SQL Server: Intermittent Invalid object name 'dbo.computed_view1'. Could not use view or function 'dbo.view2' because of binding errors - sql

I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2.
I have a view; let's call it view1. This view is complex and slow. It cannot be made into an indexed view because it uses left joins and various other trickery. As such, we created a stored procedure which basically:
obtains an exclusive lock
selects * into computed_view1_tmp from view1; (slow)
creates indexes on the above computed table (slow)
renames computed_view1 to computed_view1_todelete; and does the same for its indexes (assumed fast)
renames computed_view1_tmp to computed_view1; and does the same for its indexes (assumed fast)
drops the table computed_view1_todelete (slow)
releases the lock.
We run this procedure when we know we're changing the data in our web application. We then have other views, such as view2 using computed_view1 instead of view1.
Once in a while, we get:
Invalid object name 'dbo.computed_view1'. Could not use view or
function 'dbo.view2 because of binding errors.
I assume this is because we're trying to access dbo.computed_view1 at the same time as it's being renamed. I assume this is a very short period, but the frequency I am seeing this error in my logs makes me wonder if something else might be at play. I'm getting the error many times per day on a site with about a dozen users active throughout the day.
In development, this procedure takes about five seconds given the amount of data in the view. Renaming is instantaneous. In production, it must be taking longer but I don't understand why. I once saw the procedure fail to obtain the exclusive lock within 90 seconds.
Any thoughts on how to fix or a better solution?
Edit: Extra notes on my locking - maybe I'm not doing this right:
DECLARE #result int
EXEC #result = sp_getapplock #Resource = 'lock_computed_view1', #LockMode = 'Exclusive', #LockTimeout = 90
IF #result NOT IN ( 0, 1 ) -- Only successful return codes
PRINT #result
RAISERROR ( 'Lock failed to acquire...', 16, 1 )
// rest of the magic
EXEC #result = sp_releaseapplock #Resource = 'lock_computed_view1'

If you're locking and transaction scope is right I would expect other transactions to wait and never see the view missing. This might be a SQL Server idiosyncrasy that I don't know about.
It is often possible to do without dynamic DDL. Here are two ways to do it:
TRUNCATE the computed table and insert into it. This takes an exclusive automatically. No need to rename. All of this is atomic and supports rollback.
Use a staging table with the same schema. Work on that. So far no service interruption at all. Then, SWITCH PARTITION the staging table with the production table. This is quick and atomic. This does not require Enterprise Edition.
With these approaches the problem is solved by just not renaming.


Should I use sp_getapplock to prevent multiple instances of a stored procedure that conditionally inserts?

