Create ReadOnly Property of CSV String -

What is the best way to go about taking a List(Of objects) and adding a ReadOnly Property that displays a csv list of one of the Properties of the object? Is there a good way to convert that list to a string by specifying "Name".
Object = New Item()
Object.ID = 1
Object.Name = "Test"
Object = New Item()
Object.ID = 2
Object.Name = "Test 2"
Object = New Item()
Object.ID = 3
Object.Name = "Test 3"
I'm thinking a for each would need to be done here or is there a better way to do this?
Return "Test, Test 2, Test 3" from the list values
Essentially, this does what I'm wanting to do but I would like to know if there is a BETTER way to do it.:
Public ReadOnly Property ItemList() As String
Dim returnvalue As String = String.Empty
If Items.Count > 0 Then
For Each Item In Items
returnvalue = returnvalue & Item.Name & ", "
Return Left(returnvalue, returnvalue.Length - 2)
Return ""
End If
End Get
End Property

I have this link to share, the solution is similar, and may need a few tweeks. The conversion from C# to VB is simple enough and can show you where to make a few changes.
Write C# Lists of objects in CSV file
However, I believe your code is fine, with the exception of how you create your csv string.
I would recommend using string builder. This way, if an item exists, you build a new line. Otherwise, you don't. This would keep your from needed to remove (left) the last inserted comma. You would also want to catch the last item in your list, and avoid the comma at the end there.
as an exmaple:
Dim sb As StringBuilder
--if not last item then --
sb.AppendFormat ("{0},{1}",Item.Name,",")
--else this is last item--
sb.AppendFormat ("{0},",Item.Name)
The link I shared is a much better solution. My example is only to build your method more reliable.
Or, if you change your list of object to an array, or list of string...
Dim sampleList = New List(Of String)() From { _
"lala", _
"lulu", _
"lele" _
Dim data = String.Join(",", sampleList)


Properties, Arrays and ArrayLists using

In my code behind in my Web project I have a Property
Public Shared UserAttributes(2) As String
Public Property _UserAttributes(ByVal Index As Integer) As String
Return UserAttributes(Index)
End Get
Set(value As String)
UserAttributes(Index) = value
End Set
End Property
And I also have an ArrayList declared as Friend
Friend UserParameters As New ArrayList
I call my property like that:
_UserAttributes(0) = "parameter1"
_UserAttributes(1) = "parameter2"
_UserAttributes(2) = "parameter3"
_UserAttributes(0) = "parameter1,1"
_UserAttributes(1) = "parameter2,1"
_UserAttributes(2) = "parameter3,1"
From the above code we may see the two pairs of Attributes having one text each one.
What I need now is:
After I add the three Attributes from my Property to my ArrayList
The second three Attributes of my property NOT to spoil the first one.
Which by now that they are doing
And finally I have two(2) _items in my ArrayList which they have the same text on each _item (which is the last one).
What I need is to write the second (or more) set of Attributes without spoiling the previous _items from ArrayList.
Finally I've made it to solve this puzzle as follows
One Property as ArrayList
Public Property _UserParameters As ArrayList
Return UserParameters
End Get
Set(value As ArrayList)
UserParameters = value
End Set
End Property
Second Property as Array
Public Property _UserAttributes(ByVal Index As Integer) As String
Return UserAttributes(Index)
End Get
Set(value As String)
UserAttributes(Index) = value
End Set
End Property
And from code behind I use this code:
Dim UserAttributes As New Hashtable
Dim key As Object = Nothing
Dim Param As Object = Nothing
Dim myList As New ArrayList
Dim item As Object = UserAttributes
UserAttributes.Add("UserId", "Parametr1")
UserAttributes.Add("UserName", "Parametr2")
UserAttributes.Add("UserMail", "Parametr3")
For Each item In UserAttributes
key = item.Key
Param = item.value
logHandler._UserParameters.Add(key & "^" & Param)
UserAttributes.Add("UserId", "Parametr1-1")
UserAttributes.Add("UserName", "Parametr2-1")
UserAttributes.Add("UserMail", "Parametr3-1")
For Each item In UserAttributes
key = item.Key
Param = item.value
logHandler._UserParameters.Add(key & "^" & Param)
The use of HashTable solves my issue, Along with the conversion from HashTable parameters to String
Which add them first to the ArrayList Property
And after that add them to the second ArrayList
And the result of these ArrayList I add it to a Pull Down menu control.
And Why I'm doing all that?
That is because I have many users with the same attributes as keys but deferent values
Good day to all, with many thanks.

