Summing Row in SQL query for time range - sql

I'm trying to group a large amount of data into smaller bundles.
Currently the code for my query is as follows
SELECT [DateTime]
WHERE datetime >= '2014-04-14 06:00:00' and datetime < '2014-04-21 06:00:00'
ORDER BY datetime
which gives me
DateTime KW
4/14/2014 6:00:02.0 1947
4/14/2014 6:00:15.0 1946
4/14/2014 6:00:23.0 1947
4/14/2014 6:00:32.0 1011
4/14/2014 6:00:43.0 601
4/14/2014 6:00:52.0 585
4/14/2014 6:01:02.0 582
4/14/2014 6:01:12.0 580
4/14/2014 6:01:21.0 579
4/14/2014 6:01:32.0 579
4/14/2014 6:01:44.0 578
4/14/2014 6:01:53.0 578
4/14/2014 6:02:01.0 577
4/14/2014 6:02:12.0 577
4/14/2014 6:02:22.0 577
4/14/2014 6:02:32.0 576
4/14/2014 6:02:42.0 578
4/14/2014 6:02:52.0 577
4/14/2014 6:03:02.0 577
4/14/2014 6:03:12.0 577
4/14/2014 6:03:22.0 578
4/21/2014 5:59:55.0 11
Now there is a reading every 10 seconds from a substation. Now I want to group this data into hourly readings.
Thus 00:00-01:00 = sum([KW]] for where datetime >= '^date^ 00:00:00' and datetime < '^date^ 01:00:00'
I've tried using a convert to change the datetime into date and time field and then only to add all the time fields together with no success.
Can someone please assist me, I'm not sure what is right way of doing this. Thanks
Ok so the spilt between Datetime is working nicely, but as if I add a SUM([KW]) function SQL gives an error. And if I include any of the group functions it also nags.
Below is what works, I still need to sum the KW per the grouping of hours.
I've tried using Group By Hour and Group by DATEPART(Hour,[DateTime])
Both didn't work.
SELECT DATEPART(Hour,[DateTime]) Hour
,DATEPART(Day,[DateTime]) Day
,DATEPART(Month,[DateTime]) Month
FROM [POWER].[dbo].[IT10t_PAC3200]
WHERE datetime >= '2014-04-14 06:00:00' and datetime < '2014-04-21 06:00:00'
order by datetime

The function convert(varchar(13), getdate(), 120) displays 2014-06-03 16. You can use that to group by the hour:
SELECT convert(varchar(13), [DateTime], 120) as dt
, SUM(KW) as SumKwPerHour
WHERE [DateTime] >= '2014-04-14 06:00:00'
AND [DateTime]< '2014-04-21 06:00:00'
convert(varchar(13), [DateTime], 120)

Ok so here is the solution that worked for me.
Declare #Begin Varchar(60),
#End Varchar(60)
Set #Begin = '2014-05-22 06:00:00'
Set #End = '2014-06-01 06:00:00'
,DATEPART(month,[DateTime]) Month
,DATEPART(day,[DateTime]) Day
,DATEPART(hour,[DateTime]) as Hour
,avg([kw]) hourly_kWh_10T
,avg([KVAr]) hourly_kVarh_10T
,avg([KVAReal]) hourly_kVAh_10T
,(case when(DATEPART(hour,[DateTime]) <=6 and DATEPART(hour,[DateTime]) >18) then 'D' else 'N' end) shift
where DateTime <= #Begin and DateTime > #End
group by DATEPART(Hour,[DateTime]),DATEPART(Day,[DateTime]),DATEPART(Month,[DateTime])
This code gave me this result I was looking for. I also include a variable starting point to reduce the input for different dates. + added a if function (Case when) to determine if the power was consumed during Day or Night shift.
ID Month Day Hour hourly_kWh_10T hourly_kVarh_10T hourly_kVAh_10T shift
10T 5 22 6 269.278551 80.771587 294.038997 D
10T 5 22 7 241.213296 75.991689 268.085872 D
10T 5 22 8 283.925 93.302777 319.211111 D
10T 5 22 9 11.763888 31.313888 36.372222 D
10T 5 22 10 215.947222 69.702777 243.541666 D
10T 5 22 11 1895.816666 396.805555 1948.061111 D
10T 5 22 12 2385.486033 513.589385 2447.648044 D
10T 5 22 13 440.737569 126.209944 475.049723 D
10T 5 22 14 737.158333 183.05 775.763888 D
10T 5 22 15 41.961111 38.086111 67.277777 D
10T 5 22 16 11.875 30.577777 35.736111 D
10T 5 22 17 11.263888 27.563888 32.497222 D
10T 5 22 18 11.104956 26.381924 31.323615 N
10T 5 22 19 11.648936 28.813829 34.015957 N
10T 5 22 20 229.819944 75.227146 268.432132 N
10T 5 22 21 300.597222 92.661111 340.413888 N
10T 5 22 22 494.575 124.358333 527.183333 N
10T 5 22 23 922.244444 190.472222 954.961111 N
10T 5 23 0 2445.908333 516.008333 2507.613888 N
10T 5 23 1 1399.147222 317.380555 1446.786111 N
10T 5 23 2 258.097222 81.641666 288.308333 N
10T 5 23 3 258.480555 79.694444 285.488888 N
10T 5 23 4 262.108333 82.455555 290.261111 N
10T 5 23 5 270.830555 82.030555 297.011111 N
10T 5 23 6 570.836111 151.930555 606.05 D
10T 5 23 7 10.580555 24.488888 29.233333 D


