HA Database configuration that avoids split-brain issues? - sql

I am looking for a (SQL/RDB) database setup that works something like this:
I will have 3+ databases in an active/active/active configuration
prior to doing any insert, the database will communicate with atleast a majority of the others, such that they all either insert at the same time or rollback (transaction)
this way I can write and read from any of the databases, and always get the same results (as long as the field wasn't updated very recently)
note: this is for a use case that will be very read-heavy and have few writes (and delay on the writes is an OK situation)
does anything like this exist? I see all sorts of solutions with database HA configurations, but most of them suggest writing to a primary node or having a passive backup
alternatively I could setup a custom application, and have each application talk to exactly 1 database, and achieve a similar result, but I was hoping something similar would already exist
So my questions is: does something like this exist? if not, are there any technical/architectural reasons why not?
P.S. - I will NOT be using a SAN where all databases can store/access the same data
edit: more clarifications as far as what I am looking for:
1. I have no database picked out yet, but I am more familiar with MySQL / SQL Server / Oracle, so I would have a minor inclination towards on of those
2. If a majority of the nodes are down (or a single node can't communicate with the collective), then I expect all writes from that node to fail, and accept that it may provide old/outdated information
failure / recover scenario expectations:
1. A node goes down: it will query and get updates from the other nodes when it comes back up
2. A node loses connection with the collective: it will provide potentially old data to read request, and refuse any writes
3. A node is in disagreement with the data stores in others: majority rule
4. 4. majority rule does not work: go with whomever has the latest data (although this really shouldn't happen)
5. The entries are insert/update/read only, i.e. there will be no deletes (except manually ofc), so I shouldn't need to worry about an update after a delete, however in that case I would choose to delete the record and ignore the update
6. Any other scenarios I missed?
update: I the closest I see to what I am looking for seems to be using a quorum + 2 DBs, however I would prefer if I could have 3 DBs instead, such that I can query any of them at any time (to further distribute the reads, and also to keep another copy of the data)

You need to define "very recently". In most environments with replication for inserts, all the databases will have the same data within a few seconds of an insert (and a few seconds seems pessimistic).
An alternative approach is a "read-from-one/write-to-all" approach. In this case, reads are spread through the system. Writes are then sent to all nodes by the application (or a common layer that the application uses).
Remember, though, that the issue with database replication is not how it works when it works. The issue is how it recovers when it fails and even how failures are identified. You need to decide what happens when nodes go down, how they recover lost transactions, how you decide that nodes are really synchronized. I would suggest that you peruse the documentation of the database that you are actually using and understand the replication mechanisms provided by that platform.


Multiple application on network with same SQL database

I will have multiple computers on the same network with the same C# application running, connecting to a SQL database.
I am wondering if I need to use the service broker to ensure that if I update record A in table B on Machine 1, the change is pushed to Machine 2. I have seen applications that need to use messaging servers to accomplish this before but I was wondering why this is necessary, surely if they connect to the same database, any changes from one machine will be reflected on the other?
Thanks :)
This is mostly about consistency and latency.
If your applications always perform atomic operations on the database, and they always read whatever they need with no caching, everything will be consistent.
In practice, this is seldom the case. There's plenty of hidden opportunities for caching, like when you have an edit form - it has the values the entity had before you started the edit process, but what if someone modified those in the mean time? You'd just rewrite their changes with your data.
Solving this is a bunch of architectural decisions. Different scenarios require different approaches.
Once data is committed in the database, everyone reading it will see the same thing - but only if they actually get around to reading it, and the two reads aren't separated by another commit.
Update notifications are mostly concerned with invalidating caches, and perhaps some push-style processing (e.g. IM client might show you a popup saying you got a new message). However, SQL Server notifications are not reliable - there is no guarantee that you'll get the notification, and even less so that you'll get it in time. This means that to ensure consistency, you must not depend on the cached data, and you have to force an invalidation once in a while anyway, even if you didn't get a change notification.
Remember, even if you're actually using a database that's close enough to ACID, it's usually not the default setting (for performance and availability, mostly). You need to understand what kind of guarantees you're getting, and how to write code to handle this. Even the most perfect ACID database isn't going to help your consistency if your application introduces those inconsistencies :)

