`resolve_dtor() `Parentheses Algorithm - objective-c

I'm running into a frustrating problem with a parentheses completion algorithm. The math library I'm using, DDMathParser, only processes trigonometric functions in radians. If one wishes to use degrees, they must call dtor(deg_value). The problem is that this adds an additional parenthesis that must be accounted for at the end.
For example, the math expression sin(cos(sin(x))) would translate to sin(dtor(cos(dtor(sin(dtor(x))) in my code. However, notice that I need two additional parentheses in order for it to be a complete math expression. Hence, the creation of resolve_dtor().
Here is my attempted solution, the idea was to have 0 signify a left-paren, 1 signify a left-paren with dtor(, and 2 signify a right-paren thus completing either 0 or 1.
- (NSMutableString *)resolve_dtor:(NSMutableString *)exp
NSInteger mutable_length = [exp length];
NSMutableArray *paren_complete = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; // NO/YES
for (NSInteger index = 0; index < mutable_length; index++) {
if ([exp characterAtIndex:index] == '(') {
// Check if it is "dtor()"
if (index > 5 && [[exp substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(index - 4, 4)] isEqual:#"dtor"]) {
//dtor_array_index = [self find_incomplete_paren:paren_complete];
[paren_complete addObject:#1];
[paren_complete addObject:#0]; // 0 signifies an incomplete parenthetical expression
else if ([exp characterAtIndex:index] == ')' && [paren_complete count] >= 1) {
// Check if "dtor("
if (![self elem_is_zero:paren_complete]) {
// Add right-paren for "dtor("
[paren_complete replaceObjectAtIndex:[self find_incomplete_dtor:paren_complete] withObject:#2];
[exp insertString:#")" atIndex:index + 1];
[paren_complete replaceObjectAtIndex:[self find_incomplete_paren:paren_complete] withObject:#2];
else if ([paren_complete count] >= 1 && [[paren_complete objectAtIndex:0] isEqualToValue:#2]) {
// We know that everything is complete
[paren_complete removeAllObjects];
return exp;
- (bool)check_dtor:(NSMutableString *)exp
NSMutableArray *paren_complete = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; // NO/YES
for (NSInteger index = 0; index < [exp length]; index++) {
if ([exp characterAtIndex:index] == '(') {
// Check if it is "dtor()"
if (index > 5 && [[exp substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(index - 4, 4)] isEqual:#"dtor"]) {
//dtor_array_index = [self find_incomplete_paren:paren_complete];
[paren_complete addObject:#1];
[paren_complete addObject:#0]; // 0 signifies an incomplete parenthetical expression
else if ([exp characterAtIndex:index] == ')' && [paren_complete count] >= 1) {
// Check if "dtor("
if (![self elem_is_zero:paren_complete]) {
// Indicate "dtor(" at index is now complete
[paren_complete replaceObjectAtIndex:[self find_incomplete_dtor:paren_complete] withObject:#2];
[paren_complete replaceObjectAtIndex:[self find_incomplete_paren:paren_complete] withObject:#2];
else if ([paren_complete count] >= 1 && [[paren_complete objectAtIndex:0] isEqualToValue:#2]) {
// We know that everything is complete
[paren_complete removeAllObjects];
// Now step back and see if all the "dtor(" expressions are complete
for (NSInteger index = 0; index < [paren_complete count]; index++) {
if ([[paren_complete objectAtIndex:index] isEqualToValue:#0] || [[paren_complete objectAtIndex:index] isEqualToValue:#1]) {
return NO;
return YES;
It seems the algorithm works for sin((3 + 3) + (6 - 3)) (translating to sin(dtor((3 + 3) x (6 - 3))) but not sin((3 + 3) + cos(3)) (translating to sin(dtor((3 + 3) + cos(dtor(3)).
Bottom Line
This semi-solution is most likely overcomplicated (one of my common problems, it seems), so I was wondering if there might be an easier way to do this?
Here is my solution to #j_random_hacker's pseudo code he provided:
- (NSMutableString *)resolve_dtor:(NSString *)exp
uint depth = 0;
NSMutableArray *stack = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSRegularExpression *regex_trig = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:#"(sin|cos|tan|csc|sec|cot)" options:0 error:0];
NSRegularExpression *regex_trig2nd = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:#"(asin|acos|atan|acsc|asec|acot)" options:0 error:0];
// need another regex for checking asin, etc. (because of differing index size)
NSMutableString *exp_copy = [NSMutableString stringWithString:exp];
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < [exp_copy length]; i++) {
// Check for it!
if ([exp_copy characterAtIndex:i] == '(') {
if (i >= 4) {
// check if i - 4
if ([regex_trig2nd numberOfMatchesInString:exp_copy options:0 range:NSMakeRange(i - 4, 4)] == 1) {
[stack addObject:#(depth)];
[exp_copy insertString:#"dtor(" atIndex:i + 1];
else if (i >= 3) {
// check if i - 3
if ([regex_trig numberOfMatchesInString:exp_copy options:0 range:NSMakeRange(i - 3, 3)] == 1) {
[stack addObject:#(depth)];
[exp_copy insertString:#"dtor(" atIndex:i + 1];
else if ([exp_copy characterAtIndex:i] == ')') {
if ([stack count] > 0 && [[stack objectAtIndex:[stack count] - 1] isEqual: #(depth)]) {
[stack removeObjectAtIndex:[stack count] - 1];
[exp_copy insertString:#")" atIndex:i + 1];
return exp_copy;
It works! Let me know if there are any minor corrections that would be good to add or if there is a more efficient approach.

