Selecting adjacent rows in an SQL query - sql

The following is a problem which is not well-suited to an RDBMS, I think, but that is what I've got deal with.
I am trying to write a tool to search through logs stored in a database.
Some rows might be:
Time | ID | Object | Description
2012-01-01 13:37 | 1 | 1 | Something happened
2012-01-01 13:39 | 2 | 2 | Something else happened
2012-01-01 13:50 | 3 | 2 | Bad
2012-01-01 14:08 | 4 | 1 | Good
2012-01-01 14:27 | 5 | 1 | Bad
2012-01-01 14:30 | 6 | 2 | Good
Object is a foreign key. In practice, Time will increase with ID but that is not an actual constraint. In reality there are more fields. It's a Postgres database - I'd like to be able to support SQLite as well but am aware this may well be impossible.
Now, I want to be able to run a query for, say, all Bad events that happened to Object 2:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE Object = 2 AND Description = 'Bad';
But it would often be useful to see some lines of context around the results - just as with the -C option to grep is very useful when searching through text logs.
For the above query, if we wanted one line of context either side, we would want rows 2 and 6 in addition to row 3.
If the original query returned multiple rows, more context would need to be retrieved.
Notice that the context is not retrieved from the events associated with Object 1; we eliminate only the restriction on the Description.
Also, the order involved, and hence what determines what is adjacent to what, is that induced by the Time field.
This specifies what I want to achieve, but the database concerned is fairly big, at least in comparison to the power of the machine it's running on.
The most often cited solution for getting adjacent rows requires you to run one extra query per result in what I'll call the base query; this is no good because that might be thousands of queries.
My current least bad solution is to run a query to retrieved the IDs of all possible rows that could be context - in the above example, that would be a search for all rows relating to Object 2. Then I get the IDs matching the base query, expand (using the list of all possible IDs) to a list of IDs of rows matching the base query or in context, then finally retrieve the data for those IDs.
This works, but is inelegant and slow.
It is especially slow when using the tool from a remote computer, as that initial list of IDs can be very large, and retrieving it and then just transmitting it over the internet can be inordinate.
Another solution I have tried is using a subquery or view that computes the "buffer sequence" of the rows.
Here's what the table looks like with this field added:
Time | ID | Sequence | Object | Description
2012-01-01 13:37 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Something happened
2012-01-01 13:39 | 2 | 1 | 2 | Something else happened
2012-01-01 13:50 | 3 | 2 | 2 | Bad
2012-01-01 14:08 | 4 | 2 | 1 | Good
2012-01-01 14:27 | 5 | 3 | 1 | Bad
2012-01-01 14:30 | 6 | 3 | 2 | Good
Running the base query on this table then allows you to generate the list of IDs you want by adding or subtracting from the Sequence value.
This eliminates the problem of transferring loads of rows over the wire, but now the database has to run this complicated subquery, and it's unacceptably slow, especially on the first run - given the use-case, queries are sporadic and caching is not very effective.
If I were in charge of the schema I'd probably just store this field there in the database, but I'm not, so any suggestions for improvements are welcome. Thanks!

You should use the ROW_NUMBER windowing function
Adjacency is an abstract construct and relies on an explicit sort (or PARTITION OVER) ... do you mean the one with the preceeding time stamp?
Decide how you decide on what sort of "adjacent" you want, then get ROW_NUMBER over that criteria.
Once you have that you would just JOIN each row on the item having ROW_NUMBER +/- 1

You can try this with sqlite
FROM (SELECT * FROM t WHERE object=2 AND description='Bad') t1
(SELECT * FROM t WHERE object=2) t2
ON = OR IN (SELECT id FROM t WHERE object=2 AND t.time<t1.time ORDER BY t.time DESC LIMIT 1) OR IN (SELECT id FROM t WHERE object=2 AND t.time>t1.time ORDER BY t.time ASC LIMIT 1)
ORDER BY t2.time
Change the limit values ​​by more context


