WinDev - Using a variable in a Looper Content Query - sql

I am hoping someone will be able to point me in the right direction. I have a Looper control within WinDev and am filling the Content using a Query.
How do I utilise a global variable within the query? It seems that it must be passed in as a parameter to the query, however there is no opportunity to set the parameter unless executing the query from code. It all seems a little contradictory and I am sure I'm missing something obvious.
Having read about MySource but also read that MySource cannot be utilised in an Initialization block; I have moved the query to independent. Thereby allowing me to set the parameter with
Query name.Parameter = Value
However, although the Query is specified in the Content table of the Looper control, it does not seem to return anything.
Have tried calling HExecuteQuery() and LooperDisplay(), neither of which seem to do anything.
The query is a simple select and works when tested in the query editor.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,

It turns out that I had to go into the Description of each field and re-click the Link entry. Nothing changed as I clicked them but the data now appears.
Not a great solution but it resolved the issue :-(

Changing from embedded to independent is the best thing you could do and it's the best practice as well. Once the source has changed though you do have to rebind all the data to the attributes since it loses it's references.
You better execute the query at the window's Global Declarations section if you don't want to eat up resources and I/Os for nothing by using the Window's End of Initialization section like I've seen people doing .
This way you don't need to call LooperDisplay() and your independent Query will only be called once by your HExecuteQuery().


How to fix the auto code formatting in Pharo?

When I save a method and get back to it later, all of my variable names become temp and all of my parameters becomes arg and the code indentation get changed.
Any thoughts on how I can fix this?
The behaviour that you are experiencing is not code formatting at all. You immage is experiencing an issue where it can't access original source code. Thus it uses a backup solution and decomples method bytecode. During the compilation process the variable names are erased, so they can't be re-created during the decompilation, and generic substitudes are used instead.
Now, why you are missing sources is another question. First of all it's important to check if you get some exceptions. Often these happen when you open or save your image, but also thaty may occur when you save methods.
Depending on the Pharo version you may be missing .changes or .sources files. This often happens when you more an image without moving other supporting files.

Labview 2012 Passing Dynamic data into/out of a while loop

I'm trying to pass data which is continuously changed from the inside of one While loop to the inside of another While loop of a sub-vi. The main program on the left is constantly reading new data and the program on the right is adding 1 to the new value. My issue is that I cannot input new values to a While loop which is already running and thus my sub-vi is never updated. I've tried a global variable ("write" from the main program control and then "read" into the sub-vi) but that doesn't work either (same result as if the main were just passing data into the sub).
I apparently don't have enough reputation to post a picture of my program but I'm basically trying to run parallel loops (almost inside each other). Can anyone lend me an experienced hand?
The most common problem with while loops are based on lack of knowledge how exactly does the while loop work in LabVIEW.
First of all the information will be given outside the loop only if the condition terminal (right down corner of the loop) will be flagged as true.
If you want to pass the data earlier (while the loop is running) you have to choose easiest option:
Use queue (is the most common and well working). I can elaborate how this one work in practise if you want, or just try to run an example from LabVIEW help.
local/shared variables - you can define in your own library variables and pass the data by READ/WRITE option.
Please try to upload some documentation to an external server (as you are blocked here), and post a link, and then I could help you with a specific example.
HelpĀ»Find Examples. Search for "queue". Pick out an example with parallel loops.
You might want to look into Queues or Notifiers as means of passing data between running loops.

Scripting Language with "edit and continue" or "hot swap" support? ( Maybe possible in Lua?)