How to I count a range in sql?

I have a data that looks like this:
$ Time : int 0 1 5 8 10 11 15 17 18 20 ...
$ NumOfFlights: int 1 6 144 91 504 15 1256 1 1 578 ...
Time col is just 24hr time. From 0 up all the way until 2400
What I hope to get is:
hour | number of flight
1st | 240
2nd | 223
... | ...
24th | 122
Where 1st hour is from midnight to 1am, and 2nd is 1am to 2am, and so on until finally 24th which is from 11pm to midnight. And number of flights is just the total of the NumOfFlights within the range.
I've tried:
flights.CRSDepTime AS Time,
COUNT(flights.CRSDepTime) AS NumOnTimeFlights
FROM flights
But I realise it can't be done this way. The results that I get will have 40 values for time.
> head
Time NumOnTimeFlights
1 50 6055
2 105 2383
3 133 674
4 200 446
5 245 266
6 310 34
> tail
Time NumOnTimeFlights
35 2045 48136
36 2120 103229
37 2215 15737
38 2245 36416
39 2300 15322
40 2355 8018
If your CRSDepTime column is an integer encoded time like HHmm then CRSDepTime/100 will extract the hour.
CRSDepTime/100 AS hh,
COUNT(flights.CRSDepTime) AS NumOnTimeFlights
FROM flights

How to count employees per hour working in between hours?

How to count employees per hour working in between intime and outtime hours.
I have below table format with intime,outtime of employee .
My Table :
emp_reader_id att_date in_time out_time Shift_In_Time Shift_Out_Time
111 2020-03-01 2020-03-01 08:55:24.000 2020-03-01 10:26:56.000 09:00:00.0000000 10:30:00.0000000
112 2020-03-01 2020-03-01 08:45:49.000 2020-03-01 11:36:14.000 09:00:00.0000000 11:30:00.0000000
113 2020-03-01 2020-03-01 10:58:19.000 2020-03-01 13:36:31.000 09:00:00.0000000 12:00:00.0000000
Need to count the employee in the below format.
Expected Output:
Period Working Employee Count
0 - 1 0
1 - 2 0
2 - 3 0
3 - 4 0
4 - 5 0
5 - 6 0
6 - 7 0
7 - 8 0
8 - 9 2
9 - 10 2
10 - 11 3
11 - 12 2
12 - 13 1
13 - 14 1
14 - 15 0
15 - 16 0
16 - 17 0
17 - 18 0
18 - 19 0
19 - 20 0
20 - 21 0
21 - 22 0
22 - 23 0
23 - 0 0
I tried with below query with my raw data , but it will not work i need from above table
(DATENAME(hour, C.DT) + ' - ' + DATENAME(hour, DATEADD(hour, 2, C.DT))) as PERIOD,
Count(C.EVENTID) as Emp_Work_On_Time
trnevents C
WHERE convert(varchar(50),C.DT,23) ='2020-03-01'
GROUP BY (DATENAME(hour, C.DT) + ' - ' +
DATENAME(hour, DATEADD(hour, 2, C.DT)))
you need to have a list of hours (0 to 23) and then left join to your table.
The following query uses recursive cte to generate that list. You may also use VALUES constructor or TALLY table. Which will gives same effect
; with hours as
select hour = 0
union all
select hour = hour + 1
from hours
where hour < 23
select convert(varchar(2), h.hour) + ' - ' + convert(varchar(2), (h.hour + 1) % 24) as [Period],
count(t.emp_reader_id) as [Working Employee Count]
from hours h
left join timesheet t on h.hour >= datepart(hour, in_time)
and h.hour <= datepart(hour, out_time)
group by h.hour
Demo : db<>fiddle
Hope that might help but take a look how shift in and shift out are in the code... seems to me its automatic so it could have all you need
SELECT COUNT(Idemp) from aaShiftCountEmp WHERE in_time<'2020-03-01 09:00:00.000' AND out_time>'2020-03-01 10:00:00.000'
this is just example for 9h to 10h but u can make it auto,
btw are u sure that this shoul not show SHIFT ppl cOUNT? i mean u sure 0-1, 1-2 instead of 0-1.30, 1.30-3?? etc?

