or "mandatory son or daughter but not both".
So trigger logic related to the model in the same way that any RI constraint does. In SQL Server it handled violations with RAISERROR.
An conceptual issue with triggers is that they are essentially context-free - they always fire regardless of context (at least without great pain, and you might better include their logic with the rest of the context-specific logic.) So global domain constraints are the only place I find them useful - which I guess is another general way to identify "referential integrity".
Triggers are used to maintain integrity and consistency of data (by using constraints), help the database designer ensure certain actions are completed and create database change logs.
For example, given numeric input, if you want the value to be constrained to say, less then 100, you could write a trigger that fires for every row on update or insert, and raise an application error if the value of that column does not meet that contraint.
Suppose you want to log historical changes to a table. You could create a Trigger that fires AFTER each INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE, which also inserts the data into a logging table. If you need to execute custom custom logic, then Triggers may appeal to you.

validate grails domain classes against a database

What's the best way to validate that the grails domain classes are in sync with a database? It's legacy database and i can't build it from the domain classes. An interesting idea here which implies fetching one row of each of the domains. However, it doesn't feel like a complete solution mainly because the test database against which I validate may not be so data rich as to have data in all tables.
Thanks in advance for taking time to read/reply.
That's a nice approach and must work even for empty tables - if a table is empty, you have no legacy data to worry about validating, right? Or, if you want to test Grails constraints for compatibility with DB constraints, create a new instance of the class and try to save() it in transaction - and always roll the transaction back.
If the database is small, I'd even go and remove max:1 from list() - to validate every record, because only some of the records may violate constraints.
I'd also replace println "${it}" with assert it.validate().
One last optimization, I'd limit the classes tested only to those that I know can violate some constraints. This will save a good part of such a test - and the test is going to take a plenty of time, you know - reading all the database with GORM overhead.