Haven't tried reading your code, but I would use a simple approach in which we scan forward through the input string writing out a second string as we go while maintaining a variable called depth that records the current nesting level of parentheses, as well as a stack that remembers the nesting levels that need an extra ) because we added a dtor( when we entered them:
Set depth to 0.
For each character c in the input string:
Write it to the output.
Is c a (? If so:
Was the preceding token sin, cos etc.? If so, push the current value of depth on a stack, and write out dtor(.
Increment depth.
Is c a )? If so:
Decrement depth.
Is the top of the stack equal to depth? If so, pop it and write out ).

DDMathParser natively supports using degrees for trigonometric functions and will insert the relevant dtor functions for you. It'll even automatically insert it by doing:
You can do this by setting the angleMeasurementMode on the relevant DDMathEvaluator object.


Why doing minus operation for NSUInteger while comparing crashed?

I'm comparing two NSUInteger, I kept getting crash thats says -[__NSCFNumber length]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
NSUInteger index = [masterArray indexOfObject:object];
if (index != NSNotFound){
if (index < [anArray count] - 1 ){
//Do something
//Do something
Reading old post of similar question, but I still can't figure this out. I've tried to cast and it still crash:
NSUInteger index = [masterArray indexOfObject:object];
if (index != NSNotFound){
if (index < (NSUInteger)((int)[anArray count] - 1) ){
//Do something
//Do something
However, without any minus operation, it works.
NSUInteger index = [masterArray indexOfObject:object];
if (index != NSNotFound){
if (index < [anArray count]){
//Do something
//Do something
Any idea why? Thanks in advance.
the array is not the problem.
See what happens in the following example.
NSUInteger i = 0;
NSLog(#"%#", i-1==NSUIntegerMax ? #"YES" : #"NO" );
//output: YES
NSLog(#"NSUIntegerMax=%lu", NSUIntegerMax );
//output: NSUIntegerMax=18446744073709551615
NSLog(#"%lu", i-1 );
//output: 18446744073709551615
so when array count is 0 and you subtract 1 you end up with the NSUIntegerMax.
You compare array.count - 1 against a range of numbers that can't express signed (negative) numbers.
array.count is a property of type NSUInteger.
so in the following scenario will come up
when array.count == 0,
array.count - 1 == 18446744073709551615 // not!! -1
your if statements will not work as expected unless you really wanted to compare to NSUIntegerMax.
As you discovered casting to integer may help you out..
you will want to
if (index < ((int)array.count) - 1) {
} else {
because casting (NSUInteger)((int)array.count - 1) is still 18446744073709551615 == NSUIntegerMax when array.count < 1
you could also go without casting for this solution
if (index + 1 >= array.count) {
} else {

