How to get dropdown option value using dropdown option in selenium webdriver - selenium

I am developing framework for selenium automation and I have got stuck to get the dropdown option's value using dropdown. I have dropdown option but now I want the value of same dropdown. Is it possible to get it in selenium.
For example:
Here is the Html tag:
<select id="periodId" name="period" style="display: none;">
<option value="week1">1</option>
<option value="week2">2</option>
<option value="week3">3</option>
<option value="week4">4</option>
<option value="week5">5</option>
<option value="week16">6</option>
Now in the framework which I have developed, I will pass the dropdown option '5', now I want the value of dropdown option '5'. Is that possible to get value 'week5' for dropdown option '5' using selenium?

Try this and let me know.
Select period = new Select(driver.findElement("periodId")));
String value = period.getFirstSelectedOption().getAttribute("value");


VBA: Value change on a dropdown in IE doesn't update report

I'm automating the download of a report. There is a dropdown for status that needs changing to the value "Started". I've managed to change the value in my code but when you manually make the change the report screen for the site updates automatically. My code doesn't manage to do this.
I'm wondering if there's an extra element that might need changing. Does anyone have any idea what I'm missing?
element on the site:
<select data-bind="value: leads.overall_status, options: [null, 'not_started', 'quoted_with_quotes', 'quoted_without_quotes', 'started', 'open_accounts'], optionsText: BrokerLeadsGridModel.overall_status_renderer" style="width: 160px;vertical-align: baseline;display: inline;" class="form-control">
<option value="">Any</option>
<option value="not_started">Not Started</option>
<option value="quoted_with_quotes">Quoted</option>
<option value="quoted_without_quotes">No Quotes</option>
<option value="started">Started</option>
<option value="open_accounts">Open</option>
My Code:
Doc.getElementsByClassName("form-control")(0).Value = "started"
Did you try attribute = value css selector?
doc.querySelector("[value=started]").selected = True

Use vba selenium to choose option from drop menu

PLS help me with vba selenium code.
There is drop menu (name Select Bookmark)
inside there is list with three option, i need to choose third option.
Tried to use some code from other solution but without success.
<ul id="aaa" class="bbb"> == $0
<li class="ccc">
<option value>Select Bookmark</option>
<option value="Server\BHG-145">bookmark_one</option>
<option value="Server\BHG-155">bookmark_two</option>
<option value="Server\BHG-165">bookmark_three</option>
You can use an attribute = value selector
driver.FindElementByCss("[value='Server\BHG-165']").selected = True
or select by index
driver.FindElementByCss(".ccc select").AsSelect.SelectByIndex 3
or by text
driver.FindElementByCss(".ccc select").AsSelect.SelectByText "bookmark_three"

How to Reset Select Drop down in VueJs

I am new in vue js please help.
I have two dropdowns and that that dropdown create from loop
<select v-if="tour.city_expert == 2" v-model="selected[index]" class="form-control" :id="'city_expert_both'+index" v-on:change="intiTourCityExpert(index, $event)" :disabled="tour.is_disable==true">
<option value="" selected>Select City Expert</option>
<option value="Guideinperson">Guide in person</option>
<option value="AudioGuide">Audio Guide</option>
I as per image I want reset dropdown if I uncheck the checkbox but only reset single row as I uncheck the checkbox.
I set v-model="selected[index]" on dropdown and set code on uncheck this.$set(this.selected, index, ''); but its not working.
I ran into similar situation, and following worked for me.
And to rest try following anywhere - this.selectedStatus = '0';
<select id="item_status" class="form-control" v-model="selectedStatus">
<option value='0'></option>
<option value='1'>One</option>
<option value='2'>Two</option>
If I were you, I would do something like this:
Add an onchange event to the checkbox with its index:
In the methods object define the function
onChange like this:
methods: {
onChange(index) {
this.selected[index] = ''
If you want to reset the value of dropdown on click on any other button or so, than just set it to null.
this.accountType = null;
My Dropdown:
placeholder="Select a type"

Back button causes dropdown to have different values

I have an ASP.Net MVC app, and when a user clicks a certain link, I do the following:
var orderID = returnStatus["Data"];
var url = '#Url.Content("~/OrderEntry/OrderDetail")?orderID=' + orderID;
window.location.href = url;
This works great, however, when I click the back button, my html dropdown changes from:
Zone: <select id="Zones" name="Zones" style="width: 150px"><option value="1">Zone 1</option>
<option value="2">Zone 2</option>
<option value="3">Zone 3</option>
<option value="4">Zone 4</option>
to this:
Zone: <select id="Zones" name="Zones" style="width: 150px"><option value="QUOTE">Quote</option>
<option value="SUBM">Submitted</option>
<option value="INPRD">In Production</option>
<option value="CANC">Cancelled</option>
<option value="COM">Complete</option>
<option value="CH">Credit Hold</option>
These statuses are defined in a dropdown later in the code, and I'm not sure why they have moved up to this dropdown?
Both of these dropdowns are populated from the model. It's almost as if the model is trying to re-generate this html, but the values are somehow incorrect?
Here is the Razor syntax:
Zone: #Html.DropDownList("Zones", Model.Zones, new { style = "width: 150px" } )
This doesn't appear to happen in Firefox or Chrome.
Apparently it had to do with the fact that my ID was called "Zones". I changed this ID to AcctManagerZones and everything is working fine now.
Edited: It appears this wasn't exactly the answer either. It apparently has to do with the way IE caches the page. I still got the same thing, until I turned page caching off, then it worked.

How to get displayed text from disable dropdown list?

how can i get visible value from disable dropdown list ?
Best Regards,
thank you
You can use selenium.getSelectedValue() or selenium.getSelectedLabel(). Both are described here.
If you have a dropdown list defined as follows:
<select name="dropdown" disabled>
<option value="1">one</option>
<option value="2">two</option>
<option selected value="3">three</option>
<option value="4">four</option>
Then you can use the following script to assert that the (disabled) selected label is 'three'.
String selectedLabel = selenium.getSelectedValue("name=dropdown");
assertEquals("three", selectedLabel);