Listview - add File type & Last modified Subitems

I'm trying to add "file type" and "last modified" to my Listview when adding items in It same as in Explorer, but I don't find what property should be assigned to SubItem. Here is my code:
For Each MyFile As IO.FileInfo In ItemDirectory.GetFiles
Dim lvi As New ListViewItem
lvi.Tag = mFile.FullName
lvi.Text = mFile.Name
lvi.ImageKey = CacheShellIcon(mFile.FullName)
lvi.SubItems.Add("File type ??")
lvi.SubItems.Add(mFile.LastAccessTime.ToShortDateString & " " & mFile.LastAccessTime.ToShortTimeString) 'This isn't same as last modified ?
If somebody knows how to do It please let me know, I want to have this in my Details view.
The linked answer provides an all-purpose way to get all the extended properties. With 300+ elements in newer Windows versions it is clearly overkill to fetch them all if you are only interested in one or two. This returns just the file type. A better approach might be to pass a "shopping list" of desired property names.
As before, you need to add a reference to Microsoft Shell Controls and Automation or Microsoft Shell Folder View Router based on your OS version.
Imports Shell32
Imports SHDocVw
Partial Friend Class Shell32Methods
Friend Shared Function GetShellFileProperty(filepath As String, index As Int32) As String
Dim shell As New Shell32.Shell
Dim shFolder As Shell32.Folder
shFolder = shell.NameSpace(Path.GetDirectoryName(filepath))
' get shell data for this file, cast to folder item
Dim shFolderItem = DirectCast(shFolder.Items().Item(Path.GetFileName(filepath)),
If shFolderItem IsNot Nothing Then
Return shFolder.GetDetailsOf(shFolderItem, index)
Return String.Empty
End If
End Function
End Class
Dim lvi As ListViewItem
Dim fileType As String
For Each f As String In Directory.EnumerateFiles("C:\Temp\ShellTest")
fileType = Shell32Methods.GetShellFileProperty(f, 9)
lvi = New ListViewItem
lvi.Text = Path.GetFileName(f)
Ideally, you'd want to create an Enum for the properties so the code could avoid magic numbers:
fileType = Shell32Methods.GetShellFileProperty(f, Shell32FileProps.FileType)
As noted elsewhere, the index of the ones >260 or so can change depending on the OS version. That could be easily modified to accept an Enum/Int array and return a list of values so as to prevent iterating all 300+ propertied to get one or three.
For filetype you can use lvi.SubItems.Add(MyFile.Extension)
and for the "last modified" date, of course the last modified! :D
Last write and last access are not the same ;)
I figured out another solution, I think this one is easier, at least for me :
Public Function ExProperty(filepath As String, PropertyItem As Integer)
Dim arrHeaders As New List(Of String)()
Dim shell As New Shell
Dim rFolder As Folder = shell.[NameSpace](Path.GetDirectoryName(filepath))
Dim rFiles As FolderItem = rFolder.ParseName(Path.GetFileName(filepath))
'I needed only File type so I looped to 2 only (2 is the file type in my case - Windows 10 -
' to see all available properties do a loop
' 0 To Short.MaxValue - 1" and then extract whatever property you like)
For i As Integer = 0 To 2
Dim value As String = rFolder.GetDetailsOf(rFiles, i).Trim()
Dim DesiredProperty As String
DesiredProperty = arrHeaders.Item(PropertyItem)
Return DesiredProperty
End Function
Usage with Listview just simply (this adds File type subitem):
Listview1_Item.SubItems.Add(ExProperty(filepath, 2))
As in all solutions, a reference to Microsoft Shell Controls and Automation must be set.

Readonly in keyvaluepair

Well I have created a program that takes some files (Mp3) and change their tags
recently I wanted to add some new Subs (like: Take the songs name and make every letter in it upercase). The problem is that i use a list with its items to be keyvaluepairs
Public MP3List As New List(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, String))
When i tried to edit the key or value of any Item in that list i get an error (That this is READONLY)
For Each Song In MP3List
Song.Key = "Something"
I add items like this :
Private Function OpenAFile()
Dim MP3List1 = MP3List
Dim oFileDialog As New OpenFileDialog
oFileDialog.Title = "Επέλεξε ένα MP3 Άρχειο"
oFileDialog.Filter = "MP3 Files|*.mp3|All Files|*.*"
oFileDialog.Multiselect = True
Dim Path As String = ""
Dim Name As String = ""
Dim NewPair As New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)
If oFileDialog.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
For Each sPath In oFileDialog.FileNames
Path = New String(sPath)
Name = New String(Strings.Split(Path, "\").ToList(Strings.Split(Path, "\").ToList.Count - 1))
NewPair = New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)(Name, Path)
If Not MP3List1.Contains(NewPair) Then MP3List1.Add(NewPair)
End If
Return MP3List1
End Function
So the idea is this: Each time i press A button to add a song it will run the function OpenAFile() and it was working fine then . Now that i want to change a key or value i get this error
Thanks for the Help and sorry for bad english
The Keys in a KeyValuePair are readonly because they are often used as the key in a hash table. Changing the key would cause issues where you would lose your item in the hash.
If you want to do something like this, you could always create your own data type that stores a key and value. An overly simplified example would be as follows.
Public Structure PathNamePair
Public Property Path As String
Public Property Name As String
Public Sub New(path As String, name As String)
Me.Path = path
Me.Name = name
End Sub
End Structure
I will note that in order to get better performance with your Contains method, you should also implement IEquatable(Of T), but that's probably beyond the scope of this question. I will also note that it is not best practice to have a ValueType (Structure) that is mutable.

