Select multiple values in XML file and concatenation them with xQuery - sql

I have the following XML:
<item value="1"/>
<item value="2"/>
<item value="4"/>
and I would like to select all item value and concatenate them like this - see below - with XQuery :
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

There are two parts to your question:
getting values out of xml
concatenating multiple values together
The second part of your question has been covered off very nicely in the answers to this question.
In terms of getting the values out of your xml, try the below:
-- Your xml variable
DECLARE #xml AS XML = '<items>
<item value="1"/>
<item value="2"/>
<item value="4"/>
-- Example of selecting the values into rows
item.value('.', 'int')
#xml.nodes('/items/item/#value') as T1(item)
-- Use your favourite/'best for your circumstance' method of
-- concatenating the rows into one string
-- see for other ways
item.value('.', 'varchar(50)') + ' ' as 'data()'
#xml.nodes('/items/item/#value') as T1(item)
for xml path('')
I've put the code above into a sql fiddle that you can access and play with here:!6/d41d8/18144/0

Using XQuery you can simply select the values using XPath and join them together using a dot.
string-join(/items/item/#value, '.')


Fetch a value from a column which contains XML

How to fetch a value from a column which contains XML in SQL Server?
below is my sample XML column value and the id's can be swap anytime(101,100) or (201,100,101,321).
<item id="101">Yes</item>
<item id="100">No</item>
I want to fetch a value based on Id. Like fetching Yes from id=101.
Sample code much appreciated.
I tried with below sample, but Unable to retrieve value "Yes"
select Y.value('#item[1]','varchar[3]') as valT from tbl_storeXML s cross apply s.Questions.nodes('Questions/item') as X(Y) where e.empId=256 and Y.value('#id','int')=101
Please help on this.
Ps. It's not a home work, I am learning handling xml in sql server.
Use of the value is not done correct, you do:
This should be: Y.value('(#id)[1]','int')
round braces around #id, see: docs: value() Method
and Y.value('item[1]','varchar[3]').
This should be: Y.value('(#item)[1]','varchar(3)').
The # is removed because item is not an attribute
varchar should have round braces, not square braces.
Your try, after changes will become:
Y.value('(item)[1]','varchar(3)') as valT
from tbl_storeXML s
cross apply s.Questions.nodes('Questions/item') as X(Y)
where e.empId=256 and Y.value('(#id)','int')=101
This is not tested, because I do not have those tables. (I do think Y.value('(item)[1]','varchar(3)') might need to be written as Y.value('(.)[1]','varchar(3)') )
But the same approach can be seen in this DBFIDDLE
DECLARE #xml XML = '<Questions>
<item id="101">Yes</item>
<item id="100">No</item>
X.y.value('(#id)[1]','VARCHAR(20)') id,
X.y.value('(.)[1]','VARCHAR(20)') value
from #xml.nodes('Questions/item') as X(y);

SQL query for XML data

I have a SQL Server database table with a column called XML that contains XML data which is structured like this:
<Item xmlns:i="" xmlns="http://test/data">
<Name>Field Name</Name>
<Value>Field Value</Value>
<Name>Field Name</Name>
<Value>Field Value</Value>
I want to use T-SQL to get the Value where Name = Total. I have tried the following but it isn't returning any data:
FROM [BusinessAccount]
WHERE [XML].value('(/Root/Name)[13]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') LIKE '%Total%'
If anyone could tell me where I've gone wrong?
You are missing the required WITH XMLNAMESPACES for your XML and the path is incorrect.
If you want to bring back rows where the 13th element consists of the text Total you can use the below.
FROM [BusinessAccount]
WHERE 1 = [XML].exist('(/Item/Roots/Root/Name)[13][text() = "Total"]')
Otherwise you can add the WITH XMLNAMESPACES to your original query and fix the path there too.
You need to specify namespaces. You can then match <Name> and <Value> pairs and extract the contents of <Value> like so:
SELECT NameNode.value('declare namespace x="http://test/data"; (../x:Value)[1]', 'varchar(100)')
FROM [BusinessAccount]
CROSS APPLY [XML].nodes('declare namespace x="http://test/data"; //x:Root/x:Name') AS n(NameNode)
WHERE NameNode.value('.', 'varchar(100)') = 'Total'
Demo on db<>fiddle