Hear me out! I know this use case sounds suspect, but...
I have a stored procedure which checks a table (effectively a cache) for data for a given requested ID. If it doesn't find any data for that ID, or deems it out of date, it executes a second stored procedure which will pull data from a separate database (using dynamic SQL, source DB name is based on the requested ID) and insert it into the local table. It then selects from this table.
If the data is in the table, everything returns quickly (ms), but if it needs to be brought in from the other database, it takes about 10 seconds. We're seeing race conditions where two concurrent instances check the local cache, see something is missing, and queue up sequential ingestions of the remote data into the cache. To avoid double-insertion, the cache-populating procedure will clear whatever is already there for this id, but this just means the first instance of the procedure can selecting no rows because the second instance deleted the just-inserted records before re-inserting them itself.
I think I want to put a lock around the entire procedure (checking the cache, potentially populating the cache, selecting from the cache) - although I'm open to other solutions. I think the overall caching approach has to remain on-demand though, the remote databases come and go by the hundreds, and we only want to cache the ones actually requested by reporting as-needed.
-- Take out a lock intended to prevent anyone else modifying the cache while we're reading and potentially modifying it
EXEC sp_getapplock #Resource = '[private].[cache_entries]', #LockOwner='Transaction', #LockMode = 'Exclusive', #LockTimeout = 120000;
-- Invoke a stored procedure that ingests any required data that is not already cached
EXEC [private].populate_cache #required_dbs
-- ... SELECT FROM [private].cache_entries
COMMIT TRANSACTION; -- Free the lock
BEGIN CATCH --Ensure we release our lock on failure
The alternative to sp_getapplock is to use locking hints with your transaction. Both are reasonable approaches. Locking hints can be complex, but they protect the target object itself rather than a single code path. So sometimes necessary. sp_getapplock is simple (with Transaction as owner), and reliable.
You can do this without sp_getapplock, which tends to inhibit concurrency a lot.
The way to do this is to continue do your checks within a transaction, but to apply a HOLDLOCK hint, as well as a UPDLOCK hint.
HOLDLOCK aka the SERIALIZABLE isolation level, will place a lock not only on the ID you specify, but even on the absence of such data, in other words it will prevent anyone else inserting into that ID.
You must use both these hints, as well as have an index that matches that SELECT, otherwise you could run into major blocking and deadlocking problems due to full table scans.
Also, you don't need a CATCH and ROLLBACK. Just use SET XACT_ABORT ON; which ensures a rollback in any event of an error.
SET XACT_ABORT ON; -- always have this set
DECLARE #SomeData nvarchar(100) = (
SELECT ce.SomeColumn
FROM [private].cache_entries ce WITH (HOLDLOCK, UPDLOCK)
WHERE ce.SomeCondition = 1
IF #SomeData IS NULL
-- Invoke a stored procedure that ingests any required data that is not already cached
EXEC [private].populate_cache #required_dbs
-- ... SELECT FROM [private].cache_entries
COMMIT TRANSACTION; -- Free the lock

