wikitude titanium SDK sample - titanium

I was trying to use wikitude samples in titanium studio, it loads without any errors and works perfectly except that it does not detect any target images and i always see "loading" on the top when the camera shows up.
Thank you.

You need to return back to a previous commit,
git checkout 42bc70b8ee2d20f2aa1b7d6af7ea2a679b1ac6bd


Android Emulator is not working properly. The screen goes blur sometimes. Why?

Android emulator has not been working properly for the past 1 month. Can someone please suggest what might be the issue. It works for some time and again becomes as shown above. Even sometimes gets stuck.
I believe thats not a problem of react native here, try reporting this to google team.
ALso you can check by. creating a kotlin starter project, which will be available by clicking new android project in andorid studio and try checking there if the problem persist, if its still there, report the isseu with google team.

How to simulate the status bar in Codename one?

I am currently trying to get a local notification to work on an example app. I was following the simple guide here and just copied its code to see it working:
However, in the simulation, I cannot see any changes in the status bar. Is the status bar even simulated or just a static image? Do I have to build the app and send it to an actual device every time I want to test it? That would not only be tedious but also crunch on the available monthly builds.
Is there a setting in the simulator to activate this that I missed?
Thanks and best regards
Local notifications happen in the background which isn't supported by the simulator so this is something you will only see on the device. You can simulate the minimizing of the app (pause/resume) but the Codename One simulator is not a full mobile OS simulator.

XCTest UI Record and Play - Simulator not updating UI

Apple released a new UI Testing framework 2 days ago during WWDC2015. I'm trying to write a test case and when I try to record the UI testing, to generate the scaffolding code, it looks the code is being generated, however the UI on the simulator is not actually updating.
i.e When I tap on a button, the code is generated to actually find the button and tap, but the button is not actually tapped simultaneously on the simulator.
So basically I'm not able to go to the next screen on the simulator, to actually proceed in the test case.
The WWDC session video showed an example of an iPhone app (Lister app). But I'm trying it on a iPad 2 app. Thats about the only difference.
Any clues about why this might be happening?
Wanted to check if there has been other instances of these before actually filing a Radar with Apple.
I was able to fix the issue.
The problem was, in the "deployment target" section in the main Application target, there are different columns for all the targets listed.
For the Application's UI test target, the target was set to iOS8.
Changed it to iOS9 and it started working.

How to debug the changes made in application on titanium without relaunching the application?

After launching the application, i make some code changes. Is relaunching the application necessary each and every time i make a change to the code.
MRT is right As there is Fastdev server(For classic approach) in Titanium which automatically push the changes to your app if there are changes except in app.js ,Also If you are using the Alloy Approach than for speedy development you can use Ti Shadow.
you can find it Here.
Use TIShadow!
It supports rapid deployment and testing of traditional titanium projects and alloy projects
Yes, you need to Relaunch again when you any change make in your code.
But, Some time this is working without Relaunch. But not in Home page. This is working when you are using on Sub view and use URL Property in CreateWindow Object.
But, best way to Relaunch you App always.
May this Information is helpful for you.

NSUserNotification don't show application icon in notification [duplicate]

I'm using OSX's Notification Center APIs for the first time and can't seem to figure out how to make my app's icon to show up in the Notification badge.
The default "your app doesn't have an icon" icon keeps showing up:
Here's what I've done so far
I have created an icns file that includes 512, 256, 128, 32 & 16px versions
dragged the icon into the "App Icon" section of the target's summary
I made to sure to check the box to copy the icon into the project
the plist's "Icon file" section references the correct icon name (minus the .icns) part
Any ideas? The icon doesn't show up when I run the app thru Xcode or when I export an archive either.
I also have extracted the Sparrow.icns file from and tried using that one instead of the one I made. That didn't work either.
I was able to fix this issue by incrementing the Build number in the General section for the build Target.
You can force the Notification Center to refresh all of the icons by deleting the Notification Center database file (~/Library/Application Support/NotificationCenter/SOME_UUID.db) and then killing the Notification Center process (e.g., from Activity Monitor).
Unfortunately this has the side effect of deleting your notification history, but this wasn't too much of an issue for me.
There's actually an ongoing debate on Apple's developer forums (link, link for people with access) about this. As far as I know, there's currently no real solution, but you can try the following:
Change your app's bundle ID and try it again. If you change it, clean your app, and change back, some people have reported success with seeing their icon show up.
Log in as another user. The caching Notification Center uses may be per-user, so you might be able to get the properly-iconned notifications as a different person.
The folder location has been moved for OSX 10.10+.
Following command takes to you to its new location:
$ cd `getconf DARWIN_USER_DIR`/
and then
$ open .
Easiest way that I managed to get the icon to show up is change the Bundle Identifier in your project. This works on OSX 10.10.5 and XCode 7.2
(Once notification center picks up the change, you can change it back to your original bundle identifier if you already have a provisioning profile associated with it)
I have solved the issue by archiving my app and adding a copy to my applications folder. When the app is in Application folder, the icon is always visible even you run the app from XCode...
I tried all of the above suggestions but the only thing that worked for me on 10.14 was to delete DerivedData:
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
If anyone still having this issue, and none of the methods above worked, here is how I solved it:
open Notifications from the System Preference (easiest is to open Alfred or spotlight and type Notifications)
find your application and remove it (press backspace/delete button)
NOTE: this may remove all notifications
I am using Xcode 11.5 and I had the same problem. In my case tough, it was sufficient to clean build output, close and reopen the project. Then do a fresh build and let it run again. The icon was there afterwards.
Side note: I've placed the app icon for every size in the assets.xcassets file, except 1024 x 1024 pixels. Don't know if this is relevant or not. Hope that helps.