Converting xml node string to strip out nodes - sql

I have a table that has a column called RAW DATA of type NVARCHAR MAX, which is a dump from a web service. Here is a sample of 1 data line:
<descr>Warrant/Capias/Commitment served</descr>
<dktTxt>Signature bond set</dktTxt>
It was suppose to go in a table, with the node names representing the column names. The table it's going to is created, I just need to exract the data from this row to the table. I have 100's of thousands records like this. I was going to copy to a xml file, then import. But there is so much data, I would rather try and do the work within the DB.
Any ideas?

First, create the table with all the required columns.
Then, use your favorite scripting language to load the table! Mine being groovy, here is what I'd do:
def sql = Sql.newInstance(/* SQL connection here*/)
sql.eachRow("select RAW_DATA from TABLE_NAME") { row ->
String xmlData = row."RAW_DATA"
def root = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlData)
def date = root.eventDate
def histSeqNo = root.histSeqNo
//Pull out all the data and insert into new table!

I did find an answer to this, I'm sure there is more than one way of doing this. But this is what I got to work. Thanks for everyone's help.
pref.value('(caseNo/text())[1]', 'varchar(20)') as CaseNumber,
pref.value('(countyNo/text())[1]', 'int') as CountyNumber
dbo.CaseHistoryRawData_10 CROSS APPLY
RawData.nodes('//CourtRecordEventCaseHist') AS CourtRec(pref)


Transforming JSON data to relational data

I want to display data from SQL Server where the data is in JSON format. But when the select process, the data does not appear:
I've written a query like this, but nothing appears. Can anyone help?
Query :
SELECT id, JSON_Value(item_pieces_list, '$.satuan') AS Name
FROM [].dbo.medicine_alkes AS medicalkes
Your Path is wrong. Your JSON is an array, and you are trying to retrieve it as a flat object
SELECT id, JSON_Value(item_pieces_list,'$[0].satuan') AS Name
FROM [].dbo.medicine_alkes
Only in the case of data without the [] (array sign) you could use your original query '$.satuan', but since you are using an array I change it to retrieve only the first element in the array '$[0].satuan'

Want to create user-accessible form in Axapta that uses SQL with a substring function

I have some sqlserver sql that due to data can't be modified, which I currently run from Sqlserver. It uses a substring function. I want to stop running it from Sqlserver and create a user-accessible form in which the user enters a date and the script goes off and does it's thing and returns row data to the user.
Not overly familar with X++. I've looked at reports, querys, jobs, statement classes, not sure what's the correct path.
Below is the sql code.
select a.description,b.itemid, c.phantom,a.createddatetime,a.createdby
from sysdatabaselog A
inner join
bomversion B
on substring(a.description,1,11) = b.bomid
inner join
inventtable C
on b.itemid = c.itemid
where (table_ = 18 and logtype=1)
and a.CREATEDDATETIME > '2018-03-01' <-------- this would be user-supplied on the form
and c.phantom=1
What you're trying to accomplish is actually pretty high-level in AX and requires a several different dev techniques to accomplish it. I'm not going to do the entire thing for you, but I'll get you started and tell you what you need to do. These screenshots are from AX2012.
To accomplish the SUBSTRING() you need an AX View + String computed column.
For your view, you'll want an AX Query object to contain your joins OR you can just do a simple view on the BOMVersion table and then work against that.
Here's an example View and String computed column and the method for the computed column. I just used SalesTable and SalesId as the sample.
public static server str compSubStrSalesName()
str result;
result = strFmt("SUBSTRING(%1, 1, 5)",
SysComputedColumn::returnField(identifierStr(SubStringExample), // The name of your view
identifierStr(SalesTable_1), // The name of your view's datasource
identifierStr(SalesId) // The name of the field
return result;

Finding every instance of XML Element in SQL output

I'm a beginner when it comes to SQL and have no experience with XML so I'm after a little bit of help.
At the moment I am looking at a single table and just using the query below
convert(xml, convert(varbinary(max), orders)) ClientOrders
from client;
In the second columns of SQL output, I have a very lengthy bit of XML similar to the example below. I've used "..." just to skip over some of the output and give a general idea.
<report ... ><QueryParameter></QueryParameter Name = "#hello1"><commandtext> ...<value>Example1</value>....<value>Example2</value>...<value>Example3</value>...</commandtext></report>
<report ... ><QueryParameter></QueryParameter Name = "#hello2"><commandtext> ...<value>Example4</value>....<value>Example5</value>...<value>Example6</value>...</commandtext></report>
I have this for a lot of rows and this output is so long that it exceeds the Excel cell character limit. I'm only looking for the values Example1 through to Example6 in the example given above. Is there an SQL command I can run to get the above string between the open and close value?
I am using SSMS version 18.9.1

