Using Android.Hardware.SensorManager.RegisterListener with Custom Rate - mono

According to Android Developer and Xamarin Android, as of Android 2.3 (API level 9) you can use a custom rate in microseconds for the sensor delay, instead of a SensorDelay enum when registering a listener for a sensor:
The rate Android.Hardware.SensorEvent are delivered at. This is only a hint to the system. Events may be received faster or slower than the specified rate. Usually events are received faster. The value must be one of SensorDelay.Normal, SensorDelay.Ui, SensorDelay.Game, or SensorDelay.Fastest or, the desired delay between events in microseconds. Specifying the delay in microseconds only works from Android 2.3 (API level 9) onwards. For earlier releases, you must use one of the SENSOR_DELAY_* constants.
I am using Xamarin Android 4.4 and I can not seem to find an overload of the RegisterListener function that accepts an int for the custom rate. I am looking for a Xamarin Android equivalent to Android's public boolean registerListener (SensorEventListener listener, Sensor sensor, int rateUs).
Any clarifications or guidance would be appreciated.

The overload is not provided by Xamarin, so a good alternative is to just make the method call directly via JNI:
var sensorManager = SensorManager.FromContext(ctx);
ISensorEventListener listener = ...;
Sensor sensor = sensorManager.GetDefaultSensor(SensorType.Accelerometer);
int samplingPeriodUs = ...;
var method = JNIEnv.GetMethodID(sensorManager.Class.Handle, "registerListener", "(Landroid/hardware/SensorEventListener;Landroid/hardware/Sensor;I)Z");
bool result = JNIEnv.CallBooleanMethod(sensorManager.Handle, method, new JValue(listener.Handle), new JValue(sensor.Handle), new JValue(samplingPeriodUs));


MediaFoundation with multi-input device?

I have a project where the source device has an SVideo and a Composite connector available for capture. In DirectShow, I can use IAMCrossbar to set which one to capture from, but in MediaFoundation I only get a single video stream and a C00D3704 status when I try to start streaming (using a SourceReader). Is there any way to select the input in MediaFoundation?
NB: LEADTOOLS claims to be able to do this, but I don't know how. Nothing else I've found says how to do it.
Pointers to the correct interface and/or attributes would be enough...
The answer depends on the specific capture card, but nevertheless pretty simple. Some capture cards (like a dual head Datapath card), will appear as two separate devices (for each card in the system). Therefore, you will activate them separately, following the enumeration (error checking omitted for brevity):
UINT32 deviceCount = 0;
IMFActivate** devices = nullptr;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMFAttributes> attributes = nullptr;
hr = ::MFCreateAttributes(attributes.GetAddressOf(), 1);
hr = ::MFEnumDeviceSources(attributes.Get(), &devices, &deviceCount);
And then activation of the device using GetMediaFoundationActivator and the member function ActivateObject.
This makes sense for a card like the one referenced above since it has separate hardware on the card for each input. And you can concurrently activate each as a result.
However it is possible for the driver to report your SVideo and Composite as one device since it will likely be using the same hardware. In that case, you will find the separate streams types on a single IMFSourceReader.
IMFMediaType* mediaType = nullptr;
while (hr == S_OK)
hr = reader->GetNativeMediaType((DWORD)MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_VIDEO_STREAM, index, &mediaType);
if (hr == MF_E_NO_MORE_TYPES)
// ... [ process media type ]
In this case, you set the stream selection (IMFSourceReader::SetStreamSelection). I go into some detail on that topic here.
If you are intending to concurrently capture audio, you will have to build an aggregate source, which I wrote a bit about here;
Assuming that your capture card has fairly recent drivers, I am certain that you will locate and read from your available streams without much trouble. Good luck.

CVDisplayLink constant outputTime value

I'm writing this post in case anyone else is having the same issue I've been having with the lack of documentation for the CVDisplayLink API.
In my CVDisplayLink code I've been using the following code to obtain the deltaSeconds value between calls to its callback:
float deltaTime = 1.0 / (outputTime->rateScalar * (float)outputTime->videoTimeScale / (float)outputTime->videoRefreshPeriod);
It seems like this line of code is widely used across different apps & engines.
The issue:
While running my OpenGL app I've noticed that this value is now constant (0.016669 to be precise). I haven't made any big changes to account for this change of behaviour, other than using Mavericks and the new development tools.
Finding the cause has been a lost cause so far.
I've found what I believe is a good way to calculate the deltaSeconds between frames by using the following alternative code:
double deltaSeconds = (outputTime->videoTime - self.previousOutputVideoTime) / (double)outputTime->videoTimeScale;
self.previousOutputVideoTime = outputTime->videoTime;

Use of timer interrupts in arduino stop the serial library functions why?

