How to get error log in windows Azure server? -

I have developed test application to display claims of authenticated identity.
this application is working in local but when I publish to windows azure it gives some dot net error. Can Anybody explain me how to get error log in windows azure server?
Thanks in Advance !!!

I suspect you aren't looking for help with Azure Storage - or just in case you are I have included a detailed explanation below. For Azure log information see here: Windows Azure PaaS Compute Diagnostics Data.
If it is storage you are interested in, the following blog post provides a good overview of the logging capability: Windows Azure Storage Logging:Windows Azure Storage Logging: Using Logs to Track Storage Requests.


Unable to connect Azure purview from Azure Synapse

I followed the documentation for connecting azure purview account with synapse.
I do not see option - Manage -> Azure Purview in Synapse Workspace.
UPDATE: Azure Purview Integration is now available in Azure Synapse Studio.
On January 8th, 2021
The integration between Azure Synapse Analytics and Azure Purview is currently under Preview. If you are interested to try Azure Purview in Synapse, please connect with your Microsoft Sales Representative.
To get access to this feature you need to reach out to your sales representative at Microsoft.
In case, if you do not have a sales representative at Microsoft. I would suggest you file a support ticket and with a strong business use case.
Once you have created a support ticket, I would request you to share the support request number so that I can route it to the Azure Synapse team to enable access to the Azure Purview.
Hello as mentioned Pradeep, the integration feature is under gated preview but will be public very soon (end of January). In the meantime, if you still want to connect, please connect through my LinkedIn profile (Arnaud Comet).
Thank you,

Azure App Services cannot connect to Azure SQL Database

I have an API published to Azure App Services, using ef core, connect to Azure SQL database. below are the steps and the problem:
The Azure SQL database is up and running OK, I setup two firewall rules, one for my local dev ip, one for Azure App. I can connect to Azure SQL from local without any issue, and I have done the migrations.
I copied the connection string from Azure SQL and put in the appsettings.json, running the API from my local and connect to Azure SQL without any issue.
I published my API to Azure App services without any issues, I can see my app running OK since it has static file.
Then I went to Azure App Services => Settings/Configuration => Connection strings, create one new connect string with the same key/value as I used in the appsettings.json, based on the document from Microsoft:
But the problem is after I done these, my API still not working, the api call to SQL return error 500.
Anything I missed or did wrong?
Thanks for the comments CSharpRocks, I did by adding the client ip, but I figured that's not the right way, so resolved by set the "Allow Azure services and resources to access this server" to True, that works.
For Others looking for the answer I had followed the steps above and it still did not work for me. But when I went to Visual Studios --> Publish --> Service Dependency's --> Add Azure SQL Database That fixed it for me.

Where Azure Log Analytics store the data

I started to study Azure Log Analytics and I'm wondering a very simple question: where are stored the data?
Is there a kind of database behind this resource? How can I access that?
If not, is there a way to "redirect" the logs into a particular storage?
I didn't find any info on the documentations.
Azure Diagnostics is an Azure extension that enables you to collect diagnostic data from a worker role, web role, or virtual machine running in Azure. The data is stored in an Azure storage account (you have to assign a diagnostic storage account to store log data) and can then be collected by Log Analytics.

Is There a Local Emulator for the Azure Data Lake Store

When developing for Azure storage accounts, I can run the Microsoft Storage Emulator to locally keep Blobs, Queues, and Tables without having to connect to Azure online.
Is there something equivalent for the Azure Data Lake Store? It would be nice to develop locally for a while without having to connect to Azure online.
Have you tried Visual Studio with the Azure Data Lake Tools plug-in?
As pointed out by David, you can develop Azure Data Lake Analytics (ADLA) projects locally without needing connectivity to Azure for the ADLA account or the associated Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS) account. Is there some other application you would like to use with ADLS?
Sachin Sheth
Azure Data Lake team
Same problem here.
AFAIK the Storage Emulator is not yet able to really handle Data Lake (ADSL Gen2) Requests.
This Uri works (but looks for a file, not a dir):
This one doesn't:
Error: Status: 403 (Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of the Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.)
ErrorCode: AuthorizationFailure
The difference is that the second one uses the resource 'sr=d' (directory) while the first uses 'sr=b' (blob).
Both items are working on real Azure Storage (with ADSL Gen2).
The request is already tracked here:
Tested on VS 2022 17.3.6 using Server: Azurite-Blob/3.18.0

web role access sql azure in same data center

I published my web role in windows azure which is accessing a SQL azure in same data center. According to Microsoft, above model should be called "Code Near Connectivity" and the connection between web role and SQL azure will not over internet but internally. See details at page
I wonder the Code-Near-Connection will be auto made by windows azure or anything needed to be applied first to make it happen.
It is automatic as long as you have selected to deployment of your code and sql db in the same region.