Using data from multiple redis databases in one command

At my current project I actively use redis for various purposes. There are 2 redis databases for current application:
The first one contains absolutely temporary data: how many users are online, who are online, various admin's counters. This db is cleared before the application starts by start-up script.
The second database is used for persistent data like user's ratings, user's friends, etc.
Everything seems to be correct and everybody is happy.
However, when I've started implementing a new functionality in my application, I discover that I need to intersect a set with user's friends with a set of online users. These sets stored in different redis databases, and I haven't found any possibility to do this task in redis, except changing application architecture and move all keys into one namespace(database).
Is there actually any way to perform some command in redis using data from multiple databases? Or maybe my use case of redis is wrong and I have to perform a fix of system architecture?
There is not. There is a command that makes it easy to move keys to another DB:
If you move all keys to one DB, make sure you don't have any key clashes! You could suffix or prefix the keys from the temp DB to make absolutely sure. MOVE will do nothing if the key already exists in the target DB. So make sure you act on a '0' reply
Using multiple DBs is definitely not a good idea:
A Quote from Salvatore Sanfilippo (the creator of redis):
I understand how this can be useful, but unfortunately I consider
Redis multiple database errors my worst decision in Redis design at
all... without any kind of real gain, it makes the internals a lot
more complex. The reality is that databases don't scale well for a
number of reason, like active expire of keys and VM. If the DB
selection can be performed with a string I can see this feature being
used as a scalable O(1) dictionary layer, that instead it is not.
With DB numbers, with a default of a few DBs, we are communication
better what this feature is and how can be used I think. I hope that
at some point we can drop the multiple DBs support at all, but I think
it is probably too late as there is a number of people relying on this
feature for their work.

Is it possible to Update an SQL Server Database and an Informix Database at the same time?

I was wondering if it is possible to add/update/delete an SQL Server database table, as well as an Informix database table at the same time.
Both databases will have the same table (data and all), so the query would only change just based on which database it is going to. For some reason, we need the data inside both databases and kept up in real time.
Is it possible to do this with a SQL Trigger or maybe a SProc?
Any insight of how to do this, or a push in the right direction would be very much appreciated.
Doing a synchronous update, ie. a distributed transaction by using a linked server, possible for a trigger, while technically possible, I would definitely advise against it. Aaron brings the issue of how reliable XA in general is, but my point is different: availability. Your update in SQL Server will fail if it cannot connect and update in Informix. Downtime (patching, maintenance, not to mention disasters) of the Informix site will imply downtime of the SQL Server site, driving your five 9's toward nine 5's quite fast... This is why I strongly advocate decoupling the application of updates. Transactional Replication is such an example of decoupling and it supports heterogenous environments (ie. Informix client downstream to accept the changes).
You will have a delay of update visibility (state in SQL Server will be reflected in Informix after delay that can be milliseconds, seconds, minutes, even hours in a bad day). And the updates are one way, nothing flows back from Informix to SQL Server. But doing master-master replication in an heterogeneous environment is something that not even Chuck Norris would attempt, just saying.
Maintaining two different DBMS with a single transaction requires a transaction monitor such as the XA system to coordinate the transactions. There are such systems. The XA specification is typically the underlying standard. Both Microsoft's SQL Server and IBM's Informix work with such systems, and it is possible to have SQL Server and Informix controlled by the same transaction monitor. I have fewer qualms about the technical competency of such systems than the others who've answered; I share their concerns about whether it is appropriate for you.
Such systems are very heavyweight. If you want consistency, all transactions that modify the single table described in the question will need to use the same XA services (plural; likely one for insert, one for update, one for delete) to do so. Further, if the same transactions need to manage any other tables too, then you need to add and use services for those tables as well. It is this aspect that tends to make such systems difficult to manage.
Using a replication system with the potential for delay before the sites are consistent is probably better than trying for absolute synchronicity, unless there are cogent demands for such synchronicity.
If there really is a demand for absolute synchronicity, then use a transaction monitor.
Do not roll your own.
They are hard to get right. Handling all the special cases is tricky. And (under the hypothesis that you need absolute synchronicity) doing it wrong is costly but easy.
That depends on your definition of "possible". Technically, you can use a technique called "two-phase commit."
The idea is you send the data to both databases and then a "prepare commit" command which does everything necessary to commit the data except for committing it. If the prepare fails, the commit would fail too. If prepare succeeds, then commit must succeed.
Brilliant idea, doesn't work in practice. One common case is that you send the commit to both databases and one of them gets lost on the way (network outage). Happens rarely but when it happens, you have an inconsistent state and, since this step must not fail, no good way to clean up.
So my solution works like this:
You load the data into a new table which has two extra columns where you can say "server X has seen this record"
You add a job which copies all jobs for server X to server X and updates the respective column. Write the job in such a way that it can be aborted and restarted at any time (i.e. it must be able to cope with cases where data already exists on the target side).
That way, you can distribute the data to any number of servers in a consistent, fault tolerant way.