I am working with an arduino project.I am using timer interrupts and Serial communication.But as soon as the timer interrupts enables arduino Serial library functions are not working.I am stuck with this problem. Is there any way to do this. I want to use both Serial communication and timer interrupts.Use of the following function stops the Serial communication
void initialize()
TIMSK0 = 2;
OCR0A = 125;
TCCR0A = 0b00000010; //commenting TCCR0A = 0b00000010; and TIMSK1 = 1 ; enable
TCCR0B = 0b00000011; // the serial communications
TCCR1B = 1 ;
TIMSK1 = 1 ;
TCCR2A = _BV(COM2A0) | _BV(WGM21) | _BV(WGM20);
TCCR2B = _BV(WGM22) | _BV(CS20);
OCR2A = B11000111;
EICRA = 63 ;
EIMSK = (1 << INT0) | (1 << INT1);
I would avoid using Timer0, directly. As it will mess with Arduino Core Libraries, as you are seeing.
On initial glance I would suggest using a proven library such as SimpleTimer(). It will setup and manage multiple events where its "run" basically pulls the millis() from timer 0. But read farther down.
I recall that Timer0 is setup by the core library to overrun at 1K creating interrupt. Where the micros() function read the value within timer0 between millisecond interrupts.
And for using Timer1 you can try TimerOne() library. There are also TimerTwo, 3 and etc.. out there.
You may want to read through Ken Shirriff's Arduino-IRremote library. As it does much of what you want, in discrete methods. Such as the 40Khz PWM. Rather than depending upon other libraries. Where his original library uses a
USECPERTICK 50 // microseconds per clock interrupt tick
to read and sample the receive input from a IR demodulator, as to decode the frames.
I would also point out microtherion's fork of the library, as it uses pin change interrupts to get more accurate pin changes. Where his library, again discretely manages these interrupts.
Were as one could use PinChangeInt Library to setup your implementation. Where the individual pin changes' ISR could capture the time stamp almost immediately. Minus latency where in this case is much less the 50ms desired resolution.
And if you really needed more resolution you can use the Input Capture Function. As demonstrated in InputCapture.ino. Which will capture the time of transition in real-time and generate an ISR for latent handling.
From these examples you should be able to implement your ultra sonic sensor.
I had the same problem, so i suggest to:
Use the TimerOne() library.
Use flags in the timer, so you can control when the time that you
programed has past.
In the loop function, you should use only the Serial.available(),
so the time would be as close as possible to what you want.
Dont write too much code in the loop function and control the
sensors reading with a switch or if function.
Its not the best solution, but it works. You have to be careful with the time programed, it should be higher than the the time expended in the data reading.

How can I (reasonably) precisely perform an action every N milliseconds?

