ResolveAssemblyReference Could not load file or assembly - Xamarin - PCL Library - - msbuild

I upgraded to latest version of Xamarin Studio(5.0.878) in MAC OSX Mountain Lion . I have a basic setting with a PCL project - which contains .NET Portable subset as expected.
And I have an android project that refers to this PCL project. However when I include the PCL project in the references and try to compile - I get that error below:
Error: Error executing task ResolveAssemblyReference: Could not load
file or assembly
or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Inside the .NET Portable subset (which is added as default by Xamarin) - I see the System.Diagnostics.Tools. I never refer to that namespace in my solution (I refer to System.Diagnostics).
No matter what I tried I was not able to get over that ResolveAssemblyReference error - there are some links on the web saying that it is a bug of xbuild - it was introduced in .NET 4.0 - with suggestions of reverting to .NET 3.5 - which I cannot since I will be using async and await in the project. Googling does not help either.
Is there a workaround you know for this ResolveAssemblyReference issue? Why is msbuild trying to look for an assembly that is supposed to be in the .NET Portable Subset for PCL in the output folder for the PCL library?
I may be missing some information since I am not much experienced with this error - please bear with me and ask any additional details that might be needed.
Thanks a lot

What worked for me was:
Build > Clean all
File > Close solution
File > Open solution
Project > Update NuGet packages
c# project in Xamarin 5.9.8, OSX El Capitan

I had the exact same error in Monodevelop with my F# project I am bootstrapping and what I did was close the solution and re-opened it and saw that I was prompted that updates for some of the packages in my project were available for download, so I installed the package updates and my project ran fine after that. So you might want to give that a try.


Is it possible to build a project with a com reference with the dotnet CLI? [duplicate]

I have made a project in VS2019. I have the same project in .NET Core and .NET Framework. I use a COM reference in my project. I would like to migrate these projects to Pi4.
A simple Hello World project (.NET Core) is running successfully on the Pi4 machine. However, when I try to run my project (.NET core or .NET Framework) it does not run on the Pi4. It says COM is not supported.
I tried to build the project using MSBuild in my Windows environment after looking for solutions in Google. I also see a similar error here. The error is: error : MSB4803: The task "ResolveComReference" is not supported on the .NET Core version of MSBuild. Please use the .NET Framework version of MSBuild.
The .NET Framework project also gives a similar error.
error MSB4028: The "ResolveComReference" task's outputs could not be retrieved from the "ResolvedFiles" parameter. Object does not match target type.
Does anyone have similar issues?
According to the above link. The employee of Microsoft is saying they can not give solution in the near future.
Set the Projects to x86 for them to build the Interop, the Interop created still could not be used in x64 runtimes.
Add the COM Reference to the Core project, Build it and you will get an Interop.YourCom in the bin/x86/core/debug folder.
Remove the COM reference, and re-add the Interop, it will be put into the Assemblies Dependencies, and MSBuild will work.
My MSB4803 was from a WIXInstaller project, for ADOX, and Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Dao
I stumbled upon this question many times and I experienced the same several times in different projects. It doesn't matter if it is Visual Studio 2019 or 2022 and the version of the build, unless you are working with the old MSBuild in a legacy environment, the COM Reference doesn't work. It is always safe to build it in the command line to understand if anything in the VS environment works. I don't truly understand why Microsoft let you make those references in the Visual Studio environment when they will not work nearly anywhere else.
There are some workarounds that might or might not work but if your code is already pointing at a COM library there is no much to do. You can install the NuGet package which is going to pass the build stage and remove the COM reference.
Install-Package Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel -Version 15.0.4795.1001
The NuGet package has some differences at the types level that you will need to fix (the COM reference allows you to get specific types instead of objects from the cells values)
In any case, you will need the COM installed in the server, there is no workaround that issue.
I wouldn't say I like this error message or the link it shows on how to fix it, to be polite.... ;-);
I figured it out and thought as there are a lot of answers that are not helpful to share mine. What I did is update your command to force the use of msbuild.
dotnet msbuild -v:normal "FullOrRelativePathTo\MyProject.csproj" -p:Configuration=RELEASE
If that fails, try:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Current\Bin\msbuild.exe" "PathTo\Project.csproj" /p:Configuration=RELEASE
I know I'm late to the party, but here is a workaround working for me when I want to use Office Interop in .NET (Core):
Create an empty .net Console app (I'm using Rider and .NET 7)
Build it with the default MSBuild (17.0 in my case at the time of writing)
Add Interop references to the project file (I don't use Nuget, only generate these in a dummy .NET Framework project while adding COM references to Office libraries), eg.
<COMReference Include="Excel">
Change the solution MSBuild version to 4.0
Try to build the solution, but the project will not even load properly due to an outdated MSBuild version
Revert the MSBuild version to the default one
Build the project - success! (this is the magic part, I can't explain it :P)

