I tried to declare a closure matching the following Objective-C block:
typedef void(^TyphoonDefinitionBlock)(TyphoonDefinition *definition);
like this:
var config: TyphoonDefinitionBlock = { (definition: TyphoonDefinition) in
definition.injectProperty("quest", with: nil)
. . . and got the following error. (see image).
What's the correct way to do this?
You need to declare definition as an ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional (TyphoonDefinition!) because in objective-C it is a pointer that can be nil.
Normal variables (and constants) in swift cannot be nil. They must contain a value.
I'm using typealias, taken from http://berzniz.com/post/87924122326/notes-from-coding-in-swift
typealias resultBlock = (success: Bool, result: AnyObject!) -> Void
Like to explain it in details,start with your piece of code
Objective C
typedef void(^TyphoonDefinitionBlock)(TyphoonDefinition *definition);
In Swift you make it like this
typealias TyphoonDefinitionBlock = (definition:TyphoonDefinition?)->Void
If you want to intimate to caller object after particular moment you need to make a property.
var typhoonDefinitionCompletion:BlockTyphoonDefinitionBlock?
you can use typhoonDefinitionCompletionand you can raise the callback message like this.
I encountered an unfamiliar pattern of initialization from Objective-C that I'm struggling to replicate in Swift.
In the example code, they defined a C struct such as this (abbreviated, original here):
struct AQPlayerState {
AudioFileID mAudioFile;
Here's an example that uses AQPlayerState:
AQPlayerState aqData; // 1
OSStattus result =
&aqData.mAudioFile // 2
The key takeaway from above is that aqData currently has uninitialized properties, and AudioFileOpenURL is initializing aqData.mAudioFile on it's behalf.
I'm trying to replicate this behaviour in Swift. Here's what I've tried so far:
class Person {
var name: String
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
class Foo {
var person: Person?
My idea was to replicate the Objective-C code by passing a reference of Foo.person into a function that would instantiate it on it's behalf.
Initialization Function:
func initializeWithBob(_ ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Person?>) {
ptr.pointee = Person(name: "Bob")
initializeWithBob takes a pointer to an address for a Person? type and initializes it with a Person(name: "Bob") object.
Here's my test code:
let foo = Foo()
let ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<Person?>.allocate(capacity: 1)
ptr.initialize(to: foo.person)
defer {
ptr.deallocate(capacity: 1)
print(foo.person) // outputs nil
initializeWithBob failed to "install" an instance of type Person in my Foo instance. I presume some of my assumptions are wrong. Looking for help in correcting my assumptions and understanding of this situation.
Thanks in advance!
You can achieve what you are looking for via withUnsafeMutablePointer(to:_:) like so:
let foo = Foo()
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &foo.person) { (ptr) -> Void in
print(foo.person!.name) // outputs Bob
However, I wouldn't recommend this approach. IMHO it makes more sense to wrap the APIs you are working with in a C function that you can make 'nice' to call from Swift. The problem with your current approach is that this type of Swift is hard to read for Swift developers and also hard to read for Audio Toolbox developers.
#kelvinlau Is this what you were thinking of trying to achieve?
func initializeWithBob(_ ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Foo>) {
ptr.pointee.person = Person(name: "Bob")
let foo = Foo()
let ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<Foo>.allocate(capacity: 1)
ptr.initialize(to: foo)
print(foo.person?.name ?? "nil")
ptr.deallocate(capacity: 1)
print(foo.person?.name ?? "nil")
The code pattern you have in Objective-C is for out parameters, that is parameters which return a value, or in out parameters, that is parameters which both pass a value in and return one. Objective-C does not directly support these so pointers are used to produce the semantics.
Swift has in out parameters indicated by the keyword inout in the function declaration. Within the function an assignment to an inout parameters effectively assigns a value to the variable that was passed as the argument. At the function call site the variable must be prefixed by & to indicate it is the variable itself and not its value which is effectively being passed.
Keeping your Person and Foo as is your function becomes:
func initializeWithBob(_ ptr: inout Person?)
ptr = Person(name: "Bob")
and it may be used, for example, like:
var example = Foo()
Using inout in Swift is better than trying to build the same semantics using pointers.
