CSS: fixed position - css-position

I'm new here so I thank you in advance for your help.
I do have a 3 columns page and I want to have the 1st and the 3rd ones fixed (they don't have to scroll with the middle column).
Everything works fine but I positioned these 3 columns in a container div which has a 100% width and a 100% height but also a min width and height.
My problem is that my 3rd column positioned on the right of my page (my footer has the same problem) doesn't block at the min width defined for the container.
If I change the position to absolute to the 3rd column it works but it scrolls with the content.
Can anybody help?
Thank you


<v-data-table> dynamic height

As you can see I used a <v-data-table> that takes up all available space. I achieved this result by adding height: 70vh to my <v-data-table>. Obviuously this solution isn't ok because I simply hardcoded the height and if I change the toolbar height (the one that has "Devices" written), I also have to change the data table height. Is there any way to achieve a dynamic height? (from toolbar to bottom of the page, take all available space)

Change position when scroll and screen size

I have a menu in absolute position and I would like to pass it in fixed position when the screen size is less than 64em AND when the scrollTop is greater than 15. Is it possible to do this only in css or it must be done in JS?
Thank you

How do I make constraints to UITableView with multiple cells with static and dynamic height?

I searched a lot about this, couldn't find an answer and I am stuck with this problem for some days already.
I have a UITableView with 3 sections, each one with custom cells (xib). The first section must grow accordingly with one of its labels.
The second one is static, it shows up just an static image and basic height.
The third one is like a comment cell, with UIImageView, labels etc. One of this labels must grow till a limit height.
I managed to show the 3 custom cells, but the first and the second one (which are not static height), show only partially. If I set manually the Height of the row I can see it entirely, but all section cells grow and it is not what I need.
The constraints to auto layout, I keep getting some conflicts but could not find any solution, tried to debug the view stack, no success.
Custom Cell
Constraints of custom cell
Can anyone help me or point me to a direction?
Thanks in advance!
I had the same problem. I solved it like this. Set tableView estimatedRowHeight to minimum row height. Set tableView rowHeight to UITableViewAutomaticDimension.
1) For dynamic cell height - Give the label leading, trailing, top, bottom and height greater than equals to minimum height.
2) For fixed cell height - Give the label leading, trailing, top, bottom and height equals to fixed height whatever you wanted.
By this your dynamic height cells will grow and fixed ones will be fixed. If you did not get what i said then post a sample project with just this custom implementation on git or somewhere else. I will correct it.
Thank you.

Bootstrap 3 navbar jumping onto two lines rather than collapsing?

Think I'm missing the obvious here, but I have a Bookstrap 3 navbar that works great in desktop view but as I squeeze the width and it gets to tablet size rather than collapsing into the toggle menu it's jumping the menu onto two lines:
I've tried reducing the text size in the navbar via a media query but that isn't solving it.
What am I missing?
Appreciate it. Thank you.
One solution might be to change the point at which the navbar collapses, you can do this by creating a customized Bootstrap and setting the #grid-float-breakpoint to a larger number.
This variable unfortunately also influences the dt and dd inside a .dl-horizontal which might be a problem.
If you want to use a media query to reduce the font-size you can use the .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a selector. It however needs to become 9px at the smallest viewport size to still stay on a single row which is quite unreadable.
From the Bootstrap documentation:
Overflowing content
Since Bootstrap doesn't know how much space the content in your navbar needs, you might run into issues with content wrapping into a second row. To resolve this, you can:
Reduce the amount or width of navbar items.
Hide certain navbar items at certain screen sizes using responsive utility classes.
Change the point at which your navbar switches between collapsed and horizontal mode. Customize the #grid-float-breakpoint variable or add your own media query.
It goes on to say:
Changing the collapsed mobile navbar breakpoint
The navbar collapses into its vertical mobile view when the viewport is narrower than #grid-float-breakpoint, and expands into its horizontal non-mobile view when the viewport is at least #grid-float-breakpoint in width. Adjust this variable in the Less source to control when the navbar collapses/expands. The default value is 768px (the smallest "small" or "tablet" screen).

rdlc - phantom page break, what to check?

I have a RDLC report which has some controls on the first page, which are inside a rectangle and which display ok. Beneath the rectangle, i have a matrix, which spans more than one page both in width and in height. I want the matrix to start rendering on the second page. If I enable "insert break before" on the matrix, there is an extra blank page before the matrix(in print layout), which is my problem. If I reduce the amount of data, so the matrix does not span more than one page in width, there is no blank page, and all is well. I checked the Page and Body sizes, they are ok. Any tips? This has been driving me crazy all day, what can I check? Thx
I know this is probably too late now, but I was receiving extra page breaks if my Body size width property was greater than my Report PageSize width property.
Check both these things.
Put borders on everything to see if they are wider than the page. Check the keepTogether property on all the elements to see if they are creating extra white-spaces.
Try setting the 'insert break before' on a dummy rectangle between your first page content and the matrix, instead of giving it directly on the matrix itself.