T-SQL Group By and Sub Query - sql

I am aware of what the problem is with my query, but am really struggling to find a solution here.
SQL Fiddle
I guess I'm not even really sure how to ask this. What I'm trying to achieve sum all tracking numbers for a date range grouped by branch, but (and this is the kicker) include any other records in the sum that have the same tracking number. I thought of doing something like this, but of course SQL Server doesn't like this because I can't have a subquery in an aggregate function.
MAX((select SUM(demo.NegotiatedRate) where #demo.Tracking = demo2.Tracking)) as NegotiatedRate
Here is the query I have so far if anyone doesnt want to click the SQL Fiddle link
select demo.Branch,
SUM(demo.NegotiatedRate) as NegotiatedRate,
SUM(demo2.BillRate) as BillRate
from demo
join demo2 on demo2.Tracking = demo.Tracking
where demo.ShipDate = '2014-05-01'
group by demo.Branch
Expected Output
The output that I am trying to achieve would look something like this. The GH6 negotiated rate and bill rate should match even though one of the GH6 entries falls outside of desired date range.
Branch NegotiatedRate BillRate
GH4 50 50
GH6 25 25

You can pre-project the overall (non date-range bound, unfiltered) totals in a separate derived table or cte and then join back to it:
WITH totals AS
SELECT demo.Tracking,
SUM(demo.NegotiatedRate) as NegotiatedRate
from demo
group by demo.Tracking
select demo.Branch,
MIN(totals.NegotiatedRate) as NegotiatedRate,
SUM(demo2.BillRate) as BillRate
from demo
join demo2 on demo2.Tracking = demo.Tracking
join totals on totals.Tracking = demo.Tracking
where demo.ShipDate = '2014-05-01'
group by demo.Branch;
SqlFiddle here
Given that there should only be one NegotiatedRate per tracking, you can circumvent the need to add the summed totals.NegotiatedRate to the outer query by applying an aggregate (I've used MIN), although this is just to pacify Sql.

As a bit of a simpler answer, you can do something like:
SELECT demo.Branch,
SUM(demo.NegotiatedRate) AS NegotiatedRate,
FROM demo
JOIN demo2 on demo2.Tracking = demo.Tracking
WHERE demo.Tracking IN
SELECT Tracking
FROM demo
WHERE ShipDate = '2014-05-01'
GROUP BY demo.Branch, demo2.BillRate
As I understand it, you get all the tracking numbers you want in a certain date range, then get all the information from those tracking numbers, no matter the date range. Then groups them by the Branch and BillRate, both of which should be one value for each tracking number.

If I understand correctly, you want to include all rows when one of the dates is the selected date. If this is correct, then you want the logic in the having clause, not in the where clause:
select demo.Branch,
SUM(demo.NegotiatedRate) as NegotiatedRate,
SUM(demo2.BillRate) as BillRate
from demo
join demo2 on demo2.Tracking = demo.Tracking
group by demo.Branch
having sum(case when demo.ShipDate = '2014-05-01' then 1 else 0 end) > 0


get the latest records

I am currently still on my SQL educational journey and need some help!
The query I have is as below;
FROM Audit_Non_Conformance_Records
I am trying to tweak this to show only the most recent results based on Audit_Non_Conformance_Records.TimeStamp_Creation
I have tried using MAX() but all this does is shows the latest date for all records.
basically the results of the above give me this;
But I only need the result with the date 02/10/2019 as this is the latest result. There may be multiple results however. So for example if 02/10/2019 had never happened I would need all of the idividual recirds from the 14/10/2019 ones.
Does that make any sense at all?
You can filter with a subquery:
FROM Audit_Non_Conformance_Records a
where TimeStamp_Creation = (
select max(TimeStamp_Creation)
from Audit_Non_Conformance_Records
This will give you all whose TimeStamp_Creation is equal to the greater value available in the table.
If you want all records that have the greatest day (exluding time), then you can do:
FROM Audit_Non_Conformance_Records a
where cast(TimeStamp_Creation as date) = (
select cast(max(TimeStamp_Creation) as date)
from Audit_Non_Conformance_Records
If you want the latest record per refNumber, then you can correlate the subquery, like so:
FROM Audit_Non_Conformance_Records a
where TimeStamp_Creation = (
select max(TimeStamp_Creation)
from Audit_Non_Conformance_Records a1
where a1.refNumber = a.refNumber
For performance, you want an index on (refNumber, TimeStamp_Creation).
If you want the latest date in SQL Server, you can express this as:
SELECT TOP (1) WITH TIES ancr.kf_ID_Client_Reference_Number,
FROM Audit_Non_Conformance_Records ancr
ORDER BY CONVERT(date, ancr.TimeStamp_Creation) DESC;
SQL Server is pretty good about handling dates with conversions, so I would not be surprised if this used an index on TimeStamp_Creation.