Preventing deadlocks in SQL Server

I have an application connected to a SQL Server 2014 database that combines several rows into one. There are no other connections to this database while the application is running.
First, select a chunk of rows within a specific time span. This query uses a non-clustered seek (TIME column) merged with a clustered lookup.
select ...
from FOO
where TIME >= #from and TIME < #to and ...
Then, we process these rows in c# and write changes as a single update and multiple deletes, this happens many times per chunk. These also use non-clustered index seeks.
begin tran
update FOO set ...
where NON_CLUSTERED_ID = #id
delete FOO where NON_CLUSTERED_ID in (#id1, #id2, #id3, ...)
I am getting deadlocks when running this with multiple parallel chunks. I tried using ROWLOCK for the update and delete but that caused even more deadlocks than before for some reason, even though there are no overlaps between chunks.
Then I tried TABLOCKX, HOLDLOCK on the update, but that means I can't perform my select in parallel so I'm losing the advantages of parallelism.
Any idea how I can avoid deadlocks but still process multiple parallel chunks?
Would it be safe to use NOLOCK on my select in this case, given there is no row overlap between chunks? Then TABLOCKX, HOLDLOCK would only block the update and delete, correct?
Or should I just accept that deadlocks will happen and retry the query in my application?
UPDATE (additional information): All deadlocks so far have happened in the update and delete phase, none in the select. I'll try to get some deadlock logs up if I can't get this solved today (the correct trace flags weren't enabled before).
UPDATE: These are the two arrangements of deadlocks that occur with ROWLOCK, they both refer only to the delete statement and the non-clustered index it uses. I'm not sure if these are the same as the deadlocks that occur without any table hints as I wasn't able to reproduce any of those.
Ask if there's anything else needed from the .xdl, I'm a bit weary of attaching the whole thing.
The general advice regarding deadlocks: make sure you do everything in the same order, i.e. acquire locks in the same order, for different processes.
You can find the same advice in this technical article on microsoft.com regarding Minimizing Deadlocks. There's a good reason it is listed first.
Access objects in the same order.
Avoid user interaction in transactions.
Keep transactions short and in one batch.
Use a lower isolation level.
Use a row versioning-based isolation level.
Set READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT database option ON to enable read-committed transactions to use row versioning.
Use snapshot isolation.
Use bound connections.
Update after question from Cato:
How would acquiring locks in the same order apply here? Have you got any advice on how he would change his SQL to do that?
Deadlocks are always the same, no matter what environment: two processes (say A & B) acquire multiple locks (say X & Y) in a different order so that A is waiting for Y and B is waiting for X while A is holding X and B is holding Y.
It applies here because DELETE and UPDATE statements implicitely acquire locks on the rows or index range or table (depending on what the engine deems appropriate).
You should analyze your process and see if there are scenarios where locks could be acquired in a different order. If that doesn't reveal anything, you can analyze deadlocks using the SQL Server Profiler:
To trace deadlock events, add the Deadlock graph event class to a trace. This event class populates the TextData data column in the trace with XML data about the process and objects that are involved in the deadlock. SQL Server Profiler can extract the XML document to a deadlock XML (.xdl) file which you can view later in SQL Server Management Studio. You can configure SQL Server Profiler to extract Deadlock graph events to a single file that contains all Deadlock graph events, or to separate files.
I'd use sp_getapplock in the updating transaction to prevent multiple instances of this code running in parallel. This will not block the selecting statement as table locking hints do.
You still should program the retrying logic, because it may take a while to acquire the lock, longer than the timeout parameter.
This is how the updating transaction can be wrapped into sp_getapplock.
DECLARE #VarLockResult int;
EXEC #VarLockResult = sp_getapplock
#Resource = 'some_unique_name_app_lock',
#LockMode = 'Exclusive',
#LockOwner = 'Transaction',
#LockTimeout = 60000,
#DbPrincipal = 'public';
IF #VarLockResult >= 0
-- Acquired the lock
update FOO set ...
where NON_CLUSTERED_ID = #id
delete FOO where NON_CLUSTERED_ID in (#id1, #id2, #id3, ...)
-- return some error code, so that the caller could retry
-- handle the error
The selecting statement doesn't need any changes.
I would recommend against NOLOCK, even though you say that IDs in chunks do not overlap. With this hint the SELECT query can skip some pages that are being changed, it can read some pages twice. It is unlikely that such behavior can be tolerated.
Kindly use get applock in such format in code.  The stored procedure sp_getapplock puts the lock on the application resource .
EXEC Sp_getapplock
#Resource = 'storeprocedurename',
#LockMode = 'Exclusive',
#LockOwner = 'Transaction',
#LockTimeout = 25000
It is very helpful. Kindly increase LockTimeout to reduce deadlock

