Oracle 12c - Insert values in a table using values from another table - sql

I have a table (TABLEA) like so:
type_id level
1 7
2 4
3 2
4 5
And another table (TABLEB) like so:
seq_id type_id name order level
1 1 display 1 7
2 1 header 2
3 1 detail 3
4 2 display 1 4
5 2 header 2
6 2 detail 3
TABLEB.TYPE_ID is FK to TABLEA.TYPE_ID. Currently I am entering the data in TABLEB manually.
I have 2 new rows in TABLEA.. type_id 3 and 4.
How can I populate data which do not exist in TABLEB automatically using TABLEA? I would like all columns in TABLEB to be inserted automatically.
So, as you can see:
SEQ_ID will be sequential
When ORDER value is 1, NAME value will be "display", and LEVEL will be 7
When ORDER value is 2, NAME value will be "header"
When ORDER value is 3, NAME value will be "detail"
I am expecting after the insert:
seq_id type_id name order level
1 1 display 1 7
2 1 header 2
3 1 detail 3
4 2 display 1 4
5 2 header 2
6 2 detail 3
7 3 display 1 2
8 3 header 2
9 3 detail 3
10 4 display 1 5
11 4 header 2
12 4 detail 3
Any help is appreciated!

You can either:
Have your application code populate both tables, i.e.: INSERTs the appropriate records into to both tables.
(Sounds like you're leaning to) Have Oracle do the work behind the scenes, i.e.: Oracle does the INSERTs in TABLEB for you. The way to do this is by creating a TRIGGER on TABLEA. Here's an example that might get you started:
Some people will tell you that TRIGGERs might make debugging difficult because part of your logic is in the database. There's some validity to that criticism. I won't say always/never use triggers. Use them where they make sense: where the value they provide outweighs their complexity.

So this can be done in pure SQL: INSERT ALL which allows us to issue multiple inserts in the same statement.
insert all
into tableb (seq_id, type_id, name, order_id, level_id)
values(tableb_id_seq.nextval, type_id, 'display', 1, level_id)
into tableb (seq_id, type_id, name, order_id)
values(tableb_id_seq.nextval+1, type_id, 'header', 2)
into tableb (seq_id, type_id, name, order_id)
values(tableb_id_seq.nextval+2, type_id, 'detail', 3)
select a.type_id, a.level_id from tablea a
select b.type_id, b.level_id from tableb b
The manipulation of the sequence is a bit funny: it is required because every call to NEXTVAL returns the same value in one statement. Obviously in order to make this work, the sequence needs to increment by three:
create sequence tableb_id_seq increment by 3;
This might be enough to rule out such an approach approach. As an alternative you could use (SEQ_ID, ORDER_ID) as a compound primary key but that's not nice either.
By the way, ORDER and LEVEL are keywords: you can't use them as column names.


SQL insert, select performance for categorized product table

I have relational category & product tables. Categories are hierarchical. I will have queries based on category, for example
select *
from products
where CatId = 3
select *
from products
where CatId = 1
I have 6 level of category and 24 million row for products, I have to find fast and optimal solutions. My question is which structure is suitable.
I write some options, feel free to suggest a better alternative.
Current category table:
Id ParentId Name
1 null CatA
2 null CatB
3 1 CatAa
4 2 CatBa
Product table option 1
Id Cat Name
1 3 Product_1
2 4 Product_2
Product table option 2
Id CatLevel1 CatLevel2 ... Name
1 1 3 . Product_1
2 2 4 . Product_2
Product table option 3
Id Cats Name
1 1:3 Product_1
2 2:4 Product_2
Always keep option one, plus some denormalised tables (options two onwards) if you so desire. By keeping option one, you have the source truth to revert to or derive the others from.
Option two is only recommended if the searcher always knows what depth/level to search at. For example, if they know they need Level2=CATAb then it works, but if they don't know CATAb is at level two, they don't know which column to look in. It also relies on knowing how many levels to represent; if you can have a hundred levels, you need a hundred columns, and it's fragile of you need to add more depths. Generally, this doesn't apply and so is generally not a good optimisation.
Option three is a straight no. Never store multiple values in a one field (one column of one row). It will make Efficient searching of that column next to impossible.
The alternative to option three is to have a "link" table. Just two columns, category_id and product_id. Then you list all ancestors of a product, just on different rows.
These are all known as adjacency lists. A different model altogether is Nested Sets. I'm on my phone, and it's hard to describe without lots of formatting, but if you research online you'll find lots of information. They're much harder to comprehend and implement Initially, but very fast at retrieval when specifying a parent.
Your product table option 1 is fine and need no change
... other attributes
Your problem is in accessing the product based on the category hierarchy - which would make a need of a hierarchical query to get all categories in the tree below your selected category.
Instead of
select * from product where category_id = 1;
you'll need to write an additional hierarchical query to get the whole hierarchy tree
with cat_tree (id) as (
select id
from category where id = 1
from cat_tree ct
join category ca
on = ca.parent_id
select * from product
where category_id in
(select id from cat_tree);
Which may not be practicable, but you may simplify it by denormalizing the category table
Let's assume your category data is such as
---------- ----------
3 1
5 3
6 3
The query below, which may be implemented as a MATERIALIZED VIEW that is refreshed on each category change pre-calculates all direct and indirect parent and child relations.
The result is
---------- ----------
1 1
1 3
1 5
1 6
3 3
3 5
3 6
5 5
6 6
E.g. for 1 you get itself, all its child's, their child's etc.
Using this category_denormobject your query can be simplified to
select *
from product
where category_id in
(select child_id from category_denorm where id = 1);

