Selecting from the result set of a DB2 stored procedure - sql

I have a stored procedure which returns multiple records (the SP cannot be changed, I need to work with what I have). I'd like to do a DB2 select statement from Shell script that selects one record based on a combination of column data like the following:
select a.description_column from (call my_stored_proc) a where a.name_column='name_filter' and a.value_column='value_filter';
The columns description_column, name_column and value_column exist in the result set of the SP. I get a SQLCODE=-727, SQLSTATE=56098, SQLERRMC=2 error. As I need to sort it out from a Shell script and I only have read access to the DB, I can't create additional tables for this.

You can't select from SP.
But you can from a Table-Function.
SELECT ... FROM TABLE(<table-function(param1, param2, ..., paramN))) as t WHERE ....
So, easiest way is to ask the DBA to create a table-function based in the source SP.
Good luck


SQL injection payload after order by in SQL query

Trying to exploit SQL injection for my assignment. Is it possible to execute delete or drop query after order by in select query without using the semicolon in Postgresql?
This is my sample query:
Select *
from table
order by {sql injection payload}
Without using the semicolon in the payload, can we delete data or drop a table?
Do we have similar to this Postgrsql?
I tried
Select * from (delete from table_name returning *) a
But getting sql error as 'syntax error at or near from'
Check this document it says we can bypass forbidden character by CHR()
DELETE cannot be put inside a subquery. Nor can DELETE be part of a UNION.
So aside from running a second query (that is, separated by a semicolon), there's almost no way you can do what you describe.
You could invoke a stored procedure or function, if you knew of an existing function that performs a DELETE. Example:
Select *
from table
order by {sql injection payload}
After your payload modifies this query:
Select *
from table
order by SomeFunctionThatDeletes()
Another type which works because you can select from a procedure in PostgreSQL:
Select *
from table
order by id
Select *
from SomeProcedureThatDeletes()
You can't create the function or procedure with SQL injection, so that routine must exist already, and you would need to know its name and how to call it.
DELETE or DROP TABLE are not the only bad things that can happen from SQL injection. It could be a problem if the query returns data that the current user shouldn't have privilege to see. For example, records about a different user's purchases or medical history.
SQL injection can also be accidental instead of malicious. I would even say that most instances of SQL injection result in simple errors instead of data breaches. Those aren't really attacks, but they lead to an unsatisfactory experience for your users.

Drop tables using table names from a SELECT statement, in SQL (Impala)?

How do I drop a few tables (e.g. 1 - 3) using the output of a SELECT statement for the table names? This is probably standard SQL, but specifically I'm using Apache Impala SQL accessed via Apache Zeppelin.
So I have a table called tables_to_drop with a single column called "table_name". This will have one to a few entries in it, each with the name of another temporary table that was generated as the result of other processes. As part of my cleanup I need to drop these temporary tables whose names are listed in the "tables_to_drop" table.
Conceptually I was thinking of an SQL command like:
DROP TABLE (SELECT table_name FROM tables_to_drop);
WITH subquery1 AS (SELECT table_name FROM tables_to_drop) DROP TABLE * FROM subquery1;
Neither of these work (syntax errors). Any ideas please?
even in standard sql this is not possible to do it the way you showed.
in standard sql usually you can use dynamic sql which impala doesn't support.
however you can write an impala script and run it in impala shell but it's going to be complicated for such task, I would prepare the drop statement using select and run it manually if this is one-time thing:
select concat('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ',table_name) dropstatements
from tables_to_drop

I have a db2 stored procedure returning 2 values, how do i use this procedure in a select statement?

I have a DB2 stored procedure (my_proc) that returns two values. I want these two values to be displayed as two different columns.
Is the following correct way to use it?
select my_proc(parameter1,parameter2,parameter3) as column1,column2;
Please guide as I am learning DB2 and new to stored procedure.
Consider if it is possible or not for you to convert your stored procedure to a UDTF (user defined table function). This can be selected from and joined to and works very similar to a stored procedure.

executing query inside column in a table

I have a table A with columns 1.Column 1 contains a query select * from tableD;
I need to execute the query inside column1 using single query if possible..How to do this..
Database is netezza.If u provide ans for oracle Db also fine.
This seems Dynamic query problem for me ..
In Oracle you can create a procedure to call this query which is actually stored in a table.
In my knowledge you can not directly run query stored as text.
You need to create a procedure or function where you can call this query as dynamically with execute immediate command.

SQL stored procedure combine result

I have written two SQL Server stored procedures
For example:
create PROCEDURE query1
SQL code here...
create PROCEDURE query2
SQL code here...
Now I can call them individually using the following command, and the returned value is the following.
exec query1
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Now I want to combine these stored procedures and get the results in one shot, like :
exec query1
exec query2
and it give result something like following but somehow its now working its giving me syntax error. How do I combine two stored procedures and get results in one report?
This is T-SQL query
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You can't call them the way you describe (ie exec query1 exec query2). Here is one alternative assuming each proc returns a single value:
declare #result as table (
ACR float,
FOS float
exec query1
exec query2
SELECT ACR,FOS from #result
Since they both return the same column headings/data types I recommend combining the 2 separate queries into a single query and use UNION ALL.
SomeField AS Availability
FROM SomeTable1
SomeField AS Availability
FROM SomeTable2;
It's hard to give more specific advice without seeing your actual Stored Procedures, but this is definitely much clearer than having 2 separate procedures. Hope this helps.
You can try that:
exec query1; exec query2
But be aware that the result is not combined, you just get the result of both SPs as separate result sets.
It depends on your code, you can insert the results of each SP into a table, and then UNION them together to get the single result set you are looking for - but this often can be slower if it's a lot of rows since you are making copies of the results instead of just streaming them out to the client. And it breaks the ability of the optimizer to combine things across the boundary, since it has to write them to the temporary tables.
If the procs aren't complex, I would consider making them into views or inline table-valued functions. These can be easily combined by other routines like views, functions or procedures and make things a bit more modular.