U-sql call data in json array

I have browsed the web and forum to download the data from the file json, but my script does not work.
I have a problem with downloading the list of objects of rates. Can someone please help? I can not find fault.
{"currency":"dolar amerykański","code":"USD","bid":3.8011,"ask":3.8779},
{"currency":"dolar australijski","code":"AUD","bid":2.8768,"ask":2.935},
{"currency":"dolar kanadyjski","code":"CAD","bid":2.8759,"ask":2.9339},
{"currency":"forint (Węgry)","code":"HUF","bid":0.013927,"ask":0.014209},
{"currency":"frank szwajcarski","code":"CHF","bid":3.8822,"ask":3.9606},
{"currency":"funt szterling","code":"GBP","bid":4.8053,"ask":4.9023},
{"currency":"jen (Japonia)","code":"JPY","bid":0.036558,"ask":0.037296},
{"currency":"korona czeska","code":"CZK","bid":0.1573,"ask":0.1605},
{"currency":"korona duńska","code":"DKK","bid":0.571,"ask":0.5826},
{"currency":"korona norweska","code":"NOK","bid":0.473,"ask":0.4826},
{"currency":"korona szwedzka","code":"SEK","bid":0.4408,"ask":0.4498},
{"currency":"SDR (MFW)","code":"XDR","bid":5.3142,"ask":5.4216}
This is my script in sql.
#trial =
EXTRACT jsonString string
FROM #"adl://"
USING Extractors.Text(delimiter:'\b', quoting:false);
#json =
SELECT Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats.Json.JsonFunctions.JsonTuple(jsonString) AS rec
FROM #trial;
#columnized =
rec["table"]AS table,
rec["no"]AS no,
rec["tradingDate"]AS tradingDate,
rec["effectiveDate"]AS effectiveDate,
rec["rates"]AS rates
FROM #json;
#rateslist =
table, no, tradingDate, effectiveDate,
Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats.Json.JsonFunctions.JsonTuple(rates) AS recl
FROM #columnized;
#selectrates =
recl["currency"]AS currency,
recl["code"]AS code,
recl["bid"]AS bid,
recl["ask"]AS ask
FROM #rateslist;
OUTPUT #selectrates
TO "adl://"
USING Outputters.Tsv();
You need to look at the structure of your JSON and identify, what constitutes your first path inside your JSON that you want to map to correlated rows. In your case, you are really only interested in the array in rates where you want one row per array item.
Thus, you use the JSONExtractor with a JSONPath that gives you one row per array element (e.g., rates[*]) and then project each of its fields.
Here is the code (with slightly changed paths):
REFERENCE ASSEMBLY JSONBlog.[Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats];
#selectrates =
EXTRACT currency string, code string, bid decimal, ask decimal
FROM #"/Temp/rates.json"
USING new Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats.Json.JsonExtractor("rates[*]");
OUTPUT #selectrates
TO "/Temp/ExchangeRates.tsv"
USING Outputters.Tsv();

Update colum with value from another column + text

I imported an e-store's database values into my own, and it mostly worked out fine. However, there were no image file names. So, I need to update the entire database- over 6,000 records, so that under 'image' we get a path + model name + jpg, so each product can be associated with an image. Im having trouble mixing the dynamic column value with the static path. Here is what I need to accomplish:
UPDATE `store`.`pr_product`
SET `image` = 'data/products/`**model_no**`.jpg'
WHERE `pr_product`.`product_id` = `pr_product`.`product_id` ;
But cannot get it to recognize the dynamic nature of 'model_no'
Thanks in advance
Please what you means about dynamic nature of 'model_no'?
Is this column's datatype int or long or varchar
Please need more explaination with example
you can test the following if e.g model_no is column in pr_product table
UPDATE store.pr_product
SET image = 'data/products/'+pr_product.model_no+'.jpg'
WHERE pr_product.product_id = pr_product.product_id ;
Best Regards,
Mohammed Thabet Zaky