sum every 7 rows from column sales while ints representing n days away from installation of promotion-material (before and after the installation)

2 Stores, each with its sales data per day. Both get equipped with promotion material but not at the same day. After the pr_day the promotion material will stay there. Meaning, there should be a sales boost from the day of the installation of the promotion material.
Installation Date:
Store A - 05/15/2019
Store B - 05/17/2019
To see if the promotion was a success we measure the sales before the pr-date and after by returning number of sales (not revenue but pieces sold) next to the int, indicating how far away it was from the pr-day: (sum of sales from both stores)
pr_date| sales
-28 | 35
-27 | 40
-26 | 21
-25 | 36
-24 | 29
-23 | 36
-22 | 43
-21 | 31
-20 | 32
-19 | 21
-18 | 17
-17 | 34
-16 | 34
-15 | 37
-14 | 32
-13 | 29
-12 | 25
-11 | 45
-10 | 43
-9 | 26
-8 | 27
-7 | 33
-6 | 36
-5 | 17
-4 | 34
-3 | 33
-2 | 21
-1 | 28
1 | 16
2 | 6
3 | 16
4 | 29
5 | 32
6 | 30
7 | 30
8 | 30
9 | 17
10 | 12
11 | 35
12 | 30
13 | 15
14 | 28
15 | 14
16 | 16
17 | 13
18 | 27
19 | 22
20 | 34
21 | 33
22 | 22
23 | 13
24 | 35
25 | 28
26 | 19
27 | 17
28 | 29
you may noticed, that i already removed the day from the installation of the promotion material.
The issue starts with the different installation date of the pr-material. If I group by weekday it will combine the sales from different days away from the installation. It will just start at whatever weekday i define:
Select DATEDIFF(wk, change_date, sales_date), sum(sales)
from tbl_sales
group by DATEDIFF(wk, change_date, sales_date)
week | sales
-4 | 75
-3 | 228
-2 | 204
-1 | 235
0 | 149
1 | 173
2 | 151
3 | 167
4 | 141
the numbers are not from the right days and there is one week to many. Guess this is comming from sql grouping the sales starting from Sunday and because the pr_dates are different it generates more than just the 8 weeks (4 before, 4 after)
trying to find a sustainable solution i couldn't find the right fit and decided to post it here. Very thankfull for every thoughts of the community about this topics. Quite sure there is a smart solution for this problem cause it doesn't look like a rare request to me
I tried it with over as well but i don't see how to sum the 7 days together as they are not date days anymore but delta to the pr-date
Desired Result:
week | sales
-4 | 240
-3 | 206
-2 | 227
-1 | 202
1 | 159
2 | 167
3 | 159
4 | 163
Attachment from my analysis by hand what the Results should be:
Why do i need the weekly summary -> the Stores are performing differently depending on the weekday. With summing 7 days together I make sure we don't compare mondays to sundays and so on. Furthermore, the result will be represented in a Line- or Barchart where you could see the weekday variation in a ugly way. Meaning it will be hard for your eyes to see the trend/devolopment of the salesnumbers. Whereas the weekly comparison will absorb this variations.
If anything is unclear please feel free to let me know so i could provide you with futher details
Thank you very much
Additional the different Installation date overview:
Shop A:
store A
delta date sales
-28 17.04.2019 20
-27 18.04.2019 20
-26 19.04.2019 13
-25 20.04.2019 25
-24 21.04.2019 16
-23 22.04.2019 20
-22 23.04.2019 26
-21 24.04.2019 15
-20 25.04.2019 20
-19 26.04.2019 13
-18 27.04.2019 13
-17 28.04.2019 20
-16 29.04.2019 21
-15 30.04.2019 20