SyncFramework 2.1 updates & deletes do not seem to apply properly

I'm synchronizing SQL Server 2008 with ~6 SQL Server 2008 Express clients (everything R2 I believe), using the SyncOrchestrator or specifically using http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsdesktop/Database-SyncSQL-Server-e97d1208 as a base with slight modifications. To my knowledge this means all connections are peers or nodes.
I have 2 scopes. One is download only and the other is upload only. The download only scope is ridden with identity columns primarily because I didn't know any better and still couldn't wrap my head around introducing Guids as the PK on the client side. It doesn't totally matter as all clients should have exact replicas of about 8 or so tables and these machines don't touch this data in any way, only read it.
The upload only scope uses Guids as fortunately I can control that portion of the database and there would be no way 10 clients all using the same identity seed could sync back to the server properly. Both scopes use the default provisioning with bulk inserts and the whole 9 yards so there shouldn't be anything I'm doing on the provisioning end to screw this up.
I initially set everything up not using PerformPostRestoreFixup AND the initial database would be manually synchronized with insert statements from the host. This seemed fine but no updates or deletes seemed to ever be applied. You can safely ignore this (only used for historical accuracy and to prove my ineptness) as I then used VS2010 Database Projects to rebuild the database down to schema only & synchronized. I then used the steps outlined here (http://social.microsoft.com/Forums/br/syncdevdiscussions/thread/9ac6d1a1-1565-4b82-a8d8-3d4a9ff5d07b) (sync, backup, restore, call performpostrestorefixup, sync on x clients) and on my dev box where I'm setting all this up I could see updates and deletes just fine. Its when I deploy this to the x clients that I'm not seeing a mirror of the database as I think I should.
The initial sync will complain and try to synchronize all records again. I believe this is expected. During ApplyChangeFailed event on the client I set everything other than DbConflictType.ErrorsOccurred to ApplyAction.RetryWithForceWrite. This may be a source of problems as I initially thought this should be done to force the change down to the client. I want the server to always win in this scenario but during trace I always see the phrase "Local wins" during the bulk insert/update calls. It's possible I'm seeing the error before the re-apply happens but it's awkward to look at.
The only problem I seem to be having is with the download only scope. The initial client database is about a week old now and if I use the performpostrestorefixup steps I don't see any of the updates that have applied between now and then as I think I should. It's as if SyncFx almost prefers a blank database on the client side to kick off the initial sync then all the updates seem to apply just fine with no ApplyChangesFailed events kicking off.
If anyone has seen this before or has a clue where to go I would greatly appreciate it. My brain has fried trying to determine what it is that's going on. My last ditch effort will be to deploy blank databases to all the clients and have them start the sync. I've had no issues with this on the dev side but I can only test one other client to know if that'll do anything different. Aside from that I don't know what to do other than to keep doing manual syncs which would defeat this purpose entirely. I thought PerformPostRestoreFixup would alleviate the issue entirely but I seem to be having the same problems with or without it or perhaps I'm not looking at what I need to be.
I wanted to report and close the entry with my findings.
When I would deploy a previously configured client database, I'd often get ApplyChangeFailed events in the form of this log:
"[05:30:41 PM] - ApplyChange Failed: TableName: , Stage: ApplyingInserts, ConflictType: LocalInsertRemoteInsert, Action: RetryWithForceWrite"
This is what I thought would be expected as it tried to reinsert the data that is already there. What this should've been changed to was an update statement during RetryWithForceWrite but I found the data was not updating with what was being sent down.
Once I started each client with a completely blank database and provisioned locally, all of these errors went away. It's as if every client expects some unique id only it sets. I'm also using x64 builds versus x86 which may have some or no bearing on the results. I wish I could determine what exactly happened but it seems that when in doubt, and whenever possible, starting from absolute zero and letting sync fill in the data is your safest option.