arc4random() modulo array count results in EXC_ARITHMETIC [duplicate]

i'm trying to get the values of an array randomly but i'm getting an error
here is my code so far:
NSMutableArray *validMoves = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
[validMoves removeAllObjects];
for (TileClass *t in tiles ) {
if ([self blankTile:t] != 0) {
[validMoves addObject:t];
NSInteger pick = arc4random() % validMoves.count;
[self movePiece:(TileClass *)[validMoves objectAtIndex:pick] withAnimation:NO];
The error you're getting (an arithmetic exception) is because validMoves is empty and this leads to a division by zero when you perform the modulus operation.
You have to explicitly check for the case of an empty validMoves array.
Also you should use arc4random_uniform for avoiding modulo bias.
if (validMoves.count > 0) {
NSInteger pick = arc4random_uniform(validMoves.count);
[self movePiece:(TileClass *)[validMoves objectAtIndex:pick] withAnimation:NO];
} else {
// no valid moves, do something reasonable here...
As a final remark not that arc4random_uniform(0) returns 0, therefore such case should be avoided or you'll be trying to access the first element of an empty array, which of course will crash your application.

Adding Alpha-Beta prunning to minMax in Objective-C

Hi there I have problems adding alpha beta pruning to my minMax algorithm for the connect 4 game can you help me ? here is my code for the minMax procedure, it looks to me that there is just a little that have to be done what eludes me :S scoreBoard() is my Heuristics function and I returning an array with 2 values the first one is the position of on the table and the other one is the score for this position.
-(NSArray*) miniMaxWihtAlphaBetaPrunning:(BOOL)maxOrMin withAlpha:(NSInteger)alpha
withBeta:(NSInteger)beta withPlayer:(enum playerColor)player andTreeDepth:
if (depth == 0)
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInt:-1],
[NSNumber numberWithInt:scoreBoard()],nil];
NSInteger bestScore = maxOrMin ? redWins: blueWins;
NSInteger bestMove = -1;
for (NSInteger column = 0; column < 10; column++)
if (discPlacedMatrix[0][column] != 0)
NSInteger rowFilled = dropDiscAtPoint(column, player);
if (rowFilled == -1)
NSInteger s = scoreBoard();
if (s == (maxOrMin? blueWins : redWins))
bestMove = column;
bestScore = s;
discPlacedMatrix[rowFilled][column] = 0;
NSArray* result = [NSArray arrayWithArray:[self miniMaxWihtAlphaBetaPrunning:!maxOrMin withAlpha:alpha withBeta:beta withPlayer:(player == 1 ? RED : BLUE) andTreeDepth:depth - 1]];
NSInteger scoreInner = [[result objectAtIndex:1] intValue];
discPlacedMatrix[rowFilled][column] = 0;
if (scoreInner == blueWins || scoreInner == redWins)
scoreInner -= depth * player;
if (maxOrMin)
if (scoreInner >= bestScore)
bestScore = scoreInner;
bestMove = column;
if (scoreInner <= bestScore)
bestScore = scoreInner;
bestMove = column;
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInt:bestMove],[NSNumber numberWithInt:bestScore],nil];
I tried some scenarios but the Ai started to
It sounds like you're looking for something like the jamboree algorithm. The basic idea of this algorithm is to go through your tree recursively, and at each level, run the alpha beta algorithm on part of the nodes at that level, and then run the mini-max algorithm on the rest of the nodes. I'm at work right now, but I'll elaborate when I get home.
An implementation:

EXC_ARITHMETIC when accessing random elements of NSArray

i'm trying to get the values of an array randomly but i'm getting an error
here is my code so far:
NSMutableArray *validMoves = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
[validMoves removeAllObjects];
for (TileClass *t in tiles ) {
if ([self blankTile:t] != 0) {
[validMoves addObject:t];
NSInteger pick = arc4random() % validMoves.count;
[self movePiece:(TileClass *)[validMoves objectAtIndex:pick] withAnimation:NO];
The error you're getting (an arithmetic exception) is because validMoves is empty and this leads to a division by zero when you perform the modulus operation.
You have to explicitly check for the case of an empty validMoves array.
Also you should use arc4random_uniform for avoiding modulo bias.
if (validMoves.count > 0) {
NSInteger pick = arc4random_uniform(validMoves.count);
[self movePiece:(TileClass *)[validMoves objectAtIndex:pick] withAnimation:NO];
} else {
// no valid moves, do something reasonable here...
As a final remark not that arc4random_uniform(0) returns 0, therefore such case should be avoided or you'll be trying to access the first element of an empty array, which of course will crash your application.