-14 01.05.2019 17
-13 02.05.2019 13
-12 03.05.2019 9
-11 04.05.2019 34
-10 05.05.2019 28
-9 06.05.2019 19
-8 07.05.2019 14
-7 08.05.2019 23
-6 09.05.2019 18
-5 10.05.2019 9
-4 11.05.2019 22
-3 12.05.2019 17
-2 13.05.2019 14
-1 14.05.2019 19
0 15.05.2019 11
1 16.05.2019 0
2 17.05.2019 0
3 18.05.2019 1
4 19.05.2019 19
5 20.05.2019 18
6 21.05.2019 14
7 22.05.2019 11
8 23.05.2019 12
9 24.05.2019 8
10 25.05.2019 7
11 26.05.2019 19
12 27.05.2019 15
13 28.05.2019 15
14 29.05.2019 11
15 30.05.2019 5
16 31.05.2019 8
17 01.06.2019 10
18 02.06.2019 19
19 03.06.2019 14
20 04.06.2019 21
21 05.06.2019 22
22 06.06.2019 7
23 07.06.2019 6
24 08.06.2019 23
25 09.06.2019 17
26 10.06.2019 9
27 11.06.2019 8
28 12.06.2019 23
Shop B:
store B
delta date sales
-28 19.04.2019 15
-27 20.04.2019 20
-26 21.04.2019 8
-25 22.04.2019 11
-24 23.04.2019 13
-23 24.04.2019 16
-22 25.04.2019 17
-21 26.04.2019 16
-20 27.04.2019 12
-19 28.04.2019 8
-18 29.04.2019 4
-17 30.04.2019 14
-16 01.05.2019 13
-15 02.05.2019 17
-14 03.05.2019 15
-13 04.05.2019 16
-12 05.05.2019 16
-11 06.05.2019 11
-10 07.05.2019 15
-9 08.05.2019 7
-8 09.05.2019 13
-7 10.05.2019 10
-6 11.05.2019 18
-5 12.05.2019 8
-4 13.05.2019 12
-3 14.05.2019 16
-2 15.05.2019 7
-1 16.05.2019 9
0 17.05.2019 9
1 18.05.2019 16
2 19.05.2019 6
3 20.05.2019 15
4 21.05.2019 10
5 22.05.2019 14
6 23.05.2019 16
7 24.05.2019 19
8 25.05.2019 18
9 26.05.2019 9
10 27.05.2019 5
11 28.05.2019 16
12 29.05.2019 15
13 30.05.2019 17
14 31.05.2019 9
15 01.06.2019 8
16 02.06.2019 3
17 03.06.2019 8
18 04.06.2019 8
19 05.06.2019 13
20 06.06.2019 11
21 07.06.2019 15
22 08.06.2019 7
23 09.06.2019 12
24 10.06.2019 11
25 11.06.2019 10
26 12.06.2019 9
27 13.06.2019 6
28 14.06.2019 9
select wk, sum(sales)
from (
isnull(sa.sales,0) + isnull(sb.sales,0) sales
, isnull( , delta
, case when isnull( , = 0 then 0
else case when isnull( , > 0 then (isnull( , -1) /7 +1
else (isnull( , +1) /7 -1
end wk
from shopA sa
full join shopB sb on
) t
group by wk;
sql fiddle
A more readable version, it doesn't run faster, just using CROSS APLLY this way allows to indroduce sort of intermediate variables for cleaner code.
select wk, sum(sales)
from (
isnull(sa.sales,0) + isnull(sb.sales,0) sales
, dlt delta
, case when dlt = 0 then 0
else case when dlt > 0 then (dlt - 1) / 7 + 1
else (dlt + 1) / 7 - 1
end wk
from shopA sa
full join shopB sb on
cross apply (
select dlt = isnull(,
) tmp
) t
group by wk;
Finally, if you already have a query which produces a dataset with the (pr_date, sales) columns
select wk, sum(sales)
from (
select sales
, case when pr_date = 0 then 0
else case when pr_date > 0 then (pr_date - 1) / 7 + 1
else (pr_date + 1) / 7 - 1
end wk
from (
-- ... you query here ...
) t
group by wk;
I think you just need to take the day difference and use arithmetic. Using datediff() with week counts week-boundaries -- which is not what you want. That is, it normalizes the weeks to calendar weeks.
You want to leave out the day of the promotion, which makes this a wee bit more complicated.
I think this is the logic:
Select v.week_diff, sum(sales)
from tbl_sales s cross join
(values (case when change_date < sales_date
then (datediff(day, change_date, sales_date) + 1) / 7
else (datediff(day, change_date, sales_date) - 1) / 7
) v(week_diff)
where change_date <> sales_date
group by v.week_diff;
There might be an off-by-one problem, depending on what you really want to do when the dates are the same.

