SQL runs slow in SSRS, but fast in SSMS - sql

I have this query:
'<ALL>' as name,
'<ALL>' as pid,
'<ALL>' as type
union all
Select distinct
instructor.name as name,
instructor.Pid as pid,
instructor_type as type
From sisinfo.dbo.SISCRSI instructor
inner join section_info as section
on section.sctn_id_code = instructor.sctn_id_code
Where section.sctn_term_code in (#Terms)
and section.subj_code in (#Subject)
order by name
When I run it in SSMS, it completes in pretty close to zero time. It also runs fast in the SSRS query designer when I feed it some values. But when I preview the report, the query takes at least two minutes to run. I'm not sure what is going on here, I've never had this kind of a problem with SSRS before.

As discussed in the comments, let's get rid of the parameters to see if your query is getting affected by parameter sniffing.
To do this we build the SQL statement from scratch. Most things in SSRS can be expressions including the SQL query so you can build it as a string. With the parameters, we'll convert them to a comma delimited list using JOIN.
So for your SQL statement, go into the Dataset Properties dialogue (not the query editor) and press the fx expression editor button to edit the query expression as text and make it be an expression as per below:
="Select '<ALL>' as name, '<ALL>' as pid, '<ALL>' as type "
&"union all "
&"Select distinct instructor.name as name, instructor.Pid as pid, instructor_type as type "
&"From sisinfo.dbo.SISCRSI instructor "
&"inner join section_info as section on section.sctn_id_code = instructor.sctn_id_code "
&"Where section.sctn_term_code in (" & Join(Parameters!Terms.Value, ",") & ") "
&"and section.subj_code in (" & Join(Parameters!Subject.Value, ",") & ") "
&"order by name "
What we have done here is turn the SQL expression into a string where we supply the multivalue parameters as strings rather than parameters, thereby eliminating parameter sniffing as a cause of a slow running query.
If your query is slow after this, you know it isn't parameter sniffing that is the problem but at least you will have dismissed it as a cause.

There's a couple of options I tried when I came across the same thing.
First was to change the parameters for variables in the stored procedure, and then use those new variables in your query.
Declare #TermsNew DataType = #Terms
Declare #SubjectNew DataType = #Subject
Select '<ALL>' as name, '<ALL>' as pid, '<ALL>' as type
union all
Select distinct instructor.name as name, instructor.Pid as pid, instructor_type as type
From sisinfo.dbo.SISCRSI instructor
inner join section_info as section on section.sctn_id_code = instructor.sctn_id_code
Where section.sctn_term_code in (#TermsNew) and section.subj_code in (#SubjectNew)
order by name
Another option that has already been suggested here is to add
at the end of your query to recompile the execution plan.
The thing that worked for me though having tried the above... If you're pulling big result sets make sure that in the tablix properties that it is not set to "Keep results on one page if possible". I turned that off and my report went from 70 seconds to 7.

Actually, it turns out that this query was not the one bogging down, it was another one that was running at the same time (I think SSRS can run multiple queries at once). I thought it was the posted one as it was populating a field. Thanks for all the suggestions, I will probably wind up using them in the future.

This sounds like parameter sniffing to me - I see this all the time when the SELECT is at all complex. I would add the OPTION (RECOMPILE) hint to the end of your SQL.