How Do I loop through this class once I have added items

How do i loop through this class once I add items via this method. Just I am quite new to generic lists so was wonding if someone could point me in right direction in datatables im used to doing the following:
For Each thisentry In dt.rows
What do I use in collections
Calling Code
Calling this in my delciarations of main class
Dim infoNoProductAvail As List(Of infoProductsNotFound) = New List(Of infoProductsNotFound)()
this is how i am adding the files but I have checked in the routine and the count for the list is at 2 products
If medProductInfo.SKU.SKUID = 0 Then
infoNoProductAvail.Add(New infoProductsNotFound(thisenty2.Item("EAN13").ToString(), True))
End If
this is the class itselfs
Public Class infoProductsNotFound
Public Sub New(tbcode As String, notfound As Boolean)
Me.tagbarcode = tbcode
Me.notfound = notfound
End Sub
Private tagbarcode As String = String.Empty
Private notfound As Boolean
Public Property tbcode() As String
Return tagbarcode
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
tagbarcode = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property isNotFound() As Boolean
Return notfound
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
notfound = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
I tried using the following
Function BuildExceptionsForEmail()
Dim retval As String = ""
Dim cnt As Int32 = 0
retval = "The following products are not avialable" & vbCrLf
For Each info As infoProductsNotFound In infoNoProductAvail
retval &= info.tbcode
cnt &= 1
Return retval
but for some reason at this point my info noproductAvail is blank even though in the routine above its sitting at count of 2 what gives?
First I'd shrink that declaration a bit:
Dim infoNoProductAvail As New List(Of infoProductsNotFound)
Next, to iterate there are several options. First (and what you're likely most used to):
For Each info as infoProductsNotFound in infoNoProductAvail
If info.tbCode = "xyz" Then
End If
Or you might want to use lambda expressions (if you're using .Net 3.5 and above I think - might be .Net 4):
infoNoProductAvail.ForEach (Function(item) DoSomething(item))
Remember that generics are strongly typed (unlike the old VB collections) so no need to cast whatever comes out: you can access properties and methods directly.
If infoNoProductAvail(3).isNotFound Then
'Do something
End If
(Not that that is a great example, but you get the idea).
The For Each syntax is the same. It works the same way for all IEnumerable objects. The only "trick" to it is to make sure that your iterator variable is of the correct type, and also to make sure that you are iterating through the correct object.
In the case of the DataTable, you are iterating over it's Rows property. That property is an IEnumerable object containing a list of DataRow objects. Therefore, to iterate through it with For Each, you must use an iterator variable of type DataRow (or one of its base classes, such as Object).
To iterate through a generic List(Of T), the IEnumerable object is the List object itself. You don't need to go to one of it's properties. The type of the iterator needs to match the type of the items in the list:
For Each i As infoProductsNotFound In infoNoProductAvail
' ...
Dim i As infoProductsNotFound
For Each i In infoNoProductAvail
' ...
For Each i As Object In infoNoProductAvail
' ...

how to input data into an array from a text file that are vbTab separated?

I am having trouble turning a set of data from a .txt file into arrays, basically, what i have in the text file is:
Eddy vbtab 20
Andy vbtab 30
James vbtab 20
I want to set up the names as a Names array, and numbers as number array.
Now what I have done is
strFilename = "CustomerPrices.txt"
If File.Exists(strFilename) Then
Dim srReader As New StreamReader(strFilename)
intRecords = srReader.ReadLine()
intRows = intRecords
For i = 0 To intRows - 1
intLastBlank = strInput.IndexOf(vbTab)
strName(intPrices) = strInput.Substring(0, intLastBlank)
dblPrices(intPrices) = Double.Parse(strInput.Substring(intLastBlank + 1))
But when I debug I get a problem "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object"
Can anyone give me some advise?
Separate arrays are probably a bad idea here. They group your data by fields, when it's almost always better to group your data by records. What you want instead is a single collection filled with classes of a particular type. Go for something like this:
Public Class CustomerPrice
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Price As Decimal
End Class
Public Function ReadCustomerPrices(ByVal fileName As String) As List(Of CustomerPrice)
Dim result As New List(Of CustomerPrice)()
Using srReader As New StreamReader(fileName)
Dim line As String
While (line = srReader.ReadLine()) <> Nothing
Dim data() As String = line.Split(vbTab)
result.Add(new CustomerPrice() From {Name = data(0), Price = Decimal.Parse(data(1))})
End While
End Using
Return result
End Function
Some other things worth noting in this code:
The Using block will guarantee the file is closed, even if an exception is thrown
It's almost never appropriate to check File.Exists(). It's wasteful code, because you still have to be able to handle the file io exceptions.
When working with money, you pretty much always want to use the Decimal type rather than Double
This code requires Visual Studio 2010 / .Net 4, and was typed directly into the reply window and so likely contains a bug, or even base syntax error.