SQL Server delete performance

I have a routine in our .NET web application that allows a user on our platform to clear their account (i.e. delete all their data). This routine runs in a stored procedure and essentially loops through the relevant data tables and clears down all the various items they have created.
The stored procedure looks something like this.
ALTER procedure [dbo].[spDeleteAccountData](
#accountNumber varchar(30) )
DELETE FROM myDataTable1 WHERE accountNumber = #accountNumber
DELETE FROM myDataTable2 WHERE accountNumber = #accountNumber
DELETE FROM myDataTable3 WHERE accountNumber = #accountNumber
The problem is that in some cases we can have over 10,000 rows on a table and the procedure can take up to 3-5 minutes. During this period all the other connections on the database get throttled causing time-out errors like the one below:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Are there any general changes I can make to improve performance? I appreciate there are many unknowns related to the design of our database schema, but general best practice advice would be welcomed! I thought about scheduling this task to run during the early hours to minimise impact, but this is far from Ideal as the user wouldn't be able to regain access to their account until this task had been completed.
Additional Information:
SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard
All tables have a clustered index
No triggers have been associated to any delete commands on any of the relevant tables
Foreign key references exist on a number of tables but the deletion order accounts for this.
Edit: 16:52 GMT
The delete proc affects around 20 tables. The largest one has approx 5 million records. The others have no more the 200,000, with some containing only 1000-2000 records.
Do you have an index on accountNumber in all tables ?
Seeing that you delete using a WHERE clause by that column, this might help.
Another option (and probably even better solution) would be to schedule deletion operations at night, e.g. when user selects to delete his account, you're only setting a flag, and a delete job runs at night actually deleting those accounts flagged for deletion.
If you have an index on the accountNumber field then I guess the long time for deletion is due to locks (generated by other processes) or to foreign keys affected by the respective tables.
If is due to locks then you should see if you can reduce them using nolock where you can actually do that.
if there is a problem of foreign keys .. well you have to wait .. If you do not want to wait though and your application logic does not rely on enforcing the FKs (like sending errors to the application for FK violations, and testing against them) or you feel your application is perfect and then for a short period of time you do not need FKs, then you can disable related FKs prior to deletions with ALTER TABLE xxx NOCHECK CONSTRAINT all and then re enable it.
Off course purists will blame me for the latter but I had been using this a lot of times when need arises.
One way you might want to try is this:
Create a SP.
For each table, delete rows in small batches of some size that works for you (say 10 rows per batch).
Put each batch deletion inside a transaction and add a custom delay between each transaction.
DECLARE #DeletedRowsCount INT = 1, #BatchSize INT = 300;
WHILE (#DeletedRowsCount> 0) BEGIN
DELETE TOP (#BatchSize) dbo.Table
FROM dbo.Table
WHERE Id = #PortalId;
SET #DeletedRowsCount = ##ROWCOUNT;
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05';
I guess you can do the same without a SP as well.
In fact, it might be better like that.
SqlCommand.CommandTimeout is the short answer. Increase its value.
Note, the Connection Timeout is not the same thing as the CommandTimeout.
Do you have an index on "accountNumber" on each table?
You could have a clustered key on the surrogate-key of the table, but not the "accountNumber".
Basically, you're gonna have to look at the execution plan (or post the execution plan) here.
But here is some "starter code" for trying an index on that column(s).
if exists (select * from dbo.sysindexes where name = N'IX_myDataTable1_accountNumber' and id = object_id(N'[dbo].[myDataTable1]'))
DROP INDEX [dbo].[myDataTable1].[IX_myDataTable1_accountNumber]
CREATE INDEX [IX_myDataTable1_accountNumber] ON [dbo].[myDataTable1]([accountNumber])
It could be worth switching the database into Read Committed Snapshot mode. This will have a performance impact, how much depends on your application.
In Read Committed Snapshot mode, writers and readers no longer block each other, although writers still block writers. You don't say what sort of activity on the table is getting prevented by the delete, so it's a little hard to say if this will help?
Having said that, 3-5 minutes for a deletion on tables with ~10k rows seems absurdly slow. You mention foreign keys, are the foreign keys indexed? If not, deletion can cause table scans on the other end to make sure you're not breaking RI, so maybe check that first? What does SQL Server Profiler say for reads/writes for these deletion queries?

