Redis and linked hashes - indexing

I would like to ask community of help to find a way of how to cache our huge plain table by splitting it to the multiple hashes or otherwise.
The sample of table, as an example for structure:
A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 X1
A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 X2
A7 B5 C2 D1 E2 X3
A8 B1 C1 D1 E2 X4
A1 B6 C3 D2 E2 X5
A1 B1 C1 D2 E1 X6
This our denormalized data, we don't have any ability to normalize it.
So currently we must perform 'group by' to get required items, for instance to get all D* we perform 'data.GroupBy(A1).GroupBy(B1).GroupBy(C1)' and it takes a lot of time.
Temporarily we had found workaround for this by creating composite a string key:
A1 -> 'list of lines begin A1'
A1:B1 -> 'list of lines begin A1:B1'
A1:B1:C1 -> 'list of lines begin A1:B1:C1'
as a cache of results of grouping operations.
The question is how it can be stored efficiently?
Estimated number of lines in denormalized data around 10M records and as in my an example there is 6 columns it will be 60M entries in hash. So, I'm looking an approach to lookup values in O(N) if it's possible.


Plotting CDF for ranking distribution

I have a panda dataframe that looks like this, this is generated with the groupby command and then sorted by # of users to give me user count for top X feature combination.
count_28day, Feature1, Feature2, Feature3
5000 a1 b1 c1
1000 a2 b2 c2
50 a3 b3 c3
I'm trying to plot cdf of user distribution. I don't need to know the features. I just want to show the top X feature combinations that will give me 90% of total user.
I'm doing this in a very hacky way.
topx = table.count_28day.sort_values(ascending=False).cumsum()/sum(table.count_28day)
ser_cdf = pd.Series(topx.tolist()[1:100], index=pd.Series(range(1,100)))
Is there a more elegant way to do this using histogram or ecdf or something?

Postgresql performing partitioning to find time difference

I am trying to fill column D and column E.
Column A: varchar(64) - unique for each trip
Column B: smallint
Column C: timestamp without time zone (excel messed it up in the
image below but you can assume this as timestamp column)
Column D: numeric - need to find out time from origin in minutes
column E: numeric - time to destination in minutes.
Each trip has got different intermediate stations and I am trying to figure out the time it has been since origin and time to destination
Cell D2 = C2 - C2 = 0
cell D3 = C3 - C2
Cell D4 = C4 - C2
Cell E2 = E6 - E2
Cell E3 = E6 - E3
Cell E6 = E6 - E6 = 0
The main issue is that each trip contains differnt number of stations for each trip_id. I can think about using partition by column but cant figure out how to implement it.
Another sub question: I am dealing with very large table (100 million rows). What is the best way Postgresql experts implement data modification. Do you create like a sample table from the original data and implement everything on the sample before implementing the modifications on the original table or do you use something like "Begin trasaction" on the original data so that you can rollback in case of any error.
PS: Help with question title appreciated.
you don't need to know the number of stops
with a as (select *,extract(minutes from c - min(c) over (partition by a)) dd,extract(minutes from max(c) over (partition by a) - c) ee from td)
update td set d=dd, e=ee
from a
where a.a = td.a and a.b=td.b

Improve efficiency of PIG Script

I have a data set (data.txt) in (ID, Category) format as given below:
The objective is to find out which category has the maximum number of IDs without using UDF.
One Approach:
I have tried multiple times and concluded that this can be achived by the followins set of PIG statements
A1 = LOAD 'data.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS (ID:int , Category:chararray);
A3 = GROUP A2 BY Category;
A4 = FOREACH A3 GENERATE group AS Category, COUNT(A2.ID) AS Number;
A7 = FILTER A4 by Number == A6.$0;
Although these statements give the desired result, I am not convinced with its efficiency.
As I am new to PIG, I am not sure if there are any inbuilt functions which can perform such tasks to output the corresponding values of the minimum or maximum value of from a table.
My request is to know if this can be achived in any less number of steps.
Many Thanks
After grouping sort the grouping by counts in descending order and get the topmost record.
A1 = LOAD 'data.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS (ID:int , Category:chararray);
A3 = GROUP A2 BY Category;
A4 = FOREACH A3 GENERATE group AS Category, COUNT(A2.ID) AS Number;
A5 = ORDER A4 BY Number DESC;
A6 = LIMIT A5 1;
DUMP A6.$0;

Database transactions theory

No book seems to be able to answer this.
Suppose I have two transactions:
T1: Lock A, Lock B, Unlock A
T2: Lock B, Unlock B, Lock A, Unlock A
Q1. How many ways are there to plan these transactions? (Is it just a simple graph and the result is 3! * 4! ?)
Q2. How many of these ways are serializable?
I would really like to know what is the thinking process, how do you get to the answer?
Q1 is 7.
Proof: First of all, we have to merge the set 'Lock A', 'Lock B', 'Unlock A' (I denote the items as A1, A2, A3) into the set 'Lock B',..,'Unlock A' (I denote them B1..B4), that is to put 3 items into 5 places (between B's) with repetitions allowed, that is binomial coeff. choose 3 from (5-1+3). It is equal to 7!/(3!*4!) = 35.
Next, we have to drop 'bad' solutions (the ones prevented by locking conditions). It's where A1 stands between B3 and B4 (3 solutions) and A2 between B1 and B2 (2*4 = 8). Also, we have to exclude the solutions with B3 between A1 and A3 too. There are 3*3=9 with B3 between A1 and A2, and 6*2=12 with B3 between A2 and A3. Thus, we have 35-3-8-9-12=3. But we should also satisfy inclusion-exclusion principle: add solutions which violates two rules simultaneously. They could be only like this: B1 A2 B2 B3 B4, with A1 in either of two left positions, and A3 in either of two right ones. 4 in total. So, we have the final answer 35 - 3 - 8 - 9 - 12 + 4 = 7.

Fortran read file into array - transposed dimensions

I'm trying to read a file into memory in a Fortran program. The file has N rows with two values in each row. This is what I currently do (it compiles and runs, but gives me incorrect output):
program readfromfile
implicit none
integer :: N, i, lines_in_file
real*8, allocatable :: cs(:,:)
N = lines_in_file('datafile.txt') ! a function I wrote, which works correctly
open(15, 'datafile.txt', status='old')
read(15,*) cs
do i=1,N
print *, cs(i,1), cs(i,2)
What I hoped to get was the data loaded into the variable cs, with lines as first index and columns as second, but when the above code runs, it first gives prints a line with two "left column" values, then a line with two "right column" values, then a line with the next two "left column values" and so on.
Here's a more visual description of the situation:
In my data file: Desired output: Actual output:
A1 B1 A1 B1 A1 A2
A2 B2 A2 B2 B1 B2
A3 B3 A3 B3 A3 A4
A4 B4 A4 B4 B3 B4
I've tried switching the indices when allocating cs, but with the same results (or segfault, depending on wether I also switch indices at the print statement). I've also tried reading the values row-by-row, but because of the irregular format of the data file (comma-delimited, not column-aligned) I couldn't get this working at all.
How do I read the data into memory the best way to achieve the results I want?
I do not see any comma in your data file. It should not make any difference with the list-directed input anyway. Just try to read it like you write it.
do i=1,N
read (*,*) cs(i,1), cs(i,2)
Otherwise if you read whole array in one command, it reads it in column-major order, i.e., cs(1,1), cs(2, 1), ....cs(N,1), cs(1, 2), cs(2,2), ... This is the order in which the array is stored in memory.