VS show alot of errors (E1696, E0020) and warnings (C26451, C4754) with a new project

When I starts a new project (Blank App (C++/WinRT)) on Windows10 1909 # VS2019(up to date) its shows up a lot of errors as if the extension wasn't installed. But after trying to compile and run its works - so why do I get the errors and how can I solve this? screenshot
Edit: I have fond a solution for that. its turns out that the project was needed an additional include directory:
under the project properties->C/C++->General->[Additional Include Directory]
I added the winRT folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.18362.0\cppwinrt
and that's it now there's no errors (correction - after creating new project its still have the same errors)
Update: I installed the last windows 10 SDK and was still getting the seam errors. Than I installed a package via cmd with the following command:
D:\vcpkg> vcpkg install cppwinrt:x86-windows
after this was done it seem to work now
I'm sorry for the annoying newcomer questions...
its looks like I have another problem now with my project
in the packages.config file is says that the package is not declared with the following warning packages.config pic
thanks for any help in advance.
(edit4) I followed this thread:
nuget 'packages' element is not declared warning
and that's it, now all I have to do is to learn how to code :D
The 'standard' include paths for Visual C++ projects are the VC_IncludePath and WindowsSDK_IncludePath. The Windows SDK includes path already has all of the directories:
"Blank App (C++/WinRT)" is not part of the standard VS 2019 template set. The name of the project in the screenshoot is "ConsoleApplication2", which would imply you created a Win32 console C++ project instead of a C++/WinRT project. Even still, you can reach the standard C++/WinRT headers from a Win32 console application since they are part of the standard path.
From the looks of the errors in your first screenshot, it appears you are using a generated C++/WinRT rather than the one in the Windows 10 SDK. With VS 2019, you must add the NuGet package Microsoft.Windows.CppWinRT to your project to get the MSBuild rules needed to build with the C++/WinRT VSIX installed, so that's likely a problem here. See VS Marketplace

Global Assembly Cache - Assembly Install required

I am currently updating a VB.NET application with Visual Studio 2013 that possibly was originally created on VS2010 or VS2012.
This application uses a Network SQL Database
Everything goes fine up to the point of installing when just shows an error message. that says the Assembly 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Shell.9.0' version
is required and then will not let me finish the installation.
The project has been exported using the Visual Basic tool [OneClick]
I have already checked the References list on the Project menu, and is not included there. Also not available to be added.
The project requires the Microsoft Framework 4.5, so it seems that the Shell v2.0.0.0 is pretty old...
Do you have any suggestions, this kept me scratching my head already quite a while...
I finally figured it out.
I am not too sure if this is the right solution or not but it worked for me. Hopefully this will help someone else.
It turn out to be a error with the framework I was compiling the project (v4.5),
I was trying to install it on a Windows 7 machine with a framework installed up to v4.0. I cant understand why this error message showed up instead of telling me the framework version required for the software was not installed.
But anyways, I changed the version on the compiler, build and export again. Another error pop up but it was because references to the DLL for the different framework version were not included in the project. After including them and set the value for "Copy to Local" to true, the installation worked like a charm.
So I got my program up and working.

