Dynatree - How to enable onActivate on <a> tag rather than <span> tag? - dynatree

Based on the sample tree above, I would like to enable the <a> tag for the event onActivate rather than <span> tag.
I had been using the onActivate and onClick function based on Dynatree documentation. But whenever I clicked the span area, the function still activate the onActivate and onClick, whenever you click them.
Is there any way to just click the <a> tag?
Thank you.


How to use `ElButton` as a link using Element Plus and Vue.js

I'm using Element Plus 2.2.28 and Vue.js 3.2.45.
I want to have a button like this:
When I click the button, I want it to behave like a link tag using mailto:someone#example.com.
I tried this:
<el-button href="mailto:someone#example.com">Contact</el-button>
However, this doesn't work.
I could use pure JS in the #click event of the button, but I understand this is not recommended.
Since you want to click on the button to redirect you, then you do not need any other functionality that the el-button offers. As such, you only want the appearance of an el-button. Therefore, you can use the el-button class instead on an anchor tag as follows;
<a class="el-button" href="mailto:someone#example.com">Contact</a>

Unable to derive Xpath syntax for radio buttons without any distinguished value inside div tag

I want to click a radio button out of 10 radio buttons on a webpage but each radio button tag is exactly same inside Div/INPUT tag, i.e for each radio button values are exactly same and hence not able to derive a xpath to click on it. Can't use contains text to levarage radio button name as radio button name is in different SPAN tag so can't use that as a reference, Please help me: below is the code :
<div class="classname">
<input name="category.value" type="radio" class="classname">
<span class="classname">Radio button Name</span>
Your HTML must have some kind of return type, maybe value or name. I belive you can use that.
Mentioned in the comments can you please try:
//span[text()='Radio button Name']/preceding-sibling::input[1]
Not that this is case sensitive.
This works based on the html provided:
If it doesn't work for you can you please verify your HTML. There are lots of other ways of getting the element. If you need to modify the html just do it and let us know :-)

Google Tag Manager Button

I have a button which has padding however it is wrapped in a span tag. I'm using Click - All Elements as a trigger in Google Tag Manager.
<button id="gtm-id" class="gtm-class"><span>Click here</span></button>
So if I now click the span instead of the button element in the DOM, the span is "this" it's the element being clicked, so now it doesn't get the id="gtm-id" because it's not the element being clicked.
How can I get Google Tag Manager to bubble up and get the data from it's wrapping parent element?
I set pointer-events:none on my span effectively hiding this from a click event to expose the <button> wrapping layer underneath

Behat to click on element by class or ID name?

Is it possible for behat to find an element by class name to click on? It looks like only the following is searched for: id|name|title|alt|value
For example, how could you successfully identify this element to click on?
<a class="button medium round signup" href="http://link.com" data-reveal-id="signupModal">sometext</a>
Also here is a simple page with a button, that has an ID. How come the following does not access the button?
<button id="myBtn" type="button" onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>
Given I am on "http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/tryit.asp?filename=tryjsref_button_form"
When I press "myBtn"
The button can not be accessed because it is contained in an iframe, you need to switch to that iframe to make the button available.
You can create steps to click on an element by any type of identifier (class included), or you can implement new step that requires css/xpath selectors.
Here you can find an example of a method to click by selector.
The first HTML code is nothing but a HREF. Behat should be easily able to identify it by using the line below:
Given I follow "sometext"
If the above doesn't work, you can simply use the CSS selector and click the element:
$locator = '.';

selenium click using span class or onclick

I am a newbie to java and selenium webdriver. I am having an issue clicking an image. Below is the page source.
<a href="javascript:void(0);">
<span class="HomeButton" onclick="javascript:onBtnHomeClick();"/>
I tried below codes but did not work and still getting the Unable to locate element error.
I have to click the homebutton. Any help would be much appreciated
I don't know why By.className("HomeButton") didn't work but you have errors in the other two.
In driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[#onclick='onBtnHomeClick()']")).click(); the tag for onclick is <span> not <a>. It also not onBtnHomeClick() but javascript:onBtnHomeClick();
If you want to use onBtnHomeClick() use contains
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[contains(#onclick, 'onBtnHomeClick')]")).click();
And in wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath(".//*[#id='js_AppContainer']/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/span"))).click(); the <span> parent tag is <a>, not <div>
You simply need the correct locator IF your element will be eventually visible.
Xpath = "//span[contains(#class,'HomeButton') and contains(#onclick,'onBtnHomeClick')]"
Add wait as needed above exanmple, that should work.