How do i compute variable in Wolfram? - wolframalpha

Hello how do i compute this
Q=sqrt(P-X^2) P=1/T_0*(B^2T_b/3+A^2*T_a+AB*T_b), X=1/T_0*(A*T_a+B*T_b/2)
in WolframAlpha?
A B T_a T_b P X abd Q constant numbers

You probably won't get too much from WolframAlpha when you try to compute that, since they are just variables.
If you mean to simplify the expression, try plugging P and X into Q, then type:
simplify sqrt(...)


Julia - Defining a Linear Programming Problem with MathOptInterface

I'd like to write a LP problem in the standard format with MatOptInterface, e.i.:
min c'*x
S.t A*x .== b
x >= 0
Now, how can one write this problem with MathOptInterface? I'm having many issues, one of them is how to define the variable "model". For example, if I try to run:
x = add_variables(model,3)
I first would need to declare this model variable. But I don't know how one is supposed to do this on MathOptInterface.
IIUC in your situation model has to be an argument to be specified by the user of your function.
The user can then pass GLPK.Optimizer(), Tulip.Optimizer() or any other optimizer inheriting from MathOptInterface.AbstractOptimizer.
See e.g. Manual#A complete example.
Alternatively you can look at MOI.Utilities.Model but I don't know how to get an optimizer to solve that model.
Here is how to implement the LP solver for standard Simplex format:
function SolveLP(c,A,b,model::MOI.ModelLike)
x = MOI.add_variables(model, length(c));
MOI.set(model, MOI.ObjectiveFunction{MOI.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64}}(),
MOI.ScalarAffineFunction(MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.(c, x), 0.0))
MOI.set(model, MOI.ObjectiveSense(), MOI.MIN_SENSE)
for xi in x
MOI.add_constraint(model, MOI.SingleVariable(xi), MOI.GreaterThan(0.0))
for (i,row) in enumerate(eachrow(A))
row_function = MOI.ScalarAffineFunction(MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.(row, x), 0.0);
MOI.add_constraint(model, row_function, MOI.EqualTo(b[i]))
p = MOI.get(model, MOI.VariablePrimal(), x);
return p
For the model, just choose something like GLPK.Optimizer()

Posing a quadrating optimization problem for CVXOPT correctly

I am trying to minimize the function || Cx - d ||_2^2 with constraints Ax <= b. Some information about their sizes is as such:
* C is a (138, 22) matrix
* d is a (138,) vector
* A is a (138, 22) matrix
* b is a (138, ) vector of zeros
So I have 138 equation and 22 free variables that I'd like to optimize. I am currently coding this in Python and am using the transpose C.T*C to form a square matrix. The entire code looks like this
C = matrix(np.matmul(w, b).astype('double'))
b = matrix(np.matmul(w, np.log(dwi)).astype('double').reshape(-1))
P = C.T * C
q = -C.T * b
G = matrix(-constraints)
h = matrix(np.zeros(G.size[0]))
dt = np.array(solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, dims)['x']).reshape(-1)
where np.matmul(w, b) is C and np.matmul(w, np.log(dwi)) is d. Variables P and q are C and b multiplied by the transpose C.T to form a square multiplier matrix and constant vector, respectively. This works perfectly and I can find a solution.
I'd like to know whether this my approach makes mathematical sense. From my limited knowledge of linear algebra I know that a square matrix produces a unique solution, but is there is a way to run the same this to produce an overdetermined solution? I tried this but solver.qp said input Q needs to be a square matrix.
We can also parse in a dims argument to solver.qp, which I tried, but received the error:
use of function valued P, G, A requires a user-provided kktsolver.
How do I correctly setup dims?
Thanks a lot for any help. I'll try to clarify any questions as best as I can.