Can someone help me with this join

I need it to give me me a total of 0 for week 33 - 39, but I'm really bad with joining 3 tables and I cant figure it out
Right now it only gives me an answer for dates that there are actual records in the tracker_weld_table.
SELECT SUM(tracker_parts_archive.weight),
WEEK(mycal.dt) as week
tracker_parts_archive, tracker_weld_archive
(SELECT dt FROM calendar_table WHERE dt >= '2018-7-1' AND dt <= '2018-10-1') as mycal
weld_worker = '133'AND date(weld_dateandtime) = mycal.dt
tracker_weld_archive.tracker_partsID = tracker_parts_archive.id
I think you are trying for something like this:
SELECT WEEK(c.dt) as week, COALESCE(SUM(tpa.weight), 0)
FROM calendar_table c left join
tracker_weld_archive tw
on date(tw.weld_dateandtime) = c.dt left join
tracker_parts_archive tp
on tw.tracker_partsID = tp.id and tp.weld_worker = 133
WHERE c.dt >= '2018-07-01' AND c.dt <= '2018-10-01'
ORDER BY week;
You want to keep all (matching) rows in the calendar table, so it should be first.
All subsequent joins should be LEFT JOINs.
Never use commas in the FROM clause. Always use proper, explicit, standard JOIN syntax.
Write out the full proper date constant -- YYYY-MM-DD. This is an ISO-standard format.
I am guessing that weld_worker is a number, so single quotes are not needed for the comparison.
First, lets start with understanding what you want.. You want totals per week. This means there will be a "GROUP BY" clause (also for any MIN(), MAX(), AVG(), SUM(), COUNT(), etc. aggregates). What is the group BY basis. In this scenario, you want per week. Leading to the next part that you want for a specific date range qualified per your calendar table.
I would start in order what WHAT filtering criteria first. Also, ALWAYS TRY to identify all table( or alias).column in your queries so anyone after you knows where the columns are coming from, especially when multiple tables. In this case "ct" is the ALIAS for "Calendar_Table"
calendar_table ct
ct.dt >= '2018-07-01'
AND ct.dt <= '2018-10-01'
Now, the above date looks to be INCLUSIVE of October 1 and looks like you are trying to generate a quarterly sum from July, Aug, Sept. I would change to LESS than Oct 1.
Now, your calendar has many days and you want it grouped by week, so the WEEK() function gets you that distinct reference without explicitly checking every date. Also, try NOT to use reserved keywords as final column names... makes for confusion later on sometimes.
I have aliased the column name as "WeekBasis". Here, I did a COUNT(*) just to show the total days and the group by showing it in context.
WEEK( ct.dt ) WeekBasis,
MIN( ct.dt ) as FirstDayOfThisWeek,
MAX( ct.dt ) as LastDayOfThisWeek,
COUNT(*) as DaysInThisWeek
calendar_table ct
ct.dt >= '2018-07-01'
AND ct.dt <= '2018-10-01'
group by
WEEK( ct.dt )
So, at this point, we have 1 record per week within the date period you are concerned,
but I also grabbed the earliest and latest dates just to show other components too.
Now, lets get back to your extra tables. We know the dates in question, now need to
get the details from the other tables (which is lacking in the post. You should post
critical components such as how tables are related via common / joined column basis.
How is tracker_part_archive related to tracker_weld_archive??
To simplify your query, you dont even NEED your calendar table as the welding
table HAS a date field and you know your range. Just query against that directly.
IF your worker's ID is numeric, don't add quotes around it, just leave as a number.
WEEK( twa.Weld_DateAndTime ) WeekBasis,
COUNT(*) WeldingEntriesDone,
SUM(tpa.weight) TotalWeight
tracker_weld_archive twa
JOIN tracker_parts_archive tpa
-- GUESSING on therelationship here.
-- may also be on a given date too???
-- all pieces welded by a person on a given date
ON twa.weld_worker = tpa.weld_worker
AND twa.Weld_DateAndTime = tpa.Weld_DateAndTime
twa.Weld_Worker = 133
AND twa.Weld_DateAndTime >= '2018-07-01'
AND twa.Weld_DateAndTime <= '2018-10-01'
group by
WEEK( twa.Weld_DateAndTime )
IF you provide the table structures AND sample data, this can be refined a bit more for you.