I have a machine which uses an NTP client to sync up to internet time so it's system clock should be fairly accurate.
I've got an application which I'm developing which logs data in real time, processes it and then passes it on. What I'd like to do now is output that data every N milliseconds aligned with the system clock. So for example if I wanted to do 20ms intervals, my oututs ought to be something like this:
I've seen suggestions for using the stopwatch class, but that only measures time spans as opposed to looking for specific time stamps. The code to do this is running in it's own thread, so should be a problem if I need to do some relatively blocking calls.
Any suggestions on how to achieve this to a reasonable (close to or better than 1ms precision would be nice) would be very gratefully received.
Don't know how well it plays with C++/CLR but you probably want to look at multimedia timers,
Windows isn't really real-time but this is as close as it gets
You can get a pretty accurate time stamp out of timeGetTime() when you reduce the time period. You'll just need some work to get its return value converted to a clock time. This sample C# code shows the approach:
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
uint tick0 = timeGetTime();
var startDate = DateTime.Now;
uint tick1 = tick0;
for (int ix = 0; ix < 20; ++ix) {
uint tick2 = 0;
do { // Burn 20 msec
tick2 = timeGetTime();
} while (tick2 - tick1 < 20);
var currDate = startDate.Add(new TimeSpan((tick2 - tick0) * 10000));
tick1 = tick2;
private static extern int timeBeginPeriod(int period);
private static extern int timeEndPeriod(int period);
private static extern uint timeGetTime();
On second thought, this is just measurement. To get an action performed periodically, you'll have to use timeSetEvent(). As long as you use timeBeginPeriod(), you can get the callback period pretty close to 1 msec. One nicety is that it will automatically compensate when the previous callback was late for any reason.
Your best bet is using inline assembly and writing this chunk of code as a device driver.
That way:
You have control over instruction count
Your application will have execution priority
Ultimately you can't guarantee what you want because the operating system has to honour requests from other processes to run, meaning that something else can always be busy at exactly the moment that you want your process to be running. But you can improve matters using timeBeginPeriod to make it more likely that your process can be switched to in a timely manner, and perhaps being cunning with how you wait between iterations - eg. sleeping for most but not all of the time and then using a busy-loop for the remainder.
Try doing this in two threads. In one thread, use something like this to query a high-precision timer in a loop. When you detect a timestamp that aligns to (or is reasonably close to) a 20ms boundary, send a signal to your log output thread along with the timestamp to use. Your log output thread would simply wait for a signal, then grab the passed-in timestamp and output whatever is needed. Keeping the two in separate threads will make sure that your log output thread doesn't interfere with the timer (this is essentially emulating a hardware timer interrupt, which would be the way I would do it on an embedded platform).
CreateWaitableTimer/SetWaitableTimer and a high-priority thread should be accurate to about 1ms. I don't know why the millisecond field in your example output has four digits, the max value is 999 (since 1000 ms = 1 second).
Since as you said, this doesn't have to be perfect, there are some thing that can be done.
As far as I know, there doesn't exist a timer that syncs with a specific time. So you will have to compute your next time and schedule the timer for that specific time. If your timer only has delta support, then that is easily computed but adds more error since the you could easily be kicked off the CPU between the time you compute your delta and the time the timer is entered into the kernel.
As already pointed out, Windows is not a real time OS. So you must assume that even if you schedule a timer to got off at ":0010", your code might not even execute until well after that time (for example, ":0540"). As long as you properly handle those issues, things will be "ok".
20ms is approximately the length of a time slice on Windows. There is no way to hit 1ms kind of timings in windows reliably without some sort of RT add on like Intime. In windows proper I think your options are WaitForSingleObject, SleepEx, and a busy loop.