Docmd Where Clause with IN clause and = operator

I'm using a docmd to open a report in ms access.
This command works as expected:
Docmd.OpenReport "rptCustomerProject", acViewReport, , "ProjectStatusID IN ([TempVars]![StatusActive], [TempVars]![StatusCompleted], [TempVars]![StatusPending]"
This command also works as expected:
Docmd.OpenReport "rptCustomerProject", acViewReport, , "CompanyOrgID = " & cboCompany
My problem occurs when I try and combine the two where clauses into one. I get a
Run-time error '13': Type mismatch.
I've tried various formatting but can't figure it out.
Docmd.OpenReport "rptCustomerProject", acViewReport, , "CompanyOrgID = " & cboCompany AND "ProjectStatusID IN ([TempVars]![StatusActive], [TempVars]![StatusCompleted], [TempVars]![StatusPending]"
Thanks in advance.
I made the changes and the Type mismatch error disappeared, however the ProjectStatusID no longer works.
I originally included the Where clause in the reports record source, but it said it was too complicated to analyze, so I redid the Select statement in my record source and put the Where clause in the form that calls the report. Different buttons on the form have different Where clauses. This is the only one I can't get to work.
My Reports record source is:
FROM (SELECT tblCompanyOrg.CompanyOrgID, tblCompanyOrg.CompanyOrg, tblCustomer.CustomerID, tblCustomer.CustPhone, tblCustomer.CustEmail, [CustFName] & " " & [CustLName] AS FullName FROM tblCompanyOrg INNER JOIN tblCustomer ON tblCompanyOrg.CompanyOrgID = tblCustomer.CompanyOrgID)  AS q1 INNER JOIN (SELECT tbl2Project.ProjectID, tbl2Project.CustomerProjectID, tbl2Project.CustomerID, tbl2Project.ProjectStatusID FROM tbl2Project)  AS q2 ON q1.CustomerID = q2.CustomerID;
After several days of troubleshooting I have found the issue. My TempVars are either a numeric value or a null. When evaluating the where clause with just the ProjectStatusID IN (TempVars list) everything works fine. When I add an additional stipulation to the Where clause I get a Run-Time error ‘3071’ This expression is too complex to be evaluated. Setting my TempVars that are Null to 0 solves the problem. My ProjectStatusID field is an autonumbered field and doesn’t contain a value of 0. Another solution I found was to build a string variable and only assign TempVars that are not Null to it. As far as the original question was asked, braX did provide the solution. Thanks to all.

MS Access SQL Switch Function

I have several tables with the same data structure (they're filled with a bunch of stuff, in separate .accdb files to account for the 2GB limit) and need to retrieve info from one of them based on a field in a form.
Upon researching I came up with the following, but it won't seem to work.
SELECT MyNumber, MyName, MyPage, MyDrawing
FROM Switch([Forms]![View_Info]![Contract] = "Contract1", "tblContract1", [Forms]![View_Info]![Contract] = "Contract2", "tblContract2")
WHERE (MyNumber = [Forms]![View_Info]![MyNumber])
Syntax error in FROM clause.
In this example I only used 4 fields and 2 tables but in fact there are around 9 tables and 20 fields in each that I wish to retrieve.
Can someone shed some light on this? I have a really hard time with SQL, so I apologize if this is quite basic.
Thanks in advance, Rafael.
You cannot return the table name from a function in the SQL FROM clause. If your table is determined dynamically, then you must build the SQL command string dynamically.
Dim tableName As String, sql As String
tableName = Switch(...)
sql = "SELECT ... FROM [" & tableName & "] WHERE ..."
As #forpas explains in his answer, you can use a UNION query, but this will always query all the tables. Since the filter is not based on a table column, the filtering will occur on the client side, i.e. in your application.
Try this UNION:
SELECT MyNumber, MyName, MyPage, MyDrawing
FROM tblContract1
WHERE (MyNumber = [Forms]![View_Info]![MyNumber]) AND [Forms]![View_Info]![Contract] = "Contract1"
SELECT MyNumber, MyName, MyPage, MyDrawing
FROM tblContract2
WHERE (MyNumber = [Forms]![View_Info]![MyNumber]) AND [Forms]![View_Info]![Contract] = "Contract2"
Each query of the UNION contains in the WHERE clause the condition:
[Forms]![View_Info]![Contract] = "Contract?"

Saving a SQL result that has multiple data being read from a Microsoft Access database