sql count function with subquery

here is my query
select narr,vocno,count(*)
from KontenLedger
WHERE VOCDT>'2018-07-01'
group by narr,vocno
having count(*)<'3'
actually if i wright as i given above ,the result which calculates two fields ('narr' and 'vocno') if i remove the field ('narr') answer is correct. i need to view the field 'narr' also without counting
Without knowing your database, nor having some limited sample date, nor expected output?
COUNT(*) AS total,
MAX(narr) AS max_narr
FROM KontenLedger
WHERE vocdt > '2018-07-01'
GROUP BY vocno

SQL to calculate value of Shares at a particular time

I'm looking for a way that I can calculate what the value of shares are at a given time.
In the example I need to calculate and report on the redemptions of shares in a given month.
There are 3 tables that I need to look at:
Redemptions table that has the Date of the redemption, the number of shares that were redeemed and the type of share.
The share type table which has the share type and links the 1st and 3rd tables.
The Share price table which has the share type, valuation date, value.
So what I need to do is report on and have calculated based on the number of share redemptions the value of those shares broken down by month.
Does that make sense?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Apologies, I think I should elaborate a little further as there might have been some misunderstandings. This isn't to calculate daily changing stocks and shares, it's more for fund management. What this means is that the share price only changes on a monthly basis and it's also normally a month behind.
The effect of this is that the what the query needs to do, is look at the date of the redemption, work out the date ie month and year. Then look at the share price table and if there's a share price for the given date (this will need to be calculated as it will be a single day ie the price was x on day y) then multiple they number of units by this value. However, if there isn't a share price for the given date then use the last price for that particular share type.
Hopefully this might be a little more clear but if there's any other information I can provide to make this easier then please let me know and I'll supply you with the information.
This should do the trick (note: updated to group by ShareType):
RedemptionMonth = DateAdd(month, DateDiff(month, 0, R.RedemptionDate), 0),
TotalShareValueRedeemed = Sum(P.SharePrice * R.SharesRedeemed)
dbo.Redemption R
INNER JOIN dbo.ShareType ST
ON R.ShareTypeID = ST.ShareTypeID
FROM dbo.SharePrice P
R.ShareTypeID = P.ShareTypeID
AND R.RedemptionDate >= P.SharePriceDate
ORDER BY P.SharePriceDate DESC
) P
DateAdd(month, DateDiff(month, 0, R.RedemptionDate), 0)
See it working in a Sql Fiddle.
This can easily be parameterized by simply adding a WHERE clause with conditions on the Redemption table. If you need to show a 0 for share types in months where they had no Redemptions, please let me know and I'll improve my answer--it would help if you would fill out your use case scenario a little bit, and describe exactly what you want to input and what you want to see as output.
Also please note: I'm assuming here that there will always be a price for a share redemption--if a redemption exists that is before any share price for it, that redemption will be excluded.
If you have the valuations for every day, then the calculation is a simple join followed by an aggregation. The resulting query is something like:
select year(redemptiondate), month(redemptiondate),
sum(r.NumShares*sp.Price) as TotalPrice
from Redemptions r left outer join
ShareType st
on r.sharetype = st.sharetype left outer join
SharePrice sp
on st.sharename = sp.sharename and r.redemptiondate = sp.pricedate
group by year(redemptiondate), month(redemptiondate)
order by 1, 2;
If I understand your question, you need a query like
select shares.id, shares.name, sum (redemption.quant * shareprices.price)
from shares
inner join redemption on shares.id = redemption.share
inner join shareprices on shares.id = shareprices.share
where redemption.curdate between :p1 and :p2
order by shares.id
group by shares.id, shares.name
:p1 and :p2 are date parameters
If you just need it for one date range:
SELECT s.ShareType, SUM(ISNULL(sp.SharePrice, 0) * ISNULL(r.NumRedemptions, 0)) [RedemptionPrice]
FROM dbo.Shares s
LEFT JOIN dbo.Redemptions r
ON r.ShareType = s.ShareType
SELECT TOP 1 SharePrice
FROM dbo.SharePrice p
WHERE p.ShareType = s.ShareType
AND p.ValuationDate <= r.RedemptionDate
ORDER BY p.ValuationDate DESC) sp
WHERE r.RedemptionDate BETWEEN #Date1 AND #Date2
GROUP BY s.ShareType
Where #Date1 and #Date2 are your dates
The ISNULL checks are just there so it actually gives you a value if something is null (it'll be 0). It's completely optional in this case, just a personal preference.
The OUTER APPLY acts like a LEFT JOIN that will filter down the results from SharePrice to make sure you get the most recent ValuationDate from table based on the RedemptionDate, even if it wasn't from the same date range as that date. It could probably be achieved another way, but I feel like this is easily readable.
If you don't feel comfortable with the OUTER APPLY, you could use a subquery in the SELECT part (i.e., ISNULL(r.NumRedemptions, 0) * (/* subquery from dbo.SharePrice here */)