Compare version numbers in Objective-C

I am writing an application that receives data with items and version numbers. The numbers are formatted like "1.0.1" or "1.2.5". How can I compare these version numbers? I think they have to be formatted as a string first, no? What options do I have to determine that "1.2.5" comes after "1.0.1"?
This is the simplest way to compare versions, keeping in mind that "1" < "1.0" < "1.0.0":
NSString* requiredVersion = #"1.2.0";
NSString* actualVersion = #"1.1.5";
if ([requiredVersion compare:actualVersion options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedDescending) {
// actualVersion is lower than the requiredVersion
I'll add my method, which compares strictly numeric versions (no a, b, RC etc.) with any number of components.
+ (NSComparisonResult)compareVersion:(NSString*)versionOne toVersion:(NSString*)versionTwo {
NSArray* versionOneComp = [versionOne componentsSeparatedByString:#"."];
NSArray* versionTwoComp = [versionTwo componentsSeparatedByString:#"."];
NSInteger pos = 0;
while ([versionOneComp count] > pos || [versionTwoComp count] > pos) {
NSInteger v1 = [versionOneComp count] > pos ? [[versionOneComp objectAtIndex:pos] integerValue] : 0;
NSInteger v2 = [versionTwoComp count] > pos ? [[versionTwoComp objectAtIndex:pos] integerValue] : 0;
if (v1 < v2) {
return NSOrderedAscending;
else if (v1 > v2) {
return NSOrderedDescending;
return NSOrderedSame;
This is an expansion to Nathan de Vries answer to address the problem of 1 < 1.0 < 1.0.0 etc.
First off we can address the problem of extra ".0"'s on our version string with an NSString category:
#implementation NSString (VersionNumbers)
- (NSString *)shortenedVersionNumberString {
static NSString *const unnecessaryVersionSuffix = #".0";
NSString *shortenedVersionNumber = self;
while ([shortenedVersionNumber hasSuffix:unnecessaryVersionSuffix]) {
shortenedVersionNumber = [shortenedVersionNumber substringToIndex:shortenedVersionNumber.length - unnecessaryVersionSuffix.length];
return shortenedVersionNumber;
With the above NSString category we can shorten our version numbers to drop the unnecessary .0's
NSString* requiredVersion = #"1.2.0";
NSString* actualVersion = #"1.1.5";
requiredVersion = [requiredVersion shortenedVersionNumberString]; // now 1.2
actualVersion = [actualVersion shortenedVersionNumberString]; // still 1.1.5
Now we can still use the beautifully simple approach proposed by Nathan de Vries:
if ([requiredVersion compare:actualVersion options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedDescending) {
// actualVersion is lower than the requiredVersion
I made it myself,use Category..
#implementation NSString (VersionComparison)
- (NSComparisonResult)compareVersion:(NSString *)version{
NSArray *version1 = [self componentsSeparatedByString:#"."];
NSArray *version2 = [version componentsSeparatedByString:#"."];
for(int i = 0 ; i < version1.count || i < version2.count; i++){
NSInteger value1 = 0;
NSInteger value2 = 0;
if(i < version1.count){
value1 = [version1[i] integerValue];
if(i < version2.count){
value2 = [version2[i] integerValue];
if(value1 == value2){
if(value1 > value2){
return NSOrderedDescending;
return NSOrderedAscending;
return NSOrderedSame;
NSString *version1 = #"3.3.1";
NSString *version2 = #"3.12.1";
NSComparisonResult result = [version1 compareVersion:version2];
switch (result) {
case NSOrderedAscending:
case NSOrderedDescending:
case NSOrderedSame:
Sparkle (the most popular software update framework for MacOS) has a SUStandardVersionComparator class that does this, and also takes into account build numbers and beta markers. I.e. it correctly compares 1.0.5 > 1.0.5b7 or 2.0 (2345) > 2.0 (2100). The code only uses Foundation, so should work fine on iOS as well.