I'm trying to send a email with multiple data from an SQL statement but I can't get the result of the SQL statement to be saved in the variable.
str = "SELECT Test.*,TestTopicScore.[Easy Question Score],TestTopicScore.[Medium Question Score],TestTopicScore.[Hard Question Score] from Test INNER JOIN TestTopicScore on Test.TestID = TestTopicScore.TestID ORDER BY Test.Score DESC"
mycommand = New OleDbCommand(str, myconnection)
myReader = mycommand.ExecuteReader
emailcontents = myReader("emailcontents")
The connection with the access database is fine and the data is read but i just cant get it to save in a variable.
The error I get:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.IndexOutOfRangeException' occurred in System.Data.dll
Additional information: emailcontents
Let's look at your query first, I've formatted it a bit to make it easier to see what's going on:
,TestTopicScore.[Easy Question Score]
,TestTopicScore.[Medium Question Score]
,TestTopicScore.[Hard Question Score]
INNER JOIN TestTopicScore
ON Test.TestID = TestTopicScore.TestID
What that is doing is selecting several different fields, not one value. Your code emailcontents = myReader("emailcontents") attempts to read one field which is named "emailcontents". Unfortunately, there is no such named field.
It is worse than that: you don't even know how many fields Test.* is going to return.
So, start by enumerating every field which you want from Test.
Then, you appear to want just one string as the result, so you will need to concatenate the fields as strings instead of returning them separately.
In Access, the operator to join strings together is &, and it should convert numeric values into strings for you, thus:
SELECT Test.SomeField & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
& Test.SomeOtherField
& Test.AnotherField
& TestTopicScore.[Easy Question Score]
& TestTopicScore.[Medium Question Score]
& TestTopicScore.[Hard Question Score]
AS [emailcontents]
INNER JOIN TestTopicScore
ON Test.TestID = TestTopicScore.TestID
Notice how I put & Chr(13) & Chr(10) between Test.SomeField and Test.SomeOtherField: that puts in a new line between the two. You might want to do it in between all the fields.
Also, I gave a name to the concatenated data with AS.
Now we're getting into really messy stuff by having to put the formatting of the output into the database. You don't want to do that. Let me emphasise this so it stands out: A better way is to read all the fields individually in your VB.NET code and format them into a string there.
ETA: Not only all that, but it looks like you might return more than one set of results (from seeing the ORDER BY), in which case you will have to read all the results in a loop.

How do I export a SQL query into SPSS?

I have this monster query written in T-SQL that pulls together and crunches data from multiple tables. I can export the result to CSV or Excel easily enough, but would like to send it right into SPSS. The ODBC drivers in SPSS only recognize Tables and Views in my SQL database. Any ideas how to get the results of my query into SPSS?
Export to Excel then import to SPSS... formatting things like dates become unwieldy
Save query as a table in my database... but then I would have to make a new table every time I run the query, yes?
As recommended below, simply run my SQL statement in the GET DATA statement of my SPSS syntax, but I am struggling with that...
UPDATE: In an attempt to use SPSS to run my SQL query I edited this code and get this error indicating that SPSS doesn't like my declaration of nvarchar (currently investigating how to handle this using alternative method). I have tested my connection between SPSS and SQL and the connection is good:
SQLExecDirect failed :[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near 'N'.
Here is my query simplified to pull just one field from one table:
/CONNECT='DSN=temp_Hisp;Description=tempHisp;UID=;Trusted_Connection=Yes;APP=IBM SPSS '+
'Products: Statistics Common;WSID=ARCH5-50;DATABASE=temp_HispTreat'
/SQL='With CTE_BASENG As (Select StudyID, Visit, Question, CAST(Response As Int) As RESPONSE from temp_HispTreat.dbo.BAS AS PVTable outer apply (values (N'BAS1',BAS1), +'
'(N'BAS24',BAS24)) P(Question, Response)) select SubVis.IRB#, SubVis.StudyID, SubVis.Clin_num, Subvis.Visit, BASENG.BAS_ENGTOT From (Select Distinct IRB#, StudyID, +'
'Clin_Num, Visit_ID As Visit from temp_HispTreat.dbo.Subjects, temp_HispTreat.dbo.StudyStructure where subjects.IRB# = 5516 and StudyStructure.IRB = 5516) As SubVis left join (Select StudyID, +'
'Visit, SUM (Scoring.dbo.GetValue9(response)) As BAS_ENGTOT from CTE_BASENG group by StudyID, Visit) AS BASENG On SubVis.Studyid = BASENG.StudyID And SubVis.Visit = BASENG.Visit'
Thanks all: Solved. There is quite a bit of tweaking necessary to get SPSS to run SQL query, but this is the best way to export SQL data into SPSS. In my case (values (N'BAS1',BAS1) had to be changed to (values ("BAS1",BAS1) but all of my commands, e.g. outer apply, union, etc, ran like champs! Appreciate the help.
You can use GET DATA procedure to import data from SQL directly in SPSS. See the SQL subcommand. You can use your complicated query here. For example:
/CONNECT = "DSN = DSNname"
/SQL = "SELECT * FROM empl_data "
"WHERE ((bdate>=#1/1/1960# and edate<=#12/31/1960#) or bdate is null)".
It is clear why (values (N'BAS1',BAS1) caused the error. Because you are using single quotes for the argument of the SQL subcommand \SQL = ' '. And the first single quote in (values (N'BAS1',BAS1) defines the end of the argument. Switching to double quotes solves it.
I tried to rearrange your code. I can not test it, but I believe it should work:
/CONNECT = "DSN=temp_Hisp;DATABASE=temp_HispTreat"
/SQL = "With CTE_BASENG As (Select StudyID, Visit, Question, "
"CAST(Response As Int) As RESPONSE "
"from temp_HispTreat.dbo.BAS AS PVTable "
"outer apply (values (N'BAS1',BAS1), (N'BAS24',BAS24)) "
"P(Question, Response)) "
"select SubVis.IRB#, SubVis.StudyID, SubVis.Clin_num, Subvis.Visit, "
"From (Select Distinct IRB#, StudyID, Clin_Num, Visit_ID As Visit "
"from temp_HispTreat.dbo.Subjects, temp_HispTreat.dbo.StudyStructure "
"where subjects.IRB# = 5516 and StudyStructure.IRB = 5516) As SubVis "
"left join (Select StudyID, Visit, "
"SUM(Scoring.dbo.GetValue9(response)) As BAS_ENGTOT "
"from CTE_BASENG group by StudyID, Visit) AS BASENG On "
"SubVis.Studyid = BASENG.StudyID And SubVis.Visit = BASENG.Visit".
The SQL is processed by the ODBC driver, so the capabilities of that driver will determine what sort of SQL can be issued. The capabilities may be database specific. Someetimes there are multiple drivers available for a particular database, some from the IBM SPSS Data Access Pack and some from a db vendor directly, so you may want to investigate what is available for your particular database.