I am making my existing .Net Application Scriptable for non programming users. I added lua, it works like a charm. Then I added debug functionality(pause/continue/step) via debug.sethook. It works also like a charm.
Now I realize that my Application needs edit and continue feature like Visual Studio has it. You pause the execution can edit the code and then continue from your current state with changes applied. This feature is very important to me. I thought this would be easy to do for scripting languages.
Everywhere I read that scripting languages can do this. But even after spending hours of searching I haven't found an Lua implementation yet. It hasn't to be Lua but hot swapping code in Lua would be my first choice.
How can the ability for the user be offered to pause and edit the script and than continue the execution with changes applied?
NOTE: It doesn't have to be Lua every scripting language would be okay
Here is an example:
function doOnX()
if getValue() == "200" then
value = getCalculation()
doSomething() -- many function calls, each can take about 2s
Thank you for your suggestions. This is how it might work:
I will use Its a very cool, well written 100% C# Lua Interpreter. It is generating an AST tree first and then directly executing it.
The parser needs to be modified. In Parser.cs public Ast.Block ParseString(string Chunk) there is a parseTree generated first. parseTree.tokens[i].locations are containing the exact position of each token. The Irony.Parsing.ParseTree is then parsed again and is converted to a NetLua.Ast.Block but the location information is missed. I will need to change that so later I will know which Statement is in which line.
Now each Statement from the AST tree is directly executed via EvalBlock. Debug functionality (like I have in my C Binding lua Interpreter DynamicLua via debug.setHook) needs to be added. This can be done in LuaInterpreter.cs internal static LuaArguments EvalBlock(`. Pause/continue/step functions should be no problem. I also can now add current line Highlighting because each statement contains position line information.
When the execution is paused and the code was edited the current LuaContxct is saved. It contains all variables. Also the last Statement with the last execution line is saved.
Now the code String is parsed again to a new AST tree. It gets executed. But all statements are skipped until the saved statement with the line statement is reached. The saved LuaContext is restored and execution can continue with all changes applied.
New variables could be also added after the last executed line, because a new NetLua.Ast.Assignment Statement could just add a new variable to the current LuaContext and everything should just work fine.
Will this work?
I think this is quite challenging and triicky to do right.
Probably the only way you could do that is if you recompile the chunk of code completely. In a function this would mean the whole function regardless of where edit is in function. Then call the function again. Clearly the function must be re-entrant else its side effects (like having incremented a global or upvalue) would have to be undone which isn't possible. If it is not reentrant it will still work just not give expected results (for example if the function increments a global variable by 1 calling it again will result in the global variable having been increased by 2 once the function finally returns).
But finding the lines in the script where the chunknstarts and ends would be tricky if truly generic solution. For specific solution you would have to post specific examples of scripts you want to run and examples of lines you would want to edit. If the whole user script gets recompiled and rerun then this is not a problem, but the side effects is still an issue, examples could help there too.

Capturing variable xpath in selenium IDE

Am trying to capture a element (delete button in gmail) which has variable xpath.
The xpath is something like this-
can somebody kindly help?
No, this is where the IDE falls behind and it's for good reason. It, along with other 'XPath-ified' (e.g using the 'XPath' right-click option in Firebug) tools will only take a guess at where something is located in the DOM.
In that, I mean it's going to walk down the tree and see where it is, in relation to the other elements, i.e it'll walk down one set of tr elements, and know there are 7 of them, therefore it'll know that the first one can be accessed using [1], then the next one can be accessed using [2] etc etc...
It doesn't, or really can't, know what is unique enough for you to use. That's why it's down to you to figure it out.
As for Gmail specifically, I would suggest you either fall back to Gmail's basic mode - so the markup will be easier to deal with or stop completely and use a particular set of API's in whatever language you are using to deal direct with the mailboxes in that account.
Though, if you do this, you'll need to dump the IDE altogether - essentially this is beyond the IDE and is a logical thing you need to decide yourself. The IDE is not designed for this.
Though, a tip would be see what's near the delete button. Is there a static element, that has the same attributes all the time, near it? You can get that element, and walk through to the DOM to your 'delete button'.

Visual Studio - automatically add necessary spaces to comments

When I'm writing comments in my code, I often forget to add the initial space after the comment identifier.
'this is a comment
when really it is supposed to be
' this is a comment
I realize this is quite trivial, and you could simply say "just add the damn space you idiot", but I'd really like to automate this so that I just don't have to worry about it.
Can anyone point me in the right direction of an elegant way to add the comment space?
note I do realize that a catch all string replace or regex replace could screw up other things ... IE:
Dim something As String = "I'm a nerd"
would actually come out
Dim something As String = "I' m a nerd"
So the way I see this being resolved is if it's only on a line by it's self and is not followed by a second single quote... IE: '' would not trigger the replacement.
You could always get a copy of resharper and one of the rules in there is what you are describing. Once you finish with your code you can do a format on the whole file or even solution and it will globally fix that rule for you.
This would be a pretty good case for an editor extension. You can detect when a line is whitespace, apostrophe, not white space and either insert the space or put a decoration so you will learn to follow the pattern. If you've moved to 2010, consider it - they are really pretty easy to write.
I had and have similiar problems. This is a habit which you can change. Yet, sometimes your brain is just wired to make the same mistakes. For instance, no matter what I do, I always type data instead of date.
You can change your behavior. Find some method that you find helpful for changing habits. Create a "personal code review" checklist and add this item. After a few months, you will find the space comes naturally.
If this is one of the "hard-wired" brain goofs, then create a *Visual Studio" macro that visit's CodeDom. Through the CodeDom namespace it is easy to find comments and make changes as needed. Why use regular-expressions?
If you want to use regular-expressions, because you are familiar and it is easier, then create a better expression to avoid potential errors.
Refactoring VB.NET code with regular expressions at should be helpful in creating better regular-expressions.