SQL Server cross join performance - sql

I have a table that has 14,091 rows (2 columns, let's say first name, last name). I then have a calendar table that has 553 rows of just dates (first of each month). I do a cross join in order to get every combination of first name, last name, & first of month because this is my requirement. This takes just over a minute.
Is there anything I can do about this to make it faster or can a cross join never get any faster like I suspect?
People Table
first_name varchar2(100)
last_name varchar2(1000)
Dates Table
dt DateTime
select a.first_name, a.last_name, b.dt
from people a, dates b

It will be slow as it making all possible combinations. 14091 * 553. It will not going to be fast until you have either index or inner join.

Yeah. Takes over a minute. Let's get this clear. You talk of 14091 * 553 rows - that is 7792323. Rounded that is 7.8 million rows. And loading them into a data table (which is not known for performance).
Want to see slow? Put them into a grid. THEN you see slow.
The requirements make no sense in a table. None. Absolutely none.
And no, there is no way to speed up the loading of 7.8 million rows into a data structure that is not meant to hold these amounts of data.


Return query results where two fields are different (Access 2010)

I'm working in a large access database (Access 2010) and am trying to return records where two locations are different.
In my case, I have a large number of birds that have been observed on multiple dates and potentially on different islands. Each bird has a unique BirdID and also an actual physical identifier (unfortunately that may have changed over time). [I'm going to try addressing the changing physical identifier issue later]. I currently want to query individual birds where one or more of their observations is different than the "IslandAlpha" (the first island where they were observed). Something along the lines of a criteria for BirdID: WHERE IslandID [doesn't equal] IslandAlpha.
I then need a separate query to find where all observations DO equal where they were first observed. So where IslandID = IslandAlpha
I'm new to Access, so let me know if you need more information on how my tables/relationships are set up! Thanks in advance.
Assuming the following tables:
Birds table in which all individual birds have records with a unique BirdID and IslandAlpha.
Sightings table in which individual sightings are recorded, including IslandID.
Your first query would look something like this:
FROM Birds
INNER JOIN Sightings ON Birds.BirdID=Sightings.BirdID
WHERE Sightings.IslandID <> Birds.IslandAlpha
You second query would be the same but with = instead of <> in the WHERE clause.
Please provide us information about the tables and columns you are using.
I will presume you are asking this question because a simple join of tables and filtering where IslandAlpha <> ObsLoc is not possible because IslandAlpha is derived from first observation record for each bird. Pulling first observation record for each bird requires a nested query. Need a unique record identifier in Observations - autonumber should serve. Assuming there is an observation date/time field, consider:
(SELECT TOP 1 ObsID FROM Observations AS Dupe
WHERE Dupe.ObsBirdID = Observations.ObsBirdID ORDER BY Dupe.ObsDateTime);
Now use that query for subsequent queries.
SELECT * FROM Observations
INNER JOIN Query1 ON Observations.ObsBirdID = Query1.ObsBirdID
WHERE Observations.ObsLocID <> Query1.ObsLocID;