Rebuild tables from joined table

I am facing an issue where a data supplier is generating a dump of his multi-tenant databases in a single table. Recreating the original tables is not impossible, the problem is I am receiving millions of rows every day. Recreating everything, every day, is out of question.
Until now, I was using SSIS to do so, with a lookup-intensive approach. In the past year, my virtual machine went from having 2 GB of ram to 128, and still growing.
Let me explain the disgrace:
Imagine a database where users have posts, and posts have comments. In my real scenario, I am talking about 7 distinct tables. Analyzing a few rows, I have the following:
| Id* | T_Id | U_Id | U_Name | P_Id | P_Content | C_Id | C_Content |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | john | 1 | hello | 1 | hello answer 1 |
| 2 | 1 | 2 | maria | 2 | cake | 2 | cake answer 1 |
| 3 | 2 | 1 | pablo | 1 | hello | 1 | hello answer 3 |
| 4 | 2 | 1 | pablo | 2 | hello | 2 | hello answer 2 |
| 5 | 1 | 1 | john | 3 | nosql | 3 | nosql answer 1 |
the Id is from my table
T_Id is the "tenant" Id, which identifies multiple databases
I have imagined the following possible solution:
I make a query that selects non-existent Ids for each table, such as:
FROM mytable n
FROM mytable o
WHERE <= 4
AND n.t_id = o.t_id
AND n.c_id = o.c_id)
This way, I am able to select only the new occurrences whenever a new Id of a table is found. Although it works, it may perform badly when working with 100s of millions of rows.
Could anyone share a suggestion? I am quite lost.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT > my question is vague
My final intent is to rebuild the tables from the dump, incrementally, avoiding lookups outside the database. Every now and then I am gonna run a script that will select new tenants, users, posts and comments and add them to their corresponding tables.
My previous solution worked as follows:
Cache the whole database
For each new row, search for the columns inside the cache
If it doesn't exist, then insert it
I know it sounds dumb, but it made sense as a new developer working with ETLs
First, if you have a full flat DB dump, I'll suggest you to work on your file before even importing it in your DB (low level file processing is pretty cheap and nearly instantaneous).
From Removing lines in one file that are present in another file using python you can remove all the already parsed line since your last run.
with open('new.csv','r') as source:
lines_src = source.readlines()
with open('old.csv','r') as f:
lines_f = f.readlines()
destination = open('diff_add.csv',"w")
for data in lines_src:
if data not in lines_f:
This take less than five second to work on a 900Mo => 1.2Go dump. With this you'll only work with line that really make change in one of your new table.
Now you can import this flat DB to a working table.
As you'll have to search the needle in each line, some index on the ids may by a good idea (go to composite index that use your Tenant_id first).
For the last part, I don't know exactly how your data look, can you have some update to do ?
The Operators - EXCEPT and INTERSECT can help you too with this kind of problem.

SQL: Creating a common table from multiple similar tables

I have multiple databases on a server, each with a large table where most rows are identical across all databases. I'd like to move this table to a shared database and then have an override table in each application database which has the differences between the shared table and the original table.
The aim is to make updating and distributing the data easier as well as keeping database sizes down.
Problem constraints
The table is a hierarchical data store with date based validity.
table DATA (
ID int primary key,
CODE nvarchar,
PARENT_ID int foreign key references DATA(ID),
END_DATE datetime,
Each unique CODE in DATA may have a number of rows, but at most a single row where END_DATE is null or greater than the current time (a single valid row per CODE). New references are only made to valid rows.
Updating the shared database should not require anything to be run in application databases. This means any override tables are final once they have been generated.
Existing references to DATA.ID must point to the same CODE, but other columns do not need to be the same. This means any current rows can be invalidated if necessary and multiple occurrences of the same CODE may be combined.
PARENT_ID references must have same parent CODE before and after the split. The actual PARENT_ID value may change if necessary.
The shared table is updated regularly from an external source and these updates need to be reflected in each database's DATA. CODEs that do not appear in the external source can be thought of as invalid, new references to these will not be added.
Existing functionality will continue to use DATA, so the new view (or alternative) must be transparent. It may, however, contain more rows than the original provided earlier constraints are met.
New functionality will use the shared table directly.
Select performance is a concern, insert/update/delete is not.
The solution needs to support SQL Server 2008 R2.
Possible solution
-- in a single shared DB
-- in each app DB
DATA_SHARED (synonym to DATA_SHARED in shared DB)
Take an existing DATA table to become DATA_SHARED.
Exclude IDs with more than one possible CODE so only rows common across all databases remain. These missing rows will be added back once the data is updated the first time.
Unfortunately every DATA_OVERRIDE will need all rows that differ in any table, not only rows that differ between DATA_SHARED and the previous DATA. There are several IDs that differ only in a single database, this causes all other databases to inflate. Ideas?
This solution causes DATA_SHARED to have a discontinuous ID space. It's a mild annoyance rather than a major issue, but worth noting.
edit: I should be able to keep all of the rows in DATA_SHARED, just invalidate them, then I only need to store differing rows in DATA_OVERRIDE.
I can't think of any situations where PARENT_ID references become invalid, thoughts?
1 | A | NULL | NULL
2 | A1 | 1 | 2020
3 | A2 | 1 | 2010
1 | A | NULL | NULL
2 | X | NULL | NULL
3 | A2 | 1 | 2010
4 | X1 | 2 | NULL
5 | A1 | 1 | 2020
After initial processing (DATA_SHARED created from DB1.DATA):
1 | A | NULL | NULL
3 | A2 | 1 | 2010
-- END_DATE is omitted from DATA_OVERRIDE as every row is implicitly invalid
2 | A1 | 1
2 | X |
4 | X1 | 2
5 | A1 | 1
After update from external data where A1 exists in source but X and X1 don't:
1 | A | NULL | NULL
3 | A2 | 1 | 2010
6 | A1 | 1 | 2020
edit: The DATA view would be something like:
select D.ID, ...
from DATA D
left join DATA_OVERRIDE O on D.ID = O.ID
where O.ID is null
union all
select ID, ...
order by ID
Given the small number of rows in DATA_OVERRIDE, performance is good enough.
I also considered an approach where instead of DATA_SHARED sharing IDs with the original DATA, there would be mapping tables to link DATA.IDs to DATA_SHARED.IDs. This would mean DATA_SHARED would have a much cleaner ID-space and there could be less data duplication, but the DATA view would require some fairly heavy joins. The additional complexity is also a significant negative.
Thank you for your time if you made it all the way to the end, this question ended up quite long as I was thinking it through as I wrote it. Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.