Restrain variable to a bounded region (interval) formulation in Mixed Integer Linear Programming

I have 4 non negative real variable that are A, B, C and X. Based on the current problem that I have, I notice that the variable X must belong to the interval of [B,C] and the relation will be a bunch of if-else conditions like this:
If A < B:
x = B
elseif A > C:
x = C
elseif B<=A<=C:
x = A
As you can see, it quite difficult to reformulate as a Mixed Integer Programming problem with corresponding decision variable (d1, d2 and d3). I have try reading some instructions regarding if-then formulation using big M method at this site: but it seem that this problem is more challenging than their tutorial.
Could you kindly provide me with a formulation for this situation ?
Thank you very much !

How do you calculate modulo operation with real numbers in system verilog?

For example:
real a = 10.2917541278;
real modout;
assign modout = (a % 3.142);
Currently, this is not supported, I get an error saying numbers need to be integers.
I don't want this code to be synthesized. This is only in the testbench.
The concept of a modulus in real number math is a bit weird since the result of the division of two real numbers should be a real number (ignoring zero). If however, you want something like fmod in C/C++, you can implement it like so:
real x, d, r;
assign r = x - d * $floor(x / d); // Implements fmod(x, d) or "x % d" for real x, d

Is both have the same meaning?

In Verilog code
case ({Q[0], Q_1})
2'b0_1 :begin
A<=sum[7]; Q<=sum; Q_1<=Q;
2'b1_0 : begin
A<=difference[7]; Q<=difference; Q_1<=Q;
default: begin
A<=A[7]; Q<=A; Q_1<=Q;
is above code is same as below code
case ({Q[0], Q_1})
2'b0_1 : {A, Q, Q_1} <= {sum[7], sum, Q};
2'b1_0 : {A, Q, Q_1} <= {difference[7], difference, Q};
default: {A, Q, Q_1} <= {A[7], A, Q};
If yes then why i am getting different result?
Edit:-A, Q, sum and difference are all 8-bit values and Q_1 is a 1-bit value.
No, these are not the same. The concatenation operator ({ ... }) allows you to create vectors from several different signals, allowing you to both use these vectors and assign to these vectors, resulting in the assignment of the component signals will the appropriate bits from the result. From your previous question (Please Explain these verilog code?), I see that A, Q, sum and difference are all 8-bit values and Q_1 is a 1-bit value. Lets examine the first assignment (noting that the other three work the same way):
{A, Q, Q_1} <= {sum[7], sum, Q};
If we look at the right-hand side, we can see that the result of the concatenation is a 17-bit vector, as sum[7] is 1 bit (the MSb of sum), sum is 8 bits, and Q is 8 bits (1 + 8 + 8 = 17). Lets say sum = 8'b10100101 and Q = 8'b00110110, what would {sum[7], sum, Q} look like? Well, its the concatenation of the values from sum and Q so it would be 17'b1_10100101_00110110, the first bit coming from sum[7], the next 8 bits from sum and the final 8 bits from Q.
Now we have to assign this 17-bit value to the left hand side. On the left, we have {A, Q, Q_1}, which is also 17 bits (A is 8 bits, Q is 8 bits and Q_1 is 1 bit). However, we have to assign the bits from our 17-bit value we got above to the proper signals that make up this new 17-bit vector, that means the 8 most significant bits go into A, the next 8 bits go into Q and the least significant bit go into Q_1. So, if we take our value from above (17'b1_10100101_00110110), and split it up this way (17'b11010010_10011011_0), we see A = 8'b11010010, Q = 8'b10011011 and Q_1 = 1'b0. Thus, this is not the same as assigning A = sum[7], Q = sum and Q_1 = Q (this would result in A = 8'b00000001, Q = 8'b10100101, Q_1 = 1'b0, with many bits of Q being lost and A having 7 extra bits).
However, this doesnt mean we cant split up the left-hand side concatenation, it would just look like this:
A <= {sum[7], sum[7:1]};
Q <= {sum[0], Q[7:1]};
Q_1 <= Q[0];
Yes, they are same. For example try this small code and check, the output is same :
module test;
wire A,B,C;
reg p,q,r;
p=1; q=1; r=0;
assign {A,B,C} = {p,q,r};
initial #1 $display("%b %b %b",A,B,C);
In general if you want to understand concatenation operator, you can refer here
Edit : I have assumed A and p , B and q, C and r of same length.