Difference in where clause and join

im very new to SQL and currently working with joins the first time in my life. What I am trying to figure out right now is trying to get the difference between to queries.
Query 1:
FROM actor
JOIN casting ON id = actorid
where (SELECT COUNT(ord) FROM casting join actor on actorid = actor.id AND ord=1) >= 30
Query 2:
FROM actor
JOIN casting ON id = actorid
AND (SELECT COUNT(ord) FROM casting WHERE actorid = actor.id AND ord=1)>=30)
So I would think that doing
FROM casting join actor on actorid = actor.id
in the subquery is the same as
FROM casting WHERE actorid = actor.id.
But apparently it is not. Could anyone help me out and explain why?
Edit: If anyone is wondering: The queries are based on question 13 from http://sqlzoo.net/wiki/More_JOIN_operations
Actually, the part that really looks like a "where" statement is only what's after the keyword ON. We sometimes fall on queries performing some data filtering directly at this stage, but its actual purpose is to specify the criteria used
A "join" is a very common operation that consists of associating the rows of two distinct tables according to a common criteria. For example, if you have, on one side, a table containing a client list in which each of them has a unique client number, and on a other side a order list table in which each order contains the client's number, then you may want to "resolve" the number of the latter table into its name, address, and so on.
Before SQL92 (26 years ago), the only way to achieve this was to write something like this :
SELECT client.name,
FROM client,orders
WHERE orders.clientNumber = client.clientNumber
AND orders.totalprice > 100.00
Selecting something from two (or more) tables induces a "cartesian product" which actually consists of associating every row from the first set which every row of the second one. This means that if your first table contains 3 rows and the second one 8 rows, the resulting set would be 24-row wide. And out of these, you use the WHERE clause to exclude basically everything and retain only rows in which the client number is the same on both side.
We understand that the size of the resulting set before filtering can grow exponentially if the contents of the different tables exceed a few rows (which is always the case) and it can get even worse if you imply more than two tables. Also, on the programmer's side, it rapidly becomes rather unreadable.
Therefore, if this is what you actually want to do, you now can explicitly tell the server about it, and specify the criteria at first, which will avoid unnecessary growing temporary subsets, while still letting you filter the results with WHERE if needed.
SELECT client.name,
FROM client
JOIN orders
ON orders.clientNumber = client.clientNumber
WHERE orders.totalprice > 100.00
It becomes critical when performing multiple JOIN in a single query, especially when performing both INNER and OUTER joins.
In the 2nd query your nested query takes the actor.id from its root query and only counts the results from that. In the 1st query your nested query counts results from all actors instead of only the specified one.

How to group rows after another grouping in oracle?

I have a table called correctObjects. In this tablet here a lot of grups which has different number records. One example is given below as grup 544 has 5 rows in table. So firstly, I should group all records by GRUP COLUMN then I must do inner matching by CAP COLUMN. So in grup#544 there is three different CAP values then I must give Inner Group number to these records. How can I do these two level grouping process. GRUP column is already done. Inner Grup Column is null in every records.
After Inner Group process, It must look like as belows:
I am using Oracle 11g R2 and PL/SQL Developer
Your question lacks certain details, so I'll just give you a starting point, and you can tweak it to suit your needs.
It's not entirely clear, but the way I understand it, you want to rank the different rows by cap. And I think the ranking is independent for every distinct grup value.
What's not clear to me is why 125 mm is ranked 1, and 62 mm is ranked 2. Is it based on the value? Is it based on which row is the first one, and if so, how are the rows ordered? Or maybe you don't really care which one is first or second, as long as they are grouped correctly. I'll have to assume the latter.
In any case, it sounds like you want to use the dense_rank() analytic function in some form:
select mip, startmi, cap, grup,
dense_rank() over (partition by grup order by cap) as inner_grup
from tbl

Creating a denormalized table from a normalized key-value table using 100s of joins

