Retain ckeditor formatting in exported pdf using itext - formatting

I am exporting a report in pdf using itext.In report a paragraph text is fetched from ckeditor.I want to retain the text formatting of ckeditor textarea in pdf also.For eg if ckeditor text contains bullets, in pdf bullets should be shown with the text.

Please take a look at this demo:
In this case, we use TinyMCE as editor, but you can easily replace it with CKEditor (we flipped a coin and decided to go for TinyMCE, but we could as well have gone for CKEditor). These editors produce XHTML. This XHTML can be fed to iText's XML Worker.
You can find XML Worker examples here. The simplest example looks like this:
// step 1
Document document = new Document();
// step 2
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(file));
// step 3;
// step 4
XMLWorkerHelper.getInstance().parseXHtml(writer, document,
new FileInputStream(HTML));
// step 5
It gets more complex if images are involved, special fonts, CSS, etc... That's what the other examples are about.


iText 7 need to skip reading page header elements

I am using EventHandler to create page header for my pdf. The content of the header are added into a Table before adding to Canvas. As part of 508 compliance, i need to exclude the header content from being read out loud. How do i accomplice this?
public class TEirHeaderEventHandler : IEventHandler
public void HandleEvent(Event e)
PdfDocumentEvent docEvent = (PdfDocumentEvent)e;
PdfDocument pdf = docEvent.GetDocument();
PdfPage page = docEvent.GetPage();
PdfCanvas headerPdfCanvas = new PdfCanvas(page.NewContentStreamBefore(), page.GetResources(), pdf);
Rectangle headerRect = new Rectangle(60, 725, 495, 96);
Canvas headerCanvas = new Canvas(headerPdfCanvas, pdf, headerRect);
//creating content for header
private void CreateHeaderContent(Canvas canvas)
//Create header content
Table table = new Table(UnitValue.CreatePercentArray(new float[] { 60, 25, 15 } ));
Cell cell1 = new Cell().Add(new Paragraph("Establishment Inspection Report").SetBold().SetTextAlignment(TextAlignment.LEFT));
Cell cell2 = new Cell().Add(new Paragraph("FEI Number:").SetBold().SetTextAlignment(TextAlignment.RIGHT));
Cell cell3 = new Cell().Add(new Paragraph(_feiNum).SetBold().SetTextAlignment(TextAlignment.RIGHT));
public static void CreatePdf()
using (MemoryStream writeStream = new MemoryStream())
using (FileStream inputHtmlStream = File.OpenRead(inputHtmlFile))
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(writeStream));
iTextDocument document = new iTextDocument(pdf);
TEirHeaderEventHandler teirEvent = new TEirHeaderEventHandler();
pdf.AddEventHandler(PdfDocumentEvent.START_PAGE, teirEvent);
//Convert html to pdf
HtmlConverter.ConvertToDocument(inputHtmlStream, pdf, properties);
byte[] bytes = TEirReorderingPages(writeStream, numOfPages);
File.WriteAllBytes(outputPdfFile, bytes);
Note that i have set the document to be tagged. but i still get the "Reading Untagged Document" screen when i open the file. However, all of the content are read including the header when i activate the Read Out Loud feature. Any input or suggestion would be appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.
The approach suggested by Alexey Subach is generally correct. You mark the content as artifact to differentiate it from real content.
This marks the content in the content stream and it excludes the element from the structure tree.
Your case
However, your specific case is more nuanced.
For a well tagged PDF document, the proper way to read it out loud is to process the structure tree, which is a data structure that represents the logical reading order of the (semantic) elements of the document, such as paragraphs, tables and lists.
Because of the way you are creating the header content, it is not automatically tagged: a Canvas instance that is created from a PdfCanvas instance has autotagging disabled by default. So the table in the header is not marked in the content stream and it is not included in the structure tree. Marking it explicitly as an artifact, with the approach described above in General, should not make a significant difference because it was not in the structure tree to begin with.
If you enable autotagging by adding headerCanvas.enableAutoTagging(page), you will notice that the table does appear in the structure tree.
If you then add table.getAccessibilityProperties().setRole(StandardRoles.ARTIFACT), the table is excluded from the structure tree again.
Summary: looking at the structure tree, there's no difference between your original code and the approach of General.
Adobe reading order / accessibility settings
From your description, I think you are using Adobe Acrobat or Reader for the read out loud functionality. Under Preferences > Reading > Reading Order Options, you can configure how the content should be processed for the read out loud feature:
Infer Reading Order From Document (Recommended): Interprets the reading order of untagged documents by using an advanced method of structure inference layout analysis.
Left-To-Right, Top-To-Bottom Reading Order: Delivers the text according to its placement on the page, reading from left to right and then top to bottom. This method is faster than Infer Reading Order From Document. This method analyzes text only; form fields are ignored and tables aren’t recognized as such.
Override The Reading Order In Tagged Documents: Uses the reading order specified in the Reading preferences instead what the tag structure of the document specifies. Use this preference only when you encounter problems in poorly tagged PDFs.
In my tests, the only way I can make Adobe Reader read out loud the header content created with your original code, is when I select Left-To-Right, Top-To-Bottom Reading Order and enable Override The Reading Order In Tagged Documents. In that case, it is basically ignoring the tagging and just processing the content per the location on the page.
With Override The Reading Order In Tagged Documents disabled, the header content is not read, for your original code and with explicit artifacts.
Although it's a good idea to always tag artifacts as such, so they can be properly differentiated from real content, in this case I believe the behaviour you're experiencing is more related to application configuration than to file structure.
Headers and footers are typically pagination artifacts and should be marked as such in the following way:
This will exclude the table from being read. Please note that you can mark any element implementing IAccessibleElement interface as artifact.