Transactions within loop within stored procedure

I'm working on a procedure that will update a large number of items on a remote server, using records from a local database. Here's the pseudocode.
get cursor with ID's of records to be updated
while on cursor
process the item
No matter how much we optimize it, the routine is going to take a while, so we don't want the whole thing to be processed as a single transaction. The items are flagged after being processed, so it should be possible to pick up where we left off if the process is interrupted.
Wrapping the contents of the loop ("process the item") in a begin/commit tran does not do the trick... it seems that the whole statement
EXEC UpdateRemoteServer
is treated as a single transaction. How can I make each item process as a complete, separate transaction?
Note that I would love to run these as "non-transacted updates", but that option is only available (so far as I know) in 2008.
EXEC procedure does not create a transaction. A very simple test will show this:
create procedure usp_foo
select ##trancount;
exec usp_foo;
The ##trancount inside usp_foo is 0, so the EXEC statement does not start an implicit transaction. If you have a transaction started when entering UpdateRemoteServer it means somebody started that transaction, I can't say who.
That being said, using remote servers and DTC to update items is going to perform quite bad. Is the other server also SQL Server 2005 at least? Maybe you can queue the requests to update and use messaging between the local and remote server and have the remote server perform the updates based on the info from the message. It would perform significantly better because both servers only have to deal with local transactions, and you get much better availability due to the loose coupling of queued messaging.
Cursors actually don't start transactions. The typical cursor based batch processing is usually based on cursors and batches updates into transactions of a certain size. This is fairly common for overnight jobs, as it allows for better performance (log flush throughput due to larger transaction size) and jobs can be interrupted and resumed w/o losing everithing. A simplified version of a batch processing loop is typically like this:
create procedure usp_UpdateRemoteServer
declare #id int, #batch int;
set nocount on;
set #batch = 0;
declare crsFoo cursor
forward_only static read_only
select object_id
from sys.objects;
open crsFoo;
begin transaction
fetch next from crsFoo into #id ;
while ##fetch_status = 0
-- process here
declare #transactionId int;
SELECT #transactionId = transaction_id
FROM sys.dm_tran_current_transaction;
print #transactionId;
set #batch = #batch + 1
if #batch > 10
print ##trancount;
set #batch = 0;
begin transaction;
fetch next from crsFoo into #id ;
close crsFoo;
deallocate crsFoo;
exec usp_UpdateRemoteServer;
I ommitted the error handling part (begin try/begin catch) and the fancy ##fetch_status checks (static cursors actually don't need them anyway). This demo code shows that during the run there are several different transactions started (different transaction IDs). Many times batches also deploy transaction savepoints at each item processed so they can skip safely an item that causes an exception, using a pattern similar to the one in my link, but this does not apply to distributed transactions since savepoints and DTC don't mix.
EDIT: as pointed out by Remus below, cursors do NOT open a transaction by default; thus, this is not the answer to the question posed by the OP. I still think there are better options than a cursor, but that doesn't answer the question.
The specific symptom you describe is due to the fact that a cursor opens a transaction by default, therefore no matter how you work it, you're gonna have a long-running transaction as long as you are using a cursor (unless you avoid locks altogether, which is another bad idea).
As others are pointing out, cursors SUCK. You don't need them for 99.9999% of the time.
You really have two options if you want to do this at the database level with SQL Server:
Use SSIS to perform your operation; very fast, but may not be available to you in your particular flavor of SQL Server.
Because you're dealing with remote servers, and you're worried about connectivity, you may have to use a looping mechanism, so use WHILE instead and commit batches at a time. Although WHILE has many of the same issues as a cursor (looping still sucks in SQL), you avoid creating the outer transaction.
Are yo running this only from within sql server, or from an app? if so, get the list to be processed, then loop in the app to only process for the subsets as required.
Then the transaction should be handled by your app, and should only lock the items being updated/pages the items are in.
NEVER process one item at a time in a loop when you are doing transactional work. You can loop through records processing groups of them but never ever do one record at a time. Do set-based inserts instead and your performance will change from hours to minutes or even seconds. If you are using a cursor to insert update or delete and it isn't handling at least 1000 rowa in each statement (not one at atime) you are doing the wrong thing. Cursors are an extremely poor practice for such thing.
Just an idea ..
Only process a few items when the procedure is called (e.g. only get the TOP 10 items to process)
Process those
Hopefully, this will be the end of the transaction.
Then write a wrapper that calls the procedure as long as there is more work to do (either use a simple count(..) to see if there are items or have the procedure return true indicating that there is more work to do.
Don't know if this works, but maybe the idea is helpful.