Updating uniqueidentifier column with same value for rows with matching column value

I need a little help. I have this (simplified) table:
My Title 1
My Title 2
My Title 3
My Title 4
My Title 5
My Title 6
What I am trying to accomplish is generating the same uniqueidentifier for all rows having the same subtype.
So result would be this:
My Title 1
My Title 2
My Title 3
My Title 4
My Title 5
My Title 6
One query to update all rows at once
The actual table has many more rows with hundreds of subtypes, so manually building a query for each subtype is not an option
Using SQL Server 2017
Thanks for any assist.
Because newid() is applied per-row, you have to generate the values first, so this has to involve the use of a temporary or permanent table to store the correlated ID>Subtype value.
So first you need to generate the GUID values per Subtype :
with subtypes as (
select distinct subtype
from t
select Subtype, NewId() RelatedId into #Id
from subtypes
And then you can use an updatable CTE to apply these to your base table:
with r as (
select t.*, id.RelatedId
from #id id
join t on t.subtype=id.Subtype
update r
set relatedUniqueId=RelatedId
See example DB<>Fiddle
You can use an updatable CTE with a window function to get this data:
with r as (
select t.*,
RelatedId = first_value(newid()) over (partition by t.Subtype order by ID rows unbounded preceding)
from t
update r
set relatedUniqueId = RelatedId;
I warn though, that newid() is somewhat unpredictable in when it is calculated, so don't try messing about with a joined update (unless you pre-save the IDs like #Stu has done).
For example, see this fiddle, the IDs were calculated differently for every row.
I have found the single query solution.
Pre-requirement for this to work is that RelatedUniqueID must already contain random values. (e.g. set default field value to newid)
UPDATE TestTable SET ForeignUniqueID = TG.ForeignUniqueID FROM TestTable TG INNER JOIN TestTable ON TestTable.SubType = TG.SubType
As Stu mentions in the comments, this solution might affect performance on large datasets. Please keep that in mind.

SQL Performance for Querying 3-tiered Table

I have a table of people that includes each person's ID as well as the ID of their Boss in the job hierarchy (maximum of 3 tiers). For example, the table may look like:
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 2
6 3
7 3
8 2
9 3
So 1 and 10 don't have a boss, 1 is the boss of 2,3, and 4. 2 is the boss of 5 and 8, etc. What I want is a way to query this table so I can find all people that are below a specified ID in the hierarchy, for example if query for ID 1 then it returns 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,and 9, if I query 2 if returns 2,5, and 8.
My current attempt is:
with Hierarchy AS (
select a.ID as AncestorID, a.ID as DescendantID, 0 as Depth from BossTable a
select CTE.AncestorID, a.ID, CTE.Depth + 1 from BossTable a
inner join Hierarchy CTE on a.BossID = CTE.DescendantID
select a.AncestorID, a.DescendantID, a.Depth from Hierarchy a
which does return exactly what I am looking for, but is a slow query and is causing problems in production. My ideal goal is to make this into a view that can be indexed, but currently, that is not possible as this cannot have a unique clustered index as required for other indexes. BossTable can also be edited frequently, moving people to different bosses, adding, or removing, so creating another table with this data is not realistic.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, just looking to make this as efficient as possible.

SQL Server ID reseed after deleltion of a middle record

i have a Table from which i delete records .
The problem is when i delete a certain record,its ID flies away too, so the ID order is no longer respected within the table.
What i want is a SQL Server Procedure to rearrange records after the deletion of one of them.
Example :
1 1 1
2 I delete record 2, i want to have this ===> 2 and NOT this : 3
3 3 4
4 4 5
You don't want to do this. The id should be a field that has no meaning other than identifying a row. You might have other tables that refer to the id and they would break.
Instead, just recalculate a sequential value when you query the table:
select t.*, row_number() over (order by id) as seqnum
from t;

Easiest way to update the ids of rows in sql server?

the primary key ID values in this table are being used in our 2 systems that were recently merged, however there is a large number of items in one of the systems that are pointing to the wrong id values, i need to update the ID(PK) values so that the 6 million existing items will be pointing to the correct row.
id like to update the id columns to the following:
1 to 5
2 to 6
3 to 7
4 to 1
5 to 2
6 to 3
7 to 4
Well, assuming it is not an IDENTITY column (in which case you'll need to set IDENTITY_INSERT to on) then the following should work (see SQLFiddle for example)
Use update query with a case statement
Update tableName set PkId = Case PkId
When 1 then 5
When 2 then 6
When 3 then 7
When 4 then 1
When 5 then 2
When 6 then 3
When 7 then 4 End
Where PkId In (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
If the values in your answer aer just a small subset of the values that need to be change (Do all 6 million need to change?), then you need to Create a mapping table that has the old incorrect value and the new correct value, and use that (with a join) instead of the case statement.
Update t set PkId = map.NewPkId
From tablename t
Join mappingTable m
On m.oldPkId = t.PkId