Custom sorting by month name in SQL Server

I have a table where for some dates a certain number of entries are placed. Here is the table structure :
ID EntryName Entries DateOfEntry
1 A 20 2016-01-17
2 B 22 2016-01-29
3 C 23 2016-02-17
4 D 19 2016-02-17
5 E 29 2016-03-17
6 F 30 2016-03-17
7 G 43 2016-04-17
8 H 10 2016-04-17
9 I 5 2016-05-17
10 J 120 2016-05-17
11 K 220 2016-06-17
12 L 210 2016-06-17
13 M 10 2016-07-17
14 N 20 2016-07-17
15 O 15 2016-08-17
16 P 17 2016-08-17
17 Q 19 2016-09-17
18 R 23 2016-09-17
19 S 43 2016-10-17
20 T 56 2016-10-17
21 U 65 2016-11-17
22 V 78 2016-11-17
23 W 12 2016-12-17
24 X 23 2016-12-17
25 Y 43 2016-02-17
26 Z 67 2016-03-17
27 AA 35 2015-01-17
28 AB 23 2015-01-29
29 AC 43 2015-02-17
30 AD 35 2015-02-17
31 AE 45 2015-03-17
32 AF 23 2015-03-17
33 AG 43 2015-04-17
34 AH 19 2015-04-17
35 AI 21 2015-05-17
36 AJ 13 2015-05-17
37 AK 22 2015-06-17
38 AL 45 2015-06-17
39 AM 66 2015-07-17
40 AN 77 2015-07-17
41 AO 89 2015-08-17
42 AP 127 2015-08-17
43 AQ 19 2015-09-17
44 AR 223 2015-09-17
45 AS 143 2015-10-17
46 AT 36 2015-10-17
47 AU 45 2015-11-17
48 AV 28 2015-11-17
49 AW 72 2015-12-17
50 AX 24 2015-12-17
51 AY 46 2015-02-17
52 AZ 62 2015-03-17
The column EntryName is the entry identifier, the column Entries has the total number of entries for the date specified in the column DateOfEntry.
I am trying to formulate a query where the total number of entries are displayed on a month-wise basis. I currently have this query :
SELECT DateName(MONTH, e.DateOfEntry) AS MonthOfEntry,
MONTH(e.DateOfEntry) AS MonthNumber,
SUM(e.Entries) AS TotalEntries
FROM #entry e
GROUP BY MONTH(e.DateOfEntry), DateName(MONTH,e.DateOfEntry)
which works fine as far as displaying the results are concerned. However, my issue here is that I need to sort the results on a month-wise basis where the starting month would be dynamic i.e. arising from a parameter (supplied by the user).
This means that if the user selects May of 2015 the results should be sorted from May 2015 to April 2016. Similarly, if the user selects October 2015, the results would be displayed from October 2015 to September 2016.
How would I go about getting this condition within the ORDER BY clause ?
You can put an offset into the ORDER BY using modulo arithmetic. For April:
ORDER BY (MONTH(e.DateOfEntry) + 12 - 4) % 12
--------------------------------------^ month number to start with
(The + 12 is simply so I don't have to remember if % returns negative numbers with negative operands.)
If you want the results chronologically, you can instead do:
ORDER BY MIN(e.DateOfEntry)
You could use the belosw in order by
This will sort the result first for Year and next for month.
Here you need to specify these same columns in Select.
If I understood you correctly
"This means that if the user selects May of 2015 the results should be sorted from May 2015 to April 2016. Similarly, if the user selects October 2015, the results would be displayed from October 2015 to September 2016."
this should work:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#entry') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #entry;
CREATE TABLE #entry(ID INT ,EntryName VARCHAR(10) , Entries INT , DateOfEntry DATE);
INSERT INTO #entry (ID ,EntryName ,Entries ,DateOfEntry)
(1 ,'A', 20 ,'2016-01-17'),
(2 ,'B', 22 ,'2016-01-29'),
(3 ,'C', 23 ,'2016-02-17'),
(4 ,'D', 19 ,'2016-02-17'),
(5 ,'E', 29 ,'2016-03-17'),
(6 ,'F', 30 ,'2016-03-17'),
(7 ,'G', 43 ,'2016-04-17'),
(8 ,'H', 10 ,'2016-04-17'),
(9 ,'I', 5 ,'2016-05-17'),
(10,'J', 120 ,'2016-05-17'),
(11,'K', 220 ,'2016-06-17'),
(12,'L', 210 ,'2016-06-17'),
(13,'M', 10 ,'2016-07-17'),
(14,'N', 20 ,'2016-07-17'),
(15,'O', 15 ,'2016-08-17'),
(16,'P', 17 ,'2016-08-17'),
(17,'Q', 19 ,'2016-09-17'),
(18,'R', 23 ,'2016-09-17'),
(19,'S', 43 ,'2016-10-17'),
