Passing responses from one PsychoPy routine to another - psychopy

I am trying to send the value of a response time (e.g. key_resp_2.rt) to a later routine.
I am new to PsychoPy and am unsure how to do this. I have been unsuccessful searching Google for an answer...

A later routine can refer to previous variable by name in a Code component. i.e. in that code component, you could insert code like this, say to update a text stimulus depending on a previous reaction time:
if key_resp_2.rt < 0.200:
myTextStim.setText("Well done, quite fast.")
But you would need to specify what you want to do to get more specific help.


Different parameter count in FORM and PERFORM

I am trying to add a formal parameter in the FORM and PERFORM in an existing code, as I will be need it the extra parameter in a new function that I have to call. The idea is that when executing the new code it keeps showing the error: Different parameter count in FORM and PERFORM (routine: CM_SHOW_CRC, number of formal parameters: 2, number of actual parameters: 3).
The code that I have for the form part is as follows:
FORM cm_show_crc
civ_matnr TYPE matnr
civ_charg TYPE charg_d
civ_werks TYPE werks_d. "The parameter that I added
And the perform code is:
PERFORM cm_show_crc
pis_sdow_alv-werks. "The parameter that I added
The table pis_sdow_alv is type of a structure that also includes the variable WERK(Component type WERKS_D)
Before adding the new parameter WERK the code was working fine.
May anyone know what the problem in this part of the code may be?
There was also another similar question in: Different number of parameters in FORM and PERFORM, however I am not using the syntax CHANGING in my code, as it was also not used prior.
Please do tell me if you need additional information.
Thank you all in advance!
This problem can occur when FORM and PERFORM are in different includes and you only activate one but not the other.
When you activate an include, then it is checked against the active version of all other repository objects it depends on. Not the saved version. This can lead to an annoying catch-22 situation. You can not activate A because it does not match the previous version of B, and you can not activate B because it does not match the previous version of A.
The solution to this conundrum is to activate both objects together. When you activate something in SE80 and you have multiple inactive objects, you get a window where you can select multiple objects to activate together:
In Eclipse, you get a similar list by clicking on the "activate multiple" button:

Setting up multiple schedules for a ResourcePool

I am doing a simulation of a production line, which is built through Excel.
Now there is one, which needs free setting of worker shifts for each machine, three shifts in total.
My idea is to create three different Schedules, representing each of the three shifts, and then in the ResourcePool, use the If statement to set up the use of each shift. As shown in the picture enter image description here
But it didn't work. If it is possable, Could you please tell me if there is something wrong with the Java statement or the idea is wrong.
If possible, could you please tell me how to set multiple schedules in ResourcePool?
Additions to the question:
The model is to do the evaluation of the production system and the shift of the workers is an important evaluation parameter. What I want to do is to enter the shift of the workers directly in the Excel sheet and ResourcePool recognizes and uses the corresponding Schedule.
I tried to generate the corresponding Schedule by code, but the Schedule of Resourcepool cannot be set dynamically. So I would like to try to manually input multiple Schedules into the model and then set the corresponding Schedule in ResourcePool by If statement like the image.
Thanks in advance
The first thing you need to know is that the location where you placed the code is a static parameter, thus it is only evaluated once, when the object is created and not checked continuously.
This is indicated by the little popup when you hover over the button that change the entry field from code to value
If it was dynamic it would state Dynamic Value instead of Static Value
Secondly, inside that field you must use a ternary operator, not an if statement, so that the result of the formula is a scheduled object, else you will get a "misplaced construct(s)" error
If you changed the code to
v_Shift == "Shift1" ?
s_Shift1 : v_Shift == "Shift2" ? s_Shift2 : s_Shift3
It will work BUT:
It will only be evaluated when the object is created and not again
Rather not use == on Strings, always use .equals(), on Strings it might work, and sometimes it might not. You can do some research as to why ;-)
Solution: You will have to use a function to change the schedule of the resource pool. Call this function whenever the v_Shift variable changes

Getting the values of an /AIF/ERR variant

I did try using the RS_VARIANT_CONTENTS and RS_VARIANT_VALUES_TECH_DATA, it did show the values of the variant except the values of the name space, interface and interface version in which I also need to retrieve. I also searched the VARI* and TVARC tables but I didn't found it there.
I think it has something to do with the program name and screen number. Do you have any ideas or other way that I can retrieve all those values, whether using FM or select?
Thank you.
Some of the parameters in the transaction /AIF/ERR, the ones you are talking about, vary dynamically based on the value chosen in the Application screen field. They are handled by another AIF program, and they are not saved in the program variant, but in the table /AIF/T_ERR_VARS.
You may call the function module /AIF/ERR_VAR_LOAD to load the missing parameters.
Its usage is shown in the subroutine GET_VAR of the program /AIF/ERROR_HANDLING_TRANS (which is the program behind the transaction /AIF/ERR).

Dojo Deferred chaining

I am having trouble wrapping my head around how to make a Dojo Deferred work for the following scenario. Basically I have a function that is supposed to loop through a number of items and process each item separately in a deferred manner. It does the processing of each item in a separate method that returns a Deferred when it is done. I want to be able to execute the loop to go off and process each item and report back a success or failure when it is done. Here is what I got so far as a test sample:
What am I doing wrong? I am expecting the output numbers to be in sequence but they are not.
I also want to be able to detect if there is an error processing one of the items and if so, not to process the rest.
I have resolve that the output number should be in sequence.
There're couple of issues in your code
loopping function should use closure to hold the variable.
You should use the validate returned Deferred now the process Deferred
Given that process() function will finished immediately, so the log "done processing everything!" will be first output.
I have learn from the question. Thanks, the author gives another good solution.

Linux Kernel Process Management

First, i admit all the things i will ask are about our homework but i assure you i am not asking without struggling at least two hours.
Description: We are supposed to add a field called max_cpu_percent to task_struct data type and manipulate process scheduling algorithm so that processes can not use an higher percentage of the cpu.
for example if i set max_cpu_percent field as 20 for the process firefox, firefox will not be able to use more than 20% of the cpu.
We wrote a system call to set max_cpu_percent field. Now we need to see if the system call works or not but we could not get the value of the max_cpu_percent field from a user-spaced program.
Can we do this? and how?
We tried proc/pid/ etc can we get the value using this util?
By the way, We may add additional questions here if we could not get rid of something else
Thanks All
The reason was we did not modify the code block writing the output to the proc queries.
There are some methods in array.c file (fs/proc/array.c) we modified the function so that also print the newly added fields value. kernel is now compiling we'll see the result after about an hour =)
It Worked...
(If you simply extended getrlimit/setrlimit, then you'd be done by now…)
There's already a mechanism where similar parts of task_struct are exposed: /proc/$PID/stat (and /proc/$PID/$TID/stat). Look for functions proc_tgid_stat and proc_tid_stat. You can add new fields to the ends of these files.