Why doesn't my query use my criteria?

I have a db in Access and I'm trying to get a textbox to run my query and pass an other bounded textbox's value in as the criteria in DLookUp. I have the query running in design view and when I enter the criteria directly it returns the correct results. When I open the report it gives me the sum of all the possible rows. In other words it doesn't filter the rows.
I haven't used Access in about twelve years, thankfully, and everything I've done up to this point has been tutorial/example patchwork, but here it is...
SQL Query:
SELECT Sum(IIf(Attended=-1,1,0)) AS attendance
FROM Students_Classes_Attendance
WHERE (((CStr([Students_Classes_Attendance].[Class_Id]))=[classId]));
DLookUp as Control Source:
=DLookUp("[Total Attendance by Class]![attendance]",
"[Total Attendance by Class]",
"[Class_Id] =" & [Class_Id])
I'm lost at the moment. I'm guessing that the value isn't there before the query fires and since the criteria is an optional parameter that it's being passed null, but I would hope you'd get an error from that. Not that #Error is very meaningful anyway.
Does anyone know for certain the problem and the best way to correct it? Thanks.
I did the changes recommended in the answer so now my DLookUp looks like...
"[Total Attendance by Class]",
"[Class_Id] =" & [Class_Id])
...still returns the total for all rows. Removing the criteria completely makes no difference either, which returns me to thinking it has something to do with the bound textbox not having a value.
DLookup uses the following syntax:
Syntax for numerical values:
DLookup("FieldName" , "TableName" , "Criteria = n")
Syntax for strings: (note the single apostrophe before and after the string value)
DLookup("FieldName" , "TableName" , "Criteria= 'string'")
Syntax for dates: (note the # before and after the date value)
DLookup("FieldName" , "TableName" , "Criteria= #date#")
I believe you just need to remove the table name from the first parameter. Try this:
=DLookUp("[attendance]", "[Total Attendance by Class]", "[Class_Id] = " & [Class_Id])
Keep in mind that if Class_Id is a Text Field, you need to surround it by single quotes:
=DLookUp("[attendance]", "[Total Attendance by Class]", "[Class_Id] = '" & [Class_Id] & "'")