(20,'T', 56 ,'2016-10-17'),
(21,'U', 65 ,'2016-11-17'),
(22,'V', 78 ,'2016-11-17'),
(23,'W', 12 ,'2016-12-17'),
(24,'X', 23 ,'2016-12-17'),
(25,'Y', 43 ,'2016-02-17'),
(26,'Z', 67 ,'2016-03-17'),
(27,'AA',35 ,'2015-01-17'),
(28,'AB',23 ,'2015-01-29'),
(29,'AC',43 ,'2015-02-17'),
(30,'AD',35 ,'2015-02-17'),
(31,'AE',45 ,'2015-03-17'),
(32,'AF',23 ,'2015-03-17'),
(33,'AG',43 ,'2015-04-17'),
(34,'AH',19 ,'2015-04-17'),
(35,'AI',21 ,'2015-05-17'),
(36,'AJ',13 ,'2015-05-17'),
(37,'AK',22 ,'2015-06-17'),
(38,'AL',45 ,'2015-06-17'),
(39,'AM',66 ,'2015-07-17'),
(40,'AN',77 ,'2015-07-17'),
(41,'AO',89 ,'2015-08-17'),
(42,'AP',127 ,'2015-08-17'),
(43,'AQ',19 ,'2015-09-17'),
(44,'AR',223 ,'2015-09-17'),
(45,'AS',143 ,'2015-10-17'),
(46,'AT',36 ,'2015-10-17'),
(47,'AU',45 ,'2015-11-17'),
(48,'AV',28 ,'2015-11-17'),
(49,'AW',72 ,'2015-12-17'),
(50,'AX',24 ,'2015-12-17'),
(51,'AY',46 ,'2015-02-17'),
(52,'AZ',62 ,'2015-03-17')
DECLARE #Month VARCHAR(2) = '05', #Year VARCHAR(4) = '2015'
SELECT DateName(MONTH, e.DateOfEntry) AS MonthOfEntry,
MONTH(e.DateOfEntry) AS MonthNumber,
SUM(e.Entries) AS TotalEntries
FROM #entry e
WHERE CAST(e.DateOfEntry AS DATE) >= CAST( #Year+#Month+'01' AS DATE)
GROUP BY MONTH(e.DateOfEntry), DateName(MONTH,e.DateOfEntry)
add a where clause for the query
WHERE MONTH(e.DateOfEntry) < User.Month AND YEAR(e.DateOfEntry) < User.Year AND MONTH(e.DateOfEntry) > (User.Month-1) AND YEAR(e.DateOfEntry) > (User.Year+1)
Assuming your parameter is an Integer called #FirstMonth, you could get the proper month order using:
WHEN MONTH(e.DateOfEntry) < #FirstMonth then MONTH(e.DateOfEntry) + 12
ELSE MONTH(e.DateOfEntry)
END AS MonthNumber
Of all the answers and suggestions I have come across here, I find this way (suggested by xQbert in the question's comments) to be the simplest one :
SELECT DateName(MONTH, e.DateOfEntry) + ' ' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(100), YEAR(e.DateOfEntry)) AS MonthOfEntry,
MONTH(e.DateOfEntry) AS MonthNumber,
SUM(e.Entries) AS TotalEntries
FROM Entry e
WHERE e.DateOfEntry BETWEEN #StartDate AND (DATEADD(YEAR, 1, #StartDate))
GROUP BY MONTH(e.DateOfEntry), DateName(MONTH,e.DateOfEntry), YEAR(e.DateOfEntry)
ORDER BY YEAR(e.DateOfEntry) ASC, MONTH(e.DateOfEntry) ASC
A fiddle to demonstrate this :
Initially, I was using the following query :
SELECT sortingList.MonthOfEntry,
SELECT DateName(MONTH, DATEADD(MONTH, MONTH(e.DateOfEntry), 0) - 1) + ' ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(20),YEAR(e.DateOfEntry)) AS MonthOfEntry,
SUM(e.Entries) as TotalEntries,
WHEN ((MONTH(e.DateOfEntry) - MONTH(#StartDate)) > 0)
THEN (MONTH(e.DateOfEntry) - MONTH(#StartDate)) + 1
WHEN ((MONTH(e.DateOfEntry) - MONTH(#StartDate)) = 0)
((12 - MONTH(#StartDate)) + (MONTH(e.DateOfEntry))) + 1
AS MonthNumber
FROM Entry e
WHERE e.DateOfEntry >= #StartDate AND e.DateOfEntry < DATEADD(YEAR, 1, #StartDate)
GROUP BY DateName(MONTH, DATEADD(MONTH, MONTH(e.DateOfEntry), 0) - 1), YEAR(e.DateOfEntry), MONTH(e.DateOfEntry) - MONTH(#StartDate), MONTH(e.DateOfEntry)
) sortingList
ORDER BY sortingList.MonthNumber ASC
Here's an Fiddle to demonstrate this :
Explanation (non TL;DR)
You can see that it's essentially the same WHERE clause. However, the query at the top uses much simpler logic for sorting and is more fluent and readable.
Do note that the second solution (using the CASE statement) sorts the month numbers as per the user-provided month number i.e. if the user provides December 2015, then the second solution will number Dec 2015 as 1, January 2016 as 2, February 2016 as 3 and so on and so forth. This might be more beneficial in cases where you want to work on top of this data.
As far as my use-case is concerned, this makes more sense. However, as far as the scope of the question is concerned, the query at the top is the best one.