I have an ETL process which takes values from an input table which is a key value table with each row having a field ID and turning it into a more denormalized table where each row has all the values. Specifically, this is the input table:
StudentFieldValues (
FieldId is a foreign key from table Field, Day is a foreign key from table Days. The PK is the first 3 fields. There are currently 188 distinct fields. The output table is along the lines of:
StudentDays (
NumberOfClasses FLOAT NULL,
MinutesLateToSchool FLOAT NULL,
... -- the rest of the 188 fields
The PK is the first 2 fields.
Currently the query that populates the output table does a self join with StudentFieldValues 188 times, one for each field. Each join equates StudentId and Day and takes a different FieldId. Specifically:
SELECT Students.StudentId, Days.Day,
StudentFieldValues1.Value NumberOfClasses,
StudentFieldValues2.Value MinutesLateToSchool,
INTO StudentDays
FROM Students
LEFT OUTER JOIN StudentFieldValues StudentFieldValues1
ON Students.StudentId=StudentFieldValues1.StudentId AND
Days.Day=StudentFieldValues1.Day AND
AND StudentFieldValues1.FieldId=1
LEFT OUTER JOIN StudentFieldValues StudentFieldValues2
ON Students.StudentId=StudentFieldValues2.StudentId AND
Days.Day=StudentFieldValues2.Day AND
... -- 188 joins with StudentFieldValues table, one for each FieldId
I'm worried that this system isn't going to scale as more days, students and fields (especially fields) are added to the system. Already there are 188 joins and I keep reading that if you have a query with that number of joins you're doing something wrong. So I'm basically asking: Is this something that's gonna blow up in my face soon? Is there a better way to achieve what I'm trying to do? It's important to note that this query is minimally logged and that's something that wouldn't have been possible if I was adding the fields one after the other.
More details:
MS SQL Server 2014, 2x XEON E5 2690v2 (20 cores, 40 threads total), 128GB RAM. Windows 2008R2.
352 million rows in the input table, 18 million rows in the output table - both expected to increase over time.
Query takes 20 minutes and I'm very happy with that, but performance degrades as I add more fields.
Think about doing this using conditional aggregation:
SELECT s.StudentId, d.Day,
max(case when sfv.FieldId = 1 then sfv.Value end) as NumberOfClasses,
max(case when sfv.FieldId = 2 then sfv.Value end) as MinutesLateToSchool,
INTO StudentDays
StudentFieldValues sfv
ON s.StudentId = sfv.StudentId AND
d.Day = sfv.Day
GROUP BY s.StudentId, d.Day;
This has the advantage of easy scalability. You can add hundreds of fields and the processing time should be comparable (longer, but comparable) to fewer fields. It is also easer to add new fields.
A faster version of this query would use subqueries instead of aggregation:
SELECT s.StudentId, d.Day,
(SELECT TOP 1 sfv.Value FROM StudentFieldValues WHERE sfv.FieldId = 1 and sfv.StudentId = s.StudentId and sfv.Day = sfv.Day) as NumberOfClasses,
(SELECT TOP 1 sfv.Value FROM StudentFieldValues WHERE sfv.FieldId = 2 and sfv.StudentId = s.StudentId and sfv.Day = sfv.Day) as MinutesLateToSchool,
INTO StudentDays
Days d;
For performance, you want a composite index on StudentFieldValues(StudentId, day, FieldId, Value).
Yes, this is going to blow up. You have your definitions of "normalized" and "denormalized" backwards. The Field/Value table design is not a relational design. It's a variation of the entity-attribute-value design, which has all sorts of problems.
I recommend you do not try to pivot the data in an SQL query. It doesn't scale well that way. Instea, you need to query it as a set of rows, as it is stored in the database, and fetch back the result set into your application. There you write code to read the data row by row, and apply the "fields" to fields of an object or a hashmap or something.
I think there may be some trial and error here to see what works but here are some things you can try:
Disable indexes and re-enable after data load is complete
Disable any triggers that don't need to be ran upon data load scenarios.
The above was taken from an msdn post where someone was doing something similar to what you are.
Think about trying to only update the de-normalized table based on changed records if this is possible. Limiting the result set would be much more efficient if this is a possibility.
You could try a more threaded iterative approach in code (C#, vb, etc) to build this table by student where you aren't doing the X number of joins all at one time.