What are your opinions of DRBD/Heartbeat for replication and failover for the Firebird RDBMS?

I am researching the possibility of using Firebird for a project.
However, one potential problem is replication and failover, or rather, lack of a (subjective) "good" solution. There are several potential solutions listed in the Firebird FAQ but they are either 1) Windows-centric; 2) horribly outdated; 3) commerical; or 4) not full-featured.
The only potential option I see is FIBRE and that looks 1) immature; 2) potentially dead; and 3) not full-featured.
I've learned about DRBD and Heartbeat and these solutions look promising. I am looking for your feedback should you already have 1) setup a replicated Firebird configuration; and/or 2) used DRBD with Firebird.
Any "gotchas", recommendations, tips, etc.?
There is one session about replication in Firebird Conference 2009
Holger Klemt
* Firebird Replicated Part 1
* Firebird Replicated Part 2
o In this two sessions you will see how easy it is to implement
your own replication system in a
Firebird database. Based on triggers
and simple scripts, your can create a
live backup system. The architecture
allows master-master, master-slave,
multi-master, online and offline
replication. The replicated Firebird
cluster can be used by any client
without interuption, also in the case
of partial hardware failures, planned
hardware and software maintenance
operations, for example the switch to
a new Firebird version.
We have been using DRBD/Heartbeat/Pacemaker Solution for the last 2 years for exactly the same problem. To keep Firebird databases up and running and failover. The setup is actually quite easy and I have a few suggestions that I will give you to get a head start. So these are just suggestions ...
create a drbd partition, format it and mount it to /data (with pacemaker of course)
put your aliases.conf to the drbd partion, so you won't have to change the aliases.conf twice everytime you make a change to it. Copy the aliases.conf file to /data and link it to /etc/firebird/2.1/aliases.conf on both nodes
The downside of using Drbd/Pacemaker in a Primary/Secondary setup is that the clients will loose the connection as soon as the primary node dies and until the secondary node is up. The will have to reconnect. I haven't really found another way arround that, although the firebird client should allow a connection timeout it never really worked with our applications (maybe the applications or the libraries we use don't really use the firebird connection timeout).
As for database replication, I am afraid you have to go the way as Hugues Van Landeghem decribed or quoted it. We developed such an application, that works with triggers. So a new line is added to a table, a trigger copies the key of the entry to another table which is constantly read by an application which grabs that entry and inserts it to another database. Quite ugly but it works just fine! I personally think Firebird should invest some time in having their own datbase replications system...they are really far behind...
Hope my information helped you a little bit. I have further questions feel free to contact me or visit my site # gefoo.org