Get difference from an aggregated value and another column in SQL

Suppose I have the following tables:
id user_id current_total_value
1 12 175
2 14 125
3 17 170
4 18 115
id user_id value_awarded date
1 12 55 2016-10-5 00:00:00+05:30
2 14 50 2016-10-5 00:00:00+05:35
3 17 70 2016-10-5 00:00:00+06:35
4 18 40 2016-10-5 00:00:00+07:34
5 12 50 2016-10-11 00:00:00+04:30
6 14 65 2016-10-11 00:00:00+04:40
7 17 75 2016-10-11 00:00:00+05:40
8 18 -35 2016-10-11 00:00:00+06:40
9 12 30 2016-10-12 00:00:00+04:30
10 14 65 2016-10-12 00:00:00+04:40
11 17 35 2016-10-12 00:00:00+05:40
12 18 65 2016-10-12 00:00:00+06:40
13 12 40 2016-10-13 00:00:00+04:40
14 14 -55 2016-10-13 00:00:00+05:40
15 17 -10 2016-10-13 00:00:00+05:45
16 18 45 2016-10-13 00:00:00+06:40
Expected Result
id user_id current_total_value last_week_value difference
1 12 175 130 45
2 14 125 140 -15
3 17 170 180 -10
4 18 115 70 45
I need to
select all values from from user_current_value_stats
Aggregate value of the user from value_awarded_stats_history for the last week as last_week_value (date will be given)
The difference between last_week_value and current_total_value as difference
The result should have the following columns id, user_id, current_total_value, last_week_value, difference.
(Also current_total_value can also be got as aggregate of all the value_awarded for the particular user. The column value_awarded is actually redundant data and is the sum of value_awarded for from value_awarded_stats_history for that user.)
You have to use a subquery to calculate the last_week_value :
select v.user_id, sum(v.value_awarded) as last_week_value
from value_awarded_stats_history v
where > (current_date - '1 week')
group by v.user_id
So the complete query would be something like this:
, t1.user_id
, t1.current_total_value
, t2.last_week_value
, (t1.current_total_value - t2.last_week_value) as difference
from user_current_value_stats t1
left outer join
(select v.user_id, sum(v.value_awarded) as last_week_value
from value_awarded_stats_history v
where > (current_date - '1 week')
group by v.user_id) t2 on t2.user_id = t1.user_id