SELECT TOP 1 ...Some stuff... ORDER BY DES gives different result

SELECT TOP 1 Col1,col2
FROM table ... JOIN table2
...Some stuff...
gives different result. compared to
SELECT Col1,col2
FROM table ... JOIN table2
...Some stuff...
2nd query gives me some rows , When I want the Top 1 of this result I write the 1st query with TOP 1 clause. These both give different results.
why is this behavior different
This isn't very clear, but I guess you mean the row returned by the first query isn't the same as the first row returned by the second query. This could be because your order by has duplicate values in it.
Say, for example, you had a table called Test
| Seq | Name |
| 1 | A |
| 1 | B |
| 2 | C |
If you did Select * From Test Order By Seq, either of these is valid
| Seq | Name |
| 1 | A |
| 1 | B |
| 2 | C |
| Seq | Name |
| 1 | B |
| 1 | A |
| 2 | C |
With the top, you could get either row.
Having the top 1 clause could mean the query optimizer uses a completely different approach to generate the results.
I'm going to assume that you're working in SQL Server, so Laurence's answer is probably accurate. But for completeness, this also depends on what database technology you are using.
Typically, index-based databases, like SQL Server, will return results that are sorted by the index, depending on how the execution plan is created. But not all databases utilize indices.
Netezza, for example, keeps track of where data lives in the system without the concept of an index (Netezza's system architecture is quite a bit different). As a result, selecting the 1st record of a query will result in a random record from the result set floating to the top. Executing the same query multiple times will likely result in a different order each time.
If you have a requirement to order data, then it is in your best interest to enforce the ordering yourself instead of relying on the arbitrary ordering that the database will use when creating its execution plan. This will make your results more predictable.
Your 1st query will get one table's top row and compare with another table with condition. So it will return different values compare to normal join.

Selecting Recent Rows, Optimization (Oracle SQL)