Note: You can skip this unless you are curious
"Effectively" was used a few times above. Typically out parameters are implemented by the parameter passing method call-by-result, while in out use call-by-value-result. Using either of these methods the returned value is only assigned to the passed variable at the point the function returns.
Another parameter passing method is call-by-reference, which is similar to call-by-value-result except that each and every assignment to the parameter within the function is immediately made to passed variable. This means changes to the passed variable may be visible before the function returns.
Swift by design does not specify whether its inout uses call-by-value-result or call-by-reference. So rather than specify the exact semantics in the answer "effectively" is used.
I want to use a Objective-C class in my Swift project and have imported the files and Xcode created the bridge header file and everything is cool... except:
The Objective-C class defines a callback type for a function
typedef void (^SSScanManagerCallback)(BOOL success, NSError *error, NSArray *scannedURLs);
And uses the type in the function declaration
- (void)scanSync:(SSScanManagerCallback)callback; // Synchronous scan.
The class in question is the following: https://github.com/counsyl/scanstream/blob/master/ScanStream/SSScanManager.h#L16
If I then want to use the class in Swift:
let scanManager = SSScanManager();
scanManager.scanSync({(_ success: Bool, _ error: Error, _ scannedURLs: [Any]) -> Void in
if !success {
// ...
I get the following error:
Cannot convert value of type '(Bool, Error, [Any]) -> Void' to expected argument type 'SSScanManagerCallback!'
Update: Even if I try to set the argument type like so:
scanManager.scanSync({(_ justATry: SSScanManagerCallback!) -> Void in
I get the error:
Cannot convert value of type '(SSScanManagerCallback!) -> Void' to expected argument type 'SSScanManagerCallback!'
But how would I set the type to just 'SSScanManagerCallback!' as requested in the error message?
Interestingly, it appears that Swift (tested with 3.0.2) now imports Objective-C block argument types without any nullability annotations as strong optionals (previously they were imported as implicitly unwrapped optionals). I can't seem to find the documentation for this change though.
So in your case, the correct signature is:
scanManager.scanSync {(success: Bool, error: Error?, scannedURLs: [Any]?) -> Void in
// ...
But never write it like this, always let Swift infer the argument types where it can, it solves these kinds of type-mismatch problems for you.
scanManager.scanSync { success, error, scannedURLs in
// ...
Now you can ⌥ click on the closure arguments and Xcode will tell you the type that Swift infers them to be.
I'm using a third party library written in objective C with the following method:
- (void)manageServerResponse:(NSURLResponse*)response NSData:(NSData*)data andNSError:(NSError*)error onComplete:(void (^)(NSInteger kindOfError, NSDictionary*jsonResponse))onComplete;
when I port it to swift I do the following:
typealias ResponseCompletedBlock = (NSInteger, NSDictionary?) -> Void
let completedResponseMethod : ResponseCompletedBlock = {(kindOfError: NSInteger, jsonResponse: NSDictionary?) -> Void in
self.onComplete(kindOfError, jsonResponse: jsonResponse)}
let responseManager: ResponseManager = ResponseManager.sharedResponseManager() as! ResponseManager
NSData: data,
andNSError: error,
onComplete: completedResponseMethod)
I'm getting this error:
Cannot invoke 'manageServerResponse' with an argument list of type
'(NSURLResponse?, NSData: NSData?, andNSError: NSError?, onComplete:
and if I replace the last sentence for
NSData: data,
andNSError: error,
onComplete: nil)
everything works, so I assume that the problem is with the block structure, but I've tried to change everything and the error remains.
Can you help?
NSDictionary * is mapped to Swift as [NSObject : AnyObject]!,
therefore the type of the response block should be
typealias ResponseCompletedBlock = (Int, [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> Void
and consequently
let completedResponseMethod = {(kindOfError: Int, jsonResponse: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> Void in
// ...
One method to figure out the correct Swift signature of functions is to use the autocompletion in Xcode:
You start typing
and Xcode suggests
Per Apple docs:
When you bridge from an NSDictionary object to a Swift dictionary, the resulting dictionary is of type [NSObject: AnyObject].
Also, unless the Objective-C code is annotated for nullability, the Swift dictionary is an implicitly-unwrapped optional. Therefore your typealias should look like this:
typealias ResponseCompletedBlock = (NSInteger, [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> Void
I'd also recommend changing the NSInteger to Int.