Check out my NSString category that implements easy version checking on github; https://github.com/stijnster/NSString-compareToVersion
[#"" compareToVersion:#""];
This will return a NSComparisonResult which is more accurate then using;
[#"1.2.2" compare:#"" options:NSNumericSearch]
Helpers are also added;
[#"" isOlderThanVersion:#""];
[#"" isNewerThanVersion:#""];
[#"" isEqualToVersion:#""];
[#"" isEqualOrOlderThanVersion:#""];
[#"" isEqualOrNewerThanVersion:#""];
Swift 2.2 Version :
let currentStoreAppVersion = "1.10.2"
let minimumAppVersionRequired = "1.2.2"
if currentStoreAppVersion.compare(minimumAppVersionRequired, options: NSStringCompareOptions.NumericSearch) ==
NSComparisonResult.OrderedDescending {
print("Current Store version is higher")
} else {
print("Latest New version is higher")
Swift 3 Version :
let currentStoreVersion = ""
let latestMinimumAppVersionRequired = "1.1.1"
if currentStoreVersion.compare(latestMinimumAppVersionRequired, options: NSString.CompareOptions.numeric) == ComparisonResult.orderedDescending {
print("Current version is higher")
} else {
print("Latest version is higher")
I thought I'd just share a function I pulled together for this. It is not perfect at all. Please take a look that the examples and results. But if you are checking your own version numbers (which I have to do to manage things like database migrations) then this may help a little.
(also, remove the log statements in the method, of course. those are there to help you see what it does is all)
[self isVersion:#"1.0" higherThan:#"0.1"];
[self isVersion:#"1.0" higherThan:#"0.9.5"];
[self isVersion:#"1.0" higherThan:#""];
[self isVersion:#"1.0.1" higherThan:#"1.0"];
[self isVersion:#"1.0.0" higherThan:#"1.0.1"];
[self isVersion:#"1.0.0" higherThan:#"1.0.0"];
// alpha tests
[self isVersion:#"1.0b" higherThan:#"1.0a"];
[self isVersion:#"1.0a" higherThan:#"1.0b"];
[self isVersion:#"1.0a" higherThan:#"1.0a"];
[self isVersion:#"1.0" higherThan:#"1.0RC1"];
[self isVersion:#"1.0.1" higherThan:#"1.0RC1"];
1.0 > 0.1
1.0 > 0.9.5
1.0 >
1.0.1 > 1.0
1.0.0 < 1.0.1
1.0.0 == 1.0.0
1.0b > 1.0a
1.0a < 1.0b
1.0a == 1.0a
1.0 < 1.0RC1 <-- FAILURE
1.0.1 < 1.0RC1 <-- FAILURE
notice that alpha works but you have to be very careful with it. once you go alpha at some point you cannot extend that by changing any other minor numbers behind it.
- (BOOL) isVersion:(NSString *)thisVersionString higherThan:(NSString *)thatVersionString {
if ([thisVersionString compare:thatVersionString options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedAscending) {
NSLog(#"%# < %#", thisVersionString, thatVersionString);
return NO;
if ([thisVersionString compare:thatVersionString options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedSame) {
NSLog(#"%# == %#", thisVersionString, thatVersionString);
return NO;
NSLog(#"%# > %#", thisVersionString, thatVersionString);
return YES;
My iOS library AppUpdateTracker contains an NSString category to perform this sort of comparison. (Implementation is based off DonnaLea's answer.)
Usage would be as follows:
[#"1.4" isGreaterThanVersionString:#"1.3"]; // YES
[#"1.4" isLessThanOrEqualToVersionString:#"1.3"]; // NO
Additionally, you can use it to keep track of your app's installation/update status:
[AppUpdateTracker registerForAppUpdatesWithBlock:^(NSString *previousVersion, NSString *currentVersion) {
NSLog(#"app updated from: %# to: %#", previousVersion, currentVersion);