I would appreciate some guidance on the following query. We have a list of experiments and their current progress state (for simplicity, I've reduced the statuses to 4types, but we have 10 different statuses in our data). I need to eventually return a list of the current status of all non-finished experiments.
Given a table exp_status,
Experiment | ID | Status
A | 1 | Starting
A | 2 | Working On It
B | 3 | Starting
B | 4 | Working On It
B | 5 | Finished Type I
C | 6 | Starting
D | 7 | Starting
D | 8 | Working On It
D | 9 | Finished Type II
E | 10 | Starting
E | 11 | Working On It
F | 12 | Starting
G | 13 | Starting
H | 14 | Starting
H | 15 | Working On It
H | 16 | Finished Type II
Desired Result Set:
Experiment | ID | Status
A | 2 | Working On It
C | 6 | Starting
E | 11 | Working On It
F | 12 | Starting
G | 13 | Starting
The most recent ID number will correspond to the most recent status.
Now, the current code I have executes in 150 seconds.
(SELECT Experiment, ID, Status,
row_number () over (partition by Experiment
order by ID desc) as rn
FROM exp_status)
WHERE rn = 1
AND status NOT LIKE ('Finished%')
The thing is, this code wastes its time. The result set is 45 thousand rows pulled from a table of 3.9 million. This is because most experiments are in the finished status. The code goes through and orders all of them then only filters out the finished at the end. About 95% of the experiments in the table are in the finished phase. I could not figure out how to make the query first pick out all the experiments and statuses where there isn't a 'Finished' for that experiment. I tried the following but had very slow performance.
FROM exp_status
WHERE experiment NOT IN
SELECT experiment
FROM exp_status
WHERE status LIKE ('Finished%')
Any help would be appreciated!
Given your requirement, I think your current query with with row_number() is one of the most efficient possible. This query takes time not because it has to sort the data, but because there is so much data to read in the first place (the extra cpu time is negligible compared to the fetch time). Furthermore, the first query makes a FULL SCAN that is really the best way to read lots of data.
You need to find a way to read a lot less rows if you want to improve performance. The second query doesn't go in the right direction:
the inner query will likely be a full scan since the 'finished' rows will be spread across the whole table and likely represent a big percentage of all rows.
the outer query will also likey be a full scan and a nice ANTI-HASH JOIN which should be quicker than 45k * (number of status change per experiment) non-unique index scans.
So the second query seems to have at least twice the number of reads (plus a join).
If you want to really improve performance, I think you will need a change of design.
You could for instance build a table of active experiments and join to this table. You would maintain this table either as a materialized view or with a modification to the code that inserts experiment statuses. You could go further and store the last status in this table. Maintaining this "last status" will likely be an extra burden but this could be justified by the improved performance.
Consider partitioning your table by status
You could also create materialized views to avoid having to recalculate your aggregations if these types of queries are frequent.
Could you provide the execution plans of your queries. Without those it is difficult to know the exact reason it is taking so long
You can improve your first query slightly by using this variant:
select experiment
, max(id) id
, max(status) keep (dense_rank last order by id) status
from exp_status
group by experiment
having max(status) keep (dense_rank last order by id) not like 'Finished%'
If you compare the plans, you'll notice one step less