Is the typealias and completedResponseMethod absolutely necessary for your program to function? If not, this would probably solve your problem:
responseManager.manageServerResponse(response, NSData: data, andNSError: error, onComplete: {
$0, $1 in
self.onComplete($0, jsonResponse: $1)
As your error suggests, the error was due to a type mismatch. If you use the default local parameters, you'll be able to work around that particular problem.
I need use a Objective-C SDK in my Swift project, the Objc demo is in below
[[AlipaySDK defaultService] payOrder:orderString fromScheme:appScheme callback:^(NSDictionary *resultDic) {
NSLog(#"reslut = %#",resultDic);
It pass a block to payOrder:orderString:: function, but when I call it in Swift, the auto complete help me generate these code
AlipaySDK.defaultService().payOrder(orderString, fromScheme: self.aliAppScheme, callback: { ([NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> Void in
println("Pay Success")
in Swift the closure input parameter has no name, in Objc it named resultDict, but in Swift I don't know how to get it pointer, Please help me, Thanks
In the objective C block, it takes an NSDictionary parameter. With Swift closures, the closure is already typed so you don't have to declare NSDictionary as the type and you really don't even need -> Void. Also the , callback: is extraneous in Swift as well because of trailing closures so your final product should be:
AlipaySDK.defaultService().payOrder(orderString, fromScheme: self.aliAppScheme) { resultDict in
println("Pay Success")
It may be that this is actually not possible currently, which would be unfortunate. I'm trying to call the CoreMIDI API to set up a MIDI input. This is what I'm trying to do in Swift:
var midiClient = MIDIClientRef()
var inputPort = MIDIEndpointRef()
var status: OSStatus
func readProc(packetList: UnsafePointer<MIDIPacketList>, readProcRefCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, srcConnRefCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void {
status = MIDIClientCreate("MIDI client", nil, nil, &midiClient);
status = MIDIDestinationCreate(midiClient, "MIDI input", readProc, nil, &inputPort);
But I get this error: '(UnsafePointer, UnsafeMutablePointer, UnsafeMutablePointer) -> Void' is not convertible to 'MIDIReadProc'
MIDIReadProc's typedef is the following:
typealias MIDIReadProc = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<MIDIPacketList>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)>
Is there a way to get a function pointer for my readProc method to pass to the MIDIDestinationCreate API?
In Swift 2.0 (as part of Xcode 7), C APIs that deal in function pointers use function types that are annotated #convention(c). You can pass any Swift function, method, or closure as a #convention(c) function type — but only if that closure conforms to C conventions... e.g. it can't capture state from its surrounding scope.
For details, see Type Attributes in The Swift Programming Language.
As for what's in Xcode 6: Swift 1.x doesn't have a way to convert a Swift function or closure to a C function pointer -- the sole use of the CFunctionPointer type is to pass function pointers imported from (Obj)C APIs to other (Obj)C APIs.
You can declare a function pointer in C code that you expose to Swift via your project's bridging header, then use Swift to pass that to CoreMIDI. But since you're going to be reaching across a bridge anyway, you might instead think about which parts of your project are best to keep in C and what the best interface is from those parts to your Swift code is.
Swift 1.x (Old Way)
There's a way to do that - Objective-C Runtime is the trick.
import CoreMIDI
let block : #objc_block
UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void =
{ (pktlist,readProcRefCon,srcConnRefCon) in
//Your code goes here...
let imp : COpaquePointer =
imp_implementationWithBlock(unsafeBitCast(block, AnyObject.self))
let callback : MIDIReadProc = unsafeBitCast(imp, MIDIReadProc.self)
Works with CoreFoundation callbacks.
Should work for CoreMIDI too.
Swift 2.x (New Way)
In Swift 2 the process becomes "less hacky" (and slightly more readable).
import CoreMIDI
let callback : #convention(c) (pktlist : UnsafePointer<MIDIPacketList>,
readProcRefCon : UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>,
srcConnRefCon : UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void =
{ (pktlist, readProcRefCon, srcConRefCon) in
let usableCallback = unsafeBitCast(callback, MIDIReadProc.self)