[AppUpdateTracker registerForFirstInstallWithBlock:^(NSTimeInterval installTimeSinceEpoch, NSUInteger installCount) {
NSLog(#"first install detected at: %f amount of times app was (re)installed: %lu", installTimeSinceEpoch, (unsigned long)installCount);
[AppUpdateTracker registerForIncrementedUseCountWithBlock:^(NSUInteger useCount) {
NSLog(#"incremented use count to: %lu", (unsigned long)useCount);
Here is the swift 4.0 + code for version comparison
let currentVersion = "1.2.0"
let oldVersion = "1.1.1"
if currentVersion.compare(oldVersion, options: NSString.CompareOptions.numeric) == ComparisonResult.orderedDescending {
} else {
Glibc has a function strverscmp and versionsort… unfortunately, not portable to the iPhone, but you can write your own fairly easily. This (untested) re-implementation comes from just reading the documented behavior, and not from reading Glibc's source code.
int strverscmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) {
const char *b1 = s1, *b2 = s2, *e1, *e2;
long n1, n2;
size_t z1, z2;
while (*b1 && *b1 == *b2) b1++, b2++;
if (!*b1 && !*b2) return 0;
e1 = b1, e2 = b2;
while (b1 > s1 && isdigit(b1[-1])) b1--;
while (b2 > s2 && isdigit(b2[-1])) b2--;
n1 = strtol(b1, &e1, 10);
n2 = strtol(b2, &e2, 10);
if (b1 == e1 || b2 == e2) return strcmp(s1, s2);
if (n1 < n2) return -1;
if (n1 > n2) return 1;
z1 = strspn(b1, "0"), z2 = strspn(b2, "0");
if (z1 > z2) return -1;
if (z1 < z2) return 1;
return 0;
If you know each version number will have exactly 3 integers separated by dots, you can parse them (e.g. using sscanf(3)) and compare them:
const char *version1str = "1.0.1";
const char *version2str = "1.2.5";
int major1, minor1, patch1;
int major2, minor2, patch2;
if(sscanf(version1str, "%d.%d.%d", &major1, &minor1, &patch1) == 3 &&
sscanf(version2str, "%d.%d.%d", &major2, &minor2, &patch2) == 3)
// Parsing succeeded, now compare the integers
if(major1 > major2 ||
(major1 == major2 && (minor1 > minor2 ||
(minor1 == minor2 && patch1 > patch2))))
// version1 > version2
else if(major1 == major2 && minor1 == minor2 && patch1 == patch2)
// version1 == version2
// version1 < version2
// Handle error, parsing failed
To check the version in swift you can use following
switch newVersion.compare(currentversion, options: NSStringCompareOptions.NumericSearch) {
case .OrderedDescending:
println("NewVersion available ")
// Show Alert Here
case .OrderedAscending:
println("NewVersion Not available ")
Hope it might be helpful.
Here is a recursive function that do the works with multiple version formatting of any length. It also works for #"1.0" and #"1.0.0"
static inline NSComparisonResult versioncmp(const NSString * a, const NSString * b)
if ([a isEqualToString:#""] && [b isEqualToString:#""]) {
return NSOrderedSame;
if ([a isEqualToString:#""]) {
a = #"0";
if ([b isEqualToString:#""]) {
b = #"0";
NSArray<NSString*> * aComponents = [a componentsSeparatedByString:#"."];
NSArray<NSString*> * bComponents = [b componentsSeparatedByString:#"."];
NSComparisonResult r = [aComponents[0] compare:bComponents[0] options:NSNumericSearch];
if(r != NSOrderedSame) {
return r;
} else {
NSString* newA = (a.length == aComponents[0].length) ? #"" : [a substringFromIndex:aComponents[0].length+1];
NSString* newB = (b.length == bComponents[0].length) ? #"" : [b substringFromIndex:bComponents[0].length+1];
return versioncmp(newA, newB);
Test samples :
versioncmp(#"11.5", #"8.2.3");
versioncmp(#"1.5", #"8.2.3");
versioncmp(#"1.0", #"1.0.0");
versioncmp(#"", #"");
Based on #nathan-de-vries 's answer, I wrote SemanticVersion.swift for comparing Semantic Version, and here is the test cases.