SQL Server Race Condition Question

(Note: this is for MS SQL Server)
Say you have a table ABC with a primary key identity column, and a CODE column. We want every row in here to have a unique, sequentially-generated code (based on some typical check-digit formula).
Say you have another table DEF with only one row, which stores the next available CODE (imagine a simple autonumber).
I know logic like below would present a race condition, in which two users could end up with the same CODE:
1) Run a select query to grab next available code from DEF
2) Insert said code into table ABC
3) Increment the value in DEF so it's not re-used.
I know that, two users could get stuck at Step 1), and could end up with same CODE in the ABC table.
What is the best way to deal with this situation? I thought I could just wrap a "begin tran" / "commit tran" around this logic, but I don't think that worked. I had a stored procedure like this to test, but I didn't avoid the race condition when I ran from two different windows in MS:
begin tran
declare #x int
select #x= nextcode FROM def
waitfor delay '00:00:15'
update def set nextcode = nextcode + 1
select #x
commit tran
Can someone shed some light on this? I thought the transaction would prevent another user from being able to access my NextCodeTable until the first transaction completed, but I guess my understanding of transactions is flawed.
EDIT: I tried moving the wait to after the "update" statement, and I got two different codes... but I suspected that. I have the waitfor statement there to simulate a delay so the race condition can be easily seen. I think the key problem is my incorrect perception of how transactions work.
Set the Transaction Isolation Level to Serializable.
At lower isolation levels, other transactions can read the data in a row that is read, (but not yet modified) in this transaction. So two transactions can indeed read the same value. At very low isolation (Read Uncommitted) other transactions can even read data after it's been modified (but before committed)...
Review details about SQL Server Isolation Levels here
So bottom line is that the Isolation level is crtitical piece here to control what level of access other transactions get into this one.
NOTE. From the link, about Serializable
Statements cannot read data that has been modified but not yet committed by other transactions.
This is because the locks are placed when the row is modified, not when the Begin Trans occurs, So what you have done may still allow another transaction to read the old value until the point where you modify it. So I would change the logic to modify it in the same statement as you read it, thereby putting the lock on it at the same time.
begin tran
declare #x int
update def set #x= nextcode, nextcode += 1
waitfor delay '00:00:15'
select #x
commit tran
As other responders have mentioned, you can set the transaction isolation level to ensure that anything you 'read' using a SELECT statement cannot change within a transaction.
Alternatively, you could take out a lock specifically on the DEF table by adding the syntax WITH HOLDLOCK after the table name, e.g.,
It doesn't make much difference here, as your transaction is small, but it can be useful to take out locks for some SELECTs and not others within a transaction. It's a question of 'repeatability versus concurrency'.
A couple of relavant MS-SQL docs.
Isolation levels
Table hints
Late answer. You want to avoid a race condition...
"SQL Server Process Queue Race Condition"
You began a transaction. This doesn't actually "do" anything in and of itself, it modifies subsequent behavior
You read data from a table. The default isolation level is Read Committed, so this select statement is not made part of the transaction.
You then wait 15 seconds
You then issue an update. With the declared transaction, this will generate a lock until the transaction is committed.
You then commit the transaction, releasing the lock.
So, guessing you ran this simultaneously in two windows (A and B):
A read the "next" value from table def, then went into wait mode
B read the same "next" value from the table, then went into wait mode. (Since A only did a read, the transaction did not lock anything.)
A then updated the table, and probably commited the change before B exited the wait state.
B then updated the table, after A's write was committed.
Try putting the wait statement after the update, before the commit, and see what happens.
It's not a real race condition. It's more a common problem with concurrent transactions. One solution is to set a read lock on the table and therefor have a serialization in place.
This is actually a common problem in SQL databases and that is why most (all?) of them have some built in features to take care of this issue of obtaining a unique identifier. Here are some things to look into if you are using Mysql or Postgres. If you are using a different database I bet the provide something very similar.
A good example of this is postgres sequences which you can check out here:
Postgres Sequences
Mysql uses something called auto increments.
Mysql auto increment
You can set the column to a computed value that is persisted. This will take care of the race condition.
Persisted Computed Columns
Using this method means you do not need to store the next code in a table. The code column becomes the reference point.
Give the column the following properties under computed column specification.
Formula = dbo.GetNextCode()
Is Persisted = Yes
Create Function dbo.GetNextCode()
Returns VarChar(10)
Declare #Return VarChar(10);
Declare #MaxId Int
Select #MaxId = Max(Id)
From Table
Select #Return = Code
From Table
Where Id = #MaxId;
/* Generate New Code ... */
Return #Return;