SQL Server - Speed up count on large table

I have a table with close to 30 million records. Just several columns. One of the column 'Born' have not more than 30 different values and there is an index defined on it. I need to be able to filter on that column and efficiently page through results.
For now I have (example if the year I'm searching for is '1970' - it is a parameter in my stored procedure):
WITH PersonSubset as
FROM Person WITH (INDEX(IX_Person_Born))
WHERE Born = '1970'
SELECT *, (SELECT count(*) FROM PersonSubset) AS TotalPeople
FROM PersonSubset
Every query of that sort (only Born parameter used) returns just over 1 million results.
I've noticed the biggest overhead is on the count used to return the total results. If I remove (SELECT count(*) FROM PersonSubset) AS TotalPeople from the select clause the whole thing speeds up a lot.
Is there a way to speed up the count in that query. What I care about is to have the paged results returned and the total count.
Updated following discussion in comments
The cause of the problem here is very low cardinality of the IX_Person_Born index.
SQL indexes are very good at quickly narrowing down values, but they have problems when you have lots of records with the same value.
You can think of it as like the index of a phone book - if you want to find "Smith, John" you first find that there are lots of names that begin with S, and then pages and pages of people called Smith, and then lots of Johns. You end up scanning the book.
This is compounded because the index in the phone book is clustered - the records are sorted by surname. If instead you want to find everyone called "John" you'll be doing a lot of looking up.
Here there are 30 million records but only 30 different values, which means that the best possible index is still returning around 1 million records - at that sort of scale it might as well be a table-scan. Each of those 1 million results is not the actual record - it's a lookup from the index to the table (the page number in the phone book analogy), which makes it even slower.
A high cardinality index (say for full date of birth), rather than year would be much quicker.
This is a general problem for all OLTP relational databases: low cardinality + huge datasets = slow queries because index-trees don't help much.
In short: there's no significantly quicker way to get the count using T-SQL and indexes.
You have a couple of options:
1. Data Aggregation
Either OLAP/Cube rollups or do it yourself:
select Born, count(*)
from Person
group by Born
The pro is that cube lookups or checking your cache is very fast. The problem is that the data will get out of date and you need some way to account for that.
2. Parallel Queries
Split into two queries:
SELECT count(*)
FROM Person
WHERE Born = '1970'
FROM Person
WHERE Born = '1970'
Then run these either in parallel server side, or add it to the user interface.
3. No-SQL
This problem is one of the big advantages no-SQL solutions have over traditional relational databases. In a no-SQL system the Person table is federated (or sharded) across lots of cheap servers. When a user searches every server is checked at the same time.
At this point a technology change is probably out, but it may be worth investigating so I've included it.
I have had similar problems in the past with databases of this kind of size, and (depending on context) I've used both options 1 and 2. If the total here is for paging then I'd probably go with option 2 and AJAX call to get the count.
DECLARE #TotalPeople int
--does this query run fast enough? If not, there is no hope for a combo query.
SET #TotalPeople = (SELECT count(*) FROM Person WHERE Born = '1970')
WITH PersonSubset as
FROM Person WITH (INDEX(IX_Person_Born))
WHERE Born = '1970'
SELECT *, #TotalPeople as TotalPeople
FROM PersonSubset
You usually can't take a slow query, combine it with a fast query, and wind up with a fast query.
One of the column 'Born' have not more than 30 different values and there is an index defined on it.
Either SQL Server isn't using the index or statistics, or the index and statistics aren't helpful enough.
Here is a desperate measure that will force Sql's hand (at the potential cost of making writes very expensive - measure that, and blocking schema changes to the Person table while the view exists).
SELECT Born, COUNT_BIG(*) as NumRows
FROM dbo.Person
By putting a clustered index on a view, you make it a system maintained copy. The size of this copy is much smaller than 30 Million rows, and it has the exact information you're looking for. I did not have to change the query to get it to use the view, but you're free to use the view's name in the query if you like.
WITH PersonSubset as
FROM Person WITH (INDEX(IX_Person_Born))
WHERE Born = '1970'
SELECT *, **max(Row) AS TotalPeople**
FROM PersonSubset
why not like that ?
edit , dont know why bold doesnt work :<
Here is a novel approach using system dmv's if you can get by with a "good enough" count, you don't mind creating an index for every distinct value for [Born], and you don't mind feeling a little bit dirty inside.
Create a filtered index for each year:
--pick a column to index, it doesn't matter which.
CREATE INDEX IX_Person_filt_1970 on Person ( id ) WHERE Born = '1970'
CREATE INDEX IX_Person_filt_1971 on Person ( id ) WHERE Born = '1971'
CREATE INDEX IX_Person_filt_1972 on Person ( id ) WHERE Born = '1972'
Then use the [rows] column from sys.partitions to to get a rowcount.
WITH PersonSubset as
FROM Person WITH (INDEX(IX_Person_Born))
WHERE Born = '1970'
SELECT sum(rows)
FROM sys.partitions p
inner join sys.indexes i on p.object_id = i.object_id and p.index_id =i.index_id
inner join sys.tables t on t.object_id = i.object_id
WHERE t.name ='Person'
and i.name = 'IX_Person_filt_' + '1970' --or at #p1
) AS TotalPeople
FROM PersonSubset
Sys.partitions isn't guaranteed to be accurate in 100% of cases (usually it is exact or really close) This approach won't work if you need to filter on anything but [Born]