Obtain maximum row_number inside a cross apply

I am having trouble in calculating the maximum of a row_number in my sql case.
I will explain it directly on the SQL Fiddle example, as I think it will be faster to understand: SQL Fiddle
Columns 'OrderNumber', 'HourMinute' and 'Code' are just to represent my table and hence, should not be relevant for coding purposes
Column 'DateOnly' contains the dates
Column 'Phone' contains the phones of my customers
Column 'Purchases' contains the number of times customers have bought in the last 12 months. Note that this value is provided for each date, so the 12 months time period is relative to the date we're evaluating.
Finally, the column I am trying to produce is the 'PREVIOUSPURCHASES' which counts the number of times the figure provided in the column 'Purchases' has appeared in the previous 12 months (for each phone).
You can see on the SQL Fiddle example what I have achieved so far. The column 'PREVIOUSPURCHASES' is producing what I want, however, it is also producing lower values (e.g. only the maximum one is the one I need).
For instance, you can see that rows 4 and 5 are duplicated, one with a 'PREVIOUSPURCHASES' of 1 and the other with 2. I don't want to have the 4th row, in this case.
I have though about replacing the row_number by something like max(row_number) but I haven't been able to produce it (already looked at similar posts at stackoverflow...).
This should be implemented in SQL Server 2012.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure what kind of result set you want to see but is there anything wrong with what's returned with this?
SELECT c.OrderNumber, c.DateOnly, c.HourMinute, c.Code, c.Phone, c.Purchases, MAX(o.PreviousPurchases)
SELECT t2.DateOnly, t2.Phone,t2.ordernumber, t2.Purchases, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY c.DateOnly ORDER BY t2.DateOnly) AS PreviousPurchases
FROM CurrentCustomers_v2 t2
WHERE c.Phone = t2.Phone AND t2.purchases<=c.purchases AND DATEDIFF(DAY, t2.DateOnly, c.DateOnly) BETWEEN 0 AND 365
) o
WHERE c.OrderNumber = o.OrderNumber
GROUP BY c.OrderNumber, c.DateOnly, c.HourMinute, c.Code, c.Phone, c.Purchases
ORDER BY c.DateOnly