Query xml using xquery in SQL Server 2016

I have my XML in following format:
<resultset xmlns="qm_system_resultset" xmlns:xsi="">
<exception_approval />
<comments />
<englishphrase> each time.</englishphrase>
<phrasedesc> គ្រាប់ក្នុងមួយដង។</phrasedesc>
<exception_approval />
<comments />
<englishphrase>Hold than 160.</englishphrase>
<phrasedesc>Tsis 160.</phrasedesc>
<qm_translatedphrase>Do not use </qm_translatedphrase>
Using TSQL/XML query how do I achieve this RESULT
rx 0001
hold 0001
I tried the following query, but I got null values for both the columns:
DECLARE #input XML = (SELECT result_xml
FROM QM_Data_Audit.QM_Package.test_results
WHERE result_id = 2446338)
resultset.value('(phraseprefix)[1]', 'varchar(max)') AS 'phrasenumber',
resultset.value('(phrasenumber)[1]', 'int') AS 'phrasenumber'
FROM #input.nodes('/resultset/result/result_data') AS List(resultset)
My apologies if the question is asked previously, I am new to querying XML.
Appreciate your help.
Your xml has a namespace declared so you need to provide this when querying it. In this example this can be acheived with the WITH XMLNAMESPACES statement:
DECLARE #input XML = (SELECT result_xml
FROM QM_Data_Audit.QM_Package.test_results
WHERE result_id = 2446338);
WITH XMLNAMESPACES(DEFAULT 'qm_system_resultset')
resultset.value('(phraseprefix)[1]', 'varchar(max)') AS 'phrasenumber',
resultset.value('(phrasenumber)[1]', 'varchar(max)') AS 'phrasenumber'
FROM #input.nodes('/resultset/result/result_data') AS List(resultset)
You'll want to set the data type for phrasenumber to varchar as well to preserve the leading 0s if you need them.

Creating xml for SQL Server stored procedure

I have a function to insert an item into the database. It takes a lot of values as input and the values are passed as XML.
Consider a sample item XML:
<TSDefaultDescription DefaultitemDescription="C:\t.text"/>
<ComputerObject Alias="" DisplayName="" ServiceName="" UserAccount="" />
<ComputerObject Alias="" DisplayName="" ServiceName="" UserAccount="" />
<ItemOwner Alias="rafchen" FirstName="Rafael" LastName="Chenkov"/>
This has to be passed to stored procedure.
Now, each of these individual values in this XML, I have to extract from somewhere else. I can get the individual values like Item name etc, but how do I organize them into an XML that can be passed?
How do I construct this XML from the values I have?
I guess I will have to make some sort of template with this format and then put variables in that template and fill the variables to prepare the template.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
If I understand what you really want, You can use a query like this to generate that XML:
ItemName 'Item/#ItemName', --> Node:`Item` Attribute: `ItemName`
ItemTypeId 'Item/#ItemTypeId',
Alias 'ComputerObject/#Alias',
DisplayName 'ComputerObject/#DisplayName',
ServiceName 'ComputerObject/#ServiceName',
UserAccount 'ComputerObject/#UserAccount'
ItemSellers.ItemId = Item.ItemId
for xml path('')) as xml) 'Item/ItemSellers', --> Node:`Item` Sub-Node:`ItemSellers`
Alias 'ItemOwner/#Alias',
FirstName 'ItemOwner/#FirstName',
LastName 'ItemOwner/#LastName'
ItemOwners.ItemId = Item.ItemId
for xml path('')) as xml) 'Item/ItemOwners'
for xml path('ROOT');
SQL Fiddle Demo

How to insert a XML file into a SQL table

How do I insert this into a SQL table?
<ITEM id="1"
name="Swimmer Head"
desc="Part of an everyday swimming outfit" />
Also, theres a lot of more lines in this XML file, so how can I do this with 1 .sql file?
Here is one method which will give you an EAV structure (Entity Attribute Value).
You may notice I only have to identify ONE key element ... id
I truncated a few elements and added a second item for demonstrative purposes only
Declare #XML xml = '
<ITEM id="1" name="Swimmer Head" mesh_name="eq_head_swim" totalpoint="0" type="equip" res_sex="m" res_level="0" slot="head" weight="2" bt_price="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" desc="Part of an everyday swimming outfit" />
<ITEM id="2" name="Boxer Feet" mesh_name="eq_feet_boxer" totalpoint="0" type="equip" res_sex="m" res_level="0" slot="head" weight="2" bt_price="25.00" color="#FFFFFFFF" desc="Somthing for the boxer" />
Select ID = r.value('#id','int')
,Item = attr.value('local-name(.)','varchar(100)')
,Value = attr.value('.','varchar(max)')
From #XML.nodes('/ITEM') as A(r)
Cross Apply A.r.nodes('./#*') AS B(attr)
Where attr.value('local-name(.)','varchar(100)') not in ('id')
Returns (which can easily be Pivoted if necessary)
EDIT - To load XML from a FILE
Declare #XML xml
Select #XML = BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'C:\Working\SomeXMLFile.xml', SINGLE_BLOB) x;
Select ID = r.value('#id','int')
,Item = attr.value('local-name(.)','varchar(100)')
,Value = attr.value('.','varchar(max)')
From #XML.nodes('/ITEM') as A(r)
Cross Apply A.r.nodes('./#*') AS B(attr)
Where attr.value('local-name(.)','varchar(100)') not in ('id')
Re-asking Siyual's question, but more specific:
Is this one line of many that should go into a table?
And is it not nested?
In other words, would it continue with repetitions of <ITEM id= [...] desc="something" /> ? If the answer is yes, consider a perl script that picks everything after an equal sign and between double quotes and concatenates the obtained bits, separating them by, say, comma, creating one line per <ITEM [...] /> .
This way, you'd get a CSV file to load. Of course, you'd have to create the target table first.