Set badge text after store load with Sencha Touch - sencha-touch

I can get the count of items after loading a store and I want to know how and where to update the badge text for the button in the tabbar in the current view.
Here I have my view panel and I think that I could set the badge text in the initialize function:
Ext.define('connect.view.InProgressPanel', {
extend: 'Ext.NavigationView',
xtype: 'inprogressPanel',
requires: [
config: {
itemId: 'inprogressPanel',
title: 'Leads In Process',
iconCls: 'team',
title: 'Leads In Process',
xtype: 'inprogressList'
initialize: function( eOpts ) {
var store = Ext.getStore('InProgressLeads');
store.on('load', function () {
var listCount = store.getCount();
// set the badge here
And here I define the button for the panel in the main view:
id: 'lipPanel',
title: 'Leads In Process',
iconCls: 'team',
items: [{
xtype: 'inprogressPanel'
I have read that I could give a button an ID and then I could use the ID to get the reference to the button, yet I've not found any way to specify the ID of a button when I define it this way in the main panel. Or is there another way to get the button and set the badge text?
Update: Here is a way to set the badge:
store.on('load', function () {
var listCount = store.getCount();
var apptabbar = Ext.getCmp('ext-tabbar-1');
var tab = apptabbar.down('.tab[title=Leads In Process]');

Try this:

Get a reference to the tabbar and then get a reference to the button by its name.
var apptabbar = Ext.getCmp('ext-tabbar-1');
var tab = apptabbar.down('.tab[title=Leads In Process]');


Sencha Touch2: Passing data from Controller to floating Panel not working

I am new to Sencha Touch2 and facing problem while passing data from my Controller to Floating panel on listitem tap. Here is my controller implementation code:
Ext.define('CustomList.controller.Main', {
extend: '',
config: {
refs: {
listView: 'listitems'
control: {
'main test2 list': {
activate: 'onActivate',
itemtap: 'onItemTap'
onActivate: function() {
console.log('Main container is active');
onItemTap: function(view, index, target, record, event) {
console.log('Item was tapped on the Data View');
xtype: 'DatePanel'
Am able to get data in the controller and DatePanel.js is my floating Panel.
Ext.define('CustomList.view.DatePanel', {
extend: 'Ext.Panel',
alias: 'widget.DatePanel',
config: {
centered: true,
listeners : {
tap : function() {
listeners : {
tap : function() {
var panelToDestroy = Ext.getCmp('datepanel');
Ext.Viewport.add(Ext.create('CustomList.view.Test2'));//Test.js is my list Panel
Help me out in destroying the panel on 'Cancel' Button.
Can anyone please help me. Thanks.
Create instance of panel you want to add first.
var floatingDatePanel = Ext.create('Yourapp.view.YourDatePanel');
Next get data of selected list item on itemTap
var data = record.getData();
Assign this data to floatingDatePanel with setData() method
after looking at your panel code, I guess you want to set data to first item in panel ie
Right ? If so then you need to change following code
Because, it is first item inside panel that is having a template assigned and hopefully the same where you want to set data.
then finally, you can add this panel into viewport with

Sencha Touch, how to pass data from list to form?

I`m trying to write editable list with sencha touch,
I saw many examples but nothing did not work properly so I decided to build from scratch,
I have a list with items and on item tap my controller run the next code
showDetail: function (list, record) {
xtype: 'vedit',
title: record.fullDetails(),
data: record.getData()
My "vEdit" screen is an form that should display the current tapped item data
This is the code for the edit form:
var form = Ext.define('TM.view.vEdit', {
extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
xtype: 'vedit',
config: {
title: 'Edit task',
styleHtmlContent: true,
scrollable: 'vertical',
items: [
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'title',
label: ''
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'desc',
label: ''
I tried to load the data with the next code:
var ed = Ext.create('TM.model.mTasks', {
title: 'Ed',
desc: ''
and getting the next error:
Uncaught TypeError: Object function () {
return this.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
} has no method 'setRecord'
Since you have not define a field named record in form's config, so you won't get setRecord() method.
To pass on data you may try doing this:
form.config.record = ed;
and in initialize function of view you can get it like:
var taskData = this.config.record;
var form = Ext.define('TM.view.vEdit', {
Man, you need to create new form(), because it's just a type definition.

Perform some action on particular item from List in Sencha

Problem I am facing that I can't delete any row or multiple row from list when I click on delete button.Here is my code:
xtype: 'list',
store: "Plays",
mode: 'MULTI',
loadingText: "Loading PlaysList...",
emptyText: '<div class="notes-list-empty-text">No PlayList found.</div>',
itemTpl: '<div class="list"><div class="list-item-title">{title}</div><div class="list-item-narrative">{duration}</div><div class="list-item-hide">{hidden}</div></div>',
itemSelector: 'div.list',
xtype: "button",
iconCls: "trash",
iconMask: true,
itemId: "deleteButton"
onDeleteButtonTap: function () {
//console.log("deleteNoteCommand");//How to get value of recored from playlist
this.fireEvent("deleteNoteCommand", this);
Now I select any row and click on delete button then how can I get the value of selected item or row and perform some action by tapping button.
Like here I am perfroming deletion of selected rows
Ext.define("PlayListApp.controller.Plays", {
extend: "",
config: {
refs: {
// We're going to lookup our views by xtype.
notesListView: "playslistview",
notesList: "#playsList",
onDeleteNoteCommand: function () {
var noteEditor = this.getNotesList();
when you tap on button after select on record of list you can get that selected record of list using below code
var record= this.getNotesList().getSelection()[0];
this code gives you selected record and after that you can remove record from store using below code
this.getNotesList().getStore().remove(record);//bracket in here too....