Event handling in embedded code

I want to know how events are used in embedded system code.
Main intention is to know how exactly event flags are set/reset in code. and how to identify which task is using which event flag and which bits of the flag are getting set/reset by each task.
Please put your suggestion or comments about it.
Thanks in advance.
(edit 1: copied from clarification in answer below)
Sorry for not specifying the details required. Actually I am interested in the analysis of any application written in C language using vxworks/Itron/OSEK OS. For example there is eventLib library in vxworks to support event handling. I want to know that how one can make use of such system routines to handle events in task. What is event flag(is it global/local...or what ?), how to set bits of any event flag and which can be the possible relationship between task and event flags ??
How task can wait for multiple events in AND and OR mode ??
I came across one example in which the scenario given below looks dangerous, but why ??
Scenarios is ==> *[Task1 : Set(e1), Task2 : Wait(e1) and Set(e2), Task3 : Wait(e2) ]*
I know that multiple event flags waited by one task or circular dependency between multiple tasks(deadlock) are dangerous cases in task-event relationship, but how above scenario is dangerous, I am not getting it....Kindly explain.
(Are there any more such scenarios possible in task-event handling which should be reviewed in code ?? )
I hope above information is sufficient ....
Many embedded systems use Interrupt Service Routines (ISR) to handle events. You would define an ISR for a given "flag" and reset that flag after you handle the event.
For instance say you have a device performing Analog to Digital Conversions (ADC). On the device you could have an ISR that fires each time the ADC completes a conversion and then handle it within the ISR or notify some other task that the data is available (if you want to send it across some communications protocol). After you complete that you would reset the ADC flag so that it can fire again at it's next conversion.
Usually there are a set of ISRs defined in the devices manual. Sometimes they provide general purpose flags that you could also handle as you wish. Each time resetting the flag that caused the routine to fire.
The eventLib in VxWorks is similar to signal() in unix -- it can indicate to a different thread that something occurred. If you need to pass data with the event, you may want to use Message Queues instead.
The events are "global" between the sender and receiver. Since each sender indicates which task the event is intended for, there can be multiple event masks in the system with each sender/receiver pair having their own interpretation.
A basic example:
#define EVENT1 0x00000001
#define EVENT2 0x00000002
#define EVENT3 0x00000004
#define EVENT_EXIT 0x80000000
/* Spawn the event handler task (event receiver) */
rcvTaskId = taskSpawn("tRcv",priority,0,stackSize,handleEvents,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
/* Receive thread: Loop to receive events */
STATUS handleEvents(void)
UINT32 rcvEventMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
UINT32 events = 0;
if (eventReceive(rcvEventMask. EVENTS_WAIT_ANY, WAIT_FOREVER, &events) == OK)
/* Process events */
if (events & EVENT1)
if (events & EVENT2)
if (events & EVENT_EXIT)
return OK;
The event sender is typically a hardware driver (BSP) or another thread. When a desired action occurs, the driver builds a mask of all pertinent events and sends them to the receiver task.
The sender needs to obtain the taskID of the receiver. The taskID can be a global,
int RcvTaskID = ERROR;
eventSend(RcvTaskID, eventMask);
it can be registered with the driver/sender task by the receiver,
static int RcvTaskID = ERROR;
void DRIVER_setRcvTaskID(int rcvTaskID)
RcvTaskID = rcvTaskID;
eventSend(RcvTaskID, eventMask);
or the driver/sender task can call a receiver API method to send the event (wrapper).
static int RcvTaskID;
void RECV_sendEvents(UINT32 eventMask)
eventSend(RcvTaskID, eventMask);
This question needs to provide more context. Embedded systems can be created using a wide range of languages, operating systems (including no operating system), frameworks etc. There is nothing universal about how events are created and handled in an embedded system, just as there is nothing universal about how events are created and handled in computing in general.
If you're asking how to set, clear, and check the various bits that represent events, this example may help. The basic strategy is to declare a (usually global) variable and use one bit to represent each condition.
unsigned char bit_flags = 0;
Now we can assign events to the bits:
#define TIMER_EXPIRED 0x01 // 0000 0001
#define DATA_READY 0x02 // 0000 0010
#define BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x04 // 0000 0100
And we can set, clear, and check bits with bitwise operators:
// Bitwise OR: bit_flags | 00000001 sets the first bit.
bit_flags |= TIMER_EXPIRED; // Set TIMER_EXPIRED bit.
// Bitwise AND w/complement clears bits: flags & 11111101 clears the 2nd bit.
bit_flags &= ~DATA_READY; // Clear DATA_READY bit.
// Bitwise AND tests a bit. The result is BUFFER_OVERFLOW
// if the bit is set, 0 if the bit is clear.
had_ovflow = bit_flags & BUFFER_OVERFLOW;
We can also set or clear combinations of bits:
You'll often see these operations implemented as macros:
#define SET_BITS(bits, data) data |= (bits)
#define CLEAR_BITS(bits, data) data &= ~(bits)
#define CHECK_BITS(bits, data) (data & (bits))
Also, a note about interrupts and interrupt service routines: they need to run fast, so a typical ISR will simply set a flag, increment a counter, or copy some data and exit immediately. Then you can check the flag and attend to the event at your leisure. You probably do not want to undertake lengthy or error-prone activities in your ISR.
Hope that's helpful!
Sorry for not specifying the details required. Actually I am interested in the analysis of any application written in C language using vxworks/Itron/OSEK OS.
For example there is eventLib library in vxworks to support event handling.
I want to know that how one can make use of such system routines to handle events in task. What is event flag(is it global/local...or what ?), how to set bits of any event flag and which can be the possible relationship between task and event flags ??
I hope above information is sufficient ....
If you're interested in using event-driven programming at the embedded level you should really look into QP. It's an excellent lightweight framework and if you get the book "Practical UML Statecharts in C/C++" by Miro Samek you find everything from how to handle system events in an embedded linux kernel (ISR's etc) to handling and creating them in a build with QP as your environment. (Here is a link to an example event).
In one family of embedded systems I designed (for a PIC18Fxx micro with ~128KB flash and 3.5KB RAM), I wrote a library to handle up to 16 timers with 1/16-second resolution (measured by a 16Hz pulse input to the CPU). The code is set up to determine whether any timer is in the Expired state or any dedicated wakeup pin is signaling, and if not, sleep until the next timer would expire or a wakeup input changes state. Quite a handy bit of code, though I should in retrospect probably have designed it to work with multiple groups of eight timers rather than one set of 16.
A key aspect of my timing routines which I have found to be useful is that they mostly aren't driven by interrupts; instead I have a 'poll when convenient' routine which updates the timers off a 16Hz counter. While it sometimes feels odd to have timers which aren't run via interrupt, doing things that way avoids the need to worry about interrupts happening at odd times. If the action controlled by a timer wouldn't be able to happen within an interrupt (due to stack nesting and other limitations), there's no need to worry about the timer in an interrupt--just keep track of how much time has passed.