Access 2007 select first value of query results

I am running into a rather annoying thingy in Access (2007) and I am not sure if this is a feature or if I am asking for the impossible.
Although the actual database structure is more complex, my problem boils down to this:
I have a table with data about Units for specific years. This data comes from different sources and might overlap.
Unit | IYR | X1 | Source |
A | 2009 | 55 | 1 |
A | 2010 | 80 | 1 |
A | 2010 | 101 | 2 |
A | 2010 | 150 | 3 |
A | 2011 | 90 | 1 |
Now I would like the user to select certain sources, order them by priority and then extract one data value for each year.
For example, if the user selects source 1, 2 and 3 and orders them by (3, 1, 2), then I would like the following result:
Unit | IYR | X1 | Source |
A | 2009 | 55 | 1 |
A | 2010 | 150 | 3 |
A | 2011 | 90 | 1 |
I am able to order the initial table, based on a specific order. I do this with the following query
SELECT Unit, IYR, X1, Source
FROM TestTable
WHERE Source In (1,2,3)
This gives me the following intermediate result:
Unit | IYR | X1 | Source |
A | 2009 | 55 | 1 |
A | 2010 | 150 | 3 |
A | 2010 | 80 | 1 |
A | 2010 | 101 | 2 |
A | 2011 | 90 | 1 |
Next step is to only get the first value of each year. I was thinking to use the following query:
SELECT X.Unit, X.IYR, first(X.X1) as FirstX1
FROM (...) AS X
Where (…) is the above query.
Now Access goes bananas. Whatever order I give to the intermediate results, the result of this query is.
Unit | IYR | X1 |
A | 2009 | 55 |
A | 2010 | 80 |
A | 2011 | 90 |
In other words, for year 2010 it shows the value of source 1 instead of 3. It seems that Access does not care about the ordering of the nested query when it applies the FIRST() function and sticks to the original ordering of the data.
Is this a feature of Access or is there a different way of achieving the desired results?
Ps: Next step would be to use a self join to add the source column to the results again, but I first need to resolve above problem.
Rather than use first it may be better to determine the MIN Priority and then join back e.g.
t.Source ,
SWITCH ( [Source]=3, 1,
[Source]=1, 2,
[Source]=2, 3) as PrioritySource
Source In (1,2,3)
) as t
MIN(SWITCH ( [Source]=3, 1,
[Source]=1, 2,
[Source]=2, 3)) as PrioritySource
Source In (1,2,3)
IYR ) as MinPriortiy
ON t.Unit = MinPriortiy.Unit and
t.IYR = MinPriortiy.IYR and
t.PrioritySource = MinPriortiy.PrioritySource
which will produce this result (Note I include Source and priority source for demonstration purposes only)
UNIT | IYR | X1 | Source | PrioritySource
A | 2009 | 55 | 1 | 2
A | 2010 | 150 | 3 | 1
A | 2011 | 90 | 1 | 2
Note the first subquery is to handle the fact that Access won't let you join on a Switch
Yes, FIRST() does use an arbitrary ordering. From the Access Help:
These functions return the value of a specified field in the first or
last record, respectively, of the result set returned by a query. If
the query does not include an ORDER BY clause, the values returned by
these functions will be arbitrary because records are usually returned
in no particular order.
I don't know whether FROM (...) AS X means you are using an ORDER BY inline (assuming that is actually possible) or if you are using a VIEW ('stored Query object') here but either way I assume the ORDER BY is being disregarded (because an ORDER BY should only apply to the final result).
The alternative is to use MIN() (or possibly MAX()).
This is the most concise way I have found to write such queries in Access that require pulling back all columns that correspond to the first row in a group of records that are ordered in a particular way.
First, I added a UniqueID to your table. In this case, it's just an AutoNumber field. You may already have a unique value in your table, in which case you can use that.
This will choose the row with a Source 3 first, then Source 1, then Source 2. If there is a tie, it picks the one with the higher X1 value. If there is a further tie, it is broken by the UniqueID value:
SELECT t.* INTO [Chosen Rows]
FROM TestTable AS t
WHERE t.UniqueID=
(SELECT TOP 1 [UniqueID] FROM [TestTable]
WHERE t.IYR=IYR ORDER BY Choose([Source],2,3,1), X1 DESC, UniqueID)
This yields:
Unit IYR X1 Source UniqueID
A 2009 55 1 1
A 2010 150 3 4
A 2011 90 1 5
I recommend (1) you create an index on the IYR field -- this will dramatically increase your performance for this type of query, and (2) if you have a lot (>~100K) records, this isn't the best choice. I find it works quite well for tables in the 1-70K range. For larger datasets, I like to use my GroupIncrement function to partition each group (similar to SQL Server's ROW_NUMBER() OVER statement).
The Choose() function is a VBA function and may not be clear here. In your case, it sounds like there is some interactivity required. For that, you could create a second table called "Choices", like so:
Rank Choice
1 3
2 1
3 2
Then, you could substitute the following:
SELECT t.* INTO [Chosen Rows]
FROM TestTable AS t
[TestTable] t2 INNER JOIN [Choices] c
ON t2.Source=c.Choice
WHERE t.IYR=t2.IYR ORDER BY c.[Rank], t2.X1 DESC, t2.UniqueID);
Indexing Source on TestTable and Choice on the Choices table may be helpful here, too, depending on the number of choices required.
Can you get this to work without the need for surrogate key? For
example what if the unique key is the composite of
If you have a compound key, you can do it like this-- however I think that if you have a large dataset, it will totally kill the performance of the query. It may help to index all four columns, but I can't say for sure because I don't regularly use this method.
SELECT t.* INTO [Chosen Rows]
FROM TestTable AS t
WHERE t.Unit & t.IYR & t.X1 & t.Source =
(SELECT TOP 1 Unit & IYR & X1 & Source FROM [TestTable]
WHERE t.IYR=IYR ORDER BY Choose([Source],2,3,1), X1 DESC, Unit, IYR)
In certain cases, you may have to coalesce some of the individual parts of the key as follows (though Access generally will coalesce values automatically):
t.Unit & CStr(t.IYR) & CStr(t.X1) & CStr(t.Source)
You could also use a query in your FROM statements instead of the actual table. The query itself would build a composite of the four fields used in the key, and then you'd use the new key name in the WHERE clause of the top SELECT statement, and in the SELECT TOP 1 [key] of the subquery.
In general, though, I will either: (a) create a new table with an AutoNumber field, (b) add an AutoNumber field, (c) add an integer and populate it with a unique number using VBA - this is useful when you get a MaxLocks error when trying to add an AutoNumber, or (d) use an already indexed unique key.