Searchfield in Sencha touch

I am trying to add a search field to my form in sencha touch 1.1, but after going through examples provided by sencha touch, i could not find out a way to provide a dynamic store to the search field.
I have a store which will fetch data dynamically.
The store contains list of places and when the user enters the first letter of the place,he should be given a list of places starting from that alphabet
Here is the code i have used.
var searchField = new Ext.form.Search({
name : 'search',
placeHolder: 'Search',
useClearIcon: true,
inputDataForm = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
scroll: 'vertical',
autoDestroy: true,
layout: 'fit',
initComponent: function() {
this.items = [{
xtype: 'form',
cls: 'formClass',
bodyPadding: '0',
scroll: 'vertical',
items: [searchField],
}, // End fo initComponent
Can somebody please help.
Thank you
This is my code. It is working fine and I have docked the searchfield in a panel.
You can use this and I am sure it works.
, dockedItems: [{
, name: "searchfield"
, placeHolder: 'Search Patient'
, id: 'searchPat'
, listeners: {
keyup: function(me,e){
var searchData = me.getValue();
url:'your data url'
, params:{
filter: searchData
, scope: this
, success: function(res){
var rec = Ext.decode(res.responseText);
var def = typeof (rec.success);
if(def != "undefined" ){;;
, failure:function(res){
, scope: this

Sencha Touch nested list detailed page view

I have the following nested list (only on item in at present to make testing easier).
It works ok, but how can I display a normal page view that has html within it or loads the html page in.
var data = {text: 'Top List',
items: [{
text: 'List item',
items: [{text: 'Selected Page'}]
Ext.regModel('ListItem', {
fields: [{name: 'text', type: 'string'}]
var store = new{
model: 'ListItem',
root: data,
proxy: {
type: 'memory',
reader: {
type: 'tree',
root: 'items'
var nestedList = new Ext.NestedList({
fullscreen: true,
displayField: 'text',
title: 'Theatres',
store: store
App.views.Pastcard = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
title: "past",
iconCls: "add",
items: [nestedList]
Ext.reg('HomeAbout', App.views.Pastcard);
SO want the user selects the 'Selected Page' item it opens the the detailed view page and html information, preferably from an external source to limit the amount of code on one page.
I think i can try and be a little clearer.
Below is my nested list.
var data = {text: 'My List',
items: [{
text: 'First List Item',
items: [{text: 'Sub list one'}, {text: 'Sub list Two'}]
text: 'Second List Item',
items: [{text: 'Sub list one'},{text: 'Sub list Two'}]
When me / the user clciks on the lsit and gets to the sublist then clicks on the list item called say "Sub list Two" then at the moment it opens to a blank page as there are no more lists, but instead I woudl liek to dispaly a normal page with details on, that can scroll and everything.
At the moment I dotn need to worry about loading in my json dynamiocally as I woudl liek to get a working model before I move on to that side of it
Thsi is not a phonegap app but a standard web app to be view online via mobiles.
* Edn of Edit **
To use external source use a store with ajax proxy check this
To display HTML you can use just html: '<h1>Selected Page</h1>', styleHtmlContent:true,
instead of text:'Selected Page'
The best way is to load JSON objects from:
var myStore = new{
model: 'User',
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url : '/users.json',
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'users'
autoLoad: true
then instead of html or text property use a template to display it:
'<tpl for="emails">',
'<div class="field"><span class="label">{type}: </span>{value}</div>',
Check this tutorial and the API docs for more information.
To the last items i.e. to the sub lists add this leaf: true then have add a handler fir onItemDisclosure to the list. You can get the record clicked as first argument passed to the event. Then you can use that object to display it on a different panel.
You can still use the tutorial above, just substitue the code where the contacts are fetched from the phone with some static data.
From that tutorial this is the part you need
app.views.Viewport = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
fullscreen: true,
layout: 'card',
cardSwitchAnimation: 'slide',
initComponent: function() {
//put instances of cards into app.views namespace
Ext.apply(app.views, {
contactsList: new app.views.ContactsList(),
contactDetail: new app.views.ContactDetail(),
contactForm: new app.views.ContactForm()
//put instances of cards into viewport
Ext.apply(this, {
items: [
app.views.Viewport.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
This is the main panel where the list and the details panel are contained. You handle the onItemDisclosure event on the list, get the record that was clicked on, update the details panel with that data and the switch to that panel with
app.views.contactsList, options.animation