New to C#/Mono, ServiceStack.Redis cannot find reference

I'm trying to build a console app to test out redis/mono communication. I've been hitting a brick wall using Monodevelop 4.0 (Xamarin Studios)+Nuget Port to work with ServiceStack.Redis on mac os.
All the solutions I've found online only say, change the ".Net 4.0 Client Profile" into ".Net 4.0 full" on visual studios. I haven't found a related function on MonoDevelop, not even sure if such an option exists. So no help there.
The error I am getting is:
"The type or namespace name `RedisClient' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?"
The screencap below shows the missing references, even though it is clearly in the reference folder :(. It is very puzzling.
Has anyone had a similar problem? Any help would be appreciated.
I think this is generally an issue with lagging version numbers on Mono.
For example, here's an example that can reproduce the issue:
Your ServiceStack.Redis is compiled against ServiceStack.Interfaces -> 3.9.45.
But you've actually pulled the latest 3.9.48 versions of:
ServiceStack.Interfaces 3.9.48
ServiceStack.Common 3.9.48
ServiceStack.Text 3.9.48
Mono will have problems forwarding old ServiceStack references 3.9.45 to 3.9.48.
So, recompiling from source will resolve the issue.
Or, ensure all your references are using the same version number by opening up all ServiceStack.*.dll (as you've done) and ensure there are no lagging version number references.
Similarly, I had a problem with ServiceStack.Logging.NLog compiled against 3.9.44 packages which lead to various TypeLoadExceptions on Mono when the head version of ServiceStack.* is 3.9.48.
So after hair tearing fighting with the MonoDevelop IDE and nuget. I just resorted to building the Servicestack.redis from source in MonoDevelop, and copied over the output DLLs. This worked without a problem.
It seems either that monodevelop doesn't like the Dlls from nuget, or that the nuget port has some bugs with DLl references. Either way, I don't know the specifics, but there is a solution around it by building servicestack components from source in MonoDevelop.
I was having this same issue with Xamarin Studio 4.0.12 + NuGet Port running against Mono 2.10.9.
Yesterday I decided to try to get OrmLite working & when I went to add the package, I saw that there were ServiceStack updates available (to version from Installed the updates and added the OrmLite package and I started getting the same error...
"The type or namespace name 'OrmLiteConnectionFactory" could not be
found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?"
The weird part was Intellisense was working (I could fully qualify OrmLiteConnectionFactory in the IDE and it would find it fine) but it would not build. Just like you, I also saw in Assembly Browser that my ServiceStack DLLs were referencing previous versions of some of the other ServiceStack projects.
Upgrading to the latest Mono release (3.2.3 atm) solved the issue for me. Hallelujah! Not sure why I was using Mono 2.10.9 to begin with.

Version information missing from .NET assembly (Compact Framework 3.5/VS2008)

I am building an executable using VS2008 and .NET compact framework 3.5, targetting Windows Mobile 6 professional, but whenever I compile the project, everything that I have specified in the AssemblyInfo.cs file is ignored.
I have done this many times in other projects and it works without problem, but for some reason I cannot get the AssemblyTitle/AssemblyProduct/AssemblyVersion attributes etc to show up (I am trying to view them using Windows Explorer, I am able to see these properties in the details tab for any other assembly that I have built - even other projects in the same solution).
Any suggestions?
That info is looking at the native version info, which on the desktop is set using the AssemblyFileVersionAttribute. The AssemblyFileVersionAttribute is unsupported in the CF, so the only way to set the version info out of the box is to command-line compile. There is a workaround in this blog.
I know this is old, but there's a simpler solution posted here:
Version number in .NET Compact Framework application
You have to use reflection.
System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Major System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Minor System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Build System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Revision
in tag PlatformFamilyName; rather that PocketPC, change to add WindowsCE
in csproj