Filter out anything but interactive form fields in PDF's

I'm looking for a way to filter out all objects apart from interactive form fields in PDF files.
The programming language isn't too important, but it would would love if I could do it from the Linux command line but I'm pretty much open to anything.
E.g. choose an pdf input file, and output a new pdf file with only the interactive form fields from the first.
The ultimate goal is to be able to take an already printed but unfilled form , and print only the content of the filled in form fields onto it.
The closest I've gotten is by using ghostscript:
gs -o outfile.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dFILTERTEXT -dFILTERIMAGE infile.pdf
But that still leaves a lot of lines in my case, as well as an image despite -dFILTERIMAGE.
There's also a -dFILTERVECTOR-option but sadly it removes the formfields as well.
I'm looking for a way to filter out all objects apart from interactive form fields in PDF files.
First and foremost you have to get rid of the static page content. Using an arbitrary general purpose pdf library you can do that by clearing the contents entry of every page.
E.g. using the Java version of iText7 this can be done as follows:
try (
PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(SOURCE);
PdfWriter pdfWriter = new PdfWriter(RESULT);
PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(pdfReader, pdfWriter)
) {
for (int pageNr = 1; pageNr <= pdfDocument.getNumberOfPages(); pageNr++) {
PdfPage pdfPage = pdfDocument.getPage(pageNr);
(RemoveContent test testRemoveAllPageContentStreams)

PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage is not returning correct text

Using iTextSharp, I have the following code, that successfully pulls out the PDF's text for the majority of PDF's I'm trying to read...
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(fileName);
for (int i = 1; i <= reader.NumberOfPages; i++)
text += PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(reader, i);
However, some of my PDF's have XFA forms (which have already been filled out), and this causes the 'text' field to be filled with the following garbage...
"Please wait... \n \nIf this message is not eventually replaced by the proper contents of the document, your PDF \nviewer may not be able to display this type of document. \n \nYou can upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Reader for Windows®, Mac, or Linux® by \nvisiting \n \nFor more assistance with Adobe Reader visit\nacrreader.html. \n \nWindows is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Mac is a trademark \nof Apple Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other \ncountries."
How can I work around this? I tried using the PdfStamper[1] from iTextSharp to flatten the PDF, but that didn't work - the resultant stream had the same garbage text.
[1]How to flatten already filled out PDF form using iTextSharp
You are confronted with a PDF that acts as a container for an XML stream. This XML stream is based on the XML Forms Architecture (XFA). The message you see, is not garbage! It is the message contained in a PDF page that is shown when opening the document in a Viewer that reads the file as if it were ordinary PDF.
For instance: if you open the document in Apple Preview, you will see the exact same message, because Apple Preview is not able to render an XFA form. It should not surprise you that you get this message when parsing the PDF contained in your file using iText. That is exactly the PDF content that is present in your file. The content you see when opening the document in Adobe Reader isn't stored in PDF syntax, it is stored as an XML stream.
You say that you've tried to flatten the PDF as described in the answer to the question How to flatten already filled out PDF form using iTextSharp.
However, that question is about flattening a form based on AcroForm technology. It is not supposed to work with XFA forms. If you want to flatten an XFA form, you need to use XFA Worker on top of iText:
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(dest));
XFAFlattener xfaf = new XFAFlattener(document, writer);
xfaf.flatten(new PdfReader(baos.toByteArray()));
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create));
XFAFlattener xfaf = new XFAFlattener(document, writer);
ms.Position = 0;
xfaf.Flatten(new PdfReader(ms));
The result of this flattening process is an ordinary PDF that can be parsed by your original code.

Docx4J: Vertical text frame not exported to PDF

I'm using Docx4J to make an invoice model.
In the left-side of the page, it's usual to show a legal sentence as: Registered company in ... Book ... Page ...
I have inserted this in my template with a Word text frame.
Well, my issue is: when exporting to .docx, this legal text is shown perfect, but when exporting to .pdf, it's shown as an horizontal table under the other data.
The code to export to PDF is:
FOSettings foSettings = Docx4J.createFOSettings();
fos = new FileOutputStream(new File("/C:/mypath/prueba_OUT.pdf"));
Docx4J.toFO(foSettings, fos, Docx4J.FLAG_EXPORT_PREFER_XSL);
Any help would be very appreciated.
You'd need to extend the PDF via FO code; see further How to correctly position a header image with docx4j?
Float left may or may not be easy; similarly the rotated text.
In general, the way to work on this is to take the FO generated by docx4j, then hand edit it to something which FOP can convert to a PDF you are happy with. If you can do that, then its a matter of modifying docx4j to generate that FO.

Tika - how to extract text from PDF text: underlined, highlighted, crossed out

I'm using Tika* to parse a PDF file.
There are no problems to retrieve the document's text, but I don't figure out how to extract text:
crossed out
Adobe Writer gives you different text edit options, but I'm not able to see where they are "hidden".
Is there a solution to extract these metadata information? (underline, highligh ...)
Do you know if Tika is able to extract this data?
Wow. 4 years is a long time to wait for an answer, and I figure you have found a solution by now. Anyways, for the sake of those who would visit this link, the answer is Yes. Apache Tika can extract not just text in a document, but also the formatting as well (e.g. bold, italicized). This was my Scenario:
//inputStream is the document you wish to parse from.
AutoDetectParser parser = new AutoDetectParser();
ContentHandler handler = new BodyContentHandler(new ToXMLContentHandler());
Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
The print statement prints an XML of your document. With a little work of cleaning up the XML (really HTML tags), you would be left with tags like < b >text< /b> for bold text and < i >text < / i > for italicized text. Then you could find a way to render it. Good luck.